Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 196


Lu Yaoyao worked hard to return the sword on the monument, while chanting, "You are all very good swords, in the future you will definitely find your favorite and the most suitable master for you, isn't it you who summoned me? I'm off to find the sword that summoned me..."

Lu Yaoyao felt that these swords were like children and had to be coaxed. If they all give birth to sword spirits, they must be very cute friends.

She didn't linger any longer and left soon.

The deeper he went, the more solid the majestic sword intent, but Lu Yaoyao felt harmless, but beneficial.

The stones standing at the entrance are getting sparser and sparser, and the swords in the line of sight are getting more and more.

Lu Yaoyao could see that the quality of these swords was higher, the sword intent was more domineering, and there was a sense of "turf".

Each sword is different, Lu Yaoyao can distinguish them, these swords all respond to her, Lu Yaoyao knows that these are not the swords that summoned her.

Where is it

Lu Yaoyao walked for a long time, the sword tomb was huge, and she still hadn't finished walking.

And this place, as if she was alone.

She casually stepped aside and stopped to rest.

I can't see the shadow of the sword.

Is she going to the extreme edge, or the center

Is she intuition wrong

The support behind Lu Yaoyao suddenly turned around, and she was sucked into a completely unfamiliar place.

Was she thrown out of the sword grave

Lu Yaoyao had just flashed this doubt, and the next moment, she was sure that she would return to Sword Tomb.

She seemed to be in a void space, with these three swords placed in front of her.

To be precise, there are four, and two of them are short double swords.

The most conspicuous sword was extremely "brilliant". Her first thought when she saw it was that it was mighty, handsome, and perfect. It was obviously a sword at the level of an immortal weapon.

Lu Yaoyao was attracted by the most inconspicuous soft sword among them, she couldn't help walking over and reached out to touch it.

The moment her fingertips touched the blade, Lu Yaoyao's eyes flashed, her consciousness seemed to be dragged into a world, and in front of her, a woman who couldn't see her face was holding the sword and waving it.

With a beautiful posture, the sword-style moves up and down, like dancing, her back was always facing Lu Yaoyao, the moment she was about to turn her head, Lu Yaoyao instantly regained her senses, and the soft sword appeared in front of her again.

She thought to herself, could this be the sword's memory of the previous owner

However, the back always felt familiar, as if it had never been there.

Lu Yaoyao didn't have time to think, she picked up the sword.

Its sword body is extremely soft, like a ribbon, and the momentum of life and death is unstoppable between swinging.

"Good sword!" Lu Yaoyao had a strong intuition that this sword was calling her faintly.

"From now on, we will be side by side partners." Lu Yaoyao cherished and "touched" the blade, the blade trembled slightly, as if responding silently.

Just as Lu Yaoyao held the sword, the screen changed again, and she was directly teleported outside the sword tomb.

Lu Yaoyao was silent for a moment, then bowed in the direction of Jianzhong, and then left with the sword in her arms.

Backtracking to the secret realm is a treasure hunt process. Lu Yaoyao stepped into a formation shortly after leaving the Sword Tomb.

Suo "Sex" Lu Yaoyao had learned the formation technique with her father, and had also studied the cultivation practice of her master, but the general formation technique could not trap her.

Lu Yaoyao quickly cracked the formation, and then a magnificent lobby appeared.

There are several shelves in the lobby square, which are full of rare items.

Lu Yaoyao turned around, she was not greedy, she took three samples at will.

The last time she wanted to grab a piece of jewelry made of rare spiritual jade, she moved her to the side and picked up a mirror as big as a face.

There were strange carvings around the frame, and the mirror surface was brass "color". Lu Yaoyao stared at it for a long time, but did not show her own reflection.

What's the use of mirrors that can't see people? For decoration

Lu Yaoyao took it all, she didn't change it, but took back the purse.

She stayed in the secret realm for three days, and finally came to someone she knew very well.
