Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 139


When Lu Chongyun walked into the study, as soon as he looked up, he saw the person standing in the room with his back to him. , without exception.

He approached the house in amazement and said, "What a rare visitor, what gust of wind brought Senior Brother here?" A person who has been in seclusion for many years, did not go out in seclusion at this time, and even took the initiative to appear in his study. What a miracle.

"Don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything." Lu Chongyun walked to Yao Jiuxiao, motioned him to sit down, and then sat down on the chair behind the desk, "Senior brother, why are you looking for me?"

Having been a senior brother for thousands of years, how could Lu Chongyun not understand his brother's "sex"? The mind is full of either cultivation or cultivation. Except for important things, he doesn't take the initiative to visit the door once in hundreds of years, and he is the only one who takes the initiative to find someone.

Lu Chongyun was curious, what kind of big event was he able to work as a senior brother.

He ‌ poured a cup of tea for his senior brother and himself, with a posture of talking at the knees.

Yao Jiuxiao's expression froze, he was silent for a while, and when Lu Chongyun couldn't help but speak again, he finally said, "When you and Jun Yang quarreled in the Cold War, how did you reconcile?"

Yao Jiuxiao's voice was extremely cold, but what he said was unexpected. Lu Chongyun understood the meaning of his words, and immediately blew his beard and stared, "This Sect Master and Jun Yang never quarrel in the cold war!"

Yao Jiuxiao looked at him lightly, without saying a word.

Lu Chongyun coughed heavily, and said with a sullen face: "Jun Yang is a good disciple of filial piety. Even if the master and apprentice occasionally disagree, it is naturally Jun Yang who gives in and takes the initiative to make peace."

Can you make him, the master, bow his head first? He ‌ shameless

Yao Jiuxiao stared at him with deep eyes, watching his exaggerated performances so indifferently.

Lu Junyang is not Lu Chongyun's parent and child, but the child he brought up from childhood, and is as close as a parent and child.

Lu Junyang admired and admired Lu Chongyun, his master, but there would always be conflicts between people. Lu Chongyun was silent for a moment, and looked at Yao Jiuxiao suspiciously.

"Why did you ask this all of a sudden? You have a conflict with your eldest niece?"

Yao Jiuxiao was silent.

Lu Chongyun frowned, "You and your eldest niece had a cold war? That's why she refused to return to the sect?"

Yao Jiuxiao continued to be silent.

Lu Chongyun couldn't believe it, what kind of cold-hearted senior brother is, he is obsessed with cultivation, and he is the most impatient to communicate with others. How could he actually quarrel with his own cubs in the cold war? He ‌ can't imagine it.

Lu Chongyun suddenly laughed, and his thick voice echoed in the room and spread out.

"Senior brother, brother, you have today too!"

Yao Jiuxiao, who was about to tell Lu Chongyun that her daughter was already in the sect, silently glanced at the gloating person, and suddenly didn't want to talk.

Yao Jiuxiao felt that it was not a good idea to come to Lu Chongyun for advice, he was about to leave, Lu Chongyun straightened his back, and Shi Shiran said, "Children, most of them have to coax, find out the source of the Cold War quarrel, "Medicine" will do."

Lu Chongyun picked up the tea and drank two mouthfuls to moisten his throat, "We are getting old, and we are used to being the elders giving orders, and we don't understand the thoughts of young people nowadays. A lot of 'chaotic' thoughts came out."

Lu Chongyun shook his head and sighed, fully aware of this, "If you don't speak frankly, the misunderstanding will only deepen."

Don't look at Lu Junyang's appearance as a modest gentleman, in fact, he is very stubborn and easy to get into a dead end. In addition to his childhood experience, Lu Chongyun spent a lot of energy and hard work in the past to nurture him into something like this today. The deputy appearance, became the outstanding senior brother in the eyes of the disciples.

Lu Chongyun shared his years of parenting experience with Yao Jiuxiao.

"Senior brother, you haven't raised a child before, I don't know, let me tell you, when Jun Yang was a child..."

Yao Jiuxiao lowered his brows, glanced lightly, extracted useful information from a lot of nonsense, and then stood up and turned away.

Lu Chongyun's words were just halfway through when he saw Yao Jiuxiao's back turning and leaving, and he chased after him, "Senior brother, I haven't finished speaking yet..."

Why go so fast? He's full of desire to talk just now, and when he's talking about prosperity, Senior Brother won't join

Yao Jiuxiao stepped out of the door, and just took two steps when he met a female disciple with a beautiful face.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, her gaze lowered slightly to look at the road, her posture was Pingting, and the moment she inadvertently raised her eyes to look over, her eyes paused for a moment, and a trace of doubt flashed.

When I saw the master coming from behind, I was surprised and happy when I heard the name from his mouth.

"Twilight has seen Your Honor."

Chao Muxue saluted, and then raised his eyes to look at him, with undisguised admiration in his eyes, and his white cheeks flushed with excitement.

Yao Jiuxiao's eyes fell on that face, and he paused for a while, then looked away.

When Lu Chongyun saw the younger disciple, he immediately regained his sect master status. He said solemnly, "This is my new younger disciple, Chaomuxue."

Yao Jiuxiao answered coldly, and did not ask why Lu Chongyun, who had said that he would not accept any more apprentices, made an exception and accepted one. He took out an exquisite box from the small cave, and said concisely, "Meeting gift."

Chaomuxue was surprised, as if she didn't react.

Lu Zhongyun coughed lightly, "Take it." Yao Jiuxiao was his senior brother. Strictly speaking, Mu Xue could call him a senior, and it was normal to receive a greeting from him.

"Thank you, Your Honor." Chao Muxue took it respectfully, "Your Highness, you..."

Yao Jiuxiao nodded slightly, then continued to leave, disappearing instantly.

Chaomuxue's beautiful eyes were stunned for a moment, is your honor gone

"Master..." Chao Muxue walked to Lu Chongyun's side, she quickly packed up her mood.

She wanted to worship her teacher the most, but since she missed it, she would not care about it anymore when she worshipped someone else, but the other person was still the person she admired the most, and her attitude was different.

Chao Muxue was curious: "Master, Zun is this...?" Chao Muxue didn't expect that she had just envy her friend to see Zun.

With his hands behind his back, Lu Chongyun turned back to his room, and said solemnly, "It's okay."

Chaomuxue followed: "Master..."

Lu Yaoyao didn't know that her father was looking for someone else to ask for the education of children's classics.

Master had listed a bunch of courses for her, and she stayed up late at night to do her homework, and she didn't even have time to read her favorite words.

After Lu Yaoyao finished her homework, she thought of getting up early tomorrow, so she went back to her room to rest.

Before she could lie down, she heard a knock at the door, followed by a cold low voice: "Yaoyao."

Lu Yaoyao turned around and ran to the door quickly, she deliberately asked, "Who?"

That day, after Lu Yaoyao said he‌, this time his father didn't come directly into the room, but he knocked on the door first.

"it's me."

Lu Yaoyao thought to herself, if she doesn't report her family, who knows who she is, she still wants to be tough and refuse, but her father finally came, and if she ignores it, when will the next time

Lu Yaoyao was really angry at first, shouting that she wanted to have a cold war, but she quickly subsided, and now she is even more angry that her father didn't come to coax her.

She was very happy that her father was here now, but she still remembered that he & zwnj; were in a cold war, so when he opened the door, Yao Jiuxiao saw that his little cub looked awkward.

"What are you doing?"

Yao Jiuxiao didn't speak, he looked down to see the little cub whose knees were just a little higher, then picked her up and held her in his hands, the next moment, the surrounding scene changed, and they appeared in the vast expanse. in the starry sky.

Yao Jiuxiao remembered that as long as he made the little cub unhappy when he was a child, Lu Qingyu would take the cub to the stars and fly with her everywhere.

With Yao Jiuxiao's cultivation level, he could naturally take Lu Yaoyao to the Guiyuan Sect without disturbing anyone or the barrier.

Lu Yaoyao's eyes widened in surprise, she really didn't care about the trouble at this time, sitting in Yao Jiuxiao's arms, her eyes looked down.

Overlooking the night scenery of Guiyuanzong is naturally another visual impact.

Although cultivators are beyond the mortal body, most of them still retain their original habits. At night, even if they do not sleep, they will stay in the room to meditate or close their eyes to rest.

Therefore ‌ Guiyuanzong's night was quiet.

But this kind of quietness only lacks the hustle and bustle of human beings during the day, and it is also lively.

It only blooms at night, and the spirits that emit bright light bloom in the night, swaying and swaying. The lights under the eaves of the cloister are dim, and the stars are shining brightly in the sky.

Lu Yaoyao was amazed, such a night scene is even more beautiful than the scene seen in Cangshan.

She just couldn't see it.

"Father..." Lu Yaoyao subconsciously wanted to sigh with her father, and suddenly thought that they were still in a cold war, so she closed her mouth and hummed, "Don't think I'll take care of you like this."

Is she really someone who can be easily coaxed

Lu Yaoyao groaned in her heart, she would never forgive her father easily.

Yao Jiuxiao hugged Lu Yaoyao and stood high in the sky, the sky above her head was full of stars, and the curtain of lights and bright flowers under her feet.

Yao Jiuxiao whispered, "Yaoyao, it's my father's fault."

Lu Yaoyao tilted her head and didn't look at him‌, but her small eyes couldn't help glancing at his‌ face.

"Your birth was an accident to me. I never thought that I would have children, but I am very happy for your arrival. As a first-time father, I hope that my child will become a good person, but your father is not good to you. No bottom line of spoiling, my father is always worried that you will be... spoiled."

"It's my father who is narrow-minded. You are my Yao Jiuxiao's daughter. You have a good personality and a transparent mind. How could you become such a person?"

Yao Jiuxiao's love for the little cub raised by himself is no less than that of Lu Qingyu, but his love is restrained.

The little brat has half the blood of the demon race, so it is easier for him to have the cruel, violent, and competitive spirit of the demon race in his bones, and Lu Qingyu, the devil who has been by his side since childhood, instilled in her improper thoughts‌ concept.

Yao Jiuxiao usually guards against the dead, for fear that one wrong eye will lead to bad teaching.

As his daughter, if she is in the realm of self-cultivation, she must be loved by thousands of people, no matter if it is the elder or the younger, there will be no bottom line to indulge and pursue it, but in such an environment, it is easy for the little boy to become left. "son.

Yao Jiuxiao always thinks that Lu Qingyu is too fond of the little brat. In the demon world, above all demons, his temptation is not as good as in the realm of self-cultivation...

When the great Buddhist monk was discussing the Tao with him, he once said that love gave birth to worry, and love gave rise to fear, he never said a word, his three feelings were weak, and he did not think that he was as powerful as he would know. feel this state of mind.

The little brat's human and demon bloodline is always a hidden danger. If one day it is announced to the world, the teacher who once loved her, and the swords face each other, and "what's the matter"

He can protect her "life", but he can't ensure that everyone's attitude will not change. It is precisely because he sees so much that the rift between humans and demons is too deep. Malicious, the little brat bears the brunt, then, how can the little brat bear it

Even if Yao Jiuxiao imagined a picture, his heart was shaken.

A person who is well-loved wherever the sailing is smooth, such as ‌ How can he withstand the malicious backlash from the sky

Lu Yaoyao pursed her lips, feeling that her father underestimated her too much, because she was afraid that she would be too good to go!


Lu Yaoyao rubbed against Yao Jiuxiao's chest, "Will you and Daddy always stand by my side unswervingly and protect me? If the Terran and I can only choose one in the end, will you choose me?"

After Lu Yaoyao knew that she was of human and demon blood, she actually had such a thought, but she didn't think about it deeply. Perhaps it was a subconscious escape, or the thought of finding her father was bigger than everything, she had no time to care about other things.

Lu Yaoyao thinks of the master who loves her, the brothers who love her and protect her, and many good friends...

What should she do when she exposes her identity as a demon, and they look at her with suspicion and even hostility

Yao Jiuxiao said solemnly: "Of course, your father will always protect you." He once stood on the righteousness of the race, and he stood firm, but even if he was infinitely close to God, he was still a person.

If there is no cub, he‌I'm afraid he won't know that he's not what the world thinks, and he's selfish, and he'll have selfishness.

The moment he felt the connection of his blood, he knew that he was no longer a respected and aloof Heng Wu Dao Zun, he was just a father.

Lu Yaoyao has a tough soul under her naive appearance, she raised her head to look at Yao Jiuxiao, her eyes were shining brightly, "That's enough, father, don't underestimate me, as long as you and daddy are firm and unswerving. Standing by my side, I'm not afraid of anything!"

In the depths of Lu Yaoyao's heart, she never doubted her father's and daddy's love for her, otherwise she would not have been scrambled by him since she was a child. Only the attitude of her father and daddy can cause the most fatal blow to her. He‌ they have always been the same to her, so what is she afraid of in such a violent storm

Even if she were to come, her current teacher and friends would face her with swords and swords, she would not blame anyone, and no matter how sad she was, she would never fall down, as long as her father and father, whom she trusted and depended on the most, always treated her like one.

The heart-to-heart talk between the father and daughter made Lu Yaoyao's awkward thoughts disappear completely, and the two became more intimate.

Lu Yaoyao thought that his father was not the infinitely deified Heng Wu Dao Zun, and he would also be at a loss as to what to do with his only bloodline, so he decided to repeat.

He ‌would have the worries that any parent in the world would have, not only wishing his child's life to be smooth sailing, but also worrying that a life that was too smooth sailing would cause the child to encounter a little setback and be hit so hard that he could never stand again stand up.

He's also worried that too many temptations will make the children "sex", and he is worried that he has not educated them well...

"Father, between humans and demons, can only you live and die, and can't peaceful coexistence?"

- Junior Brother, is it really impossible for humans and demons to coexist? I was wrong

Time seemed to be reversed, and in the blood and fire, there were endless wailing and wailing, and the question from a thousand years ago sounded again in his ears, and Yao Jiuxiao's eyes wavered a little.

He couldn't answer this question back then, but this time there was a faint answer, and the answer was ready to come out several times.

He‌ closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, his eyes were sharp and firm—

"you are right."

Above the sky, the shape of a person volleyed in the air, as small as a drop in the ocean, but even more scorching than the stars, unable to hide its elegance.

Yao Jiuxiao's tumultuous thoughts calmed down, he hadn't heard the voice of the cub for a long time, and when he looked down, the cub in his hand had already fallen asleep, and his face was flushed.

Yao Jiuxiao's eyes softened instantly. .