Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 185


Under the guidance of Lu Yaoyao, Wen Zixing quickly learned to use the talisman. Although the machine was not grasped accurately, it was more than enough to deal with a strange beast.

The fast alien beast fell under Wen Zixing's sword.

Wen Zixing gasped lightly and was vigilant for a while. Seeing that the strange beast was motionless and seemed to be dead, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Lu Yaoyao, "Yaoyao, I won."

Lu Yaoyao was also happy, "Xingxing, you are amazing!"

Wen Zixing frowned and danced, "Of course, this star is a genius, and he is extremely smart!"

Lu Yaoyao touted it for a while, and she looked up at the tall strange beast lying down, her eyes sparkling, "Xingxing, what do you want to do with the strange beast?"

Wen Zixing circled around, this ordinary beast, its fur and claws are useless, this is the first time he has hunted prey... Wen Zixing clapped his hands: "We have a barbecue dinner tonight!"

"Okay!" Lu Yaoyao agreed instantly, she hadn't eaten the meat of exotic beasts for a long time, although it was not as tender and fragrant as spirit beasts.

Yu Lu Yaoyao helped to put the alien beast into a small purse, and the two rushed to the temporary residence.

Before sunset, Chaomuxue and Du Qianshan did not return.

When Lu Yaoyao looked at her, she suddenly patted her head, "We have to change the way. The smell of blood and animal meat can easily attract dangerous things." If they were to find a place to stay at night, it would be dangerous.

Wen Zixing thought it made sense, so they found a place where there was a stream of water in the gorge, and used it as a base for dinner.

"Xingxing, go pick up firewood." Lu Yaoyao instructed, while she picked up stones to make a fire, then took out the beasts to cut their flesh, and washed them by the water.

As soon as she immersed her hand in the water, she snorted, the water temperature.

No wonder the water was covered with a layer of light mist, but the water temperature was not high, Lu Yaoyao saw fish in the water, and decided to catch a few fish for stewing fish soup and grilling fish.

Wen Zixing quickly came back with a pile of dry wood, saw Lu Yaoyao fishing, and hurried over to help.

"Xingxing, you are one step slower... the angle is wrong! Just now!"

Wen Zixing drew up his sword, with a big slap-tail swinging fish strung on it.

"As expected of me, it's amazing!" Wen Zixing was proud of his fishing skills, and he can participate in wild survival programs.

Lu Yaoyao also poked four or five fish with her small sword.

"Yaoyao, what are you doing?"

Lu Yaoyao was triumphant, her eyebrows danced, "Of course, there is a big lake next to my house when I was young, but it's very deep! My father took me to go fishing when I was only one year old, and I could go fishing when I was three years old. Swim the bottom of the lake to catch fish bigger than me!"

There are only a few non-dangerous spirit fish in the lake next to the Cangshan wooden house. Lu Yaoyao was swimming in the lake not long after she was born. For her, it was a natural bath.

And the stream here looks light and shallow, who knows what to meet, she will not go into the water.

Wen Zixing gave a thumbs up after hearing Lu Yaoyao's great achievements, "Amazing!"

The two got excited, you came and I forked one fish after another, and when I returned to the shore, I saw that there were more than 20 fish, let alone dinner, more than three meals a day.

They just didn't stop.

"We'll continue tomorrow."

"it is good!"

The two rushed to deal with the spoils.

Wen Zixing didn't let Lu Yaoyao deal with the fishy smell. He clumsily dismantled his stomach and removed the fish scales. Lu Yaoyao squatted aside and put it in a small purse to keep it fresh after he dealt with it.

"Xingxing, I always feel like we have forgotten something."

"What?" Wen Zixing was just getting started, full of eyes full of fish in front of him, how could he have time to think about what he forgot.

Lu Yaoyao looked at the sky, they were in a canyon, the two sides were high, the sunlight slanted down, and after falling to the top of the mountain, only the rays of light remained.

Lu Yaoyao suddenly jumped up: "Mu Xue and Qian Shan!"

Wen Zixing lifted it blankly, and instantly realized, "Yes, we are not just two of us."

"Let's play... We are too involved in preparing dinner." Lu Yaoyao held her respect, she said in a classic way, "Mu Xue and Qianshan are delighted to see such a rich dinner!"

Wen Zixing looked down at the fish, looked up at the animal meat, and said seriously, "Yes! They will be happy later, haha!"

Lu Yaoyao said: "They should be back, let me pick them up."

Wen Zi stared, "Okay."

Lu Yaoyao half-run and half-flyed back to the temporary residence, and she saw Jing Muxue and Du Qianshan coming back.

Chaomuxue smiled when she saw Lu Yaoyao, "Yaoyao, Qianshan and I were talking about picking you up!" She glanced behind Lu Yaoyao, "Where's the stars?"

Lu Yaoyao coughed twice, and said in a scripture: "I don't want to go out and dine in the open air, and want to improve the food, the stars hit a strange beast, we found a place with water, tonight Go there and grill the fish and grill!"

Lu Yaoyao had a guilty conscience and was determined not to tell them that she and Xingxing had gone halfway to the fork fish to play in the water.

Du Qianshan and Chao Muxue didn't think too much about it. They were happy. Du Qianshan said, "Okay, Muxue and I found some wild fruits halfway through. Although they are not as delicious as our sect's spirit fruits, they have a different flavor."

"That's great." After eating too much meat, the fruit will relieve the tiredness of the meal. Lu Yaoyao feels that tonight's dinner will be richer, she waved her small hand, "Let's go, I'll take you there!"

The three of them were about to get to the edge of the gorge, and when they saw Wen Zixing doing it, they hurried to help.

Chaomuxue saw that everything was basically complete, and said, "Why didn't you wait for us to come together? What have you done..."

Lu Yaoyao and Wen Zixing smirked.

With the addition of two people, the speed of processing the ingredients was faster. Kuai Du Qianshan set up a fire, and grilled on the fire with the animal meat rack, and put a few wooden skewers next to the fish and slowly roasted it.

Lu Yaoyao contributed a small stove for making fish soup.

Lu Yaoyao originally wanted to participate in roasting and cooking soup at night, but when she "showed up" in front of people that she hadn't developed her cooking skills in ten thousand years, she was immediately boycotted by Wen Zixing and the three of them. She must be kept away from her who only needs to contribute seasonings and then wait to eat. it is good.

Lu Yaoyao saw the white fish soup that was boiled by Chao Muxue. She regretted that she couldn't add Wan Mocao. The color was too pale and unappetizing. 』Bubble soup looks good and delicious.

It's a pity that the other three can't be eaten except her.

"Yaoyao, are you hungry? That's it, let's eat a few bites first." Chaomuxue sliced a few pieces of animal meat with tar and sesame oil and handed it to Lu Yaoyao first.

Although Yaoyao was about the same age as them, this cute and beautiful child, everyone took care of her unconsciously.

Lu Yaoyao was rude, she took it and forked the first piece of meat instead of eating it herself, but handed it to Chao Muxue's mouth, "Muxue, try it."

Chaomuxue accepted Lu Yaoyao's feeding, "Delicious!"

Lu Yaoyao squinted her eyes and agreed, "Delicious!"

Wen Zixing looked at the two girls, Chao Muxue and Lu Yaoyao, you and I shared the meal. He was a little jealous and moved to Du Qianshan's side.

"Qianshan, have you tasted that the fish is cooked?" Wen Zixing squeezed his throat and poked the grilled fish with a charred aroma in front of Du Qianshan.

Du Qianshan leaned back and turned to look at Wen Zixing like a fool.

"How long did it take for you to grill the fish at the end? Don't you know if it's cooked or not?"

Wen Zixing blinked, right? He didn't pay much attention.

Lu Yaoyao and Chao Muxue looked at them and smiled.

The dinner was lively and lively, but they were quite fast. After all, they were in the wild, and they would not attract anything after staying for a long time.

They ate a big meal, wiped away the traces, and scrubbed by the river before returning to their temporary residence.

This month is in the middle of the sky, and the trees they are in are sparse, and they can clearly see the reflections of the branches of the trees under the "color" of the moon.

Some beasts are afraid of fire, so they burn a pile of firewood under the big tree.

The light of the fire couldn't shine too far, Lu Yaoyao took out a luminous night pearl, and there were little friends with him, so he didn't feel scared, except Wen Zixing.

The other three local cultivators didn't seem to be naturally afraid of that tendon. Wen Zixing was naturally afraid of such an environment. He always felt that those black shadows that were not thick enough to brush their teeth and claws were like monsters, and always felt that something would pop up in the next moment.

Wen Zixing ignored Du Qianshan's white eyes and wrapped himself around him. He wanted to pay attention to his surroundings, but he couldn't help staring at a dark place.

Du Qianshan was strangled and had difficulty breathing, so he had to break Wen Zixing's hands with all his strength, but as soon as he released his strength, the hands were entangled again.

Du Qianshan rolled his eyes, "What are you afraid of? We have put so many defensive talismans on the tree and attacking talismans. With Yaoyao's magic weapon there, nothing can hurt us."

Lu Yaoyao and Chao Muxue whispered close to each other, and when they heard Du Qianshan's words, they turned to look down, "Xingxing, are you afraid? You don't need to be afraid when you fall asleep."

Wen Zixing said stubbornly: "Nonsense, I'm not afraid, what's so scary? I'm not afraid." So early, he couldn't sleep.

Chaomuxue couldn't help laughing: "Yes, the stars are not afraid, why don't we chat together."

Lu Yaoyao agreed with both hands and feet: "Okay!"

Chaomuxue suggested: "Why don't we talk about what each of us wants to do in the future?"

Everyone agrees.

Du Qianshan said: "I want to be an outstanding sword cultivator. Even if I can't reach the height of the Supreme Being, I will try my best to get close to the Supreme Being."

Heng Wu Dao Zun, all sword cultivators chase after the target, they look up at the height he stands, and regard it as a beacon for lifelong pursuit.

Lu Yaoyao saw Du Qianshan say this, her eyes blazing hot, she knew that many people admired her father, but she did not know that Qianshan had such pursuits.

Lu Yaoyao encouraged: "As soon as you can! There is a high mountain there, we shouldn't just think about chasing it, but climbing and surpassing it! I hope that I will be more powerful than my father and father in the future!"

Chaomuxue said: "Your talent is so high, you can achieve it."

Lu Yaoyao said, "I want to do a lot. I want to experience the Three Realms with you, and I also want to travel through the Three Realms with my father and daddy. I want more people to become better... A good cultivator has a long lifespan, otherwise it won't be enough."

Wen Zixing was attracted by the conversation, and he didn't care about fear. He said proudly: "I want to change the future, save everyone, stop all conspiracies, and make the world peaceful!"

"I also want world peace!" Lu Yaoyao echoed excitedly, "I hope the three worlds can coexist in harmony and stop being hostile to each other."

Du Qianshan, these two friends with great dreams, said in their hearts: "..."

"Mu Xue, what about you? What do you want to do?"

"Me?" Chao Muxue revealed a smile, and that smile fell on Qingli's face for a moment, "I want to do something for a person, even if I sacrifice my own life."
