Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 46


Under the eyes of many expectations, Yinsi dug into his backpack and took out two trays of beautifully stacked cakes

"Wow!" The cubs were amazed and asked curiously, "What is this?"

The ignorant cubs have never seen such delicate food. They moved their little noses and smelled a very sweet taste.

At first, Yinsi didn't know what gift A-Niang asked him to bring, but now, when he looked at it, he said with a bit of pride, "This is a cake made by my A-Niang, soft and glutinous, sweet and delicious... special good to eat!"

Gin-si's description made the cubs drool.

Although they all wanted to taste whether it was so delicious, they did not rush forward to fight, but after confirming that this was a gift from Xiaosi's aunt, they lined up one by one according to their age. Lu Yaoyao was the youngest cub in the mountains, so she came first.

Lu Yaoyao saw the little silver wolf standing stupidly and asked, "Little Si, how old are you?"

"Four years old."

Lu Yaoyao's eyes lit up, she finally had a cub younger than her, she hurriedly greeted, "Come here!" Lu Yaoyao suddenly felt that she had a great responsibility, she was an older sister.

Under the guidance of Lu Yaoyao, Yinsi was at the top of the line, and then he took a piece of cake under the explanation of Lu Yaoyao.

Then one by one the cubs stepped forward to get them. The two cakes on the plate happened to be available to all the cubs, one for each person.

They sat together and ate snacks together. The food that was already delicious was even more delicious.

Lu Yaoyao dangled her short legs and nibbled on the cakes the size of her slap. It was so delicious, I wonder if my father would make them.

Lu Yaoyao thought of the food her father made... Forget it, she couldn't hold out much hope.

Maybe it's because of the environment, Yinsi felt more delicious, and his eyes became brighter.

Ginmi couldn't help looking at the only humanoid cub, seeing her very happy, she was also very happy, the fluffy ears on the top of her head trembled for a moment.

After the cubs finished eating the cakes, they expressed their compliments one after another. After speaking, they took Yinsi back to Cangshan, ready to take him to play in the area.

There are not as many places to play on other hills as Cangshan, and it is not as interesting as Cangshan. The cubs bring their new partners to play boulders and other amusements.

A group of cubs are lively and lively, everywhere they go.

The relationship between Yinsi and his friends quickly warmed up, but the best one was with Lu Yaoyao. After playing it, the little silver wolf gradually became lively, jumping up and down with Lu Yaoyao, so unhappy.

After that, Yinsi ran out every day at dawn and went to find Lu Yaoyao first. He couldn't enter the barrier, so he waited outside, and after Lu Yaoyao came out, he went to find other cubs to play with.

The fun days passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, half of the autumn was over.

Lu Yaoyao finished her schoolwork today, she looked up at the gloomy weather.

"Father, is it going to rain?"

Yao Jiuxiao responded.

Does that mean we can't go out to play today

But it doesn't matter, father and daddy are at home, they can play together.

But not long after, Lu Yaoyao sensed that the little wolf was coming, and she hurriedly ran out.

After Lu Yaoyao's cultivation level went up, she could suddenly sense the restriction of the enchantment surrounding the house, and she could also sense the movement within ten meters outside the enchantment.

When a small partner finds her, she can find it in time, and she is no longer ignorant.

"Xiao Si, why did you come out today?"

Yinsi has been squatting on the gravel road for almost a month. His small body is still like the first time we met. He has not grown up, but seems to be more rounded.

Lu Yaoyao pointed to the sky, "Look, it's going to rain soon! Rain is not fun, we don't go out."

This is the tacit understanding of the cubs playing together for many years. As long as it rains or snows heavily, they will not come out to play together.

The rain hits the "hairy" cubs, it is wet and sticky, they don't like it, and when the ground is wet, it will become muddy, it is difficult to step on the ground, and their claws will become dirty.

If the snow is thick, as soon as the cubs run out, they sink into the snow and are buried.

Lu Yaoyao thought about it, Xiaosi had only joined in not long ago, he didn't know this, it was her fault that she didn't think about it clearly.

Yinsi raised her head to look at the sky, her expression was lost, I can't play together today...

In fact, before he went out, A-Niang said that it might rain and asked him if he was going out again.

He played with his friends during this time, and it was the happiest day for him. He didn't want to miss even a day, so he ran out.

"Then when can I come to see you?"

"When the rain stops, you have to look at the ground. If it's too wet, it won't come out!"

The winter in the mountains of Duanping came very quickly. Basically, after a few autumn rains, it snowed very quickly.

Lu Yaoyao saw that the little silver wolf was listless, thinking that the rain might not fall for a while, so she said, "We can play nearby!"

Lu Yaoyao thought to herself, they were playing around here, and when it rained, they would go back to the house to take shelter from the rain.

Yin Si jumped up and down, "Okay! Okay!"

They used to be played by a large group of cubs, and there are many games to play, but now there are only two of them... Lu Yaoyao thought for a moment, and said to Yinsi: "I'll show you the swordsmanship I learned. !"

Silver has nothing to do with it.

So Lu Yaoyao held the small wooden sword and began to practice swordsmanship.

There is no such thing as a graceful movement like an exiled fairy, Lu Yaoyao is white and fat, with short legs and short hands, holding a small wooden sword like a toy and poking around, looking cute and cute.

The little silver wolf was very face-saving, "Yaoyao is amazing!"

After Lu Yaoyao finished practicing a set of swordsmanship, she raised her little nose proudly, and said modestly, "It's normal! When I grow up, I will be even better!"

The little silver wolf said unconvinced: "I can be very powerful when I grow up!"

However, when he looked down at his short, fat paws, his eyes dimmed again.

Lu Yaoyao noticed the change in her friend's mood, "You will be great in the future."

The little silver wolf whimpered in a low voice, "I can't grow up in the future."

Hearing this, Lu Yaoyao excitedly raised Yin Si's front paws to hold it, and pressed the pads of his fingers on his pink plum blossom flesh.

"You can't grow up too?"

also? Yinsi's front paws were lifted and held in Lu Yaoyao's hands, he moved his small ears, "Aren't you growing up too?"

"Yeah!" Lu Yaoyao felt depressed after thinking that she would be like this for decades to hundreds of years.

"Me too, they all said I didn't grow up." So he was born so many years ago, his body has not changed, and the cubs of the same clan and his age are several times his size.

Yin Si did not expect that Yaoyao, like him, did not grow up.

Could it be because of this that he couldn't help but want to get close to Yaoyao

Lu Yaoyao's eyes were full of tears, no wonder she liked the little silver wolf very much when she saw it, it was definitely not because the little silver wolf was too cute and wanted to fuck, it turned out that they had the same problem!

Yin Si blinked his eyes, "I'm born with insufficiency, so are you?" >

> Lu Yaoyao thought about the reason why she didn't grow up, she nodded seriously with a chubby face, "Yes! I'm also born with insufficiency!"

You must not tell your friends that she couldn't grow up because she was greedy and self-inflicted, otherwise her mighty image as a sister would no longer exist.

Yinsi simply believed, and took the initiative to lean over, trying to comfort her friends.

He knew that Lu Yaoyao had always wanted to pinch his ears, so let her do it.

Lu Yaoyao saw the small head that was leaning in front of her and arched, the fluffy ears on it were fluttering, she couldn't hold back, raised her little fat hand, and pinched it carefully.

Yinsi asked curiously, "Is there a congenital deficiency of stone spirits?"

Lu Yaoyao said seriously, "Yes! As long as it is a goblin, it is possible."

Gin-mi was even more curious, "Why did you take the shape-shifting herb so early? Can I see your original form?"

Lu Yaoyao: "..." Why are the little friends so jealous of her original form? She replied seriously, "No, you can't change it for a long time after using the shape-shifting grass."

"Oh!" Yin Si was disappointed, the other friends had not seen it yet, and he still wanted to be the first goblin to see Yaoyao's true form.

"I heard from my uncle that there are very few people who have become refined in stone, Yaoyao, you are amazing!"

"That's right." Lu Yaoyao raised her chin, "Sun Dasheng also jumped out of the rock!"

"Who is Dasheng Sun? Is he also a stone spirit? Is he very powerful?"

"Of course it's amazing!" Lu Yaoyao said proudly.

She jumped out of the stone, and so did Sun Dasheng, hey, rounding up they are also somewhat related. Lu Yaoyao thought excitedly.

"Sun Dasheng is not a stone spirit, but a monkey."

"Monkey? Why did the monkey jump out of the stone? I think the little monkey spirits in Qianyuan Cave are all born from female monkeys?"

Lu Yaoyao: "..." This is really a question for her, after she transformed into a human form, why did Sun Dasheng come out of the stone not in a human form but a monkey? She only knew that Sun Dasheng jumped out of the stone, but she didn't understand why it was a monkey, not a person.

"Wouldn't it be more powerful if a monkey jumped out of a stone?"

Yinsi tilted his head, "That's right!" Yinsi accepted the setting that the monkey jumping out of the stone was very powerful.

He was still waiting to ask, when suddenly cold raindrops hit his nose, and he lowered his head and sneezed.

As soon as Yinsi looked up at the sky, Lu Yaoyao quickly picked him up and ran back, "It's raining! It's raining!"

The slanting raindrops became denser and denser in the dark clouds. Before the heavy rain completely fell, Lu Yaoyao returned to the wooden house with the little silver wolf.

As soon as she entered the house, the rain poured down on her back.

so close!

Lu Yaoyao patted her chest and almost fell into a mess.

Lu Qingyu walked out of the door, his eyes fell on the male cub that was tightly held in Lu Yaoyao's hands, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The little silver wolf nestled in Lu Yaoyao's arms instantly pricked up his ears and looked around vigilantly.
