Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 23


The golden and tender egg custard is supplemented with seasoning, which is fragrant and tender, which makes the index finger move.

Lu Yaoyao was sitting on the beautiful father's lap, leaning back against him, her chubby white hand grabbed his cloud sleeve, as if she was afraid that he would disappear.

She was eating the sweet and delicious egg custard, and her little feet couldn't help twitching.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I always feel that today’s egg custard tastes better than yesterday’s!

Lu Yaoyao pushed his father's hand, "Ah!"

She looked at Yao Jiuxiao, her eyes were shining, her father also ate it, it was delicious!

Yao Jiuxiao's ability to comprehend cubs is not as strong as Lu Qingyu's, and he didn't understand her meaning for a long time, and thought she said no.

He looked at the egg custard he hadn't eaten two bites, and only ate so much, how could this work? Or do you only like to drink spirit milk and eat broth

Picky eaters are not allowed.

Yao Jiuxiao thought to himself, and continued to feed persistently.

Lu Qingyu said sourly, "Pearl wants you to try it." The sourness became even stronger.

Lu Qingyu looked at it, his eyes were turning red with jealousy, the little brat didn't rely on him so much.

He doesn't understand, this guy is cold, taciturn, old-fashioned and boring, how can he please the little brat? Isn't he better

Lu Yaoyao responded loudly and looked at her father with bright eyes, yes, father is right, it's delicious for father!

Yao Jiuxiao had a serious face, took a serious bite, and his voice softened, "It's delicious."

Then continue to feed the cubs.

Lu Yaoyao narrowed her eyes happily, she did not continue to eat, but pushed in the direction of the beautiful father.

Daddy also eats it, so don't be jealous anymore. Today I only shared it with my father once, and I shared it with my father twice, and my father only has it once.

But my father didn't know what happened yesterday, so he wouldn't be jealous, and he could comfort Daddy's fragile little heart.

Lu Yaoyao thought, she is really a smart baby.

Lu Qingyu: "..." He looked at the spoonful of egg custard as if he was looking at the source of the virus infection. He disliked it, "You can eat it yourself."

Staring at the little fat hand that the little brat was pushing towards him, Lu Qingyu said reluctantly, "Daddy is not angry."

Lu Yaoyao glanced suspiciously, is she really not angry

Lu Qingyu's face turned green, he barely restrained the flood of sourness, and showed a strong smile, his voice gritted his teeth, "Well, daddy is not angry."

Lu Yaoyao didn't see Daddy's reluctance, thought he was really not angry, and immediately became happy.

Daddy is really smart.

So she leaned on her father comfortably and continued to enjoy the food happily.

A bowl full of egg custard was eaten, and Lu Yaoyao's belly became round.

After eating, she looked at her father and daddy from time to time.

Has father coaxed daddy

Will you not take her away from home again in the future

She won't leave her father in the future, or she can only be with one father, right

They were sitting in the lobby, one feeding the cub and the other watching the cub. They didn't speak, and the atmosphere was relatively peaceful.

They were the only ones in the lobby, and the buffalo essence went somewhere and disappeared.

After Yao Jiuxiao finished feeding the egg custard, the buffalo essence suddenly appeared, cleaned the table, and quickly disappeared.

They were not in a hurry and simply continued to stay at the inn.

The lobby is large and suitable for small children to play. When the buffalo spirit knew their needs, she quickly put away the tables and chairs, vacated a large space, and used magic to clean it up again.

What Lu Qingyu gave before was enough to buy the entire inn, not to mention just playing in the lobby, the entire inn can be demolished.

A soft and thick animal blanket was spread on the ground, Yao Jiuxiao put the cub on it, and sat cross-legged on it himself, watching intently.

Lu Qingyu also sat aside casually.

Lu Yaoyao was sitting on the animal blanket, father on the left, father on the right, she was very busy, she looked at her father and looked at her father, her little head was swaying, and she laughed twice with joy.

Her father and father were by her side.

This realization made Lu Yaoyao's full of joy spread from the bottom of her heart, and her carefree laughter seemed to dispel all negative emotions.

Lu Qingyu tapped her little nose and said angrily, "Are you so happy?"

Greedy little brat, isn't it enough to have daddy to accompany you? There must be many redundant people.

Lu Yaoyao stretched out her hand to hold the beautiful father's finger, and gave him a sweet smile, soft and waxy, as if she wanted to make a person cute.

Of course Lu Yaoyao was happy, her father and daddy were by her side.

She was happy to roll around.

Lu Yaoyao grabbed his father's hand and grabbed his father's hand with the other hand. Both hands were pulled over and put together, together with her pair of chubby hands.

She had a serious little face, and said seriously, "Ahhh-"

Both father and father should be fine, don't quarrel and fight, and don't run away from home.

Lu Yaoyao looked up at her fathers and sighed, she was too worried about this family.

The two fair and slender hands with well-defined joints overlapped, and the moment they touched the skin, goosebumps arose, and the sensation of being struck by lightning struck Tianling Gai.

Lu Qingyu's face turned green, his whole body seemed to be allergic, and his cold hair stood on end.

Yao Jiuxiao's face was also very ugly, extremely forbearing, his expression was like drinking black bubble broth, and every cell on his body was full of rejection.

They looked up and looked at each other, each of which said, "Don't touch Lao Tzu."

Lu Yaoyao chattered a lot, but neither of the two fathers spoke or responded. She glanced left and right, and saw that they were both bowing their heads and seemed to be listening to her carefully, realizing that the two fathers were already reflecting.

Lu Yaoyao concluded her statement: "Ah..." In the future, we must communicate patiently, solve problems in a timely manner, and create a harmonious family together.

She felt that the two fathers had reconciled with shame and would not run away from home again in the future.

So let them go and play happily.

Both hands were withdrawn as quickly as they were electrocuted.

Lu Qingyu took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, and Yao Jiuxiao also wiped his hands with the handkerchief. With that posture, he could not wait to change the skin directly.

After playing for a while, Lu Yaoyao felt that it was not enough for him to play alone, so he raised his head, crawled over, grabbed the hem of his father's and daddy's clothes, and played with me!

The two who despised each other suddenly restrained their expressions.

Yao Jiuxiao played patiently with the little cub, and Lu Qingyu came to disrupt and tease him from time to time, laughing when he annoyed the cub.

Lu Yaoyao only felt that the happy time passed quickly, she hadn't had enough fun, it was night.

She was held by her father, and under his pat, she stared at her father with dark eyes, her face full of innocence.

Yao Jiuxiao: "..."

He looked down at the little brat, his voice was still cold, with a hint of tenderness, "Dear, go to sleep."

Lu Yaoyao twisted her small body and laughed, and there was no sign of falling asleep at all.

Lu Qingyu laughed schadenfreude aside.

He just watched how Yao Jiuxiao coaxed the cub to sleep. Lu Qingyu only took him for two nights, and he was tossed to the point of collapse.

Yao Jiuxiao ignored Lu Qingyu, he lay down on his side, put the cub in his arms, and patted his back lightly.

The inn's bed was not big. After Yao Jiuxiao lay down, he almost occupied the entire bed, as if he had inadvertently squeezed Lu Qingyu into the corner.

Lu Qingyu: "..."

The cold and reassuring breath surrounded her, Lu Yaoyao grabbed her father's sleeve and stared at him for a long time.

She was not at ease, for fear that her father would be gone when she fell asleep.

However, the beat on her back was soft and rhythmic. She didn't watch it for a long time, her eyelids gradually became heavy, and she fell asleep in a while.


The next day it was only bright, and Lu Yaoyao woke up and looked for her father at the first time. Seeing her father sitting beside her meditating, she was instantly happy.

Father is still here!

She sat up, crawled over in three or two steps, threw herself directly into her father's arms, and laughed.

When Yao Jiuxiao opened his eyes, he hugged the cub and got out of bed.

Lu Yaoyao couldn't help but leaned in and kissed, Father, early!

Yao Jiuxiao's brows and eyes became softer.

As if the forgotten Lu Qingyu: "..."

Lu Yaoyao had been in touch with her father for a while, only to realize that her father was jealous again.

So she hugged her, coaxed her father for a while, and asked him to feed her egg custard, and then kissed him a few more times before her father's face turned dark.

Lu Yaoyao returned to her father's arms again, only to feel that her life was baptized again, and she was sublimated again.

When Lu Qingyu brought Lu Yaoyao out, he only walked for two days and two nights, but he had actually traveled a long way, and an ordinary cultivator would have to travel for at least ten days and a half months.

They are not in a hurry to go back now, walking slowly and enjoying the scenery along the way.

Of course, only Lu Yaoyao was appreciating it.

Lu Yaoyao sat on her father's shoulder and looked around with bright eyes.

At this time, I felt that the silver and white scenery was very beautiful.

Her short legs swayed, she turned to look at her father, and laughed happily from time to time.

The thick snow on the ground made it difficult to see the road on the wasteland, but it did not affect Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao walking.

They stepped on the snow, leaving no footprints on the road behind them.

The snow has stopped, and even the cold wind seems to be gentle.

There are many dangerous animals in the wilderness.

There is no food in winter, and the hungry beasts are drooling, looking for food everywhere, and many find them.

At first, Lu Yaoyao thought that these monsters were terrible.

But seeing father and father beat down a monster with one hand, they clapped their little hands with joy, and didn't feel scared anymore.

Father and Daddy are both so powerful, she is not afraid at all!

Playing all the way back, they returned to Cangshan on the tenth day.

Before returning to the hut, the fairies in Cangshan noticed their presence, and immediately spread the word. A large group of fairies came from all directions and surrounded them enthusiastically.

"You guys are back."

"We thought you were gone."

"The leopard essence from the mountain next door has come to you several times."

The cubs, who were nesting in the warm caves and tree holes for the winter, heard the movement outside and ran out.

The rabbit spirit was carried by the same clan and ran, and the fat squirrel spirit jumped on the branches.

"Cub, cub!" Every time he jumped over, the snow on the branches rustled.

Lu Yao followed his reputation and saw the cute little squirrel jumping over.

She saw her little friend raised her chubby hand very happily.


The little squirrel jumped over like a cannonball, but because it was too far away, it was only two meters away from Lu Yaoyao and then lost its strength, and slammed to the ground with a bang, smashing a hole in the snowdrift.

Lu Yaoyao tilted her head and blinked, "Huh?"

The author has something to say: Quietly hold my base friend out, the little angel who can accept pornography, go look at it, super diligent and super good author, it is definitely not a loss to invest in shares!

"My ingredients are all over the world of self-cultivation" by the boss white cat


Du Heng wanted to inherit the family's private restaurant after graduation, but unexpectedly, he traveled to the world of self-cultivation where he was unfamiliar.

In the realm of self-cultivation, ingredients are scattered everywhere, but the diet of practitioners is as light as a bird. Du Heng rolled up his sleeves and was determined to conquer the stomachs of the monks. He wanted to become a new generation of chefs in the cultivation world!

In pursuit of this great goal, he started targeting the ingredients in the cultivation world.

Du Heng fiddled with the roast chicken in front of him, the oily little sheep, and the delicious bamboo shoot dumplings, and fed them to Xuan Yu contentedly.

Xuan Yu silently looked at the Brahma chicken whose raw materials were comparable to the Jindan cultivator, the slaughtering scorpion, the bamboo shoots in the ghost crying forest, and took a careful bite: Really fragrant! I have adopted this monk!

Until Du Heng: Look at that snake, I have never seen such a big snake! It must be delicious to make green snake soup!

Xuan Yu: The little cultivator I raised is interested in my body, what should I do, wait online, I'm in a hurry.

Sunshine gentle cook is attacked by X calm old dragon

Very nice comprehension food essay~,,,... …