Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 174


The morning light was refracted from the clouds, the sky was clear, and the breeze was blowing the hem of the crowd.

In a quiet square, a white dumpling made his way across the crowd with difficulty.

More and more cultivators noticed the movement, they unconsciously gave way, and their eyes moved with the movement of a small group.

As Lu Yaoyao walked, the road became wider and wider. She raised her head, and a road was separated in front of her. There were countless gazes on both sides, and her eyes were uncertain.

Lu Yaoyao raised her head and raised her chest, this is just a small scene, don't panic.

She walked up to the steps and walked up without hesitation.

On the top of the steps, her father was standing, and looking at her, her cold brows were soft.

Lu Yaoyao showed a sweet smile at first, and then took a serious step. The attention of the people around her did not affect her, and Lu Yaoyao had only one thought in her heart, that is to walk up to her father's side in an upright manner.

Her chubby face was flushed with excitement, and Lu Yaoyao thought that her father didn't announce her existence on purpose, and everything went with the flow. She also lost that she couldn't send her master as a disciple and grandson.

Unexpectedly, he called her up.

Lu Yaoyao is naturally fearless, she even has a sense of relief that she no longer has to hide from her masters, brothers and friends.

She knew that her father had called her up in public and had already decided to reveal her identity.

Her father didn't say it explicitly, but she vaguely sensed that her father didn't want to let too many people know of her existence for some reason.

At first Lu Yaoyao felt wronged, but after thinking about it, she "touched" her father's thoughts again.

The realm of self-cultivation is different from the realm of demons, and his father's "nature" is also completely different from his father's, and the way of doing things is also very different.

My father always felt that she was spoiled by her father, always wanted to train her, always worried that she would be left "sex", and felt that she should be made to suffer more, but in fact, the person who was most worried about her bad luck was Father.

Knowing that once the Three Realms know that Heng Wu Dao Zun has a child, he is destined to be spied on by all-pervasive eyes.

Not everyone expects her to grow up. Once she appears in front of others, she is destined to be a bright target.

So my father always thought that at least he has the power to protect himself, so that even if he goes out to experience, he can rest assured.

And Daddy's "sex" is arrogant, and in the demon world, he is one of the best, and the demons are afraid of it. If anyone dares to hit Lu Yaoyao, then life is better than death.

What's more, her father gave her a demon army that was completely under her orders, and no demon dared to attack her...

After they communicated, Lu Yaoyao didn't care anymore.

No matter what, father and daddy love her very much, and that's enough.

Although her father changed his mind for some reason, she was the daughter of Heng Wu Dao Zun, and she was fearless.

The cultivators looked suspicious, and those who knew Lu Yaoyao were even more confused. Isn't this Master Mo's little apprentice? Why did you ask her to go up? Could it be some hidden identity?

On the other hand, the expatriate sect cultivator was secretly looking at it. What is so special about this little girl that makes the Honorable Master take it so seriously? Could it be that she wants to be accepted as a direct disciple? Considering his clothes and position, he was already a direct disciple of a certain person.

Sang Yunsi, who was still in a state of despair, was called to the honor by a little girl of four or five years old, her eyes were radiant again, not a partner, just a little girl, just a junior!

Others who were close to Lu Yaoyao were even more puzzled, and they never knew what the relationship between Yaoyao and Zun Shang had. They seem familiar.

The impact on Zixing is also not small. Do you know your friend and the legendary honorable person? There seems to be no mention of such a person in the plot.

Zixing, whose cognition was swept away by the ongoing festival that was not mentioned in the book at all, was crumbling with a more broken plot.

Compared to the monks who couldn't even think of their relationship, Lu Chongyun was the quickest to react.

As far as he knew, he was the only one who knew that his brother had a daughter, and he quickly thought of it, this is the brother's daughter, the eldest niece?


Didn't you say that the eldest niece was eighteen years old? So small? Lu Chongyun's five points of "confusion" were answered after looking back and forth carefully.

No wonder I have always thought that this little girl has a good face, and I feel affectionate and affectionate when I see it. This small appearance is like a mold printed by my brother. This is my brother's daughter!

The next moment, everyone's "confusion" was answered.

Lu Yaoyao walked to Yao Jiuxiao's side firmly step by step, then stood beside him, put her small hand into Yao Jiuxiao's big palm, and shouted loudly, "Father!"


They only felt a burst of tinnitus, and they were stunned by these two words.

We can't guess, this is the child of Zunshang? When did you have a child? How is it possible? We just believe that Sect Master Lu found a Taoist companion and gave birth to a child, and they don't believe it is your honor!

Nope maybe adopted haha...ha...

However, they looked up at the big and small standing side by side, and their good eyesight allowed them to see that the two looked so similar that no one would believe that they were not related!

So, how did Zun Shang bypass the Dao Companion and have a child directly? And, who is the one who gave birth to a child with Zun-sama! ! !

Yao Jiuxiao, no matter how many people shattered the three views in this scene, returned to hold Lu Yaoyao's little hand, and heard her call in response, as if it was not exciting enough, he said lightly, "This is my daughter, Lu Yaoyao. Yaoyao."

Falling from heaven to hell, nothing more than that, the light that Sang Yunsi had just ignited went out, her breathing was rapid, her eyes were red, and she stared at Lu Yaoyao, unable to believe it.

how is this possible? How could Zun Shang have a daughter? how is this possible? ?

Stimulated by the ups and downs, Sang Yunsi couldn't bear it any longer, and rolled his eyes.

"Junior Sister Yunsi!"

"Junior Sister Yunsi!"

The nearest sect senior brother reacted quickly and hugged Sang Yunsi in time to prevent her from falling to the ground.

They were concerned about Sang Yunsi, knowing that this incident had hit her hard, but they didn't even know how to comfort her.

The Sect Master of the Biyun Sect frowned, and the unconscious disciple suddenly wondered if he had done something wrong. If he hadn't been encouraging her, she would not have fallen into it step by step.

"Take it down and let her have a good rest." I hope she can be broken, otherwise people will be useless.

Sang Yunsi, who was sent away in a coma in both directions, showed sympathy in Xiao Shu's eyes. He already had a child, and Senior Sister had no chance.

For her poor sake, she wouldn't speak rude words.

Lu Yaoyao raised her head and raised her chest, the movement in the square was a bit loud, she couldn't help but look down.

It seemed that some people couldn't stand the stimulation and fainted, but Lu Yaoyao couldn't see who it was.

Without waiting for her more eyes, Yao Jiuxiao led her around and walked away.

The peak masters who were so close to us admired their incomparable respect, and their calm and calm attitude has always lost a bit. No matter how hard the wind and rain were, our minds were stiffened by the shock.

We guessed that the venerable and the sect master might want to do something with the big elder's sacrifice, but neither of them admitted that they did not dare to act rashly.

Their expressions were numb due to excessive shock.

Your Excellency, you said such a big deal so lightly and unexpectedly, have you considered our fragile hearts?

Lu Yaoyao was led by Yao Jiuxiao to the front. She seemed to be watching, but she couldn't help but glance at someone she knew from the corner of her eye.

Master, Brother Jun Yang, Mu Xue...

All of them were still immersed in shock for a long time and did not return to their senses, but just stared blankly.

The auspicious time of the big sacrifice has come, Yao Jiuxiao did not hear the singing, and frowned at the sacrifice to the side.

The sacrifice was swept away by the cold, and instantly a jolted spirit woke up, "The big sacrifice begins!" The invisible ripples spread out, and the calm voice resounded throughout the Guiyuan Sect.

Yao Jiuxiao took Lu Yaoyao to the first kowtow, and then she followed Yao Jiuxiao.

This kind of big sacrifice is equivalent to a mortal funeral. Lu Yaoyao participated for the first time, with Lu Junyang beside her, and there was no mistake in the whole process.

The festival will last for a whole day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The whole process is quiet and solemn. It will not be over until the coffin of the master is sent to the forbidden ground. Everyone is in a trance all day. The matter of having children is digested in your honor.

The forbidden area of ​​Guiyuanzong is also the burial place of the people of the sect. You cannot enter unless permitted. In the end, only Yao Jiuxiao and his daughter, Lu Chongyun and Lu Junyang, even Chaomuxue could not enter.

There used to be Lu Yuandao's tomb in the forbidden area, but this time it was reburied.

Yao Jiuxiao and Lu Chongyun walked ahead, and Lu Junyang led Lu Yaoyao a few steps behind.

Lu Yaoyao looked at the backs of the two of them, worried in her heart, and had no time to pay attention to what the forbidden area looked like.

She was worried that her father was too sad.

Yao Jiuxiao's expression remained the same all day, and Lu Chongyun was no longer sad.

The most difficult and sad times have long passed, and the sadness has long since settled, not to mention that the monks look down on life and death, but they will only feel a little disappointed.

"Brother Jun Yang, do you think people have an afterlife?" Lu Yaoyao has never heard of reincarnation in this world. Occasionally, there are monks who are reborn. Most of them use special means. Where is the place of return?

"The monk falls, the soul is scattered in the world, the world is reborn, and the reincarnation is reborn."

"But what's the difference between the soul dispersing the world and the soul disappearing?" It's also dissipating.

Lu Junyang: "..." This is a wrong question, and I haven't thought about it. Lu Junyang pondered for a moment, "The soul will naturally dissipate and have a chance to be reborn, but if the soul is destroyed, there will be no such opportunity."

Lu Yaoyao nodded, "Why is there no reincarnation here?" It would be great if there was an underworld, and if a monk's spirit was strong and not disturbed by external forces, it would not dissipate immediately after falling. Will be reincarnated soon.

Lu Junyang touched the top of Lu Yaoyao's head, wondering what kind of reincarnation Yaoyao was talking about.

Head Yao Jiuxiao and Lu Chongyun stood on the tombstone.

Lu Chongyun said coldly, "You are now a person with children, are you still doing your best? Aren't you afraid of hurting your children in the end?"

"The grievances and grievances between the three realms cannot end in killing."

If it could be stopped by killing, this situation would have ended long ago. Thousands of years of war are enough to prove that this road is not feasible, and if we continue to walk, we can only lead to destruction together.

Only by finding a new way can we survive in a desperate situation.

Lu Chongyun's hand clenched instantly, and said solemnly, "None of the demons can be trusted."

"For them, the human race is also untrustworthy."

"If that's the case, what about peace?"

"The demon clan has a demon venerable, and the human clan has me. Although the demon clan has only four demon kings left, there is a demon emperor, three clans of human, demon, and demon. The people with the same cultivation level and ability are almost equal, and if there is a war, we can only lose both. "

Lu Chongyun didn't know that, to put it bluntly, the human race is not so powerful that it can annihilate the demons and demons in one fell swoop. Even if there is Yao Hengwu, the demons have a demon lord Chi Jialuo, which can make them dare not act rashly. Even if the demons don't have a great period, The combination of several demon kings can also trap Yao Hengwu.

"It has been peaceful for more than 300 years now, isn't it enough to continue like this?" Lu Chongyun snorted coldly, why bother.

Yao Jiuxiao didn't speak, everyone knew that the peace in front of him was nothing but a mirror, an appearance that could be pierced with a single poke, and what he wanted was real peace.

"I won't help you." Lu Chongyun waved his sleeves, "Do it yourself."

Lu Yaoyao and Lu Junyang were standing not far away, obviously not too far apart, but she couldn't hear what her father and the sect master were talking about, she could only feel that the conversation seemed unpleasant, and it didn't take long for the sect master to turn around in anger and stride. Come towards them.

Lu Chongyun went to Nuo Nuo's little dumpling, his anger evaporated instantly, and his face full of anger instantly burst into a flower.

"Big niece!" His heart pounded with excitement, "I'm your uncle."

Lu Yaoyao glanced at his father, and then shouted obediently, "Uncle Shi."

"Ai!" Lu Chongyun smiled until his eyes narrowed.

This eldest niece is really lovable, with a round head and a round head, full of aura, this little voice with a "milk" voice and a "milk" voice is so sweet that her heart melts. I don't know how many times more pleasing than that cold and hard father, the child must have followed her mother.

Lu Chongyun was extremely kind, "My eldest niece will follow me back to the main peak, and my uncle will accompany you to talk to you."

Lu Yaoyao subconsciously turned to Yao Jiuxiao, but did not stop it.

Lu Junyang led Lu Yaoyao away, "Yaoyao goes back to the main peak to play."

The kindness was difficult to accept, and Lu Yaoyao nodded, "Troublesome uncle and brother Jun Yang."

Lu Chongyun smiled even more happily, what a well-behaved, cute and polite child!

In addition to being happy, Lu Chongyun also had opinions on his senior brother.

The eldest niece had returned to the sect long ago, and she was still hiding it, so that the eldest niece could not even recognize it under his nose. Lu Chongyun was stunned. If he had known, why would Mo Liuying take advantage of it? Accept her as a little apprentice.

It's also his fault that he didn't recognize it early. If you look carefully, his eyebrows and eyes are at least like a senior brother's, but fortunately, his personality doesn't match. I never thought that such an unpleasant senior brother could give birth to such a pleasant child.

By the way, what is the name of the eldest niece, Lu Yaoyao? Your surname is Lu?

Lu Chongyun was overjoyed, this surname is good, it sounds like a family, although I don't know why my brother didn't let the eldest niece take the surname, but since the surname is Lu, there is no need to change it, what a nice surname!

Lu Yaoyao was coaxed back to the main peak, and the sects were doing better at this time. Lu Chongyun took Lu Yaoyao around for a few laps, even forgetting the two apprentices, he introduced him to everyone, this was his eldest niece. Lu Yaoyao acted as the mascot the whole time, smiling until her chubby face was stiff.

She received the welcome gift with a soft hand.

It is not a light ceremony for the great figures of various sects to take action, and even Lu Yaoyao couldn't help but marvel at how knowledgeable she was.

Her small purse was more than half full in an instant.

This is more than that. After showing off, Lu Chongyun took Lu Yaoyao to the private storehouse. All kinds of magic tools and spiritual materials were eye-catching. With a big wave of his hand, he instantly filled the other half of the small purse. Keep plugging.

The small purse is a storage bag with limited space, but compared to most storage bags, it has a lot of space. Lu Yaoyao has never filled a small purse. Lu Chongyun also thinks that this storage bag is too small and wants to give it to Lu Yao. Yao changed, she quickly refused.

This is a small purse given to her by her father and cannot be changed.

Lu Yaoyao had a hard time rejecting the generous gift of her uncle's small purse, which she didn't want to exchange, and finally found an opportunity to escape.

Her chubby hand wiped the sweat on her forehead and patted her chest with lingering fears.

Uncle Shi's love is too deep, she can't bear it.

"Pfft!" For Lu Junyang, who was repeatedly instructed to personally send Lu Yaoyao back to the South Five Peaks, he couldn't help laughing at Lu Yaoyao's embarrassed posture.

Lu Yaoyao couldn't help stomping her foot: "Brother Jun Yang is not allowed to make fun of me."

Lu Junyang's brows were dyed with a smile, and he "touched" and "touched" Lu Yaoyao's head, "Big brother didn't make fun of you, but big brother envy you, how popular you are." As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing again.

Lu Yaoyao: "..." Brother Jun Yang was clearly making fun of himself, don't think she didn't see it.

Thinking of the journey that Lu Yaoyao had been watching like a monkey after she came out of the forbidden area, she couldn't help but feel a lingering fear in her heart.

Lu Junyang hurriedly followed the "hair" and said warmly, "I didn't expect that we are still brothers and sisters of the same bloodline. My brother is very happy."

Lu Junyang was as surprised as everyone else at first. He didn't expect Yaoyao to be Zunshang's child at all, but he accepted it well.

I liked this little sister very much, but because she was taken over by Nanwufeng, it was a pity that this little sister could not become his younger sister.

Of course, he was also very happy that Mu Xue made the little sister, but he still wanted this little sister, and now it is a wish in disguise.

His master and Yaoyao's father are senior brothers and sisters.

Lu Yaoyao's "hairs" were instantly soothed, and she couldn't help but smile, "I'm also very happy." She and Jun Yang are even closer!

"How about going back to the main peak and staying for a while?"

After Shizun knew that Yaoyao was his eldest niece, he had already tried to pull Yaoyao back to the main peak. Lu Junyang was very happy to hear it.

Lu Yaoyao waved her hands quickly, "No, no, I'll find you to play when I have time." Her masters and senior brothers are definitely not happy, not to mention that she also has a residence in Dongjiufeng, and there are three residences in one sect where she lives. But come.

Lu Junyang raised the corners of his lips, "I was thinking that if you want, I'll make a yard for you next to Mu Xue's yard, so that you can have company."

Lu Junyang knew that Yaoyao and Mu Xue were good friends and often played together.

Lu Yaoyao was a little moved by what Lu Junyang said.

This side of Nanwufeng is a single-family building, which is quite a distance from the place of the senior brothers, and it is not convenient for boys to walk through the door at will, not to mention Dongjiufeng, there are not many people in the huge peak, and she is alone. One of them would be much more lively if he lived next to Mu Xue.

But after thinking about it, Lu Yaoyao still reluctantly gave up, as she said, she has enough places to live, so there is no need for another one. Although the major peaks are far away, it is quite convenient to have a teleportation array, and you can go back and forth several times a day.

Seeing that Lu Yaoyao insisted, Lu Junyang stopped reluctantly. I thought to myself that I could clean it up first, in case one day I suddenly want to stop.

"Brother Jun Yang, I'm here, you go back to work first."

Although the big festival is over, there is still a lot to do in the future. Brother Jun Yang has been too busy to send her back.

Lu Junyang refused and insisted on taking Lu Yaoyao to the door of the small building.

Lu Yaoyao couldn't help but agree.

There are several peaks in the Nanwufeng site. Lu Yaoyao's small building is halfway up the mountain with the largest peak, and it takes some distance to walk.

Lu Yaoyao and Lu Junyang chatted all the way, but they didn't think it was long. When they walked on the path that led to the small building, Lu Yaoyao looked up and saw someone standing in front of the small building from a distance.

Lu Yaoyao's eyes lit up and she ran over happily.

"Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother..." Lu Yaoyao called out one by one.

Ziwen several brothers and sisters to the little sister who was still alive and scrambling, calmed down with her heart raised high.

Zi Wen stepped up and picked up Lu Yaoyao.

The three Ziwen followed up.

When Lu Junyang saw several of Lu Yaoyao's senior brothers, he also came up.

"Senior brother." Ziwang people greeted Lu Junyang in succession, Ziwen walked two steps back behind Ziwen and almost hid Lu Yaoyao.

As a senior brother, I always feel that someone wants to snatch a younger junior sister from you, not even a senior senior brother whom they respect.

Lu Junyang didn't seem to notice their defenses, there was a gentle smile on his lips, and he nodded slightly to say hello.

"Yaoyao will ask you to take care of her."

! ! ! Really want to snatch their little sister!

Ziwen raised a polite smile, "Senior brother is serious, it is our brother's responsibility to take care of our little sister."

Lu Junyang nodded with a smile, "If that's the case, then I'll go back first."

"Senior brother, walk slowly."

Lu Yaoyao tried her best to say goodbye to brother Jun Yang, but as soon as she raised her head, she was pressed down by the quilt, and she was pressed down as soon as she came out. As a result, brother Jun Yang disappeared without a trace, and Lu Yaoyao didn't even look at him. .

Lu Yaoyao puffed up involuntarily, "Second Senior Brother, why do you keep pressing my head?"

"I don't have it now." Zi Wen withdrew his hand and looked innocent.

Lu Yaoyao widened her eyes.

"Okay, Master is waiting for us." Ziwen naturally took Lu Yaoyao over and hugged him away.

So they went to the master's residence.

Before Lu Yaoyao entered the small building, she was carried by the brothers and brought to the master.

Lu Yaoyao just stood on the ground, and when she looked up, she saw the master in front of him sitting with a stern face, with two standing brothers on each side.

Excuse, three trials!

Lu Yaoyao ran up immediately, hugged Master's calf, raised her face and said pitifully, "Master, listen to my explanation!"

Mo Liuying's serious expression was almost unbearable, and she tried her best to straighten her face, "Speak well, don't act like a spoiled child."

The most beloved little disciple hides such a big one, how can he be angry enough... How can he maintain his majesty as a master in a single stick of incense?

Lu Yaoyao cried out pitifully, but she was not willing to let go of her master, so she explained: "I didn't know the identity of my father at first, I accidentally got lost with my father, and I kept looking for my father, Some clues speculated that my father might be from the Guiyuan Sect, so I came all the way to participate in the introductory trial..."

Lu Yaoyao described her journey of trying to find her father very sad, and finally said aggrieved: "Father saw me as early as the sect's trial, but he didn't come to recognize me, it was me. I found a chance to find him in front of him, only to confirm that it was my father."

Mo Liuyinghe's disciple: "..."

Listen, why is your honor so unreliable? How old is this child? If the child is lost, he will not look for it. If the child is not smart and does not come to the door, will the child be gone?

We don't believe that the omnipotent Zun Shang can't even find a child, the Zun Shang must have done it on purpose!

Zun is so ruthless and unreasonable to make trouble, this is still a child, it is so strict, it is too inhuman!

How could Mo Liuying be willing to be angry, her little apprentice is really pitiful and wronged.