Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 150


Li Dazhuang saw that his friends carefully planned for him and wanted to bring him into the inner door. He even considered all the situations he might encounter in the inner door, for fear that he would be bullied after entering the inner door. He was extremely moved.

"It's not good, others will talk about you." For his friend's sake, he should also be for his friend's sake.

"No, you don't take other people's opportunities." Chao Muxue comforted them, and they didn't let Da Zhuang take someone else's place to enter the inner door, but they came in directly because of their relationship, and they didn't hinder others after coming in.

If it was before, they didn't dare to open their mouths. After a month, they got to know each other inside the door, and they would have this confidence.

Even if others knew about them, it was not a lie, and they didn't say that they would directly let people become inner disciples without passing the test.

Wen Zixing: "..." He worked hard to keep his friends away from this "spy", but they were good, but they were too far away to approach.

Wen Zixing shouted: "No! Let him go to my place! Don't rob me of anyone!"

The high-pitched voice made Lu Yaoyao jump, "Just talk when you speak", why are you so loud?" Her ears were almost deafened.

"Whoever robs me is in a hurry!"

Lu Yaoyao looked at Wen Zixing with a red face and tilted her head strangely. She felt that Little Xingxing would not look up to see Da Zhuang, but she felt wrong, seeing how good Little Xingxing was to Da Zhuang.

Chaomuxue said: "I won't rob, but I still need a strong opinion, right?"

They all looked at Li Dazhuang unanimously.

"Dazhuang, think about it, should you go to Muxue's main peak, mine's five peaks, or Xiaoxing's seven peaks?"

Lu Yaoyao said seriously ‌: "You are very good, think that you can successfully start without spiritual roots, who can be as good as you?"

Chaomuxue smiled: "We are friends, shouldn't friends help each other?"

Li Dazhuang scratched his head, "Since that's the case, you can help me make up my mind. It's fine to go anywhere." He smiled, "It must be a good place where you are."

As for where to go, you still need to carefully consider, everyone skips this ladder.

"We've been on the mountain for so long and haven't come down yet, when are we going out to play?"

"There are so many homework, it's full of time, how can I have time to play?"

"Yeah, I can't finish my homework in the middle of the night. I just can't sleep every day."

"… "

Lu Yaoyao's light flashed, "How about we go to the task hall to see if there are any tasks suitable for us, and we can play while we go out?"

The sect mission hall is for all sect disciples. They can exchange for training resources by doing quests. Lu Yaoyao heard the second senior brother mention it, and now he remembered it.

"We've just started training, how can we take on the mission?"

They looked at each other and sighed in unison.

"I still have to go down the mountain in two days." Lu Yaoyao said, "I want to see my brother."

Among them, Chao Muxue, Wen Zixing and Li Dazhuang were all alone and without any reason. Du Qianshan's family was in another city, and the distance was too far to go back often. Lu Yaoyao had a distant brother in Tianyan City.

Lu Yaoyao thought that her purse had more letters than hers, and if she didn't send it, there would be more.

Wen Zixing's eyes flashed instantly: "I want to go too!" Yaoyao said that she also has a house in Tianyan City, and he wants to be a guest!

Wen Zixing rolled his eyes and instigated, "Why don't we skip classes and go out?" Life without skipping classes is not satisfactory. They have been taking basic courses for more than a month, and there are already disciples who have been studying for three days. Started skipping class, and Mr. didn't say anything.

Lu Yaoyao immediately responded happily: "Okay!"

Du Qianshan has no objection. These courses are only assessed once every three years. It’s okay to miss a day or two of classes. It’s fine to make up for them later when you have time.

Chaomuxue hesitated, "Isn't it bad to skip class?"

Lu Yaoyao looked at her, "Then do you want to go out to play?"

Chaomuxue nodded without hesitation.

"Then it's settled!"

Several people discussed the time to skip class and made an appointment to meet. Lu Yaoyao looked up at the sky and said, "It's so late!" She still hasn't done her homework today.

When the others saw it, they couldn't sit still, "That's it for today, we'll talk another day."

"Da Zhuang, you have to get ready!"

"it is good."

They said their goodbyes one after another, and the directions of the peaks were different, and they soon left each other.

Lu Yaoyao hurried to the South Five Peaks, she ran to the nearest teleportation formation, and before she stepped in, she heard a quarrel in the square.

"Sister Yunsi, do we really want to leave?"

"Otherwise, what can I do? Your Excellency is in retreat and sees no guests. It's been twelve days a month, and he still doesn't want to see me. I don't have the face to stay any longer..."

"No, Guiyuan Sect must give you an explanation!"

"Shuang'er, stop talking..."

Lu Yaoyao heard the voice a little familiar, she turned her head to look, oh, it's an old acquaintance. Isn't this the first beauty, Fairy Yunsi and her green leaves

Lu Yaoyao knew that they were coming to Guiyuan Sect to find someone, but she didn't expect that they were still here after so long.

Moreover, this is the rotten peach blossom of my father.

Sang Yunsi and Mo Shuang'er were talking" as they walked towards the teleportation array.

They soon saw Lu Yaoyao standing in front of the teleportation formation.

Mo Shuang'er was stunned for a moment before she recognized her, "It's you!" Her tone was not very good, her eyebrows raised subconsciously, but she just saw that Lu Yaoyao was wearing the clothes of an inner disciple, and the words just came to her mouth&zwnj ; swallowed back.

"Little girl, we are really destined."

In contrast, Sang Yunsi's attitude was much better.

At this time, Sang Yunsi didn't have Dai Muli, and his face was extremely lustrous.

Lu Yaoyao thought to herself, she deserves to be the number one beauty, seeing this face, the surroundings are much brighter.

Facing such a pleasing face, Lu Yaoyao's attitude is also very good, "I didn't expect to see beautiful sister here."

Sang Yunsi still has a cold temperament, and there is a faint feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Lu Yaoyao greeted each other beautifully, and when she saw the teleportation formation start to activate, she said, "I'm leaving."

Sang Yunsi and Mo Shuang'er also approached, "We are going to Nanwufeng too."

Lu Yaoyao responded, she didn't say anything, the three of them stepped into the teleportation formation together.

The next moment they appeared on the teleportation formation of Nanwufeng.

Lu Yaoyao looked at Sang Yunsi and Mo Shuang'er and wondered what they were doing here.

Countless unfinished work ‌ work and curiosity seesaw on both sides, and curiosity wins without suspense.

Lu Yaoyao raised a smile, "Is my sister here to look for Shizun? I'll take you there."
