Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 182


Chaomuxue was not frightened by the condition of the bamboo forest, but was taken aback by Wen Zixing's voice.

Lu Yaoyao raised her head and saw Wen Zixing dancing with her eyes closed, "What's your name, Xingxing?"

Countless lightning strikes, without any discomfort, Wen Zixing just reacted, opened his eyes, and patted his chest, "Isn't this the first time I've encountered this kind of situation, wait a few times to get used to it."

Wen Zixing bowed his head and saw that when the lightning struck, Zhou seemed to be surrounded by an invisible circle, and the lightning disappeared after the lightning struck.

This lightning talisman works really well.

The group continued to walk forward.

There is no absolute path in the bamboo forest. Bamboos are rooted randomly on the ground, and they drill directly into the wider gap.

"It is recorded in the Lingjian that bamboo shoots are produced in the underground of bamboo forests. We can only find out if we dig a little."

"It is reported that bamboo shoots are scarce and have no regular growth pattern. If you are lucky, you can find one or two bamboo shoots in hundreds of places."

Wen Zixing suddenly slapped his forehead, "We are not fully prepared, we lack tools for digging soil!"

Oh yes!

Everyone remembered this.

Lu Yaoyao raised the small sword in his hand, "Use this to dig?"

Chaomuxue: "That's the only way."

Most of the dangers of wind and thunder bamboo forests are mostly from wind and thunder, and their dangers are not common.

Lu Yaoyao and the others looked down at the ground and could not see the bamboo shoots buried under the bamboos.

We have been walking for a long time at this time, the deeper the depth, the thicker and denser the thunder and lightning.

Chaomuxue said: "Why don't we look for it separately, maybe we will find it sooner?"

Lu Yaoyao nodded, she thought for a while, "Let's go separately, Xingxing has the lowest cultivation level among the four of us, I'm with Xingxing, how about Muxue and Qianshan together?"

Du Qianshan felt that such an arrangement was the best, so he nodded.

Chaomuxue also agreed. So the two of them went to the left, while Lu Yaoyao and Wen Zixing went to the right.

Wen Zixing said, "We're going around blindly like this, we won't be able to find it all the time, right?"

Wen Zixing saw some soft soil, and dug it with his sword in the past. He dug a deep hole without seeing the shadow of bamboo shoots, and buried the soil back.

"Let's be patient."

If this was easy to do, it would have been picked up by others.

Wen Zixing saw some bulges on the ground in front of the left with sharp eyes, ran over quickly, and said happily: "I can guarantee, it's definitely inside!"

Lu Yaoyao went over to take a look and helped to dig it out, but there was still no sign of bamboo shoots. She helped Wen Zixing to dig two more places, but the result was the same.

"You dig slowly first, I'll look around here."

Wen Zixing responded, his eyes wandering in the bamboo forest, but he couldn't find one.

Lu Yaoyao walked aside at will, but she didn't go far, Wen Zixing shouted and she could hear her running over immediately.

Two people digging separately should be more efficient than two people working together.

Lu Yaoyao thought, this bamboo shoot is hard to find, how long will it take to find a hundred bamboo shoots

Look for bamboo shoots, find a good bamboo... Huh

Lu Yaoyao stabbed the small sword into the soil and hit a hard object, Lu Yaoyao hurriedly opened it, "exposing" the true content of the inside.

I saw a chubby bamboo shoot of the same dark color standing in the gray-brown soil.

Lu Yaoyao was immediately excited, "Xingxing, hurry up, I dug it!"

Wen Zixing, who was hollowed out again not far away, heard Lu Yaoyao's shout and ran over: "Where is it? Where is it? Let me see!!"

Wen Zixing squatted down in front of Lu Yaoyao and looked down, it was indeed a bamboo shoot!

"Yaoyao, you are very lucky!" This was just dug up.

Lu Yaoyao smiled intentionally, "My luck has always been good."

The two hurriedly continued to dig deep, and they dug out a complete white fat bamboo shoot that was as long as Lu Yaoyao's forearm.

"Looks good quality."

The use of wind and thunder bamboo shoots is many, forging magic weapons with wind and thunder ability.

The two happily admired it for a while before Wen Zixing asked Lu Yaoyao to put it away.

Wen Zixing was full of interest, "I'm going to do my best too!"

"Well, let's work hard together!"

Lu Yaoyao held the small sword and looked for the next place.

She chose a relatively flat soil for now, but she still digs with ease.

Before long, she poked bamboo shoots.

Lu Yaoyao didn't pay Wen Zixing again this time, she took it away first.

It's really hard, I didn't expect it to be easy. At her speed, she could dig enough in two days.

Lu Yaoyao didn't catch a spot, and after digging one, she moved to another spot, at least walked a few hundred meters, and went far away unconsciously.

Lu Yaoyao dug and dug, and dug out a few bamboo shoots, each of which was about the same size.

Suddenly, something bumped into Lu Yaoyao's face, which startled Lu Yaoyao, subconsciously, with a wave of his hand, he slapped it, and the little thing was like a small curved pebble. Parabola flew out.

Lu Yaoyao patted her chest and felt that she was still in shock.

What it is? I am so surprised!
