Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 25


Lu Yaoyao was sitting on the couch, and in front of her stood two tall and handsome men.

They looked at her with focused eyes, deep eyes either as cold as frost, or with a three-point smile, all full of expectations.

Lu Yaoyao was a small group, and the chubby hand grabbed her little foot, raised her pink and delicate chubby face, and looked at them cutely with her big watery eyes.

Lu Qingyu's voice was lazy, with a tinge of magnetism, "Pearl, call Daddy to listen?"

Yao Jiuxiao's voice was low and cold as a human, "Shu'er, call your father."

Lu Qingyu's smile deepened, "Pearl, call me Daddy first."


"… "

Lu Yaoyao felt that she had encountered the most difficult choice in her life.

First call father or father, that is the question.

... She is still so young, why should she be subjected to choices she should not bear at this age? She is just a weak, poor, innocent and edible baby.

The two fathers were talking kindly, but Lu Yaoyao felt inexplicably that the aura was so terrifying that she almost wanted to hug the weak and pitiful self and shivered.

She nibbled at her little hands and looked at the two fathers with big black and bright eyes, "Ah!"

Lu Yaoyao's innocent face, she can only say one word, in fact, she can't speak yet! Dads don't make it difficult for the baby, okay? love you yo!

Although he didn't understand what the little brat meant, he could tell the difference from his emotions. Lu Qingyu smiled, "It doesn't matter if the little brat can't be called, you can wait."

Lu Yaoyao's eyes suddenly brightened, she nodded unconsciously, she was right, she couldn't speak yet.

As for later? I can't think of it too far, let's close this one first.

Lu Qingyu smiled meaningfully, "It's better to determine the name of the little brat first."

Yao Jiuxiao agreed, staring at the little brat with serious eyes.

Lu Yaoyao: "..." Suddenly remembered the fear of being brainwashed by two names.

Lu Qingyu's voice was lowered, "Lu Manzhu. Pearl, that's the name, do you like it?"

"Yao Yushu, are you okay?" The cold and beautiful father said in a super gentle voice.

Lu Yaoyao swayed from side to side, in fact, I heard a lot, two names are fine, or just two names...



Lu Yaoyao: "..." But even if she wanted to have both names, the fathers wouldn't allow it!

She looked up at the two fathers, trying to pass the test with her confused little eyes.

Lu Qingyu smiled brightly, "Daddy knows you can understand."

Lu Yaoyao: "..."

"Pearl is very clever, Daddy knows."

Yao Jiuxiao didn't speak, he touched the little brat's head.

"You just choose one, it doesn't matter, no matter which name you like, Daddy is very happy."

Lu Yaoyao: "..." When you say this, Dad, don't smile so scary!

Yao Jiuxiao didn't speak, and looked at her silently, his eyes faint.

Lu Yaoyao looked at her father and then at her father. I was afraid she was not embarrassing her little baby.

Lu Yaoyao got angry and named herself by performing on the spot.

She patted the bed with her little hand, raised her little eyebrows, and said fiercely, "Lu!"

Yao Jiuxiao's face sank, and Lu Qingyu smiled.


Lu Qingyu's smile froze.


Yao Jiuxiao's ice face turned from cloudy to sunny, melting like a spring breeze.

After speaking, Lu Yaoyao was suddenly very excited, she actually named herself! Although the name has been in memory since she was born, it came out of her mouth! She said three words clearly!

Lu Yaoyao puffed out her belly, raised her fleshy chin proudly, and watched the two fathers' reactions.

Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao were silent, and their eyes looked at her silently.

Lu Yaoyao's proud little eyes became cautious, doesn't it sound good

She thought it sounded good, and she felt that she should be called this name...

After a long time, Lu Qingyu took the lead in breaking the silence and said slowly, "Lu Yao?"

Lu Yaoyao was very small and excited, "Yao! Yao!"

"Yao Yao? Yaoyao?"

Uh-huh! Lu Yaoyao kept nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Lu Yaoyao..." Lu Qingyu's smile was meaningful, "Peach's Yaoyao, shining brightly, Pearl is very good at naming names, it's a good name."

Lu Yaoyao showed an innocent smile, her proud little expression came out again, her short legs couldn't help twisting up, she couldn't help it, she was so smart!

Yao Jiuxiao didn't speak, he didn't know what his attitude was.

After Lu Yaoyao was overjoyed, she looked at them with her short, raised legs in her arms, feeling apprehensive, for fear that they would not recognize the name, so she must choose one of them.

Fortunately, the fathers were reasonable and did not raise any objections, and they quickly accepted it well.

Lu Qingyu thought about it, it's still the name he took after rounding up with his surname, and at first glance it was his little cub.

Yao Jiuxiao felt that although his surname was not Yao, he was satisfied with the homophonic sound of Yao Yao.

Although the little brat didn't choose the name he chose, he also didn't choose the name that Lu Qingyu chose. Therefore, he didn't take into account the Lu surname that the little brat followed.

Everyone is happy.

Lu Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, complacent that he had avoided the possibility of a family war breaking out.

However, she thought too naively, this was just the beginning.

While Lu Yaoyao was sitting on the animal blanket and playing with colorful beads, the beautiful father sat cross-legged and stared at her for a moment, then raised his voice and sighed, "It's been so long since I was born, yet I can only say one word, What a little idiot." The tone was very disgusting.

Lu Yaoyao protested immediately: "Pfft! Puff!" Not a little idiot.

And not just one word! She said three words!

I used to praise her for being smart, but now I say she's stupid! snort! It's really capricious and contradictory.

Lu Qingyu casually said, "So in order to prove that you're not a little idiot, call Daddy to listen?"

Lu Yaoyao raised her head proudly, just as she was trying to prove that she was not a fool, her father appeared out of nowhere and looked at her faintly.

She suddenly widened her eyes and refused righteously. If you want to call, call me. Isn't it shameful for me

"Poor! Ah!"

Yao Jiuxiao came over, picked up Lu Yaoyao, turned around and walked out.

Lu Qingyu stood by himself, flicked his sleeves, and walked out sloppily.

In the world of plain silver, a cauldron is eye-catching.

Yao Jiuxiao walked over with Lu Yaoyao and stopped beside the pot.

Not the taste of broth.

Lu Yaoyao stuck out her little head curiously, what was her father cooking, she seemed to smell something she had never smelled before... Jiaoxiang? >

> She wanted to take a look, but there was something on the top that covered the cauldron tightly and she couldn't see it.

Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao went out for a trip, and the harvest was not small. They knew a lot of things that the cubs could eat, and there were a lot of them in the cave. With their stock, it was no problem to raise the cubs for more than ten years.

After seeing that the little brat likes to eat the egg custard very much, Yao Jiuxiao asked the weasel to share the spirit and record the production process of the egg custard.

Yao Jiuxiao has seen the tutorial, and he is full of confidence.

He felt that the little brat couldn't get enough to eat one spiritual egg, so he was going to cook two, but the egg liquid of the two couldn't be filled in a small bowl.

He felt that there was no difference between a small bowl and a large cauldron, only the difference in size, so he abandoned the small bowl and directly knocked the two spirit eggs into the cauldron, stirred them with the spiritual spring water in the cave, and set them on fire.

Then, when the egg is in the shape of a custard and is half cooked, sprinkle the seasoning on the surface of the custard, cover the lid, and use the residual heat of the charcoal to simmer for half a cup of tea, and the fresh and sweet custard will come out.

Yao Jiuxiao's expression was vaguely bright, and under Lu Yaoyao's curious eyes, he lifted the cover cut from ancient wood.

Lu Yaoyao was even more curious when she saw that her father seemed to be showing off her pride. She watched intently, waiting for the steaming gray fog? After dispersing, she fixed her eyes with anticipation, and then saw a thick layer of coke on the bottom of the pot

Lu Yaoyao turned to look at her father with a confused face.

What is this weird thing

Yao Jiuxiao's face froze, he looked at a mass of unknown objects at the bottom of the pot, and he was confused. He clearly followed the production process of the little demon, why is it not the same color

Lu Qingyu came over to take a look, then laughed and laughed, "Yao Jiuxiao, I didn't expect you to be really bad at cooking!"

I can't make barbecue, I can't cook soup, I can't make such a simple egg custard, tsk tsk tsk.

Lu Yaoyao looked at Daddy disapprovingly, and if she didn't do anything, she would beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.


After condemning her father, Lu Yaoyao patted her father to comfort her father, don't be sad, don't look at this strange thing, maybe it's the same as the black soup, but it's too unpretentious!

Just looking at the broth is simply poisoning the body and mind, and it is the most poisonous person in the world who will die at a glance. Who would have thought of its unparalleled delicacy

Being human... Being a demon can't be so superficial and only look at the surface, but to see the essence through the phenomenon, this must be another delicacy!

Lu Yaoyao asked her father to scoop a bowl of black paste for her, then opened her mouth impatiently, waiting to be fed.

Yao Jiuxiao had a serious face and scooped up a spoonful of black paste.

Lu Qingyu squatted aside, watching one small and one dare to eat and one to feed, and persuaded kindly, "Would you like to stop thinking about it?"

Yao Jiuxiao moved her hand and handed the spoon to Lu Yaoyao's mouth, she couldn't wait to lean over and snort, her mouth moved.

After a moment, she froze.

Lu Qingyu asked curiously, "How does it taste?"

Yao Jiuxiao also wanted to know the answer.

Lu Yaoyao's body was stiff and small, and after a long time, her black grape-like eyes rolled, and she burst into tears.

What magical taste is this

First sweet, then burnt, then astringent, then bitter, and finally spicy...

She actually tasted a lot of strange tastes.

Lu Yaoyao cried heartbroken.

Lu Qingyu leaned forward and backward with laughter, he knew hahaha...

Yao Jiuxiao raised his eyes, silently scooped a spoon, and quickly threw it into Lu Qingyu's wide-open mouth.

Lu Qingyu: "..." His expression changed, almost nauseous, so disgusting that he wanted to vomit.

Yao Jiuxiao's face was sullen, and he scooped another spoonful into his mouth.

Lu Yaoyao burst into tears, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, her small mouth was open, looking at her father and her father.

After a moment, quack smiled.

The Duanping Mountains were peaceful and comfortable. While Lu Yaoyao and his two fathers were living their lives, a group of mysterious goblins dressed in a unified system suddenly appeared in the snow in the wilderness thousands of miles away.

The head of the leader held a slap-sized magic weapon in his hand. At this time, the light lit up, and after a moment of flickering, it completely darkened.

He said solemnly, "It's here."

As soon as the leader's hand moved, the subordinates immediately took this as the center and spread out, and the black shadows dissipated around in a blink of an eye.

The spiritual sense of the masked leader probed in all directions, a silent field, desolate and uninhabited.

Occasionally, there are a few slow and slow breaths. It is a hibernating alien beast, and there is no other monster.

Not long after the subordinates came back one by one, they found nothing.

The leader lowered his head and fiddled with the magic weapon in his hand, but there was no response.

This magical tool can only find out where the demon they were looking for last appeared, and there was no trace beyond that.

A subordinate who came back a moment late found something unusual and said respectfully, "Head, there is an inn thousands of miles away."

The leader took back the magic weapon and said decisively, "Go and have a look."

A group of people quickly rushed to the location of the inn and appeared outside the inn in a blink of an eye.

Silver and white cover all exposed traces, and the snow and ice on the roof cover the gray rubble. Only the original color is exposed under the eaves, which is simple and lonely.

The frigid wind blew open the old wooden door of the inn, which was swayed by the wind and creaking.

They rushed into the inn unceremoniously.

The inn was lifeless and empty, with only a shell.

The subordinates searched the inn inside and out, but there was no trace of smell left. Obviously, the owner of the inn disappeared completely.

The leader's eyes dimmed, and finally he said coldly: "Chase!",,,...