Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 12


Dawn is bright.

Lu Yaoyao woke up from her sweet sleep, her consciousness was still a little sleepy, her red face was confused and confused.

Before she could fully open her eyes, two little fat hands stretched out to the right.


A pair of hands reached over and hugged Lu Yaoyao into a cold embrace.

Lu Yaoyao put her hands on the beautiful father's neck, sleepy eyes.

After Lu Yaoyao was born, it can be said that before birth, when she was still in the spirit stone, except for the time you robbed me, Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao have been guarding Lu Yaoyao.

Lu Yaoyao's body instinct is biased towards human cubs, and most of the time she sleeps every day. Whenever this time comes, Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao will always be by Lu Yaoyao's side except when they go hunting.

Lu Yaoyao is also used to it. When she opens her eyes every day, the two fathers sit next to her, like patron saints, making her feel safe.

Lu Yaoyao was carried by Yao Jiuxiao and walked for a while, patted her back, squinted her eyes and fell asleep for a while, and then she lay in the arms of the beautiful father, holding a jade bottle of spiritual milk.

Now that her teeth have grown, Lu Yaoyao has to be more careful, in case she bites the hard mouth of the bottle and breaks her small deciduous teeth, she has nowhere to cry.

After Lu Yaoyao finished eating the spiritual milk, she pointed to the door full of energy, "Ah!" Go out!

Lu Qingyu hugged Lu Yaoyao and walked out the door gracefully.

A gust of wind blew, and Lu Yaoyao suddenly felt very cool, especially on the top of her head.

She looked at the sky suspiciously. Has it gotten colder

Lu Qingyu already knew the cub's habits. The first thing she did after drinking milk every day was to go to the lake to wash her face.

He didn't quite understand the little cub's strange hobbies.

Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao do not know how many dust removal tricks they apply to the little boy every day, and the little boy's body is very clean.

Not only do you have to go to the lake often to wash your hands, feet, and face, but also to play in the water every day.

Lu Qingyu walked to the lake and squatted down with the little cub, and took out a cloudpa.

Lu Yaoyao, who was in the arms of the beautiful father, raised her face very cooperatively, waiting for the beautiful father to wet her handkerchief and wipe her face.

The cool lake water pressed against her chubby face, and Lu Qingyu controlled her strength and carefully wiped her face.

Lu Qingyu looked at the top of the little brat's head and wiped her with a handkerchief.

The wet handkerchief covered her head, causing Lu Yaoyao to shudder.

"Ah!" She protested, avoiding her little head, why did she get her hair wet, and she wanted her father to tie her beautiful hair!

Lu Yaoyao raised her hands to touch the top of her head, trying to cover her hair.

Um? Lu Yaoyao's little hand touched and touched.

What about her hair

What about her soft black thick hair

The beautiful father showed a smile, he touched Lu Yaoyao's head, and said with relief, "Pearl looks better without her hair."

The beauty's father thought that those two messy little tugs were too bad for the kid's appearance. Without the hair, he would be a cute little dumpling of Yuxue. It was like his facial features were more prominent.

In fact, Lu Qingyu was exaggerating too much. Although the little girl was crooked yesterday, it did not damage Lu Yaoyao's jade carving in the slightest, but Lord Mozun couldn't tolerate flaws in his eyes, and felt that the little girl was too annoying.

It took a while for Lu Yaoyao to digest the meaning of the beauty's father's words, and her round eyes widened even more.

Does she have no hair


"Ah!" She twisted her small body and tried to lean out to see the reflection in the lake.

What about her hair

What about her beautiful hair

After confirming again and again that her hair was gone, Lu Yaoyao only felt a bolt from the blue, and her life was gloomy.

She has no hair...

Lu Yaoyao suffered a huge blow, she was stunned, staring at the reflection of the lake.

Lu Qingyu was puzzled by Lu Yaoyao's reaction, "Pearl? What's wrong?" Feeling that she is too beautiful and fascinated by herself

Lu Yaoyao slowly turned her head to look at the beautiful father, her big eyes dull and dull.

Lu Qingyu shook his hand, "Pearl?"

Yingying tears welled up in her eyes, Lu Yaoyao looked at the beautiful father and slowly flattened her small mouth.

Lu Qingyu was instantly alert.

"Yao Jiuxiao—"

"Wow ah ah!"


On the simple and simple couch, a small dumpling was shrunk in the innermost corner, his little head was hidden, and only his chubby little butt was exposed.

Outside the couch, two handsome men stood bewildered. They looked at the little brat and looked at each other.

At this moment, they abandoned their prejudice against each other and had a cordial and friendly conversation.

Lu Qingyu bumped Yao Jiuxiao with his elbow, and said softly, "Yao Jiuxiao, will you coax Pearl again?"

Yao Jiuxiao: "..."

He has been coaxing him all morning, and he has tried all the previous methods to no avail.

It seemed that they hit her too hard when they shaved her hair while she was asleep.

After she found out that she lost her hair, she cried for a while, and stopped crying.

At first they thought it was the same as before, and it was okay to cry, but soon they knew that they were too relieved.

The little brat has been listless, he doesn't play with toys anymore, he doesn't even drink spiritual milk, and he doesn't respond no matter how he teases her.

At this moment, both of them felt regret.

They shouldn't have bothered to shave the cub's hair.

The cubs don't eat, drink, play, and cry, which is more worrying than crying.

The two omnipotent ancestors were helpless against the little brat.

Lu Yaoyao was very sad.

Although she didn't know why she was so sad without her hair, she was just sad.

She doesn't have a little girl, she's not a pretty baby anymore...

Lu Qingyu didn't have the heart to shirk the accusation, but he brought up this suggestion, although it was Yao Jiuxiao's hand.

The little brat is like this now, and Lu Qingyu is also a little anxious, wishing she would regain her liveliness immediately.

Suddenly, Lu Qingyu's eyes lit up, "Take Pearl out to play!"

Yao Jiuxiao looked over.

"She always wanted to go out and play."

Usually, at most they only take their little cubs to walk around their houses. There have been many times when the little cubs pointed to the outside and wanted to go out, but they never took the cubs out.

Leaving the scope of the house means that they have left the first floor of the restraint. Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao guard against each other. Usually, when one of them goes out, the other person stays in the house with the child, which also limits the scope of the little cub's activities.

If you want to take the cub out, you must take them out together.

Otherwise, if one of them went out with the cub, and then contacted his subordinates at the third-layer forbidden barrier, and immediately left as soon as he went out, the other person would not have time to catch up. When the Demon Race or Human Race stepped into the barrier of the Broken Screen Mountains, both sides could immediately sense it.

This also prevents the other party from cooperating with his own people.

There is no trust between them. In order to prevent each other, the ban restricts all aspects. Even so, the two of them always want to take the cub away while the other is relaxed.

At the same time, it also restricts the freedom of the cubs.

When Lu Qingyu put forward this opinion, Yao Jiuxiao's first reaction was whether he wanted to do bad things again.

"Let's go out together." Lu Qingyu said.

They were not at ease with each other when they took the cub out alone. For the present, only the two of them took the cub out together.

Yao Jiuxiao looked at the motionless cub on the couch, then nodded.

Yao Jiuxiao stepped forward, dug out the little cub and held it in his hands, his cold voice with a hint of imperceptible gratification, "Let's go out to play."

Lu Yaoyao leaned against the beautiful father's chest, still unable to lift her spirits.

The beautiful father followed by, teasing Lu Yaoyao to talk.

Lu Yaoyao looked up at the beautiful father, and buried her face in her father's arms.

Sad, sad, baby doesn't want to talk.

As soon as they walked out of the enchantment of the house, the house behind them disappeared from sight.

They stay in the barrier, the inside can see the outside, the outside can't see the inside.

The view outside is better than inside the house.

On their site, there is only a simple wooden house, there is nothing outside, and the flowers and trees outside the enchantment are lush.

The beautiful father said softly: "Pearl, what do you think that is?" Seeing that Lu Yaoyao didn't respond, he said in surprise, "Ah, what a beautiful flower! Red, green and green..."

flower? Lu Yaoyao pricked up her ears.

beautiful flower!

Lu Yaoyao was curious, she turned her head to look over, and saw a completely unfamiliar environment, she looked around curiously, and then saw the flower that the beautiful father said.

Red flowers and green leaves are clustered around the slopes at the foot of the mountain.

The flowers are not big, and they are red and vulgar, just ordinary ordinary flowers.

But for Lu Yaoyao, who has never seen flowers after crossing the road, she thinks it is very beautiful and likes it very much.

Children naturally love bright things.

Yao Jiuxiao hugged Lu Yaoyao and walked over to take a closer look.

Lu Qingyu also broke a flower for Lu Yaoyao to hold.

Lu Yaoyao just watched it for a while, and then lost interest.

Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao looked at each other and continued to walk up the mountain.

Lu Qingyu asked, "What should I do next?" The little brat didn't seem to like it very much.

Yao Jiuxiao: "..." He didn't know either.

Cangshan is very boring to them, whether it is a beast or a goblin, it is like a drop in the ocean, small and weak.

Moreover, the spiritual energy here is barren, there is no natural material and no treasures, and the demon clan with a little cultivation base is disdainful of this place.

Unlike the Guiyuan Sect, it is rich in products, and there are countless people in the door. There is always something that the little brat is interested in.

There is nothing in Cangshan suitable for children to play.

Lu Yaoyao has always wanted to see the outside world, but now that she has finally seen it, she still needs to gather her energy and look around.

But didn't see anything interesting.

The three of them were walking on the mountain when the grass in front of them suddenly moved, and a fat white rabbit that was bigger than Lu Yaoyao's body jumped out.

It saw three in front of him who seemed startled, two forelimbs raised, ruby rabbit eyes watching them.

Lu Yaoyao opened her round eyes and looked at the chubby little animal, two words popped up in her mind: Rabbit!

What a big rabbit!

"Oh my God! The two stone demons at the foot of the mountain finally took the goblin out!"

A crisp young voice came from the rabbit's mouth, and the next moment, the rabbit turned around and quickly ran away, running and running to tell him.

Lu Yaoyao widened her eyes in surprise.

Bunny can talk! ! ! ,,,...