Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 105


When Shen Changyuan formulated the Diyuan Rules, Lu Yaoyao did not participate, but she read every rule by heart.

She felt that it could almost be copied.

Lu Yaoyao was in a high mood. She wrote like a spirit, and she wrote a lot of thick and thin. After she listed all the rules she could think of, she would revise and supplement according to the actual situation.

Lu Qingyu soon found that the little brat was bored in the study all day long and didn't go out. He didn't go back to retreat and practice, and he didn't go out to play. He came over and saw that the little brat was crawling on the desk, holding a "hair" pen in his hand, and the table was scattered all over the place. There was a pile of paper full of words, and the little boy's white face was unknowingly smeared with ink.

Lu Qingyu picked up a piece of paper and glanced at it.

Lu Yaoyao looked up and saw Lu Qingyu, and was very happy, "Dad, help me see if there is anything else I need to add!" Lu Yaoyao was very attentive, she put away the scribbled papers, folded them, and put them in Lu Qingyu's hand. He dragged a chair and put it behind Lu Qingyu, and the service was in place.

Lu Qingyu sat on the chair, slowly picked up a stack of papers, he said leisurely, "My shoulders are a little sore."

Lu Yaoyao stepped on the edge of the chair, tapped with her little hand, and said in a compliment, "Father, is this enough strength?"

"It's okay." Lu Qingyu's tone was reluctant, but there was a comfortable smile on his face.

After he read the rules written by the little brat, he felt proud and self-satisfied, his little brat was smart.

Lu Qingyu's mouth was not forgiving, "Didn't you say you want the demons to do good things?"

"Don't force this, just follow your heart!" Lu Yaoyao said seriously, "I've thought about it carefully, everything can't be done overnight, it needs to be done gradually."

Daddy is right, the demons don't have the consciousness to do good deeds. Lu Yaoyao wanted them to do good deeds at first because he thought that they had killed too much and needed to earn more merits to offset their sins. In this way, it would not be more difficult to overcome the calamity. , but even the human race may not have all done good deeds. She felt that it would be good to get rid of the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, and she should not ask too much.

Lu Yaoyao didn't believe that the demons really had weak feelings, there was no trust between the demons and the demons, it was a long-term atmosphere. Daddy is also a demon, a pure high-level demon, but Lu Yaoyao knows that Daddy loves her no less than her father, just like she loves her father and Daddy.

Lu Yaoyao hoped that even if the demon people like to kill, cruel and bloody, they will still have feelings when they face their fellow clan, and have a human side, just like their father.

To sum up, it is the sense of belonging and identification of the same demons, Lu Yaoyao thought, there is no deep relationship between parents, children, brothers and sisters, and there is no partner or friend who can trust. How sad.

The Demon Realm is actually somewhat similar to Diyuan. The people in Diyuan were also like this at the beginning. They were all enemies except me. After she and brother Yuanyuan ruled, they are also developing in a good direction, because the people themselves are not the same. Not much, the effect is obvious.

The demon world is huge, there are many demons, and it is more complicated.

But Lu Yaoyao believed that moisturizing things would definitely change slowly.

"If the concept of reducing the number of killings can make the road smoother is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, will the demons who are eager to ascend will consciously restrain their behavior?"

Lu Qingyu poured cold water: "This deity has been in the Mahayana period for so many years, but I can't soar." Counting on other demons

"What if there is a glimmer of hope?"

Lu Yaoyao asked eagerly, "Dad, look at this, does it work?"

Lu Qingyu looked down, rubbing the edge of the paper with his fingertips.

Lu Yaoyao was lying on Lu Qingyu's back, and the chubby hand hugged his neck and hung on him.

"I've read the magic book. Before my father ruled the demon world, it was even more chaotic and dark. It took my father thousands of years to make the devil world look like this. Daddy is amazing!"

The adoring tone of the little brat made Lu Qingyu happy both physically and mentally, but he said in his mouth, "Daddy is just for the convenience of management."

Lu Yaoyao smiled, "Dad, I know you want to make the devil world better too, I'll help daddy, let's develop the devil world together!"

Lu Yaoyao is also selfish, and she is most reluctant to see a war between the three clans.

The demon clan has many good friends of hers. Her father is a human clan, and her father is a demon clan. She can't imagine where she should stand when the three clans strife one day in the future.

If the demons are made better, can the peace between the three clans last longer

Lu Yaoyao did not expect to turn the demon world into a world of truth, goodness and beauty, but there is still hope for the demon world to develop into a world where love and hate are distinct, righteous and evil, and the original "nature" is cruel but protects the short, right

"This deity doesn't have such a leisurely heart." Lu Qingyu put the paper on the table, "You are the little princess of the Demon Race, you can toss as much as you want, and it doesn't matter if you pierce the sky."

Lu Yaoyao heard Daddy's subtext, Daddy meant to let her do whatever she wanted, with him backing her up!

She smiled happily, she tilted her head and spit out, "Dad is so nice."

Lu Yaoyao re-transcribed it, thought for a while, and burned it into the Lingjian, and then ran out.

Lu Qingyu looked at the little back of the little cub who left happily, the corners of his lips slowly pursed, becoming gloomy, his dark eyes like ink "revealed" a bit of complexity.


Lu Yaoyao ran out of the magic palace and came to the entrance of the alley where she met Nan Gu that day.

The surroundings were still gray, the place was deserted, and there were no demons passing by for a long time. Nani Gu stood at the entrance of the alley, which was very conspicuous.

Seeing Lu Yaoyao's appearance, Nan Ni Gu immediately exaggeratedly relieved, "Your Highness, you're finally here! I thought you wouldn't come, I was going to the magic palace to find you."

Lu Yaoyao looked at the time, "I'm not late." It was as if she was late for a long time.

"Well, I arrived early." Nani Gu couldn't wait, "What was the request you said last time?"

Lu Yaoyao is not in a hurry now, "Let's find a place to talk." This is not a place to talk outside.

Nani looked around, "Come with me."

Lu Yaoyao followed Nani Gu around for a while, then stopped in front of a square courtyard gate.

This is Nani Gu's place in Modu City, and he just bought it recently.

The house in the magic capital looks rough from the outside, but it is built with carved railings and jade, and it looks resplendent.

Mozu people enjoy themselves in their bones, so the house is very luxurious.

Lu Yaoyao and Nani Gu stopped in a hall, "It's very safe here, there will never be a third demon to hear our conversation."

Lu Yaoyao didn't talk nonsense, she took out a brief, "The Nani family can follow me if they want, but your family must follow my rules, and I can give you what you want."

Nani Gu took the Lingjian and swept in with his divine sense. As expected, the rumors were right. Their little prince of the Demon Race was not cruel and cold, and his "nature" was kinder.

Nani Gu doesn't care about any request from His Highness. When he saw His Highness's first glance, this thought popped into his heart. He wanted to follow His Highness. Nani Gu has always done whatever he wants. If he wants him to destroy the Nani family as a sincerity of surrender, he can also do it.

"That's all?" Nani raised his chin, "When I completely take control of the Nani family, I will make it look what you want." Isn't it that we can't kill innocent people indiscriminately, and can't kill each other? It's easy.

Lu Yaoyao saw that he said it easily, and suspected that her request was too simple.

Lu Yaoyao's chubby face was serious, "Don't worry, I will not treat you badly. In the near future, the Nani family will become the fourth largest family alongside the three Shentu families."

Nani Gu raised a smile, "Then I'll wait and see." He didn't care about the Nani family, but if it was an existence that affected his importance in the heart of the little prince, he reluctantly valued it.

I hope that the little highness will make his interest last longer, otherwise, halfway through the matter, he will suddenly not be interested, and maybe it will be more fun.

Lu Yaoyao didn't know that the younger brother who had just reached an agreement was already thinking about the interesting events after the betrayal, and she was glad that she had another younger brother.

"You're staying here temporarily, right? I'll have someone send you something later." Lu Yaoyao pondered, she couldn't treat the younger brother badly, she gave him more resources, so that he could cultivate well and strive to become a Nani as soon as possible. The head of the family.

Nan Ni Gu blinked, "Aren't you going to take me back to the magic palace?"

Lu Yaoyao looked up at him, "Aren't you going to return to the family to gather power and strive for an early rise to power?"

Nani Gu: "..." He folded his arms and said, "This is not in a hurry, I am not as strong as my father now, so going back so quickly will not help, I will follow the little highness for the time being."

Lu Yaoyao: "...Okay."

So Lu Yaoyao went out and came back with a demon with him.

Nani Gu was very thoughtful, and actually wanted to replace Bandan as her personal bodyguard, which shocked Lu Yaoyao, seriously suspecting that allegiance to her was an excuse, and the purpose was to promise her.

Lu Yaoyao hurriedly refused, she was still a baby, it's good that the beautiful young man appreciates it, she can't do anything with her small body!

Especially, when Daddy saw a male "sex" beside her, his expression was as if he wanted to silence him at any time. Lu Yaoyao thought of his life and hurriedly handed the bone to Ya Qing.

Ya Qing is so powerful, there must be a way to control him.

Sure enough, Ya Qing lived up to her expectations, and it didn't take long for Na Ni Gu to have a sense of presence around her against her father's death gaze.

Lu Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly practiced for two days in seclusion.

Soon Lu Yaoyao couldn't sit still anymore, she had too many things in her mind and couldn't concentrate on her cultivation.

Lu Yaoyao sat, swaying her small body, and finally she couldn't help but sneak out again.

This time, instead of sneaking out, she walked to the black pool where Lu Qingyu was practicing.

Lu Yaoyao squatted aside and looked at it for a while, then whispered, "Daddy?"

Lu Qingyu's cultivation is much more serious than Lu Yaoyao's. Although his cultivation is so high that he can't see any effect in a short period of time, it does not affect his desire to surpass Yao Jiuxiao.

When Lu Yaoyao ran out, Lu Qingyu noticed it, but the little brat didn't run out this time, but squatted beside him.

After Lu Yaoyao made a sound, Lu Qingyu opened his eyes, "What's wrong? But is there a problem with cultivation?"

"Dad, shouldn't the gate to the outside world be opened?"

"Huh?" Lu Qingyu glanced lightly, "You want to sneak out of the demon world? Find that man?"

"Where?" Lu Yaoyao said righteously, "I heard from other demons that the gate of the realm has been closed for so long, and they have no chance to go out and find some small secret realm opportunities."

There are not many secret realms in the demon world, and some resources needed by the demons need to be found from the outside.

The secret realm is a resource shared by all races in Yuanqi Continent. They can all enter, and maybe they can find the opportunity they need. It's just that because the three realms are not connected, most of the other races want to enter the secret realm that is not in their own realm, and most of them will hide their identities, except for those very large secret realms.

For example, the ancient secret realm that led to Lu Yaoyao's birth more than ten years ago.

"As the little highness, I naturally have to share the worries of the demons. They have this trouble now, and I have the ability to help express their demands!"

"Humph!" Lu Qingyu snorted coldly, "If you are so idle, just practice hard."

"I'm so good! In the seventeen-year-old magic pill stage, looking at the past and present, who is as good as me?" Lu Yaoyao raised her nose, "I'll be more diligent, those geniuses will cry."

"Are you still proud?"

"Don't even think about it, just stay in the demon world, I have already ordered Xingchensha to look for it."

Lu Yaoyao felt that the distance would affect her coquettish effectiveness, so she jumped off the magic pond.

"Oops Daddy, I can't see!"

Lu Yaoyao stepped on the ground of the magic pond, and the rich black demonic energy permeated the top of her head, only to see two little fat hands waving around her head.

"Where are you, Daddy?" Lu Yaoyao waved her chubby hand and approached Lu Qingyu in the direction of her memory.

She walked and walked unknowingly deviating from the route, almost walking further and further.

Lu Qingyu stretched out his hand and pulled the little brat over.

Lu Yaoyao stepped on Lu Qingyu's coiled thigh, "exposing" her cute little head, she supported Lu Qingyu's clothes, and turned her head to look curiously at the darkness surrounding her.

She stretched out her white and tender little hand and spread it out in the palm of her hand, and the strong magic energy that seemed to be condensed passed through her fingers, she thought it was amazing.

"Dad, this is so powerful!"

Her cultivation base in the magic pill stage, stepping in the magic pool, will also be blocked by the magic energy.

"Under this magic pond, there is a top-quality demonic vein buried." This demonic vein is the top-quality one. The demonic vein has been powerful enough to give birth to spiritual consciousness, but it has been subdued by Lu Qingyu and is now used by him.

He cultivated in the magic pool, and he achieved twice the result with half the effort.

Not long after Lu Yaoyao was in the pond, she sensed a steady stream of demonic energy entering her body from all directions.

Lu Yaoyao's little face turned bright red, as if she had been drinking. In the early stage of her magic pill, which had just stabilized, there were faint signs of loosening.

"Your training room is also overflowing with the magic energy of this magic vein." He specially made it, and it is the most suitable for the cultivation of the little brat.

Lu Qingyu stood up with the little cub in his hand, and left the magic pool in a blink of an eye.

Only then did Lu Yaoyao's dizzy little head wake up, and then she remembered the business.

She arched her body and rubbed against her chubby face, her voice sweet and greasy, "Dad, will you open the gate of the realm? Now that the Three Realms are at peace, there is no need to keep it closed, right?"

"Those devils are suffocated, they don't dare to talk to you if they want to go out!"

"I already know that the Demon Gate will not be closed unless it is attacked or there is a war. You are still closing it when it is so peaceful. Are you trying to close me?"

"Yeah." Lu Qingyu made no secret of his purpose.

Lu Yaoyao choked.

She twisted her little body into a twist, "I'm still not your favorite cub? Am I so untrustworthy in your heart? I have a small temper, hum!"

Lu Yaoyao puffed out her chubby face and was angry like a puffer fish.

Lu Qingyu poked Lu Yaoyao's cute little face, and his voice was kind, "The devil world is so big, enough for you to create it."

Lu Yaoyao cried angrily, "Wow, Daddy, you don't believe me, the cub is so sad! So angry!"

Lu Yaoyao cried for a while, then Xuxu opened his eyes and saw Lu Qingyu's calm and calm expression, and immediately refused, "Dad why don't you coax me? Do you not love me anymore?"

"The more I coax you, the better." Lu Qingyu smiled proudly, "Didn't you stop by yourself?"

Ahhh so angry! Lu Yaoyao kicked her short legs, hugged Lu Qingyu's head, and rode her short legs on his shoulders, "Dad, do you agree? Do you agree?"

Lu Qingyu, whose face was covered by her bulging belly, had difficulty breathing: "..." He tried to pull her off, "Let go, little brat, you are arrogant to the deity's head, let's see how I deal with you!"

"Do you agree or not?"

"Stinky bastard!"

It took Lu Qingyu a long time to pull the troublesome little brat down and hold it in his hand.

Lu Yaoyao was caught by the back collar of Destiny, she pulled her short legs and short hands, trying to climb over again.

Where will Lu Qingyu make her wish

Lu Qingyu's handsome and wicked face was suppressed for a long time, a few smears of red were printed on his fair face, and the peach blossom eyes that were slightly raised at the ends of his eyes were also dyed a little bright red, and the dark black hair was scattered behind him. , gorgeous and unparalleled.

The shocking beauty is in front, Lu Yaoyao just wants to pull over and let the beauty father know how powerful she is.

"Daddy Daddy!"

Lu Qingyu stared, angry for a long time, and pointed at the little brat with his teeth and claws, his face elongated, "Believe it or not, I locked you in the retreat room, and the magic capital won't let you out?"

Lu Yaoyao was quiet, she blinked, "Dad, the gate is so far away from the magic palace, I'm under your nose, even if you open it, I won't be able to get out!"

"Dad, you are my most important, favorite, and most beloved daddy! I only have a daddy like you, even if I go out, can I still not come back? My home is where my daddy is! I Can you still go home?"

"I want to go to my father, don't let me go. You don't even agree to such a small thing as opening a realm gate. Daddy, don't you love cubs?"

She curled up her limbs and hugged her legs with both hands, "I'm a poor cub, little cabbage, Dili Huang, seventeen years old, my father doesn't love me..."

Weak, pitiful, helpless.

Lu Qingyu: "..." His eyelids jumped.

The little brat's tough skills are growing, even if he acts like a spoiled child, he will still sing and play well and pretend to be pitiful

This little brat was born to beat him, right

Lu Qingyu finally had a dark face, "Okay, Daddy opened the gate."

Lu Yaoyao's eyes shone brightly, her little face glowed, she said sweetly, "Daddy is the best! I love Daddy the most!"

Lu Qingyu was expressionless.

Lu Yaoyao opened her hands, "Daddy, hug me!"

Lu Qingyu hehe, but his body was very honest and brought the cub back.

Lu Yaoyao hugged Lu Qingyu, her chubby face rubbed hard, and smiled softly at Lu Qingyu.

Lu Qingyu's face was stern for a long time, but he finally lost his temper and was defeated by the sweet smile of the little brat.

"Okay, this time Daddy promises you, be good, if I catch you sneaking out..." Lu Qingyu narrowed his eyes.

Lu Yaoyao raised her fat finger, "Then I will stay by Daddy's side for three years and not go anywhere."

"Three years? Huh?"

Lu Yaoyao was anxious, "Five years, five years can't be more."

"Remember what you said."

Lu Yaoyao nodded again and again, but she thought in her heart, the years of cultivation are long, and five years are nothing. After she met her father, she stayed with her father for five years, and then slipped away to her father for five years. Stay together neatly, and don't care for a few years.

After Lu Qingyu agreed, she was urged by Lu Yaoyao to open the gate quickly, and she also wanted to see, so she followed Lu Qingyu.

The gate of the demon world is a formation handed down from ancient times. It was repaired and restarted by Lu Qingyu a thousand years ago. The method of opening is now only in Lu Qingyu's hands.

Lu Qingyu and Lu Yaoyao appeared in front of Jiemen, and the Jiemen Demon Guard saw the arrival of Demon Venerable and hurriedly knelt down to say hello.

Lu Qingyu waved his hands to let them back off.

Lu Yaoyao was very curious.

She went in and out of the demon world twice, and she was brought by her father, and she didn't notice the existence of the demon door. Looking at it like this now, it feels amazing.

In front of it is clearly a void, and only where the "door" is, there is a stone carving like a door frame.

Lu Yaoyao stretched out her hand and "touched" a transparent and soft barrier.

With a wave of Lu Qingyu's sleeve, the enchantment and the boundary gate appeared in front of Lu Yaoyao.

Outside the door frame, there is a transparent and shimmering barrier without any loopholes.

Lu Qingyu's hand touched the barrier, and a steady stream of magical energy emerged from his palm. After a while, the barrier inside the door frame turned into ripples.

Seeing Lu Qingyu withdraw her hand, Lu Yaoyao asked curiously, "Is this all right?"

She stretched out her hand to touch the barrier, and without hindrance, she stretched out directly.

Lu Yaoyao's eyes lit up and she walked out.

The gate is open!

She had just stepped out, and before she could see the scenery outside the gate, she was pulled back with one hand.

"Okay, we should go back."

Lu Yaoyao didn't object, she looked at Lu Qingyu's shoulders with her smart eyes, and her eyes were rolling, and she knew what she was thinking at a glance.

Back in the magic palace, before Lu Yaoyao spoke, she saw Lu Qingyu pressing her left wrist.

A black "color" beam entered from her wrist, and after a while, it turned into a black "color" mark, which lit up for a moment and disappeared.

Lu Yaoyao tilted her head, "Dad, what is this?"

"The magic weapon that seals the cultivation base."

Lu Yaoyao: "???"

"Daddy thought about it and thought it was too unfair, so he developed a similar magic weapon."

Lu Yaoyao: "???"

Lu Qingyu said confidently, "That man won't let you use magic power but only let you use spiritual power? He thinks beautifully! Don't use it at all. It's fair to wait for him to unlock your seal one day, and then the deity will unlock it."

Lu Yaoyao: "..." You are fair, why am I the one who suffers

No, it looks like Daddy has been planning for a long time. Why didn't she see Daddy studying magic tools? When did it come out

Lu Yaoyao tried to use a spell, but the aura gathered was so weak that the spell couldn't be activated.

She sensed that the golden core in her dantian was also hidden.

She worked so hard to cultivate to the golden core stage, and once returned to the original point

"Anyway, it doesn't affect your cultivation. It's just right. If you can't use your cultivation, you don't have to sneak out all the time."

"Father..." Lu Yaoyao looked at him faintly, "You seek fairness, don't you think it's too cruel to me?"

Lu Qingyu "touched" and "touched" Lu Yaoyao's head, "showing" a kind smile, "You can't blame me, if you want to, blame your father."

Lu Yaoyao: "..."
