Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 57


"Father, daddy, I'm going out!" Lu Yaoyao said hello and ran out quickly.

Outside the barrier, a tall and mighty silver wolf squatted on the slope. His hair was soft and smooth, pure and pure silver white. When a pair of wolf eyes watched silently, it was majestic, sharp, and extremely penetrating. force.

The moment the red figure suddenly appeared, the ears of the furry wolf in the inverted triangle trembled instantly, and the chilling look instantly broke, he stood up and ran down happily.

"Yaoyao!" The thick, long wolf tail swayed stiffly, and his eyes were full of joy.

Lu Yaoyao "touched" and "touched" the wolf's head that came up, her big round eyes curved into half crescents.

"Xiao Si, don't come so early next time!"

Lu Yaoyao had to finish her homework every morning before she could come out, and Yin Si was waiting outside early in the morning.

Yin Si said cheerfully, "I want to wait for Yaoyao." Yinlang's voice faded from the "milk" sound of the pups, and turned into a crisp youthful voice, which was very pleasant.

Yinsi squatted down, "Yaoyao come up quickly."

Lu Yaoyao climbed up and asked, "Where are you going?"

Yinsi stood up, jumped on all fours, and ran forward quickly, a silver light flashed by.

"I'll take you to a fun place!"

"Aren't you looking for Xiao Qi and the others?"

"don't want!"

"… "

Yin Si drove Lu Yaoyao to the depths of the wasteland and stopped after half an hour.

Lu Yaoyao slid down quickly, she looked around, the weeds in the wasteland were taller than her, and she couldn't see anything.

"Xiao Si, are you taking me to hunt?"

There is no place for the cubs to play in the wasteland. Although it is often cleaned up by the Silver Wolf clan, the wasteland stretches for thousands of miles and is boundless. They only hunt around the campsite for thousands of miles, which can only reduce the danger of this area. ', cannot be completely eliminated.

Spiritual beasts and alien beasts in the depths of the wasteland, or other dangerous alien plants, often come from other places, so every once in a while, the silver wolf guards will clean up again.

Yinsi shook the wolf's head, "No."

He raised his forelegs and walked forward slowly, "Yaoyao, come with me."

Yinsi crossed a field of grass and looked back at Lu Yaoyao.

Lu Yaoyao followed with her short legs, thinking in her heart, what is Xiao Si trying to do? It's mysterious.

They walked for a while, their eyes widened instantly, Yinsi stopped, "Yaoyao, look!"

Lu Yaoyao stood beside the silver wolf, raised her eyes and looked forward, only to see a stretch of red flowers in front of her.

The sun refracted through the clouds to produce golden light, which shone on the petals like rouge, creating a radiance.

Lu Yaoyao gave a wow in surprise, she never knew that there was such a beautiful field of flowers in the wasteland.

Seeing Lu Yaoyao's reaction, Yinsi said proudly, "It looks good, right?" He heard the guard's uncle talking about this field of flowers, so he wanted to take Lu Yaoyao to see it.

Yinsi proudly said: "We are the first, so I brought you to see it first, and I will bring Xiaoqi and the others over tomorrow."

Lu Yaoyao was quite confused, she nodded her head, "It's so beautiful here! I like it!"

After Lu Yaoyao complimented, she also expressed her thoughts, "But even if Xiaosi brought us here, it won't affect our relationship!"

Xiaosi said stinky, "It's not the same." He didn't say that there was a reason why he had a fight with Xiaoqi just the day before yesterday. They both talked to each other and didn't get along with each other. Yinsi wouldn't take the initiative to find them, hum. !

Yinsi stretched out his limbs and rushed down, "Yaoyao, let's go down and play!"

Lu Yaoyao ran down, and saw the flowers clustered from a distance, and saw that there were slender stems between the flowers, crisscrossing each other, and there was not a single green leaf.

Lu Yaoyao didn't expect that such an ugly looking plant without leaves could produce such beautiful flowers, her small body stood in front of the flowers, and only when she stood on tiptoe did she barely see the whole picture of the flowers.

But that didn't stop her from pulling down to pick the best looking flowers. She was going to weave two garlands for her father and daddy.

Yinsi heard and clamored for one, so Lu Yaoyao made an enlarged garland and put it on Yinsi.

Lu Yaoyao took a step back and nodded with satisfaction, very beautiful!

Yinsi shook the wolf's head and felt that he looked better, but unfortunately he couldn't take a look at it in person.

Lu Yaoyao also smiled and made one for herself to wear, Yin Si surrounded Lu Yaoyao and jumped around happily, "It's beautiful! Yaoyao is so beautiful!"

"Xiao Si looks good too!"

"Yaoyao looks better!"

"Xiao Si is the best looking!"

The two cubs flattered each other, looked at each other and smirked, in fact, the garland Lu Yaoyao made was crooked, and when she put it on, it "revealed" a bit of stupidity.

Lu Yaoyao made another one, put it in her purse, patted it with her little hand, and continued to make up the last one.

Suddenly, Lu Yaoyao stopped and turned to look to the left.

Yin Si just jumped to the left to block her vision, Lu Yaoyao patted lightly, motioning him to calm down.

Lu Yaoyao's snow-white chubby face was serious, "Xiao Si, we have to go back quickly." She did not forget to put a bunch of flowers in her small purse, thinking that she would make up after she went back, if there was one missing, it would be difficult to explain.

Yinsi moved her ears, but before she said anything, Lu Yaoyao suddenly said, "Run!"

The small body suddenly turned around and ran in the other direction, and suddenly only a red back was left.

Yinsi quickly caught up, and then ran with Lu Yaoyao.

As he ran, he asked, "Yaoyao, what's the matter?"

Lu Yaoyao said, "There are spirit beasts chasing after him!"

Spirit beast! Yin Si's eyes lit up, and his expression was eager to try, "Then we'll catch it soon!" The mountains and the wasteland are barren, and there are many ferocious beasts, but very few spirit beasts.

They haven't caught spirit beasts yet!

"We have to run if we can't beat it, there's more than one behind!" Lu Yaoyao's cultivation is much higher than Yinsi, but in hunting, the silver wolf has an advantage. If the two of them cooperate, they can indeed defeat a spirit beast, but The problem was that Lu Yaoyao felt uneasy.

This was the first time that she felt cold hairs stand on end, and it made her feel more dangerous than the first time they came out and encountered alien beasts.

"That's not better!" Yinsi was more than happy to hear that.

"Let's lead them to the camp!" Lu Yaoyao said while running fast on her short legs.

She thought to herself, isn't that a fool if she knows she can't beat her and doesn't run? In this case, of course, they are looking for foreign aid. They lead these spirit beasts to the Silver Wolf's station. With so many powerful guard uncles, can't they catch turtles in the urn

Yin Si heard that, yes, since the two cubs can't beat them, they will lead them to their realm. With so many big demons to help, can't even a single spirit beast escape

Yaoyao is so smart! Why didn't he think that maybe he could hunt with his uncles!

Not long after they ran, four or five gray-black spiritual beasts appeared in sight.

The body of the spirit beast is not particularly large, its limbs are strong and strong, two fangs glowing with cold light are "exposed", and a pair of beast eyes the size of copper bells are staring at the delicious prey.

They obviously took Lu Yaoyao and Yinsi as hunting targets.

Lu Yaoyao felt very strange.

There is not a single spirit beast in the wasteland all the year round, why do so many suddenly appear when it appears? Lu Yaoyao looked back and saw that these spirit beasts were of the same species, who stabbed the spirit beast's nest

Lu Yaoyao and Yinsi ran very fast, but they were still far away from a safe place. The patch of flowers they came to has long exceeded the range that the guards usually cleaned up, and it was inherently dangerous.

Yin Si thought of taking Lu Yaoyao to see the flowers, thinking that with the two of them often hunting in the wasteland, confident that they would be able to run away quickly even if they were in danger, she didn't think much about it, who would have known such bad luck.

It is indeed too coincidental that these spirit beasts have transitioned to the wasteland from other places.

A group of monks with hidden whereabouts appeared outside the wasteland, just in time to stab the spirit beasts' den. The nearby spirit beasts and beasts sensed the danger and ran out one after another, some of them ran into the wasteland.

These spirit beasts have been running in by intuition. They are the most powerful group of beasts that have entered the wasteland, and they also run the fastest. When the silver wolf guards did not notice the change in the wasteland, they were already infinitely close. .

They cooperate in groups and obviously have a certain IQ. Even if they face a big demon who is in the demon core stage, they still have the power to fight.

Yin Si obviously sensed that the danger was "approaching", and his wolf eyes were solemn, "How about you become the original and run together?" These two short legs can run as fast as his four legs. Faster than him, you can run first.

"Are you stupid?" Lu Yaoyao's short legs ran out of the afterimage, which did not affect her rolling her eyes at all, "My original shape is a stone, can I still run when I change back to my original shape?" , if it changes, it doesn't even have two legs.

"Oh, I forgot." I thought Yaoyao's original form also had four legs.

The spirit beasts are getting closer and closer, and they will flank and attack. A spirit beast flies over from the side. Lu Yaoyao and Yinsi have to change direction and run to the other side.

They tried to run in the direction of the territory, and these spirit beasts seemed to be aware of their purpose, forcing them to keep changing directions, and eventually deviated more and more.

Lu Yaoyao saw that the spirit beasts were so strategic, and from the beginning to the end, these spirit beasts did not make a sound, and pursued silently, making them even more stressed.

Her expression was even more solemn, and it was difficult to deal with!

"Xiao Si, don't stop and run as fast as you can!"

"Yeah!" Silver Wolf responded, looking at the front intently, his limbs running faster.

They couldn't stop, just now Lu Yaoyao counted, and there were actually eight spirit beasts, if they stopped, they would be completely blocked and could not run away.

The two of them can't beat these spirit beasts!

A spirit beast swooped over and happened to pounce between Lu Yaoyao and Yin Si, and they ran in two directions, one left and one right.

Yinsi didn't notice that Lu Yaoyao was running in the other direction, but Lu Yaoyao found out. She wanted to meet up with Yinsi, but she didn't expect that six spirit beasts would chase after Lu Yaoyao without hesitation, letting her go. She couldn't run to Gin-si.

They were soon separated by a long distance.

Seeing this, Lu Yaoyao thought that she could lead away most of them and let Xiaosi find rescue. She could run for a long time, and the spirit beasts couldn't catch up with her.

Seeing this, the two spirit beasts that had chased the silver wolf for a distance quickly turned around and caught up with the team.

Yin Si focused on running for a distance, and the urgent pursuit behind him disappeared at some point, "Yaoyao, have we got rid of the spirit beast?"

There was no sound coming from beside him, Yin Si turned his head and saw that Lu Yaoyao, who had been by his side, disappeared for some time.

And behind them, the spirit beasts that were chasing them closely were nowhere to be seen.

Yinsi was dumbfounded, what about Yaoyao

He turned around and ran for a while, but Yaoyao and the eight spirit beasts disappeared.

Only then did Yinsi know that he and Yaoyao were separated, and those spirit beasts all ran after Yaoyao.


Why are you chasing Yaoyao, obviously he has more meat! Yaoyao was so small, it wasn't enough for a single bite of a spirit beast.

He smelled Yaoyao and wanted to catch up, but he knew that even if he caught up, he wouldn't be able to help.

Looking for foreign aid...

Yinsi ran for a while in the direction of the territory, ran to the nearest highest point, raised his head and howled angrily.


A wolf howl travels a long way, each one conveys a different message, full of anger and warning, as well as asking for help.

After a while, echoes came from afar.

Several silver wolves that turned into their original shape ran from the wasteland vigorously, and they were the closest patrol team.

Yin Si couldn't wait for the rescue to arrive, he followed Lu Yaoyao's scent and quickly chased after him.

Yaoyao, wait for me!

"Ouch..." A wolf howl passed from one to another, and finally spread from the wasteland to the territory.

Yinhui and Qianniang heard the voice of their youngest son calling for help in the territory, and gave a majestic roar, which was full of anger, warning the nearby Xiaoxiao to leave quickly, and then disappeared quickly.
