Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 60


The Diyuan is a world in the cracks in the ground. It is full of various creatures, the original creatures derived from the Diyuan, and the mutant creatures that fell from various places. Lu Yaoyao is one of them that unfortunately fell.

Due to the lack of the sun all the year round, most of these geographical creatures have strange shapes. To sum up, they are ugly with their own characteristics.

And the deeper the abyss, the fewer creatures you can see.

The more powerful the creatures occupy, the larger the territory, and if other creatures accidentally break in, they will definitely be intercepted.

A monster lingered on the edge of the black land, and there was no obstacle in front of him, and the invisible warning breath made him dread.

This is a tricky monster in the abyss.

A few years ago, when the monster came to Diyuan for the first time, it was on the verge of death, so many creatures coveted it, and the monsters who couldn't get a piece of it could only watch from afar, they all thought he had been eaten. clean.

When I saw him again, even the original shape changed, and the whole body was filled with a frightening and awe-inspiring aura. He fought for ten days and ten nights, killed more than a dozen lords, occupied a huge territory, and became the "tyrant of Diyuan". ".

However, the delicacy seemed to be close at hand. Diyuan had not seen such a great food for a long time.

Now that I can smell it, I can't eat it, which makes the monster very impatient.

In the end, he couldn't help being greedy, he wouldn't be so unlucky to encounter a "tyrant", just go in a little, catch the prey and run away.

However, he was so unlucky. He just stepped into the other party's territory and happened to meet the "tyrant" who came out for food.

"Ow!" The monster turned around and ran away in fright.

The black body looks like a monster, and its vigorous limbs gracefully step on the ground, silently.

His head is like a dragon, with a sharp horn on his forehead, like a lion's tail, his body is covered with black scales like black jade, his four hooves are silent on the ground, his blood-red eyes are cold and cruel.

This is an ink unicorn, a legendary ancient beast. However, unlike the rumored auspicious beast, this ink unicorn's eyes are cold and full of violence.

The monster may think that the "tyrant" finds such a great prey, and may give priority to hunting her, and then run in the direction of the aura.

Mo Qilin chased after him unhurriedly. He no longer enjoyed the thrill of chasing his prey, and jumped into the air to start a one-sided killing.

Lu Yaoyao's short legs twitched sharply, the ubiquitous danger lingered around her, she jumped up suddenly, hit the gray stone above her head, her whole body was soft and 'hair' exploded.

She looked around cautiously.

what happened? Feel like you've entered the hunting range of a big monster

The terrified screams of alien beasts could be heard from outside.

Lu Yaoyao thought about it and didn't go out hastily.

She hid her breath and didn't move until it was quiet for a long time outside before Lu Yaoyao came out cautiously.

The grey balls of "hair" protruded from the cracks in the stones. She looked around vigilantly and saw a dead beast not far away.

There may have been a terrifying monster hunting outside just now.

Lu Yaoyao turned around inadvertently, a large black monster was lying on the top stone, and its scarlet eyes stared at her indifferently.

"Hey!!!" The soft "hairs" on Lu Yaoyao's body exploded like an electric shock. The distance between them was so close, it seemed that if she moved, she could be bitten to death by a big monster.

The black and bright Xiaodou's eyes were tense and frightened, she stared at the big monster, motionless.

Ahh this is the most terrifying monster she has ever encountered! She never found out!

Cub? Demon cub

Mo Qilin stared at this little boy. It seemed to be a cub that was born not long ago. It accidentally fell in. He didn't even hide his own breath. He walked outside carelessly. .

Mo Qilin can foresee the future of the cub, and maybe it will be eaten by the monsters in the abyss, but what does it have to do with him

Without the care of the big demon, a cub that is equivalent to the existence of supplements cannot survive at all.

What's more, there is no way out of this Diyuan, even if there is no premature death, he can only survive the rest of his life.

Mo Qilin thought like this, a burst of resentment aroused in his chest, his scarlet eyes were full of anger, he was not willing to be trapped here for the rest of his life, and the mother and son who were not willing to make him end up like this are still alive. Glamorous.

Mo Qilin got up and jumped down.

At the moment when Mo Qilin moved, Lu Yaoyao quickly bounced away and ran away with a bang, breaking through the speed that she had cultivated in the past few days.

Mo Qilin didn't care about the little guy who ran away in an instant, and he left slowly in the other direction.

Not long after he left, many tiny black creatures suddenly appeared on the ground. They spread in front of the beast on the ground. After a while, the huge body of the monster disappeared, and even the blood on the ground was cleaned up. Gotta be clean.

These ant-like creatures are unique products of Diyuan. They live underground all the year round, eating only dead beasts, not living things.

For the creatures in the earth, it is the most harmless creature. If they eat living creatures, Lu Yaoyao will not sleep well in the stone crevices.

Lu Yaoyao ran for a while, only to realize later that the big monster hadn't caught up.

Huh? Isn't this monster chasing her

Lu Yaoyao couldn't believe it, she released the careful perception of her divine sense, and the danger that seemed to be everywhere disappeared.

After being chased by an unknown number of monsters for so many days, Lu Yaoyao finally met a beast that didn't run after her!

In order to prove that the beast was really not interested in her, Lu Yaoyao waited for a while, but the monster never appeared, she ran back, the ground was clean, the big monsters and spirit beasts were gone!

Lu Yaoyao was very moved.

She likes such a pure and unpretentious beast!

Seeing monsters hunting here, Lu Yaoyao knew in his heart that this was his territory.

If this big monster is not interested in her, then she can wait here for her father and daddy to find her, so that she doesn't have to be chased and run around all day.

Lu Yaoyao suddenly relaxed.

When her father and daddy find her, she will repay him well!

Wait, the big monster doesn't eat her, could it be that he is the prototype of the monster clan! They are of the same race!

Lu Yaoyao was instantly excited, the elders said that only the same clan would not hunt each other! She finally met her kin! When they meet in different places, rounding up they are fellow villagers.

Lu Yaoyao has a lot to ask.

The fellow didn't look very close, but didn't do anything to her.

Lu Yaoyao decided to find the fellow, at least ask where this place is and how to leave.

Father and Daddy are really slow, they haven't found her for so long, and she has to find her.

It's so unreliable.

However, Lu Yaoyao turned around and saw no demon.

She just shouldn't have run away.

Lu Yaoyao sat on the stone, holding a piece of fruit to chew on.

She counted her inventory.

Because she was restricted from snacks, she didn't have many snacks in her purse, only ten days' supply, and she couldn't get enough of just eating snacks.

Lu Yaoyao "touched" and "touched" her chubby belly. She found that her body had become smaller, but her appetite had not decreased.

Lu Yaoyao was staying in the monster's territory, and she really didn't encounter any more danger. At this time, she had the mind to take care of herself.

Before, she was either on the way to run or on the way, the white dumplings were more conspicuous in the dark environment, and over time she kept herself dirty.

Lu Yaoyao threw herself several dust-removing tricks, her gray color faded, and her hair turned back to white.

Too bad there is no water nearby.

Lu Yaoyao always felt that it would be cleaner after washing with water. She thought of drilling through the cracks in the ground, through the cracks in the tree holes and rocks, and brushed herself with a dust removal technique.

She turned around and didn't encounter any monsters again. Is it so elusive

Just when Lu Yaoyao thought they were so unlucky to meet, she suddenly heard some movement in front of her.

"Gee!" Lu Yaoyao's eyes lit up and she ran over quickly.

The movement became louder and louder. Lu Yaoyao jumped onto a bare tree branch. Not far away, the monster was fighting with a strange-shaped spirit beast. The breath of the two beasts gave her a very dangerous aura, which put a lot of pressure on her.

It didn't take long for the monster to kill the opponent with an overwhelming victory over "sex".

Lu Yaoyao jumped, this fellow is amazing!

Mo Qilin killed the demon beast that crossed the boundary, and looked at his eyes with a brutal aura.

He had already assumed that he was Lu Yaoyao of the same clan, and did not feel afraid, but jumped up to say hello.

The clan Lu Yaoyao has met are very tolerant towards the cubs, no matter how grumpy they are, they also have a gentle side towards the cubs, so they are kind.

"Gee chi! Chi..." The young voices could not stop.

Brother, I finally found you! Where is this place? How do I leave? I want to find father and daddy!

Lu Yaoyao crackled and said everything she wanted to ask in one breath, then blinked her bright black eyes and waited for the monster to answer.

The monster looked at her indifferently.

"Gee?" Brother, don't you remember me? I'm that gray troupe! Lu Yaoyao thought that her hair had changed and she couldn't recognize her, so she quickly mentioned the first time they met.

She suddenly discovered that the monsters didn't seem to understand her words. How did the monsters communicate

Lu Yaoyao tried her best to speak, but she still couldn't speak human words, she could only screech.

What if she jumps around and can't communicate

The monster stared at her coldly for a while, then turned and left.

This cub is still alive and kicking for so many days, and it seems to be doing well. Mo Qilin knows that she has been wandering around her own boundary, and even because of this, many monsters who follow the smell cross the boundary. , has been killed by him a lot.

He also thought the cub would starve to death soon.

Lu Yaoyao saw that her family had just left, and hurriedly followed.

"Jiji!" Brother, can you tell me how to leave? I will repay you...

Mo Qilin took a leap and left soon.

Lu Yaoyao had a hard time chasing after him, "Hey..."

Mo Qilin seems to be patrolling the site, walking all day, sometimes running and jumping, sometimes walking slowly.

Lu Yaoyao followed her all the way.

Until the sky became darker, Mo Qilin suddenly turned around and let out a low growl at Xiao Mao Tuan, full of shock.

The invisible killing intent made Lu Yaoyao's body freeze instantly.

After Mo Qilin left, Lu Yaoyao carefully chased after him, and then she saw Mo Qilin jump a few times and enter a dark cave.

Is this the same family's home

Lu Yaoyao felt that she was disliked and felt a little low, but knowing the family's family, she felt more at ease, and finally didn't have to search aimlessly.

Lu Yaoyao was sitting on a rock on the hillside, where the door of his family's house could vaguely be seen.

She thought to herself that her clan treated her so badly. Could it be because she lived on his site for so long without paying the rent

She flipped through her small purse, many precious things were given by her father and father, and she was reluctant to give them away.

There are only a lot of fruits and candies, but my father emphasized that these can only be eaten by herself.

Lu Yaoyao was afraid that if she sent it out, she would retaliate.

The ones she collects by herself are all beautiful things that she has collected since she was a child.

Lu Yaoyao fiddled with these little bits and pieces. When she was quiet, she missed her father, father, friends and everything in the Broken Screen Mountains.

She misses home...

There was a layer of water in the black and bright little round eyes, and she let out a small grunt.

It doesn't matter, when she asks the way, she can go home.

Lu Yaoyao lay on the stone and slept with the beads she loved most when she was a child. The beads glowed brilliantly in the dark and were very warm.

The next day, Mo Qilin walked out of the door and saw a piece of cloth spread on the most conspicuous place in front of him, with several beautiful stones on it.

Xiaobai Tuanzi hid behind a dead tree, "exposed" a pair of clever round eyes, looking at him expectantly.

"Gee!" Big brother, I'm here to worship the mountain.

Mo Qilin: "..."
