Dating the Strongest Boss

Chapter 9: High School of Horror


Xiao Chen was startled, and looked in the direction the finger pointed.

He was seated by the window, surrounded by bookshelves. He didn't see it very clearly at all, but he vaguely felt that he was a relatively petite girl with short hair.

Seeing this vague figure, he already had an unbelievable guess in his heart.

The short-haired girl was flipping through the book intently, pulling her hair a little irritably.

Xiao Chen walked over step by step, and finally saw the girl's face clearly with the help of the faint light—it was the backbone of the group of girls just now!

what happened!

His heart beat faster and he felt incredible.

Although he has only met this girl not long ago, he can tell that she has a strong personality, is very sensible, and has her own ideas. It is hard for him to believe that this is the kind of person who would bully Xu Sheng! How could she be a sinner

Could it be that he was thinking in the wrong direction

What crime did the sinner commit

Is he lying to me? No, it's impossible! Xiao Chen quickly rejected this idea, Xiao Chen had experienced all these things, and he thought from the bottom of his heart that it was impossible for Mr. Shadow to lie to him!

Just at this moment, the radio continued to sound.

"It was you who tricked him here, remember? Keke." The broadcast this time was different from the previous two broadcasts, both of which were mechanical male voices, but this time it was obviously a normal voice. The boy's voice was drawn out for a long time, a little low, like the sound of covering his mouth and nose, which made people shudder.

Xiao Chen thought of the dream he had before, the voice...

Is it Xu Sheng

Everyone in the room heard this voice clearly, almost froze, and for a moment, the surroundings were terribly quiet.

Because Xiao Chen was very close to the short-haired girl, he could clearly see that the moment she heard the voice, her fingers tightly grasped the book in her hand, and then her body trembled uncontrollably. His legs softened, and he knelt directly on the ground.

"Yang Jie, is it you!" The curly-haired girl who screamed just now was very close to the two of them. She quickly realized that she took two steps towards the short-haired girl with a ferocious expression, and her ear-piercing voice instantly broke the silence around her. .

Yang Jie's expression was broken, "No, it's not me!"

"It's not you! None of us sisters know that you used Xiao Chen's name to lure him to the library!" The curly-haired girl was aggressive and stepped forward to grab Yang Jie's collar.

Xiao Chen was also stunned.

What do you mean, his name

Yang Jie staggered a little from being dragged, she couldn't help but look at Xiao Chen, and then turned her head in embarrassment.

The curly-haired girl sneered, "I still don't admit it! Don't you like senior Xiao Chen? You couldn't help it when you heard that Xu Sheng liked senior Xiao Chen! Bai Qiaoqiao asked you to trick Xu Sheng to the library, don't you?" Did you just do that!"

"I'm not, I'm not!" Yang Jie cried out, and she collapsed on the ground.

"Not yet! You used Xiao Chen's name to ask Xu Sheng out, and then humiliated him in the library!" Then Wang Tong led people to drag Xu Sheng to the toilet to take off his clothes and take pictures.

But she didn't say the last sentence!

"So it was her?"

"No way, didn't she really dislike others bullying Xu Sheng in class?"

"Who knows, knowing people and faces but not knowing the heart."

The surroundings began to whisper again, and some people even secretly watched Wang Tong's expression from the corner of their eyes. After all, he was the one who bullied Xu Sheng in the toilet.

Half of the people were even thinking that the next one might be Wang Tong!

Some people were even more delighted. Fortunately, they had never bullied Xu Sheng, but they forgot that they used to be as cold-eyed as they are now, which led Xu Sheng to commit suicide! How could Xu Sheng let them go

Wang Tong's expression was extremely ugly, but he quickly adjusted himself, and he couldn't help but grab Yang Jie's arm and drag her up, shouting loudly, "Tie her up!"

Yang Jie stared wide-eyed, trying to break free from Wang Tong's hand, but was caught by the curly-haired girl. Seeing this, everyone stepped forward to help without hesitation.

"Don't! Don't! Let me go!" Yang Jie began to yell, like crazy, she opened her mouth and bit Wang Tong's hand crazily, using both hands and feet, and began to break free.

After Wang Tong was bitten, he immediately threw Yang Jie away, his eyes glared, and he slapped her across the face!

Yang Jie was directly thrown to the ground due to inertia.

Xiao Chen was shocked by the scene in front of him! He froze in place alone, and when he came back to his senses, he was about to go up to help Yang Jie, but he was tightly hugged by his hands and bound in his arms.

Is that Mr. Shadow

Before Xiao Chen could react, he felt that he was attached to his ear, rubbing the pinna lightly with his teeth, "Don't go, the death here is not real death."

What's the meaning.

Isn't this the other world


He suddenly realized a problem, why are these people here, they have been here for so long, why don't they need to drink water, let alone eat, or go to the toilet

Also, he obviously entered the world at noon, why did it suddenly arrive at night? And the group of them have even stayed for a day and a night

If even death is not really death, where else is this place

Xiao Chen swallowed, feeling a little absurd, an idea had gradually formed in his mind.

The answer is almost without a doubt.

This is a dreamland!

Not realistic at all!

Maybe Xu Sheng didn't want them to die at all! It's to torture their nerves and let them experience the pain of their own death!

The pain of being rejected by everyone, hurt, and watching with a cold eye on the verge of death.

When the dream wakes up, no one will forget what happened in the dream! At that time, when this group of people met again, what kind of terrifying scene was it

Will there be a nervous breakdown? Will there be thoughts of revenge because of the resentment of being killed by a companion in a dream? Or will he choose to commit suicide because he was tortured by the dream? Will you no longer be able to distinguish between reality and dreams

So it must be killed by his companions, not by other things. Because only the pain of betrayal is more desperate.

Xiao Chen couldn't help but frowned, shocked by his own thought.


Even if he knew that this place was a dream, so what? Could he just sit on the sidelines

Yang Jie had already been tied up, thrown on the ground, and her mouth was stuffed. She whimpered, tears kept streaming out, she wriggled her body desperately, trying to escape, but she was powerless.

Xiao Chen looked at the numb and indifferent faces of everyone around him, and felt even colder in his heart.

How could these people be so ruthless

Xiao Chen rushed forward under a shocked look, covering Yang Jie with his whole body, "Wait a minute, stop!"

The moment Yang Jie saw Xiao Chen approaching, his eyes turned from despair to brightness, and he looked at Xiao Chen with a look that was almost redeemed by the gods.

Wang Tong pursed his lips and said indifferently, "Get out of the way, this is none of your business!"

Just as Xiao Chen was about to say something, suddenly his eyes went dark, and he couldn't see any light around him, only pitch black!

"I'm sorry, what's going on?"

"Why is it dark? It can't be a monster coming!"


Everyone scattered, some leaned against the wall, some hugged their companions, looking terrified.

Xiao Chen froze in place, because he felt his body being touched again.

This feeling is very strong, but he still can't see anything clearly, but this person didn't do anything excessive, he just touched his waist and let him go.

The moonlight outside the window shone in again, restoring the faint light.

Yang Jie had already lost her vitality, her eyes were closed, and her body was covered with blood.

Xiao Chen couldn't help trembling.

"Congratulations to all the players who successfully found the sinner!" The mechanical broadcast sounded again.

When everyone heard it, they cheered and breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't even look at Yang Jie who had lost his life.

Completely disregarding the old friendship.

The curly-haired girl just glanced at Yang Jie's body coldly, found a place to sit down, and prepared to breathe a sigh of relief.

Wang Tong glanced at Xiao Chen complicatedly, then walked quietly to the side, and the surroundings dispersed, leaving Xiao Chen alone.

Xiao Chen didn't move.

He heard someone say to him, "As you wish, she died without any pain, her dream, wake up."

The Bible says, if you do well, you will not be accepted, but if you do badly, sin lies at the door.

Hei Ying stood there indifferently, watching the farce around him, only when his eyes touched Xiao Chen would he feel a momentary softness.


Everything will be as you wish.

You are my God.

The author has something to say: Meme Chirp, thank you for all the favorites! ! !