Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 100


"The delicious food and wine are unparalleled, and the beauty of the woman's dance is stunning." Lu Yaoyao shook her small head, and the rhythm of the words was quite dazed.

Lu Qingyu held a wine glass in his hand, his expression was lazy, and when he heard the words of the little brat, he was also happy: "Reward."

This reward is that the dancing dancer, together with the chef, will be ordered by the Demon Attendant to award the reward.

Lu Yaoyao's little nose sniffed, she looked at the wine glass in her father's hand, full of curiosity.

She quietly "touched" and "touched" and asked the magic attendant to hand her a cup too. Before Dad wasn't paying attention, she turned around the small body, ready to take a sneak sip.

Just as the delicately carved wine glass touched the bright red mouth, it was suddenly empty, Lu Yaoyao drank it, she turned her head, and her forehead was lightly tapped.


Lu Yaoyao 'touched' and 'touched' her forehead, watching her father drank all her wine and threw away her wine, she sighed inwardly.

Just a little bit, she tasted the taste of wine.

Lu Yaoyao found that she couldn't drink secretly under her father's eyes, so she gave up the idea for the time being and continued to watch the dance.

Chi Jialan turned around and came up, holding a wine glass in her hand, she looked at Lu Yaoyao and smiled charmingly, "Little Highness, may I give you a toast?"

Lu Yaoyao's eyes lit up, she tried her best to keep her chubby face, "Okay." She beckoned and motioned to the demon waiter beside her to pour wine.

Lu Qingyu looked at him coldly, "Chi Jialan." There was a warning in his voice.

Chi Jialan was not afraid at all, and smiled tenderly: "How can our little highness not drink?"

Lu Qingyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lu Yaoyao raised her head to look at her father, and tugged at his sleeve to act coquettishly, "Dad, I'll take a sip." She hadn't tasted what wine was like, but she was curious.

Her eyes moved, "If you don't let me drink it now, I'll drink it secretly!"

"Do you really want to drink?" Lu Qingyu squinted at the little brat.

Lu Yaoyao nodded her head and looked at Lu Qingyu eagerly.

The tray was handed to Lu Yaoyao, she tentatively stretched out her small hand and looked at Lu Qingyu with her small eyes.

When she took it in her hand, Lu Qingyu didn't stop her, "You can drink it if you want, but don't spit it out."

Is it hard to drink? But she saw that everyone present and her father liked to drink, so she didn't believe her father's provocation, and she was more determined to drink.

Lu Yaoyao's eyes became brighter and brighter, she greeted Chi Jialan with a stern face, and couldn't wait to take a sip.

The next moment, Bai Nen's little face wrinkled into bun folds, and it tasted so good.

Lu Qingyu laughed, stretched out his finger and poked Lu Yaoyao's bun face, and asked maliciously, "Is it delicious?"

It took a while for the taste to go down, Lu Yaoyao's face was sullen, "Shang Ke, I just drank too quickly, the wine should be tasted slowly."

Then Lu Yaoyao sipped slowly, preparing to drink the rest of the cup.

Lu Qingyu was stunned for a moment, then laughed even more happily.

Chi Jialan also smiled, "As expected of the little prince of the Demon Race."

The demons who have been paying attention to the above, also laughed.

"Yes, good wine should be tasted carefully." A demon king laughed in response.

The demon king next to him dismantled the stage: "I don't know who it is, drink in a big vat."

The demon king's black skin was flushed red, and he was ashamed of being exposed and flattering, "Nonsense, I recently took a sip."

"Ha ha… "

Lu Yaoyao also laughed.

After a glass of wine and spirits was eaten, a wave of heat spread from the stomach and finally came up.

Lu Yaoyao's pale chubby blushing flushed, her clear eyes were covered with a layer of mist, she smirked for a moment, her eyes shifted to Chi Jialan, she followed the thoughts in her heart and rushed over instantly.

"Although you said strange things to me, I decided not to like you, but you are in good shape..."

The hugged Chi Jialan: "?" Her smile froze.

She has always been the only one who took advantage of others and was eaten tofu by a brat

Her expression cracked directly.

It didn't take long for Lu Yaoyao to shift his target and pounce on the nearest elder, grabbing at his long and neat white beard, "Grandpa, your beard is so long!"

The elder who was grabbed by the beard: "..."

The other demons sucked in a breath of air. The little prince was pulling his beard from the tiger's mouth. They were worried, for fear that the elder would be angry, and the lord was still staring at it!

As a result, the first elder was like pampering his younger generation, playing with the smiling highness Ren Xiaojun, messing up his well-groomed long beard and braiding it.

After playing with the beard, Lu Yaoyao shifted her target, squatted on the shoulders of a demon king, and pulled the horns on top of his head. She blinked, "Is it true?"

Seeing that there were some sharp black pieces protruding from the forehead in front of her, she couldn't help but dig it, digging it, and breaking it directly.

The Demon King, with a sharp pain in his forehead: "..." He wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to move.

"It fell off." Lu Yaoyao's eyes were blinded with 'fascinated', she looked at the black horn in her hand, "What should I do? I didn't mean to." She tried to press it back.

Zun looked up from above, and the Demon King could only laugh: "Just be happy, Your Highness..."

Lu Qingyu watched his little brat go tossing his subordinates, and smiled gloatingly, and the wine in his mouth became more fragrant.

After his little brat had tossed all the demons over and over again, he was very kind, his figure disappeared from the throne, and the next one appeared in front of the demons with a little brat in his hand.

"It's gone."

Lu Qingyu's words just fell, as if all the demons who had been ravaged and ravaged were the rest of their lives, and couldn't wait to flee the scene.

Lu Qingyu held the little cub in her hands, her short hands and feet shrank in an orderly manner, and looked up at Lu Qingyu with big innocent eyes.

She laughed stupidly, and the little "tits" sounded dependent, "I like Daddy the most!"

Lu Qingyu couldn't help laughing, "Little brat!"

When Lu Yaoyao regained consciousness, it was near noon the next day.

She woke up from the spacious round princess bed of seven or eight meters, sat and stared for a long time, seeing the familiar scenery of the bedroom, and only woke up after a while.


The next moment, Bandan walked into the inner room from outside the screen, "Your Highness, you are awake."

Lu Yaoyao got out of bed, "Well, I didn't do anything when I was drunk, right?" Lu Yaoyao's memory only lasted not long after he finished drinking, and then it was cut off, and even thinking with his toes, he knew that he was drunk. , I don't know how my wine is, and I didn't make a fool of myself in public, right

Bandan waited on the little master with a smile in his voice: "Your Highness is very well-behaved."

Lu Yaoyao was relieved when she heard it.

"Where's Daddy?"

"Your honor is in the discussion hall."

Lu Yaoyao nodded.

She put on red clothes today, and after she had washed up and had breakfast, she didn't go to Lu Qingyu.

She went to the study and sat on a chair.

This renovated palace belongs to Lu Yaoyao, with complete functions, including a place for her to practice, a study, a hall for meeting guests, and a beautiful garden. Lu Yaoyao thought of the demon general she had just acquired, and rolled her eyes, "Yu Qing?"

In the empty hall, a tall figure appeared in an instant, even if he was half-kneeling, "Your Highness."

Lu Yaoyao walked down, stood in front of Ya Qing, looked up at Ya Qing, "You just listen to me, Yi Mo, right?"

"Go back to your little highness, yes."

"Don't listen to what my father says?"

"Yes." Ya Qing lowered his eyes, his handsome face was serious, and his eyes could see the delicate appearance of His Highness.

"This subordinate only listens to the orders of your little highness."

"Then my rule, when you see me, you don't have to kneel and kneel, just stand."

"Subordinates obey."

Lu Yaoyao glanced outside, then lowered her voice, "Yu Qing, do you know how to get out of the demon world?"

Ya Qing answered in a straight manner: "Back to the little highness, the demon world can only enter and exit through the enchantment gate. When the enchantment gate is closed, only the Venerable can open the gate."

The Demon World is now closed.

Different from the world of self-cultivation, the world of demons can be said to be a world of its own, which can only be entered and exited from the four-way gate, and the key to the gate is in the hands of the devil.

When Lu Yaoyao heard this, she was suddenly disappointed. If she wanted to leave the demon world, she had to get her father's consent first

"Do you have a way to get out without disturbing Daddy?" Lu Yaoyao asked expectantly, crouching on the ground, resting her fleshy chin in her hands.

Ya Qing was silent, "Go back to His Highness, no."

"Or is there something like a token, you can get in and out with a token?"

Lu Yaoyao thought that when she and brother Yuanyuan went from the cultivation world to the demon world, didn't they succeed only by getting the token

"Go back to your Highness, no."

Lu Yaoyao sighed, it was such a pity.

She didn't let Ya Qing continue to hide, only let him follow her.

After Lu Yaoyao attended the ceremony, she didn't want to stay in the demon world anymore.

She wants to find her father, she wants to go to Guiyuan Sect, she wants to find Xingchensha... She still has a lot to do!

But her father didn't let her go out, it was too sad.

"Little Highness, why don't you take a look at the gifts received at the ceremony?" Bandan suggested that his little Highness was feeling gloomy.


Lu Yaoyao thought of the many treasures she saw at a glance, and aroused her interest. She hadn't looked at it carefully.

Bandan led Lu Yaoyao out and said, "These are stored in the treasury of Your Highness."

Lu Yaoyao already has her own private library, and she can't even hold the storage instruments.

The inventory was in a room in Lu Yaoyao's palace, guarded by two demon guards. After entering, it connected to a small world and placed Lu Yaoyao's net worth.

After Lu Yaoyao went in with Bandan and Yaqing, she was stunned by the vast treasure trove that she looked at as far as the eye could see.

When I received the gift, I only felt that I became rich, and now I know how rich it is.

"More than half of the items here were taken from your own private treasury. These are the gifts received at the ceremony yesterday."

Bandan now has a lot of power, equivalent to Lu Yaoyao's left arm and right arm, and she is also in charge of her private treasury for the time being.

Lu Yaoyao knew her father's thoughts, and these were also her strengths. In the future, her subjects were all trained by her.

After reading her private library, Lu Yaoyao picked out a few that she liked to put in her small purse, and then said generously, "You can pick three each, and my Highness will give it to you."

"This..." Bandan hesitated.

Lu Yaoyao said with a stern face, "I can only listen to what I say, and can't refute it."


Bandan and Yaqing each went to pick three items. The rare spiritual materials and instruments in the various demon worlds were coveted by "Touch", but the two of them were very measured, and the choices were quite satisfactory.

Lu Yaoyao didn't say anything. After she went out, she sat in her discussion hall and asked all the demons under her to hold a meeting.

The hall is very spacious, and there are many witches and guards standing densely.

In addition to the sixteen maids in her inner courtyard, other palaces also have maids in charge of cleaning and management, as well as hundreds of demon guards who are responsible for patrolling.

These do not include the guards of the Yaqing lineage, these are the existences similar to the demon army.

Lu Yaoyao asked Bandan and Dan to make statistics to understand their respective remunerations, doubling the original basis.

Lu Yaoyao said seriously, "Follow me, I will not treat you badly."

"Your Highness is kind, you can't slack off..."

Bandan was not light or heavy to beat on his behalf, and General Ya Qing was shocked by force, and trained the witches and guards to be obedient.

After Lu Yaoyao finished all of this, she went to Lu Qingyu with great interest to ask for credit.
