Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 2


When Lu Yaoyao regained consciousness, she felt that she was imprisoned in a soft space, she was sleeping most of the time, and occasionally when she was awake, her mind was thinking back to the past.

However, every time I recall, the memory fades and is slowly forgotten.

She began to panic, but the familiar breath around her calmed her unease, and she fell asleep in the breath of security.

When she became conscious again, Lu Yaoyao felt that the soft space around her body was getting narrower and narrower.

Lu Yaoyao panicked, where is she? Could it be that she was arrested and locked in a small dark room

No, she couldn't sit still, so she looked for a way out.

She struggled to figure out the surrounding situation, but still couldn't find a way out. In a panic, she accidentally kicked the barrier that trapped her. After hearing the sound of cracking, she was refreshed and waved her hands and feet.

Before long, the clicking sound became more frequent, and then the thing imprisoning her disappeared.

The dazzling white light made her close her eyes subconsciously, and her hands were so tired that they turned from upside-down to spread on both sides of her head. She was so tired, let her rest.

Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao stood in front of the couch, watching the spirit egg with cracks as it shook. Their eyes and ears were clear, and they could naturally hear the movement inside. They held their breath involuntarily, for fear of disturbing the little creatures inside.

It seemed as if a moment had passed, but it seemed like a long time had passed, the spiritual egg cracked, the shell turned into powder and the dazzling white light dissipated together, and a chubby and soft baby appeared in front of them.

At the same time, the vision of heaven and earth disappeared.

The little hands were clenched into fists and placed on either side of the soft and fleshy little face. The little cub's skin was as white as snow, with a healthy pink in the white tenderness.

Rao is as cold-hearted as Lu Qingyu, he has a plan for this child, and his heart softens for a moment.

Yao Jiuxiao's face was still cold, his slender fingers moved slightly, and the baby's whole body flashed with light, and the red belly and wide trousers appeared on his body, which made the snow-white cub even more delightful.

When Lu Qingyu saw the clothes on the little brat, his eyes stopped.

Ruyi Jin.

This is a vestment made of silk for ten thousand years. It does not burn in the presence of fire, it does not get wet in the presence of water, and it is not stained by fine dust.

As a top-grade spiritual tool, Ruyi Brocade can be changed into any form of vestments according to the owner's will. There are only two pieces in the entire Yuanqi, which shows its preciousness.

Lu Qingyu snorted coldly, the good things of this deity are no worse than him!

With a slight movement of his fingers, a red haze swirled in the air towards the little boy on the couch, and spun around on the little feet. bell.

The concentric bells are a pair, and the other is in Lu Qingyu's hands. When the master is in danger, the moment the bell rings, it forms a protective circle, resisting any attack, and is sensed by the other master and teleports over.

Yao Jiuxiao ignored the other party's thoughts, and his eyes were still on the little brat.

At this time, the little boy's long and curled eyelashes trembled slightly. Lu Qingyu took the lead and leaned over. After she opened her eyes, she tried her best to squeeze out a kind smile, "Daughter, my name is Daddy."

The moment Lu Yaoyao opened her eyes, a handsome face that was enough to turn all living beings upside down was reflected in her clear eyes, she looked at it stupidly, but before she could react, another handsome face that was not inferior came into the mirror forcefully, "Call my father. "

Lu Yaoyao's eyes were occupied by two peerless and beautiful men, and her mind was blank for a long time before turning slowly.

She looked at the two handsome guys with very different styles, and made a confused baby's unique voice, "Huh?"

So, who is her father

Lu Yaoyao remembered her own name and knew that both her father and her father were fathers, but two of them were wrong. As for why they were wrong, she couldn't remember the reason.

Lu Yaoyao's black grape-like eyes were full of aura, but as he rolled his eyes to look at this and that, there was a hint of stupidity.

"Why are you so stupid, little brat?"

Lu Qingyu waited for a while, but she didn't wait for her daughter to call her father for a long time. Instead, she looked at them stupidly, with a very disgusting tone.

When Lu Yaoyao heard this, she immediately waved her limbs in protest, "Aah!" You are so stupid! Lu Yaoyao wanted to refute, but could only babble.

"Tsk, I can't even speak clearly." His tone was still very disgusting, but his eyes were soft, "Daughter, called Daddy."


Whose child speaks when he is born

The little brat opened a pair of big, round black eyes that are unique to children, innocent and innocent, his short hands and feet waved very energetically, and the childish babbling sounded in his ears.

The more Lu Qingyu looked at it, the more he liked it. The clenched little fist and the delicate little feet were so delicate and cute that he wanted to poke them.

It's a pity that the little brat is too weak, he is afraid that he can't control his strength and will be stabbed to death with one finger.

So just watch from the sidelines.

Lu Yaoyao protested for a long time, her heart filled with sleepiness, she looked at the two of them, and finally fell asleep instinctively.

Seeing that they were waving their little hands and feet just now, Lu Qingyu watched their little cubs close their eyes and didn't move. After sensing that there was no abnormality in the body, he asked suspiciously, "Why are you quiet?" Didn't you have a good time just now

Yao Jiuxiao's cold tone carried a hint of uncertainty, "Sleep."

Compared with the Demon Race and the Demon Race, the Human Race instinctively used to sleep, regardless of the level of cultivation. Although Yao Jiuxiao took meditation as a rest after his self-cultivation level, he also knew that the Human Race would sleep when they were tired.

Yao Jiuxiao frowned. He has grown up in the sect since he can remember. For more than a thousand years, he was either in retreat or on the road of experience. He didn't care about anything. The sect had a younger generation to bring his cubs to visit him. The youngest also run and jump.

Only when he went out to practice, he seemed to have seen a mortal holding a swaddle in his hand, with such a small child wrapped in it, but he had never seen it up close, let alone raising it.

Heng Wu Dao Zun has a problem, how to feed such a small cub

And Lu Qingyu's life is only cultivation, killing, ruling the demon world, and fighting. Such a weak creature has never appeared in front of him.

Even the high-level demons among the demons were born with beast bodies, but the purer the bloodline, the sooner the demons could transform, and only the lower demons would be able to transform after a hundred years of age.

The little boy in front of him was born in a human form.

Lu Qingyu thought to himself that he was worthy of being the deity's daughter. Three days after he was born, he was already gifted with a talent for transformation. The cub could transform into a human shape as soon as he was born, but he was soft and small.

However, it is still too weak. As soon as the little cubs of the Demon Race are born, they will be able to jump around energetically in a short time.

Thinking like this in his heart, Lu Qingyu's eyes were always inseparable from this soft little creature.

After a short period of softness, Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao regained their senses. They looked at this soft creature in silence, but never touched it.

Lu Qingyu carefully looked at the little brat's appearance, the nose and the mouth... He recalled the big eyes he opened just below, and only felt that the little brat looked like him everywhere, and this realization made him feel good.

Yao Jiuxiao stared at the little brat, and after a while, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

"The body of the demon."

In Yuanqi Continent, the cultivation of demons and humans is not the same system. If humans want to practice magic, they can only destroy the Dao body completely and change to magic cultivation.

The two are not compatible.

Except for one case, that is the body of Dao Demon.

A person with a Taoist body can cultivate both a Taoist body and a devilish body, and there will be both magic pills and golden pills coexisting in the body. This kind of physique is rarer than the natural Taoist body and the natural devilish body, and there may not be one in five thousand years.

Although it was because of his and Lu Qingyu's bloodlines that helped him take shape, the cub was actually born with a spiritual fetus. Yao Jiuxiao once saw in ancient books that the natural fetus was conceived by heaven and earth, and was favored by heaven. The vision of heaven and earth at the moment of birth was enough to prove it. Extraordinary little boy.

Hearing Yao Jiuxiao's words, Lu Qingyu touched his palms and laughed with joy.

"As expected of the deity's daughter! The princess of the Demon Race! Hahaha..."

In the entire Yuan Qi, only the eyes of Heng Wu Dao Zun can easily see through a person's physique, and Lu Qingyu naturally believes in his judgment.

The body of Dao Demon, what a coveted talent! Lu Qingyu reconsidered, how to steal the cub back to the demon world under Yao Jiuxiao's eyes.

Lu Yaoyao fell asleep, woke up not long after, and started to think.

She crossed.

This was her first thought when she woke up.

But what is crossing? She was bewildered.

Lu Yaoyao thought of her state, and another word popped up in her mind, amnesia.

She wanted to look around, but her body was so soft that she couldn't even turn her head.

Ah, she also turned into a little baby.

While Lu Yaoyao was staring at the roof and thinking seriously, a magnetic voice came over, "Awake?"

She subconsciously looked for the source of the sound, her dark eyes rolled, and the handsome face she saw for the first time the next moment appeared in front of her again.

She was bewitched by beauty before, but now she has withstood the attack of beauty, Lu Yaoyao looked at the beauty who was a giant to her, she didn't feel scared, instead she felt close and even happy.

Is this her father

She gave him a toothless smile.

Lu Qingyu looked at it, and unconsciously evoked a smile.

"Ah!" Lu Yaoyao suddenly felt hungry, she called out twice, reminding the beauty father that he should feed her.

She yelled several times, but the beautiful father didn't respond, but raised his eyes in confusion and looked at another person in the room.

"What is she saying?"

"do not know."

A clear and cold voice came over, and only then did Lu Yaoyao realize that there was another person in the room. She suddenly thought that when she just opened her eyes, there were two beauties who asked her to call her father.

Is that her other dad

Why does she have two dads? The small head was full of doubts, but this doubt was quickly occupied by the signal of hunger.

Even though she didn't see anyone, Lu Yaoyao made a few noises in the direction of that voice.

Beautiful father, baby is hungry, baby is hungry!

It's a pity that her baby language was not understood, the two fathers still watched Lu Yaoyao dancing, thinking she was playing.

Lu Yaoyao waited for a long time to be fed, she couldn't hold it any longer, and burst into tears.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa..."

The loud cry of the baby resounded inside and outside the house, and the whole house seemed to shake a few times. Lu Qingyu, who was sitting comfortably on the couch, quickly stood up and took a few steps back.

Lu Qingyu's composure was unbearable, as if facing a great enemy, "Why are you crying, little brat?"

Taishan collapsed in front of Yao Jiuxiao, who did not change his color. He stood two steps away from the couch with a stiff face, "I don't know." He was also the first time he came into contact with a newborn baby.

"Whoa whoaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

When Lu Yaoyao heard their conversation, she cried even louder, she was extremely aggrieved, she was so hungry!

Why are these two dads so unreliable

Yao Jiuxiao squeezed his fingers into a spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy circulated in the small body for a few weeks, and there was no abnormality in his health.

Lu Yaoyao suddenly felt warm and comfortable, so she hiccups and stopped crying.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the crying sounded again the next moment.

She is still so hungry!

"What the hell happened, little brat?"

"...I don't know." His body was fine, and he didn't know why he was crying.

Yao Jiuxiao thought that she had just stopped crying and injected a few more auras, but this time it was useless, and the little brat was still crying for a while.

"Why don't you know anything?" Lu Qingyu was extremely disgusted.

Yao Jiuxiao: "..." He said it as if he knew it.

The two new fathers stood for a while, and the little boy cried.


Lu Qingyu was upset by crying, "Go and coax."

Yao Jiuxiao was about to refuse, but Lu Qingyu seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "In case the deity's hand is not light or heavy..."

Yao Jiuxiao frowned slightly, he took a step forward, his tall and tall back was stiff.

Yao Jiuxiao only took this step and didn't step forward.

He didn't dare to touch the little brat, so fragile, in case the force was too heavy...

So he stood in front of the couch, looked down at the little brat, and said coldly, "Don't cry."

Lu Qingyu: "..."

Lu Yaoyao: "..."


Lu Yaoyao closed her eyes and cried even louder, she was so hungry!

The beautiful father also murdered her!

The wow wow cry was stronger than the magic sound, and the two ancestors' scalps were numb.

Why is this kid so scary

The author has something to say: Lu Qingyu: Didn't the little boy run and jump to find his own food when he was born

Yao Jiuxiao: …

Lu Yaoyao: I'm too hard QAQ

PS. The heroine is currently in a state of no memory, but occasionally triggers a state of common sense, and her memory will be restored in the future.

PPS. Demon Lord and Dao Zun are not a pair! It's a real foe! ,,,...