Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 36


The cubs mostly play in their own hills, but occasionally run to other hills.

Cangshan is located on the southeast side of the Duanping Mountains.

A group of cubs hula-la, actually ran over two hills and ran out of the range of Broken Screen Mountains.

Lu Yaoyao was still in the fog at first, but she was quickly infected by the excitement of her friends, and she became happy too.

It's fun!

They stopped at a high place outside the Broken Screen Mountains, and they looked at a field of weeds and boundless borders.

At first glance there is no way to go.

Facing the completely unfamiliar environment, the cubs retreated timidly for a while.

"Where are we going?"

"Mother said that the outside world is terrible, and there are big monsters that eat cubs."

"My father said that there are monsters outside who are specializing in catching cubs. If we are caught, we will never see our parents again."

The cubs came out for the first time, and when the other cubs said this, they became even more timid in their hearts.

It wasn't the first time that Lu Yaoyao came out, she was more experienced than just getting out of her.

Lu Yaoyao puffed out her belly involuntarily and proudly.

This is her second time out!

The first time was when my dad took me away from home... run away...

Lu Yaoyao sighed, why did she have such a relationship with running away from home

However, she thought that when she went out with her father and daddy in winter, she encountered a lot of monsters. Although they were all defeated, they were still terrifying for the cubs.

Lu Yaoyao said with a serious little face, "Let's not go out, there are big monsters outside, I have seen them."

Countless pairs of eyes suddenly came over, "Have you seen Yaoyao?"

Lu Yaoyao nodded her head, "Yes! The monster is so big, its mouth is so big, it can eat us all in one bite!"

Lu Yaoyao tried her best to open her small hands to describe to her friends how big it was.

The cubs were startled, their eyes widened even more.

"It's scary!"

"Let's go back."

"Yes, don't leave home."

Song Xiaoqi was also a little scared at first, but the cub's fearless nature made him unwilling to go back here, "What are you afraid of, there will be no big monsters outside!"

"It's all out, don't you want to see the outside world?"

Song Xiaoqi's claws pointed to the vast wilderness.

A gust of wind blew, and the dense grass blades swayed and rustled.

The cubs looked at each other in dismay, their hearts pounding.

Parents describe the outside world as terrifying, but they always find it exciting!

Lu Yaoyao tilted her head, she didn't really want to go, the outside world in her memory was only a vast white "color", in fact, except for her father and father, there was no fun.

Song Xiaoqi jumped and ran down the slope.

His small body, after rushing into the grass, was instantly engulfed and disappeared.

Lu Yaoyao was worried that her friend would get lost, so she quickly followed.

When the other cubs saw it, they quickly chased after them: "Wait for us!"

The cubs rushed in quickly and disappeared instantly. The huge wasteland seemed to have no life.

Before looking down on the high slope, I only felt that the grass was densely packed, but when I walked in, I realized that it was not only lush, but also very tall. After the cubs entered, they only felt that the sky was covered.

A group of cubs were rampaging in the dense grass, Lu Yaoyao only felt extremely sad, when she was running inside, she was hit on the face by the leaves and felt uncomfortable.

They ran to a place where there was no grass and stopped.

The cubs' hair was covered with weeds, and some of the white hair was dyed green.

The little tug on Lu Yaoyao's head also twisted.

She raised her head and saw that there were weeds blocking her vision, front and back, left and right, her face bulging, "Let's go back, it's not fun to run away from home."

The other cubs lay on the ground, nodding deeply, they were so tired from running!

After Song Xiaoqi ran in, he also felt that running away from home was not as exciting as he imagined, and immediately lowered his head in frustration, "It's really not fun." After running for so long, they didn't see anything of interest, the outside world. Might as well have fun in Cangshan!

Bai Shishi said: "Then let's go back."

The cubs agreed.

Lu Yaoyao was about to go back with her friends, but she looked around with a blank face, "Where are we going?"

I didn't pay attention when they were running, now they look the same in all directions, Lu Yaoyao can't tell which direction their home is.

The other cubs looked at each other in dismay, and they didn't know wow!

Just as he was at a loss, the grass on the right suddenly trembled violently, and then a beast full of fangs jumped out, looking at this group of fresh and aura cubs covetously.

Startled, the cubs huddled far and wide, shivering.

The demon clan eats spirit beasts, but the carnivorous spirit beasts also hunt the cubs of the demon clan.

For the cubs, this alien beast is very large and full of danger, which makes the cubs who have never encountered danger when they grew up in the uncontested Cangshan feel terrifying.

Lu Yaoyao had seen this kind of big monster before, and Daddy killed it with one hand, so he didn't feel too scared.

It's just that dad isn't here now...

Lu Yaoyao looked back, a group of "hairy" furries were huddled together and shivered.

Look at this big monster looking at them greedily with drooling.

Lu Yaoyao's chubby legs were shaking, but she still tried her best to stand still and stare at her with fierce eyes.

She clenched her chubby fist and made a cute and fierce expression towards the beast, "You are not allowed to come here, I am very fierce!"

Seeing that the youngest Yaoyao was so brave, Song Xiaoqi summoned up the courage to stand up, "Yao... Yao, don't be afraid, I have a lot of meat. When he eats me first, run away!"

Bai Twelve jumped out and cried and said, "I have more meat, eat me first..."

Lu Yaoyao didn't want her little friend to be eaten, she said fiercely: "My father and daddy are so powerful, I must be so powerful! Let's beat the big monster away!"

"Yes, run away!" The other cubs also summoned up their courage. Although they were still very scared, they had the intention to protect their little friends, and stood with their little friends shaking their "hairy" bodies.

The alien beast doesn't care about the change of mind of this group of cubs, it intuitions that there is something that makes it jealous in this group of cubs, which is why it didn't rush to eat the cubs immediately, but it can't resist the instinct of hunger, especially This 'hairless' cub was very attractive to it. The alien beast's front claws grabbed the ground, then opened its stench and fangs, and roared towards them.


The cubs have never even caught prey before, they only run the demonic energy to make their bodies more agile, and they run around screaming. >

br> Lu Yaoyao also wanted to run, but the big monster was very close to her, and it was still running towards her, so she didn't have time to run.

After Song Xiaoqi ran away, he looked back and saw that Yaoyao was stupidly standing and didn't run, and then quickly turned around and ran back, rushing past like a cannonball, slammed into it, and only shifted the alien beast a little bit, but it was enough for Lu Yao Yao hurried to escape from the beast's mouth.

Song Xiaoqi was lying on the ground, only feeling his head dizzy. He tried his best to hit him, but he still hasn't recovered.

When the other cubs saw this, they also rushed forward bravely, attacking the beast with their fangs and claws.

Their claws can only leave a trace on the alien beast, not even the skin "hair" is cut, and their teeth can't even bite the flesh.

Lu Yaoyao also wanted to use her claws to attack the alien beast, but her claws were even more useless. Seeing the alien beast staring at her as if it wanted to eat her first, she ran around to interfere with it.

The alien beast originally wanted to eat the most attractive cub first, but was annoyed by the other little cubs. It roared and threw the cub off its body, turning its head to prepare to bite it first.

Xuepen's big mouth is about to bite the nearest Bai Xian.


Seeing this scene, Lu Yaoyao screamed and rushed over, trying to push Bai Twelve away, but it was too late. Seeing that Bai Twelve was about to die in the mouth of the beast, at the critical moment, a cold sword energy flashed away, Instantly submerged into the body of the alien beast, and at the same time, all the cubs were moved together inexplicably.

Then, two figures, one red and one white, appeared in front of them.

"Father! Daddy!"

Lu Yaoyao's eyes burst into light, seeing her father and daddy appear as if she saw the arrival of the gods.

She pounced with open arms, hugged her father's legs, and tried to climb up.

Yao Jiuxiao picked up Lu Yaoyao and saw that her white and chubby little face was scratched a few times, her little face was still white, and she looked undecided, and she couldn't say anything to blame.

Lu Qingyu was about to laugh when he saw the messed up cub, how dare such a lowly beast dare to eat his cub

Lu Yaoyao hugged her father, suddenly full of security.

"It's scary!"

Fortunately, father and father came in time, otherwise they would be eaten! Lu Yaoyao was pitifully trying to comfort her.

Lu Qingyu looked at the little brat who was unaware of his mistake. Even though he knew in his heart that the brat had so many life-saving instruments, he would not die inexplicably, but when he saw the little brat being so embarrassed, he frowned in irritability.

They sensed the moment the cubs touched the barrier of the Broken Screen Mountains and ran out, and they quickly rushed over to see a group of cubs happily running towards the crisis-filled wasteland.

They didn't show up right away, but followed behind, determined to make the little brat suffer.

The little body is a little big, but he ran away from home playing with other cubs

Go back and settle your accounts!

The other cubs saw the familiar Uncle Stone Jing appear, and it took a long time for them to react. They were saved!

Suddenly they cheered.

With the big goblin around, they were no longer afraid, and gathered around them one after another, talking nonsense.

"We were so good just now! We actually fought with the big monster!"

"We won!"

"… "

Lu Yaoyao thought that she was so brave to deal with the big monster, and she also felt that she was really amazing! Immediately kicked his legs with excitement.

Although it was her father who killed her in the end, she also deserved credit!

Ahh she is so awesome!

Yao Jiuxiao looked at these innocent cubs, expressionless, "Go back."

The cubs have no objection, they actually want to go back!

It was just that he suddenly forgot the way back and accidentally encountered a strange beast.

The cubs ran around Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao, talking about how amazing their uncle was, and boasting to each other about their bravery just now with their friends, unaware that they were only a mile away from death.

Lu Yaoyao was the same, she was very excited to describe to her father and father how brave she was before.

Lu Qingyu laughed and looked at the little brat meaningfully.

When they returned to Cangshan, the goblin parents who had been informed of the news one step later, saw a group of intact cubs, and their fearful hearts slowly let go.

The cubs were even more happy when they saw their parents. They rushed over and showed off their heroic deeds to their parents, ignoring the gradually distorted smiles of the Taoist parents.


"Wow wow!!!"


The unbearable parents grabbed the cubs and slapped the cubs, and Cangshan suddenly heard the miserable cries of the cubs, all of them being held by their parents for mixed doubles.

The cubs cried miserably.

"Run away from home! I let you run away from home!"

The goblin parents were extremely embarrassed. They never expected that this group of cubs would suddenly do such a ridiculous thing without making a sound.

If it hadn't been for the stone spirits and the others to rush over in time, maybe the cub would be gone!

While the parents were frightened, they were equally annoyed.

Cubs deserve to be beaten!

Dare to do anything without fighting for a day!

They dared to run out of the Broken Screen Mountains, the wasteland that spreads thousands of miles, and even the adult goblins didn't dare to step into it. These cubs are really ignorant and fearless.

If something were to happen, what would they do

Lu Yaoyao stood on the ground, looking at the little friends whose butts were swollen, subconsciously covering their little butts with their little hands behind their backs, how scary!

The ass is swollen, sigh! It hurts!

I can't even watch it, it's so sad! Fortunately, her father and father didn't beat her...

When she looked up, her father and father looked at her blankly.

Lu Yaoyao: "..."

Lu Yaoyao turned around obediently, her little butt was facing them, and the little "milk" voice was crying, "Baby knows it's wrong, father and father tap lightly..."

Lu Yaoyao's big black and white eyes suddenly filled with tears, she thought that she was about to follow in the footsteps of her friends, and that she was going to be spanked, she cried very miserably.

Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao who haven't had time to do anything: "..."

They cried so much before they fought. If they did, wouldn't they be able to cry for three days and three nights
