Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 180


Lu Yaoyao decided to go to practice with her friends, but she was not hindered by any accident. As soon as she mentioned it to her master, she agreed directly, only instructing her to be careful and safety first, and then give her a bunch of pills. , and let her go back to prepare.

Not long after, the brothers came over after hearing the news, passed on some experience to Lu Yaoyao, and gave a bunch of spiritual stone pills before leaving. Fluttered, left a pile of pills for Lu Yaoyao and then fluttered away.

Then came Uncle Lu and brother Jun Yang... This made Lu Yaoyao's wealthy family even richer.

Lu Yaoyao went to the sect mission lobby at the appointed time to gather with her friends.

When she arrived at the entrance of the lobby, Chao Muxue and Du Qianshan were already standing on one side and waiting. They saw Lu Yaoyao stop talking and waved at Lu Yaoyao with a smile: "Yaoyao, here!"

Lu Yaoyao also ran over quickly: "Mu Xue, Qianshan!"


Chaomuxue smiled and said, "We're here too."

After a few conversations, Wen Zixing arrived. The others were far from being there, and a lively and lively voice came one step ahead, "I'm coming too!"

Wen Zixing made a flirting gesture when he arrived at Lu Yaoyao's face, "Isn't the handsome guy late?"

Lu Yaoyao said seriously, "Yawn one time later."

Wen Zixing couldn't believe it, "No, I calculated the time right." He calculated the time to shine at the last moment.

Chaomuxue and Du Qianshan were too happy.

Years have left more or less traces on the Chaomu Snowman. Du Qianshan, who was still young in his youth, has grown into a handsome young man now, and his temperament has also undergone great changes. Of course, the biggest change is Wen Zixing, and the only thing that has not changed is Lu Yaoyao.

Chaomuxue said, "Yaoyao, don't tease Zixing, let's go in quickly." There were people coming and going at the entrance of the lobby, and many people had already noticed this, and their eyes were looking over.

The four stopped talking, and they entered the mission lobby together.

The mission lobby is a square and square space with a huge hall. They went inside and faced the gate. The whole wall was glowing with white light that was not dazzling, and the top was covered with all the missions that could be accepted from the sect.

Lu Yaoyao and others stood at the ancient wooden long table.

She was about to see what task she had, but as soon as she stood on her head, her vision was blocked, and her small body was not as tall as a long table.

After Lu Yaoyao convinced her relatives and friends to believe her real age, she would not let anyone hug her.

When they didn't know or exactly didn't believe her real age and thought she was just a human cub of four or five years old, she still had the cheek to be a cub.

Now everyone knows her real age, so every time someone wants to hug her, Lu Yaoyao refuses righteously... Except for her father and daddy, among them she is still a little cub.

Of course, special circumstances are handled specially, and when someone needs help, he is still willing to be a cub.

Therefore, when Chaomuxue saw Lu Yaoyao jumping and wanted to look at the mission wall and picked her up, Lu Yaoyao did not refuse.

She cast her eyes on the wall of light, and she was dazzled for a while.

There are many types of tasks in the task lobby, and the degree of simplicity is also very different. You will get corresponding rewards depending on the difficulty of completing the task.

The content of the tasks hung in the lobby is divided into Zongmen releases. Among them, there is a city in the cultivation world who has something to ask the Zongmen for help, or there is an abnormality in a certain place, which needs to be solved by the Zongmen disciples. This type of mission takes a long time and is also troublesome, so it is generally the disciple who encounters a bottleneck in cultivation to take the mission and travel.

Relatively speaking, it is relatively simple for a sect disciple to issue a task. Generally, they need certain items, or do a favor.

For example, Nanwufeng needs some special spiritual materials, and they need to go to a specific place to find them, and the sect's inventory is not enough, so they will issue a quest to the quest lobby. They only need to provide pills or spiritual stones as rewards.

The task wall tasks are sorted from left to right according to their ease of use. The more difficult they are, the more they are to the right. Therefore, the number of disciples who stand on the platform from the left to the middle is the most.

The four Lu Yaoyao were curious about the tasks above, and looked all the way from left to right.

She also saw that Nan Wufeng announced the long-term task of acquiring spiritual materials, which Lu Yaoyao was quite understanding.

Nanwufeng's affairs are usually handled by the second senior brother, and Lu Yaoyao had seen it when he was with the second senior brother.

Basic pills, such as Dahuan Pill and Xiyuan Pill, are the best-selling pills that are effective and quick to heal. They are all necessary pills for monks. These pills need long-term demand for medicinal materials. There are so many that even the spiritual materials provided by the sect are not enough, so when the outer monks see these "medicine" materials, they will collect them and exchange them with Nanwufeng.

Of course, these spiritual materials are relatively common, and the price is not high, but if you pick rare spiritual materials, the value is high.

These tasks are divided into long-term tasks and one-time "sexual" tasks. No matter how many people take the long-term task, it will always hang on it, unless the task person does not need to withdraw.

Once a "sex" task is accepted by a disciple, it will be removed from the task wall until the reward is settled, or it will be re-attached.

Lu Yaoyao and Chaomu Snowman were staring at the mission wall.

"The above said that you want to jump the beast's minions and complete skin. Is this task difficult?"

Du Qianshan said: "Of course, don't look at the name Leaping Beast, but it is one of the most difficult spirit beasts to deal with in the cultivation world. It has high bouncing power, and a single jump is enough to make the earth split hundreds of miles in a radius, even if it is Yuanyuan. When a baby is big, its internal organs will also be shattered, hence the name."

"The jumping beast's claws are extremely sturdy and sharp, and the skin's "hair" has excellent defense and can't be easily penetrated. It can create the most top-level fairy weapon.

Moreover, the number of jumping beasts is very small. There are only two immortal artifacts in the world made of the skin of jumping beasts' minions, and there are not even sects.

Lu Yaoyao was amazed.

"It's extremely difficult to deal with jumping beasts when you are young, and when you are younger, the brothers in private say that this task can only be completed by Zunshang."

"and this… "

"We should pick up the quest." Wen Zixing swept a few quests at the hell level, and he couldn't help but say to his friends after listening to the enthusiasm of the friends.

What gave them the courage to ask for the most difficult tasks? Wake up, they are still rookies who have never had a mission.

"If you don't go to the mission, you will be picked up." Wen Zixing brought it up to the spot. He liked several missions, and just saw that two of them were no longer on it.

Lu Yaoyao had no choice but to give up, and went back to the easiest task wall with Wen Zixing.

Wen Zixing pointed to several of the tasks and said, "This one requires ten bamboo shoots of wind and thunder, and ten middle-grade spirit stones for the reward."

In fact, the pay is low. Fengleizhu needs to go to the Fenglei Mountain Forest to find it. It is full of thunder and lightning and strong winds. If you find Fengleizhu, you may not necessarily dig bamboo shoots.

Anyone who enters is not without electricity, but Wen Zixing has a lightning protection talisman, so this task can be considered.

"And this, capture the spirit mink."

"West of Tianyan City..."

Wen Zixing pointed him to a few tasks to show them. Although the rewards are not high, they are all simple tasks, not far from the sect. They are most suitable for those who are taking tasks for the first time and are inconvenient for those who are far away.

Lu Yaoyao actually wanted to take on a more difficult task, but she swept a circle around, it was a bit difficult task, and it was far away from the sect, so Wen Zixing was indeed the most suitable.

Lu Yaoyao thought about it, "Why don't we take all this quest? Let's practice first, and then take on other quests after the sect competition is over."

It is the beginning of February now, and the Zongmen Dabi is from May 1st to May 15th. They expect to spend a month to do the task, and the rest of the time needs to be prepared for the Dabi.

The Zongmen Grand Competition is not only a ring competition, but also a cultural course. They have last year's class, and it's time for acceptance!

Du Qianshan agreed: "I think it's fine."

Chaomuxue said: "October this year is another introductory trial of the sect, and there is plenty of time in between, we can just come back at that time."

The first time they participated in the introductory test is as if it was just yesterday, and a new batch of disciples entered the door immediately.

"Then we will all take it." Wen Zixing said, so they said to the disciple standing behind the table: "Hello, senior, we want to take over these tasks."

Behind the table stood a sect disciple, the senior sister in charge of registration smiled and said, "Okay, are you a fixed team?"


The task person can be a single person or a team, and the team is divided into a temporary team and a fixed team.

Fixed teams need to be filed in the lobby in case of disputes within the team, but temporary teams and single players do not.

The senior sister took them off and selected a task, recorded it with the disciple's name tag, and then handed the task card to them.

She reminded them: "These tasks have a time limit."

That senior sister had noticed this group of people for a long time, and looked at Lu Yaoyao for a long time.

It can be said that among the younger generation of disciples, Lu Yaoyao is the most watched group.

That Senior Sister took some information, leaned over and said to Lu Yaoyao, "Junior Sister Yaoyao, this is some information related to these tasks, which will be helpful for the task."

Having come down from Chao Muxue's arms, Lu Yaoyao raised her hand to take it, raised her head and smiled sweetly, "Thank you, Senior Sister."

After receiving the mission, they did not leave immediately.

Lu Yaoyao's gaze turned to the left and right, the long table turned and extended on both sides, and two disciples were standing on each side.

Lu Yaoyao suddenly thought that she and her brother Yuanyuan still needed a lot of Xingchensha, and she could also have a long-term mission.

After all, one person's strength is limited, and she can gather the strength of everyone. Why didn't she think of it here? Fortunately it's not too late.

So Lu Yaoyao ran to the table on the right, "Senior brother, I want a task, what is the process?"

"Junior Sister Yaoyao."

The senior brother also leaned over to probe and smiled brightly, "Come in with me."

The task wall does not display the name of the person who is tasked, but uses the sect as an intermediary, and they will charge a certain percentage of the handling fee.

Of course, if people don't mind letting people know that they can speak out on their own, the disciples in the mission hall won't give away half a point.

The senior brother opened the table door to let Lu Yaoyao in, then Wen Zixing subconsciously tried to follow, but was stopped. Only come in alone, unless the task is posted by several people together.

Lu Yaoyao waved to them, told them to wait for her, and followed the senior brother into a room, which was unremarkable, with only a middle-aged cultivator sitting at a desk.

"Uncle, this junior sister Yaoyao wants to issue a mission."

Lu Yaoyao also called out to Shishu. The monk put down his pen when he saw the two of them.

Senior brother sent people to leave soon. Lu Yaoyao walked over and quickly climbed into the passenger chair. Since she was not high enough to sit down, she took a handkerchief and put it under her feet, stood on the chair, and bent her knees slightly, "Uncle, I want a mission."

The cultivator obviously knew Lu Yaoyao as well, and he said warmly, "What mission do you want?"

"I want Xingchensha!"

The monk looked confused, "What is Xingchensha?"

Lu Yaoyao didn't hide it, and told the information she knew: "Xingchensha, legend has it that it can repair the world, and it can also be used to forge artifacts. It was born in the Chaos Sea, and it is the colorful spiritual sand..."

Lu Yaoyao described the Xingchen sand mold, "My father once gave me a box, but not now..."

Lu Yaoyao was vague and didn't say why, the cultivator naturally thought she was trying to find something.

After listening to Lu Yaoyao's words, he knew that this was an extremely rare spiritual material, rare in the world, and he had never heard of it before, "This task is not easy!"

Lu Yaoyao also knew that this matter was extremely difficult, even if her father and her asked the Trust Demon Army to look for it for a long time, there was no news yet.

"The quest level is the most difficult to define, the reward..." Lu Yaoyao hesitated, thinking that he had just seen that the Jumping Beast quest was 100,000 top-grade spirit stones, and said, "Then let's go with 200,000 top-grade spirit stones."

The monk took a deep breath. A piece of high-grade spirit stone was worth two hundred thousand, enough to feed an entire medium-sized sect.

"Yaoyao, are you sure you're right?"

Lu Yaoyao nodded firmly, "Sure." The most important thing she didn't lack was Lingshi, and no matter how bad it was, she still had a father.

In her hands, Xingchensha is more valuable than 200,000 spirit stones.

After the monk was shocked, he said, "Then I will register you."

"it is good."

Lu Yaoyao discussed some details with his uncle, paid the deposit, and then went to the house.

Wen Zixing waited outside for two incense sticks when he saw Lu Yaoyao coming from inside.

"Yaoyao, are you done?"

Lu Yaoyao nodded, she looked around, "Let's talk."

So the four were in the mission lobby, and Lu Yaoyao briefly told them about the mission he released.

"200,000!" Everyone gasped.

"You have to keep it a secret from me." She didn't want to let outsiders know that this task was released by her.

"We certainly don't say it!" Man assured.

Wen Zixing said, "Don't worry, we will also help you find Xingchensha."

"Yes." Chao Muxue nodded, "Anyway, we will go to practice in the future, let's find it together."

Lu Yaoyao moved, and she gave a heavy hum.

Wen Zixing suddenly remembered, "Are our team going to have a name? It will be louder in the future?"

Du Qianshan's eyes lit up, "This is possible."

But what's the name? The four looked at each other.
