Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 49


After Yinhui sent Dr. Xin away, Qianniang couldn't hold back her excitement. She grabbed Yinhui's hand and said, "Husband..."

Qianniang's hands trembled uncontrollably, her eyes flashed with anticipation and a cautious look, "Yes, is it true?"

In the past few years, she has not dared to hold any hope. She only hoped that her youngest son would live a happy life every day. However, unexpectedly, Dr. Xin actually said that the youngest son was healed!

The surprise came too suddenly, Qianniang was in a trance for a while, but she couldn't believe it.

She felt like she was dreaming.

Yin Hui firmly shook her hand, "It's true, Qian Niang, it's true, I'm fine now."

Qian Niang cried with joy.

It's alright, it's alright!

Yinhui hugged her and comforted her silently.

The couple was excited for a while before Qian Niang thought of the inconceivable, "But, how could it be?" They didn't invite a genius doctor who could cure Si'er.

Back then, they searched for well-known doctors, and only Dr. Xin could stabilize the child's "life", but he couldn't cure it, and he would die prematurely at any time.

Among the doctors in the demon world, none of the demons can cure congenital diseases.

Yinhui understood her doubts, and he showed a smile, "We should be glad that we didn't try to offend them, and we didn't stop Si'er from developing a relationship with that little girl."

"You mean?"

"That's right! It must be them!"

Yinhui is not a fool, he can figure out what happened after thinking about it.

It must have been when Si'er visited their house for the first time, they could see the appearance of Si'er's early death at a glance. They didn't look like a very enthusiastic demon. It must be the little girl who asked them to save Si'er, and they agreed to take action.

Finally, the little girl invited Si'er to be a guest at her house. Si'er must have been healing for him during this period of time as a guest!

Yinhui was extremely fortunate that even though he noticed their unusualness, he did not do any unnecessary testing and did not offend them.

He was even more fortunate, because he pity the child, as long as it is not too much to ask, they will agree.

Fortunately, they all let the children be guests, otherwise they don't know when they will be healed.

Qianniang also thought of this, and she realized that it was the elder of the little girl who did it, and she was even more grateful.

"Who are these two?" Qianniang was extremely confused.

She has never heard of such a strange monster in the demon world. Over the years, she has inquired about the entire demon world for her younger son, but she has not found anyone who can cure her younger son.

Yinhui shook his head, he didn't know either.

What he didn't say is that a doctor told him that he had been to the human world to study medicine and hide his identity. The alchemists of the human world and the doctors of the Medicine Valley were proficient in all kinds of strange diseases. The method, I just don't know if there is a connection between humans and demons.

Not to mention whether it can be treated or not, the human world is very hostile to the demons and beasts, how could they take action to cure a little demon

An absurd thought popped up in Yinhui's mind, this family of three, wouldn't the human race hide their identities and live in seclusion here

The more Yinhui thought about it, the more likely it was.

After all, it is the quickest and best practice for the demon cub to use its original form before it is a minor, but that little girl, I heard that when she transformed into a baby, she was a baby...

If they were Terran, everything would make sense.

Yinhui said solemnly: "No matter who they are, they are the benefactors of my Yinhui family!"

Qianniang nodded, her eyes firm, "Yes, they are benefactors, and this kindness will be repaid even if it takes a lifetime!"

Lu Yaoyao was lying on the windowsill, looking out the window at the world wrapped in silver.

Goose "feather" snow fell on and off for several days, and the ground was covered with a thick layer.

She held her cheeks and sighed.

so boring!

No friends to play, can't go out to play, there is nothing fun at home.

so boring.

Lu Qingyu was lying on the reclining chair. Seeing the frown, he "feeled" a jade bone from the cave and shook it at Lu Yaoyao, "Yaoyao'er, come and play."

Lu Yaoyao glanced over and gave a childish look back.

She is not a child anymore, and she is still playing with such childish things.

Lu Yaoyao jumped off the stool and ran to Yao Jiuxiao who was drawing on the paper on the other side.

She climbed up from the chair, sat on the corner of the table, and saw Yao Jiuxiao painted a landscape like a fairyland, and wow in amazement.

"Father, you are so beautiful!"

After Yao Jiuxiao drew the last stroke, his eyebrows and eyes softened, "This is Guiyuan Sect."

Return to Yuanzong? Lu Yaoyao heard this term for the first time, she looked at the scenery in the painting curiously, where is Guiyuanzong? Is it so pretty

"The Guiyuan Sect is the largest sect in the cultivation world."

Lu Yaoyao nodded knowingly.

She knew that the cultivation world was the human world! Did your father ever go to the Human World

She was very curious, is the cultivation world so beautiful? Will she be able to meet her like her father in the future

"Father, tell me more about the cultivation world?" Lu Yaoyao was curious about the outside world at this time.

Lu Qingyu snorted disdainfully, "What's so good about the cultivation world, the devil world is more fun."

Lu Yaoyao turned to look over, "Dad, have you been to the devil world?"

"Of course, the devil world is much more fun," Lu Qingyu said. "The devil palace is built on a suspended mountain. It is majestic and majestic. There is a canyon, full of glowing magic flowers, and it is very beautiful."

"There is also a ten thousand-year-old magic tree in the devil world, towering into the clouds, a branch is spacious enough to build a small tribe, and the tree is full of cute little monsters."

Lu Yaoyao listened with relish, she couldn't imagine how big a tree would be to build a small tribe with just one branch.

Yao Jiuxiao said: "The Guiyuan Sect is located on the largest spiritual vein in Yuanqi. It is full of spiritual energy, and there are countless spirit grass and spirit beasts. The Guiyuan Thirteen Peaks are more popular among the world."

Yao Jiuxiao's words instantly drew Lu Yaoyao's attention away.

"I want to see it when I grow up!"

Yao Jiuxiao affirmed: "Yes."

Lu Yaoyao raised her hand, "I want to go to the realm of self-cultivation, the world of demons, and I want to go to the world of demons and the whole of Yuanqi!"

"You're young, and you have a big appetite." Lu Qingyu leaned back in the chair, "Dad, I've lived so old, and I can't guarantee that I've traveled all over the Yuanqi Continent."

Lu Yaoyao said sweetly, "I want to explore the entire Yuan Qi with my father and daddy!" But she is still young, when she grows up and becomes very powerful, she can take her daddy and daddy out to play together!

Lu Yaoyao was very excited.

Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao did not speak for a while.

This is simple to say, but neither of the two are confident that they can do it.

They trapped each other in the corner of the demon world, and neither of them was willing to give in. Before one party made a compromise, the little brat might not be able to leave here.

Neither Lu Qingyu nor Yao Jiuxiao instilled Lu Yaoyao's stand against the three clans, they don't know how this will affect Lu Yaoyao in the future, but this may be the best.

Lu Yaoyao has the blood of human beings and demons, and naturally has two positions. Now she was born and raised in the demon world. In the future, she will know the truth and be instilled with opposing positions. How will she suffer

It was a tough choice for her no matter which side she was on.

Lu Yaoyao did not notice that the two fathers did not respond to her words, but said coquettishly, "Father, father, tell me about the outside world! I want to hear the story!"

"it is good… "

Yao Jiuxiao couldn't resist, so he told her about what he had experienced while practicing abroad.

He didn't know how to make up stories, so he told the cubs what he saw and heard when he was young.

His voice was cold and flat, but it was very attractive, and Lu Yaoyao was extremely "fascinated" when he heard it.

Lu Qingyu sneered disdainfully.

After Yao Jiuxiao finished telling a thrilling story, Lu Yaoyao jumped on top of Lu Qingyu, "Daddy, it's time for you to tell me a story!"

Lu Yaoyao was very fair, the two fathers took turns telling her stories, and neither one was left out.

Lu Qingyu: "..."

It was cold outside the house, the wind was cold, and the warmth inside the house.

Lu Yaoyao fell in love with listening to stories after hearing the stories from the two fathers. She had to tell her at least one adventure story every day before she stopped.

And of course listening to lullabies. However, since the tune sung by Daddy was too ugly, Lu Yaoyao decisively gave up listening to Daddy's lullaby.

It happened that nothing happened, and Lu Yaoyao also focused on her cultivation. She had no distractions, and her progress could be described as a thousand miles.

Recently, she started to learn the law and seal, and it was when she was interested. She had a lot of fun every day.

The first thing Lu Yaoyao learned was the dust removal technique. After she learned this, she used it on every corner of the house to clean it up.

After Lu Yaoyao cleared the house, she looked outside.

The snow at the door is so thick, I don't know if I can remove it with the dust removal technique.

Lu Yaoyao started to choke on the snow outside the house.

The top layer of snow was blown away, Lu Yaoyao stepped up, I blow! I blow!

Lu Qingyu leaned against the door and smiled at the little brat playing in the snow.

Yao Jiuxiao also looked at it gently, suddenly his expression changed, then turned around and walked into the snow and walked out of the barrier.

Outside the barrier, a tall male demon stood not far away.
