Dating the Strongest Boss

Chapter 68: killing game


Of course Xu Caitong knew what kind of beast lived behind this door, otherwise he wouldn't have let Xiao Chen go in to find the way first.

And he himself was already prepared.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously clenched the realgar bag in his pocket.

Snakes are afraid of realgar.

This is not the first time he has brought people here to give away heads. He has been familiar with them for a long time. Two giant pythons can basically be fed by two people. Just find a back pad.

As for who this person is.

Xu Caitong squinted his eyes, and looked at Su Jingxia who smelled strongly of blood.

He has always kept a respectful distance from criminals who are extremely dangerous and hidden dangers, and started secretly, but whoever let this person commit suicide, who is to blame

If not him, who else

Oh, providence.

But what Xu Caitong didn't notice was that the moment his gloomy eyes fell on Su Jingxia and then retracted, the latter glanced at him with a smile that was not a smile, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked at Su Jingxia from beginning to end. I don't know what to think.

And everyone fell silent in front of the suddenly closed door.

The bald Zhang Guangjun, who had no sense of presence in the way, looked a little ugly, and said in a not-so-good tone, "What should we do next."

This door is definitely a must to enter, they have been here for a while, although there are many rooms in the whole corridor, but each room is independent, there is no passage, and there is no exit, which means that this door The door is their only hope of getting out of here, otherwise they will be trapped here.

They watched helplessly as the child went in for ten minutes and still hadn't moved at all, so it was impossible for them to just stand there like this dryly.

After all, time is running out now.

There is no food, no water, surrounded by a group of wolves, tigers and leopards who don't know what to worry about, and the more time you delay, the more danger you will have.

Just as Zhang Guangjun thought of this, his stomach grunted untimely.

And this voice seemed extremely abrupt in the current silent environment, and it also awakened everyone.

"Then why not go in together." Xu Caitong smiled. He was holding another oil lamp in his hand. The light of the oil lamp was blown from side to side by the wind from nowhere, as if dancing in the air. , the halo of candlelight hit his face, half of which was a shadow, and only half of his face could be seen clearly, with a somewhat indescribably creepy feeling.

Xiao Chen broke out in a lot of cold sweat because of nervousness, and he didn't know how long he walked, he was held by the man's hand like this obediently the whole time, and foolishly allowed himself to be manipulated by the other party.

The face that was so delicate that it was unreal actually had a bit of smoky smell on it because of the thin sweat that rose from the face. Compared with being as delicate as a doll, this look is not indescribable. Xiao Chen's face was flushed, Just like a peach, it makes people want to take a bite.

The man never saw the road from the beginning to the end, he stared at Xiao Chen's face intently, wishing to see a hole in the other party, and even more wishing to put the other party directly in his pocket, for fear of losing it, the baby is tight.

The man's footsteps stopped suddenly, and because Xiao Chen couldn't see, he was naturally half a beat slower, and he tripped over the man's side in a jerk, and fell forward as if he was weightless.

Yu Mo grabbed the opponent's waist quickly with his hands, and quickly straightened the opponent's figure.

The waist feels very good in the hand, and it is not enough to hold it.

Yu Mo was a little reluctant to let go.

"Are you there?" Xiao Chen's voice was soft, it sounded very sweet, but it was very pleasant.

Yu Mo hooked the corner of his mouth, his tone could not hide his joy, "It's here."

After finishing speaking, the man continued to grab Xiao Chen's hand, and the fingers of both hands were intertwined, but this ten-finger clasping was not a palm-to-palm gesture, but the man directly wrapped Xiao Chen's slender body with his big palm. the five fingers.

Yu Mo glanced at Xiao Chen with misty eyes in his arms, he looked innocent, he couldn't help laughing, and then pushed the door in front of him with the hands that wrapped Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen obediently exerted his strength together.

The moment he opened the door, Xiao Chen squinted his eyes subconsciously. He had been in a dark environment for a long time, but now he was a little uncomfortable seeing the light all of a sudden.

He subconsciously stretched out his other hand to cover his eyelids, then shook his head several times, and blinked vigorously, before slowly adapting to the brightness in front of him, and his eyes were squeezed out a few drops by his series of operations tears.

That is, the moment Xiao Chen got used to the brightness, Xiao Chen finally saw the man's face clearly.

Compared to looking at the man's face in the dark, Xiao Chen realized that the man's face was as pale as if he had never been exposed to the sun, like a vampire duke who had been hiding in the dark for a long time. Hanging on the sides, slightly curly, only Xiao Chen's figure is reflected in the gray eyes, and the eyes are slightly raised.

Compared with Xiao Chen's Ruifeng eyes with affectionate attributes, the edges and corners near the corners of the man's eyes are very sharp, looking very cold, but at this moment, the eyes are full of tenderness.

I don't know if he was dazed by these eyes, but Xiao Chen stayed where he was, his face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a cooked crayfish.

Yu Mo seemed to have discovered a new continent, and said with a slightly teasing tone, "I'm shy."


I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

As soon as Xu Caitong finished speaking, all eyes turned to him. Xu Caitong had been standing at the back of the line just now, and for a while, everyone was communicating with him in a posture with their backs to the gate.

Before the smile on Xu Caitong's face faded, he suddenly had an ominous premonition, and the corners of his mouth froze, turning into an extremely distorted expression.

The rustling sound of rubbing was approaching. The sound was very ear-piercing and grating. For a moment, everyone looked at the source of the sound, took two steps back guardedly, and took a defensive posture.

not good!

Xu Caitong's heartbeat stopped for a second.

There was a loud "pong", and the wooden door was pushed open by a very strong force without any precaution.

Two snakes at least half a meter long were swaying left and right in the air. The tips of the two snakes' tongues were like scissors, scarlet and slender, waving non-stop, and a layer of viscous transparent liquid floated on them.

The snake letter passed through the wooden door and was exposed to everyone. Before everyone recovered from the shock, the python's head passed through the wooden door.

"Run!" The only female in the team, Yang Ru, reacted the fastest and roared hoarsely. She widened her eyes and ran back at her fastest speed, running fast like a cheetah.

Xu Caitong was the second person who came to his senses, and immediately started to run. In this short period of time, everyone's faces were terrified and they started to run.

But it was still a step too late.

He Yili, who was closest to the door, was originally a fat man with a lot of oil and water. He seldom did any exercise at first glance, and his reaction was half a beat slower than everyone else. Without a doubt, he immediately became the first victim in the team.

In two or three strokes, the sharp snake teeth pierced He Yili's skin, and his blood gushed out like a spring that had just been dug. Before He Yili's eyes widened, the python quickly wound up his body.

He Yili woke up like a dream, and used his arms to resist, but his little strength was nothing in front of the boa constrictor. The boa constrictor opened its bloody mouth, like swallowing a jujube whole, without even chewing, and directly Put He Yili in your mouth.

The last scene reflected in He Yili's eyes before he died was that he saw his stomach pierced by the python's teeth, and his internal organs flowed out like money. A nasty thing that can be dealt with in time.

I don't know if the other people's physical fitness is really good, but Xu Caitong, who has already experienced many battles in this place, was left behind by this group of people in a short while.

Xu Caitong's heartbeat was beating non-stop, and his eyeballs protruded from the horror.

He doesn't want to die!

And definitely can't die!

Xu Caitong stared fixedly at the bald man Zhang Guangjun who was closest to him. The bald man was also panting heavily with a horrified expression. Without hesitation, Xu Caitong came up with a way to save himself. He took out a defensive dagger from his pocket and headed towards Zhang Guangjun at a speed of 100 meters.

It's not the first time anyway!

Hearing Xu Caitong's approaching panting, Zhang Guangjun glanced back subconsciously.

But Zhang Guangjun was still a step slower, Xu Caitong parted the corners of his mouth and smiled, Zhang Guangjun was stunned seeing his expression, and his heart skipped a beat.

The next second, something stabbed him in the back. Zhang Guangjun opened his mouth wide, his knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground, like a pool of stagnant water, unable to move at all. The bald man could only watch helplessly as Xu Cai smashed the dagger together. He put it back in his pocket, and then ran away without mercy, leaving him alone in the same place.

It's over!

Zhang Guangjun turned his head tremblingly, the giant python had already chased him, and opened its bloody mouth...

[Passerby 875415: Damn it, the screen has finally recovered, why has it been black for so long.

Passerby 897668: Why did pythons run out by themselves? Didn't they never step out of their territory before

Passerby 876558: I'll go, two of them died, is that Xiao Chen dead

Passerby 987653: What's the matter with Xu Caitong, this time leading the team feels terrible, he looks like he was in a mess, he was not at this level before, right?]

The panting crowd finally stopped after running for an unknown amount of time.

The python didn't follow either.

Xu Caitong's heart can be said to be turbulent and unable to calm down for a long time.

what the hell is going on this time

Why do derailed events happen one after another

Before Xu Caitong could sort out his thoughts clearly, Su Jingxia, who had been observing him for a long time, immediately took advantage of his unpreparedness and bound his hands suddenly.

Xu Caitong's pupils trembled violently, and they shrank suddenly.

"What are you doing?" Xu Caitong's voice was a little trembling, and the panic in his tone could not be concealed.

The other people looked over for a moment, but they didn't see Xu Caitong's secret trick, so in their hearts,

Compared to the eerie and dangerous Su Jingxia, even Xu Caitong, who looks gentle and elegant, has a higher degree of trust in their eyes than Su Jingxia.

Now, only the other two people looked at Su Jingxia with unavoidable guards.

"What am I doing?" Su Jingxia's voice sounded like he was answering to himself, his eyes could not hide the contempt, he pulled out a sarcastic smile and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xu Caitong panicked, and his heart beat faster.

Su Jingxia's strength is surprisingly strong, he can easily restrain the opponent's hands with one hand, he didn't say anything, instead, he followed Xu Caitong's pants, and put his other hand directly into the opponent's pocket.

Xu Cai nodded in unison.

It's over!

Su Jingxia fumbled in his pocket, didn't know what he touched, his expression changed, his eyeballs rolled, and he sneered, and then smoothly handed Xu Caitong the bloody knife that stabbed Zhang Guangjun just now. The dagger was drawn out.

Su Jingxia snorted coldly, his voice dark and sad.

"Then you answer first, what is this?"

The author has something to say: Damn, I'm here again with an update.

Please debit station b for reminders, hahahahaha