Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 45


Lu Yaoyao met a new friend, and she was still thinking about it. She wanted to rush out to find her friend, but she would be able to go out on vacation in five days.

She waved a small wooden sword, with a sullen face, seriously thinking about the possibility of learning to play for two days and one day.

How can father and father agree

The little wooden sword was tapped lightly.

Lu Yaoyao raised her head and saw her father's dignified and cold face, "The angle of swinging the sword is not right, don't be distracted."

Lu Yaoyao calmed down and swung the small wooden sword seriously.

After a while, Lu Yaoyao completed Yao Jiuxiao's prescribed number of sword swings. She held the small wooden sword and looked at Yao Jiuxiao with a small expression of grievance, "Why do other children play every day, I have to learn sword and practice again. Whip wants to learn words again?"

Lu Yaoyao has already asked, the little friends don't need to learn these, their cultivation is mostly going out with their elders and learning to hunt.

Lu Yaoyao was very envious, and the way they practiced was very interesting.

The same goblin cub, why is there such a big gap in childhood life

She is still a little baby less than five years old, and she also wants to play happily every day.

Yes, except that after the first few days of practice, he felt that it was novel and particularly interesting, but Lu Yaoyao felt that the repeated swinging of swords and whips every day was very boring. After practicing these basic movements, he had to meditate.

This is different from the cultivation she imagined at the beginning. She thought that she could be like her father and daddy, and she would soon learn how to play and be as mighty and domineering as them.

In fact, Lu Yaoyao's daily practice is the same, such as sword training, her father didn't teach her much at all, she simply swings the sword a lot.

Especially, every day before dawn, she has to get up.

Lu Yaoyao was wronged, she didn't want to practice anymore.

Yao Jiuxiao saw that the little brat's eyes were red, and his face could not be colder. He tried to be gentle, "Cultivation is about persistence, the foundation is the most important, and you will benefit a lot in the future if you lay a good foundation."

Because of Lu Yaoyao's high talent, Yao Jiuxiao paid more attention to her foundation.

The basic practice is solid, and the future cultivation realm is just a matter of time.

Lu Yaoyao bumped her head over and hugged Yao Jiuxiao's thigh, she knew the reason, but she wanted to play.

Yao Jiuxiao couldn't help but hesitate, did he "force" too tightly

Thinking about the little boy who is only four years old, no matter how smart and talented he is, he is still an ignorant child.

Yao Jiuxiao's heart softened, he hugged Lu Yaoyao, "Do you want to go out so much?"

Lu Yaoyao said, "I want to."

Yao Jiuxiao sighed silently, that's all, the child is still young and shouldn't live such a boring life all day.

"After practicing the basic skills, you can go out to play."

Lu Yaoyao's wet eyes lit up, "Father, is it really okay?"


She gets up early, and after practicing the sword and swinging the whip, she can spend most of the day playing every day.

This is much more cost-effective than her learning for two days and playing for one day!

"Thank you father! I love father the most!" Lu Yaoyao leaned forward, pouted, and gave Yao Jiuxiao a few big kisses.

"Father~ I love father the most!" Lu Yaoyao hugged Yao Jiuxiao and acted coquettishly.

"Yaoyao'er, who do you love the most?" A gloomy tone came from one side.

Lu Yaoyao froze, "..." Too bad, she forgot that her father was still at home.

Lu Yaoyao showed an innocent smile, "Daddy."

She twisted her small body, got down from her father's arms, ran over, hugged Lu Qingyu, raised her face, and said cutely, "I love Daddy too!"

Lu Qingyu still had a gloomy face, he pinched Lu Yaoyao's chubby face, "I just heard, your favorite father?" In the end, he was not willing to exert himself.

"Nonsense, Daddy, you must have misunderstood." Lu Yaoyao blinked and retorted earnestly, "I not only love my father, but also my father!"

"Father and daddy are my favorites!" Lu Yaoyao said cutely, "I have a very small heart, I can only pretend to be my father and daddy, if I have to share how much."

With a chubby face, she said helplessly, "I can't tell the difference, you guys are tied for the first place in my heart!"

"Oh? It's just the two of us? If there is a Taoist companion in the future..." Lu Qingyu's face was gloomy, and his killing intent skyrocketed. He couldn't imagine if the little brat was tricked away...

Daoist? Lu Yaoyao blinked, stretched out her little tail finger, and squeezed out a little space with her other finger, "If there is a Taoist companion, this is the place in my heart, there won't be any more!"

However, she acted coquettishly, "I don't want a Taoist partner! I want to stay by my father and daddy's side all my life~"

"Favorite father and daddy~"

Lu Qingyu was coaxed by the little brat's sweet words, neither crying nor laughing, he tapped her little nose, "Little devil."

Lu Qingyu thought, this Yuanqi Continent can't find a better man than him. If anyone is so bold and dare to coax his little princess... He narrowed his eyes slightly, and he said that he could survive in his hands.

Lu Yaoyao giggled, she opened her hands and jumped up, "Daddy hug me~"

Lu Qingyu picked up the cub with one hand.

"Dad, my father promised me that I can go out for half a day every day from now on!"

Lu Qingyu glanced coldly at Yao Jiuxiao.

The human race really has deep scheming, and actually uses this method to please the little cub.

"Dad, are you alright?" Lu Yaoyao kissed Lu Qingyu's face a few times and said coquettishly, "I'll practice whipping in the morning and play in the afternoon, okay?"

"Of course." Lu Qingyu said, "My little princess can do whatever she wants. You can go out and play now if you want."

"Thank you Daddy!" Lu Yaoyao was very happy.

After she got off the ground, she rushed out with her short legs, Yao Jiuxiao watched and didn't stop her.

Lu Yaoyao walked around the mountain, and other fairies reminded her where the cubs were playing today. She quickly found a team and gave them a surprise.

"Your little cutie suddenly appeared!"

The voice was soft and cute, "milk" sounded "milk", the little friends saw that Lu Yaoyao suddenly appeared, and immediately rushed up with great joy.

"Yaoyao, you're here!"

"Yaoyao, don't you have to come out in five days?"

"Yaoyaoyao, I miss you so much!"

Lu Yaoyao and her friends chatted enthusiastically for a while. She looked around and saw no new friends, so she couldn't help asking, "Where's Xiao Si?"

Song Xiaoqi tilted his head, "Xiao Si didn't come!"

ah? Lu Yaoyao 'touched' the baotou, "Is Xiao Si too shy to come? Let's find him?"

"Okay, okay!" The cubs had no objection, the more cubs playing together, the more fun it would be.

So a group of cubs moved in the direction of Komi's house while fighting.


Gin-si had a good dream all night, and woke up very happy the next day.

After the family of three happily ate breakfast, Qianniang asked Little Silver Wolf, "Do you want to go and play with your friends?"

The big eyes of the little silver wolf lit up, and then he hesitated, can he still find new friends to play with? Will they stop playing with him

"This is a gift from A-Niang to your friends. Can you help A-Niang send it to the children?" Qian Niang carried a backpack that could hold a lot of things on the back of the little silver wolf, and a strap was attached to the front legs. , hangs firmly.

Qianniang noticed yesterday that those cubs were wearing cloth bags or backpacks, and she made one for the little silver wolf overnight. It was very compact, but it could hold a lot of things in it.

Qian Niang doesn't have many storage bags or rings for the little silver wolf, but the cloth for making the backpack is very special, and it is one of the raw materials for making storage bags.

Qianniang made an excuse for the little silver wolf, and the little silver wolf pretended to be steady, "Then I'll help A-Niang run this trip."

Then, he couldn't wait to run out, and a touch of silver instantly swept away.

Qianniang watched the little silver wolf leave with a smile on her face. In her life, she only hoped that her youngest son could live a happy, safe and smooth life.

Despite the fat and short limbs, the little silver wolf actually ran very fast, and he soon arrived at the place where he picked fruit together yesterday.

However, it was quiet, only the movement of the birds flying on the branches, and the new friends were not there.

The little silver wolf's limbs stepped on the ground, and the round little head hung down, extremely low.

The new friends are gone!

He was listless, turned around and walked back slowly.

After walking for a while, he heard a lively sound in the distance, and he instantly raised his ears, and the "hair" trembled.

He heard the voice of his new friend.

Yinsi hesitated for a while, but still told herself that she wanted to help her with a gift, so she ran towards the source of the sound with her short legs.

The laughter was getting closer, the little silver wolf got out of the grass, and saw a group of cubs chasing and fighting in the forest. A fat white rabbit just jumped over and pressed the suddenly appearing little silver wolf. Under the body.

Bai Shishi moved his rabbit ears and hurriedly greeted his friends, "Come on, I seem to have caught something!"

Bai Shishi could feel something moving under his abdomen, and he pressed it tightly.

"What? What?"

A group of cubs hula la ran over and surrounded Bai Twelve.

"I seem to have seen a small white animal just now."

"What is it?"

"Let me seeā€¦ "

Bai Twelve moved the side of his fat abdomen, and then a small round head poked out with difficulty, his hair exploded, and his round eyes were wet.

Difficulty exhaling and breathing.

The cubs looked at it and quickly recognized it.

Lu Yaoyao said immediately, "This is Xiao Si!"

"Twelve, you are pressing Xiaosi!"

Lu Yaoyao hurriedly stretched out her hand, trying to smash Yin Si.

Bai Twelve turned the rabbit's head, oh my god, he suppressed the natural enemy!

He jumped up and down.

Lu Yaoyao just pulled out with force and pulled Yin Si out directly, her chubby little body leaned back and pressed Song Xiaoqi behind, and the cubs fell into a ball.

"Xiao Si, are you alright?"

Yinsi enjoyed the care of his new friends. He sniffed, sitting on the ground with his hind legs "hips", his fore legs tucked, trying his best to make a serious wolf face, "I'm fine."

Lu Yaoyao looked at the little silver wolf, it was round and round, unable to control the small claws that were about to move, and slapped him, Lu Yaoyao thought seriously, Xiao Si's "hair" is too "messy" , she just helped Shun Shun "Mao".

"Xiao Si, your backpack is so beautiful!"

Lu Yaoyao noticed that the little silver wolf was carrying a small backpack that fit perfectly, just like the way she remembered a human cub carrying a schoolbag to school, the two shoulder straps were firmly hanging on the front legs, and there was a small backpack on top of it. The cute little wolf is exactly the same as the little silver wolf.

The little silver wolf raised his head proudly, "My aunt made it."

"Your aunt is amazing!"

The cubs also noticed the nice little backpack.

In contrast, their cloth bags are really very simple, just a piece of gray cloth, or made of animal skins, the style is simple, and there are no patterns.

Little Silver Wolf's backpack is very different.

Lu Yaoyao looked down at her small purse, the patterns on it were not cute, but very beautiful, so she proudly said, "My father made this for me!"

Then Lu Yaoyao also received a pair of envious eyes from her new partner.

Lu Yaoyao said, "We were just about to find you, and we came just in time, let's go play!"

When Yinsi heard this, her eyes brightened, "Are you guys looking for me?"


Yin Si was so happy that he wanted to woo, but he controlled it and said reservedly, "You can come and play with me, too." The little 'milk' sound was very excited.

Then I remembered something, and hurriedly took off the backpack on my body, "My aunt asked me to bring gifts for you."

"What gift?" Except for birthdays, they rarely received gifts from their elders, and the cubs were pleasantly surprised and curious.
