Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 35


Song Xiaoqi's birthday was very lively, all the cubs in Cangshan arrived, and the other fairies who did not have cubs did not come, but they also gave a gift.

The little squirrel spirit's home is in a tall and sturdy tree trunk halfway up the Cangshan Mountain.

The roots of the ancient trees are knotted, and the branches are thick and strong, and it takes five or six adults to hug each other to surround them.

Lu Yaoyao was carried by Yao Jiuxiao and came to be a guest. It was the first time she saw the little squirrel's house, and it was amazing!

Squirrels live in trees.

When Lu Yaoyao was sitting in his father's arms and his father was standing under a large tree trunk, several squirrels quickly jumped off the branch.

The two larger squirrels jumped in front of Lu Yaoyao and turned into a man and a woman, with their fluffy tails swaying reservedly behind them.

"Welcome all of you."

The male and female demons were Song Xiaoqi's parents, and they were very excited to see Yao Jiuxiao and Lu Qingyu coming.

As far as Lu Qingyu is concerned, Yao Jiuxiao doesn't like to join in the fun at first glance.

I didn't expect them to come! Really flattered them.

Song Xiaoqi saw Lu Yaoyao jumping around his parents excitedly, "Yaoyaoyao, you're here!" When looking at the two tall uncles, he politely greeted, "Hello, uncle. "

Lu Yaoyao also greeted the squirrel spirit husband "wife" politely. Then looking at her little friend, she couldn't stand it any longer, struggling to get down to the ground and hugging the little squirrel affectionately.

"Yaoyao, I'll take you to see my house!"

"Okay, okay!"

The little squirrel led Lu Yaoyao to jump up the tree impatiently, and Lu Yaoyao also jumped and scurried flexibly on the tree trunk. Use exercise very skillfully.

Squirrel Dad and Squirrel Mother looked at Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao, their faces flushed with excitement, and they warmly welcomed them into the tree house.

The little squirrel's home is located in a tree trunk four or five meters high. The tree hole is spacious, dry and very clean.

Several wooden houses, large and small, were also built on the sturdy tree trunks that extended outwards.

Ordinary humanoids may be a little "tight" when entering the cabin, but the original shape of a squirrel is very convenient.

There are basically squirrel clans on the whole tree, but there are dozens of huge squirrel families, of which only six or seven are able to cultivate, and the others are just ordinary squirrels.

When Lu Yaoyao and the others arrived, it was neither too early nor too late. There were already several cubs, and it became even more lively.

Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao were invited into the largest wooden house.

Apparently it's just a lobby for hospitality.

Due to the large number of guests, many fairies with small bodies consciously changed into their original forms.

These goblins just sent the cubs over, congratulated them by the way, and exchanged feelings with each other, and they would not stay for a long time.

Originally, Little Squirrel's birthday celebration was one month after he was born, but at that time, due to some accidents, it was not held until this year.

It was rare for the fairies to gather together so neatly, chatting lively, and then they saw the squirrel elves bring in two radiant and handsome male demons.

In an instant, all the fairies' eyes were focused on the two male demons.

This is the first time the two have been in the same frame in front of fairies since the scandal.

Now the goblins have accepted this fact and no longer sigh with tears all day long.

Looking at them standing together now, the two equally excellent male goblins are actually quite a match.

Lu Qingyu seemed to taste the information "revealed" in their hot eyes, and silently opened the distance, wishing to be separated by 108,000 miles.

Yao Jiuxiao didn't pay attention to the scandal, and occasionally heard a word or two of rumors, just thinking about the word absurd, and ignored it.

He frowned, not used to seeing these goblins' straightforward and enthusiastic eyes.

Even in the sect, no one dared to look at him like that.

Yao Jiuxiao endured secretly, and left only after watching the birthday celebration.

Lu Yaoyao didn't know that her two fathers were watched as rare animals. She had a great time with a group of friends.

She didn't forget to give the little squirrel a gift, and quickly handed a small box to Song Xiaoqi.

"Xiao Qi, this is my birthday present for you."

This unremarkable little box was provided by her father, or Lu Yaoyao thought later that she just gave it directly without any surprises, and asked her father and daddy to find a small box for her to wrap the gift.

"Thank you Yaoyao!" Song Xiaoqi happily took over.

He opened it and saw that it was a beautiful little rock that looked like a hazelnut. He remembered that Yaoyao liked it very much!

"Yaoyao, do you want to give it to me?" Song Xiaoqi was very happy, but also a little embarrassed.

"That's right!" Lu Yaoyao nodded and said seriously, "You have to cherish it!"

"Yeah!" Song Xiaoqi nodded again and again, and immediately kept the small stone in a small box specially designed for his things in his room.

The birthday of the little squirrel is very simple, it is to have a lively meal together, the elders give blessings, there is no special ceremony, the cubs chase and play, laughing and laughing.

It was not until Qinghui hung in the dark for a long time that the tired cubs were taken away by their parents.

Lu Yaoyao was carried back by Yao Jiuxiao, she fell asleep as soon as she lay down on Yao Jiuxiao's shoulders.

The next day, Lu Yaoyao woke up in high spirits. While being fed by his father for breakfast, he kept babbling and sharing yesterday's interesting stories with his father and daddy happily.

Seeing that Lu Yaoyao was so excited, Lu Qingyu thought thoughtfully, "Do you like this kind of excitement?"

"I like it." Lu Yaoyao shook her head, it was such a fun and lively event, why didn't she like it

Lu Qingyu said: "In the future, Daddy will give you more fun."

Lu Yaoyao blinked, took a bite of the sticky meat that her father handed over, and looked at her father, "What's more lively?"

"You'll find out later." Lu Qingyu remained mysterious.

Lu Yaoyao hummed.

Adults are like this. They always use words like later, when they grow up, to fool children.


Lu Yaoyao suddenly found out that her father and father have been mysterious these days, and they don't know what to do behind her back.

She originally wanted to stay at home with her father, but he actually opened his mouth! Let her go out and find a friend to play with!

This is the first time that my father has taken the initiative to say that he does not want her to accompany him!

Lu Yaoyao couldn't believe it, didn't father and father always like her company

Although she didn't say it every time, they were obviously very happy when she was with them!

How long has it been since then, did they despise her little baby

Lu Yaoyao was hit hard.

Isn't she the little padded jacket that her father and daddy loved

Her father and father actually despised her!

For this reason, when Lu Yaoyao went out to play with her friends, she lost her interest and became a wilted little dumpling.

When Song Xiaoqi and the others saw Lu Yaoyao being listless, they stepped forward and asked with concern, "What's the matter with you, Yaoyao?"

Lu Yaoyao squatted on the ground, little fat hand resting on his chin, his chubby face huddled into a ball, frowning.

She said with a "milk" voice: "I'm fine, you guys can play, I'll be watching you right here."

The chubby legs are easily unbalanced when squatting, and before she finished speaking, her small body squatted on the ground with a swaying buttocks.

She just sat there.

Seeing Lu Yaoyao like this, how can you rest assured to leave her alone and play alone

They all gathered around and asked Lu Yaoyao why she was unhappy.

Lu Yaoyao felt the genuine concern of her friends, and said slackly, "I think my father and daddy don't love me anymore."

Lu Yaoyao sighed in an old-fashioned manner.

The little friends looked at each other, Song Xiaoqi tilted his head, "Why?" How could Yaoyao's father and daddy dislike Yaoyao

"I want to accompany my father, he asked me to come out to play." The more Lu Yaoyao said, the more wronged he became.

Thinking of her father and daddy no longer love her, Lu Yaoyao's heart will break.

Did father and daddy have a new little padded jacket and don't want her anymore

When the little friends heard it, they breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be the case.

As the demons who came here, they didn't take it for granted, and took it for granted, "All adults are like this! They despise our cubs for being troublesome and annoying, so they can't wait to leave us outside and grow up by themselves overnight."

"Yeah, my parents always dislike me for disturbing them."

The cubs vomited bitterly, "Actually, our cubs don't like to play with adults, they don't understand us at all."

"Yes, that's right!"

"We accompany them because we are worried that they will be lonely, but they think we are noisy."

"Father and mother are so disgusting!"

"Yaoyao, you don't know that my father threw me out of the house every day before dawn, and I went back early, but I still had a look of disgust, why did I come back so early! I disturbed him and his mother in the world of two demons, listen to me, It's not evil!"

"My father is even more abominable..."

The cubs are outraged!

Lu Yaoyao blinked, with a "confused" face.

Yes, is that so

Father and father let her out to play, did they think she disturbed them

But it always feels weird...

"Yaoyao, are you alright?"

While Lu Yaoyao was contemplating with a bewildered face, several pairs of big round eyes stared at her, and she was even more at a loss, "What?" Is it any good? She just didn't pay attention to what the friends said.

"Run away from home!"

Song Xiaoqi clenched his paws, "Let's run away from home!"

"Yes! Let the parents know that our cubs are not easy to mess with!"

"Mmmm, let's go!"

The cubs responded, crowding Lu Yaoyao and leaving excitedly.

Lu Yaoyao followed her friends away from Cangshan in a confused manner, still confused, why did she suddenly run away from home

By the lake, Yao Jiuxiao, who was finishing polishing the small wooden sword in his hand, suddenly stopped.

At the same time, Lu Qingyu, who was lying on the wooden chair, suddenly opened his eyes.
