Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 65


Lu Yaoyao was not hallucinating, it was indeed Big Brother Hei who spoke.


That fruit can make the demon talk? Lu Yaoyao wondered in her heart whether she could find the second fruit, and she also wanted to speak.

Mo Qilin rested for a while, and the most severe pain in his body had subsided.

He looked down at the small dumpling in front of him, and shouted at him crisply, he was silent for a moment, "Shen Changyuan."


"my name."


Shen Changyuan looked at the lively little dumpling, lively and agile, his indifferent eyes were softer, and he would be Shen Changyuan in the future.

"Run the demonic energy in the body for seven weeks..." Shen Changyuan's voice was much clearer, teaching the little dumpling how to speak the common language of the mainland with the animal body.

It is not easy for monsters to speak the common language in the body from the beginning. It is not difficult to talk about it, and it is not easy to talk about it. It only needs to be guided by a monster, even a newly born cub can speak it.

He didn't understand why the parents didn't teach her to speak, because she was a well-loved cub, was it to listen to this childish chirp? Whose parents are so unreliable

Lu Yaoyao blinked her small round eyes, and then, as Shen Changyuan said, circulated the spiritual energy in her body.

"Jiji... Is this all right?" A soft and waxy little "milk" sound appeared.

When Lu Yaoyao heard the sound, she jumped up with joy, "I can speak!" It turned out to be so simple, it felt like she was able to speak through the six channels of Ren Du, suddenly!

"Finally I can speak! You can't understand every time I speak, it's so hard to communicate..."

Lu Yaoyao seemed to be pouring out what he was going to say during this time, and the whole space echoed Lu Yaoyao's cute little voice.

Lu Yaoyao had too much to say, she jumped to Mo Qilin's side, and finally remembered to introduce herself, "My name is Lu Yaoyao."

Her eyes were small, "Brother Yuanyuan, can you take me out to find my father and daddy? They will definitely repay you."

What? Shen Changyuan suspected that he had heard it wrong, brother Yuanyuan

"Little brat, what are you shouting at?"

Lu Yaoyao blinked, "No 'chaotic' shouting, Big Brother Yuanyuan is very kind!" And calling Big Brother Yuanyuan was not as smooth as Big Brother Yuanyuan.

"Let's call him foster father." Shen Changyuan thought that he would raise this little brat from now on, and he should have a name.

"!!!" Lu Yaoyao was shocked, I thought of you as a big brother, you actually want to be my father!

She immediately shook Xiaobai's "hair", "No, my father will not agree, you will definitely be beaten by my father."

Back then, my father and mother also wanted to accept her as their goddaughter, but my father and father didn't agree, and then took turns to discuss with my father for many days, and they were beaten all day long, so pitiful. !

A-niang Xiaosi is a banshee, so she escaped being beaten.

Brother Yuanyuan is a good monster, and she can't take revenge for her kindness.

Father? Daddy? Shen Changyuan was "confused".

Lu Yaoyao proudly had a small belly, "My father and daddy are amazing! They are the most powerful monsters in the world! My father's name is Yao Jiuxiao, and daddy's name is Lu Qingyu! My father..."

Shen Changyuan listened to Lu Yaoyao proudly introducing her father and daddy. When her little "milk" sound finally stopped, he asked, "What kind of monsters are your father and daddy?"

"We are all stone demons!"

... The stone demon, he didn't know that the original shape of the stone demon was a small ball of "hair", but the cub said it with certainty.

The kid is so innocent.

Shen Changyuan knew everything about the entire demon world, at least five or six points. He had never heard of a famous stone demon, and he didn't believe that this little brat was a stone demon, but he didn't say anything.

"Brother Yuanyuan, what kind of monster are you?" Lu Yaoyao felt familiar, but couldn't remember what kind of monster it was.

"Jiao..." He just wanted to say something, thinking of his current body, and then said in a low voice, "Mo Qilin."

"Wow!" Lu Yaoyao exclaimed, "Divine Beast!" Hearing it, it is much more powerful than her stone! No wonder Brother Yuanyuan is so powerful! He is a beast!

Lu Yaoyao held Shen Changyuan's paw, Xiaodou's eyes were full of anticipation, she asked again, "Brother Yuanyuan, can you take me out to find father and daddy?"

Shen Changyuan's voice was suddenly cold, "I can't get out."

Lu Yaoyao didn't believe it, "You can definitely go out."

"You are still young, you don't know, the exact location of Diyuan is unknown, but the monks in the entire Yuanqi Continent know that once you accidentally enter Diyuan, you will never be able to get out."

"I'm not too young!" Lu Yaoyao retorted, "I'm fifteen years old!"

Shen Changyuan was more certain after hearing this. For the demon clan who only reached adulthood at the age of one hundred, fifteen years old is indeed still young. He was only fifteen years old, and he fell into the abyss before he had seen the outside world. Knowing if it is worse for me, or worse for the cub.

He lived more than 300 years old, which is still very young in the demon clan, but he has seen the world after all.

After Lu Yaoyao finished talking about her age, she retorted seriously, "I will definitely be able to go out, Brother Yuanyuan."

Shen Changyuan broke Lu Yaoyao's innocent thinking, "There is no way out."

"How do you know that Diyuan is in and out?"

"In the Three Realms, who does not know?"

"That's not right." Lu Yaoyao has reason and reason, "If this Diyuan really can't get out, how do people outside know about the existence of Diyuan?"

"If you really can't get out, then all the creatures who know about the abyss will be trapped here until they die. If this is the case, people outside should not know the existence of this place."

Lu Yaoyao said with certainty, "So, someone must have gone out."

Shen Changyuan: "..." He wanted to say that Lu Yaoyao was talking nonsense, but after thinking about it, he felt that what Lu Yaoyao said was very reasonable.

If no creature has ever gone out, how do the creatures outside know? It was also recorded in Lingjian

He had unprecedented hope.

Yes, someone must have been out!

However, for thousands of years, the creatures of Diyuan have not found a way out, but most of them have returned without success, and many powerful powers have been trapped here.

Can they find it

Shen Changyuan thought about this in his heart, but when he thought of the mother and son who lived on his bones and blood, his heart was full of anger, he must go out, he wants...

There were various means of revenge churning in his heart, and then he was pulled back to his senses by a movement that was so gentle that he could ignore it.

Lu Yaoyao stretched out her small paws and patted his forelimbs, "Brother Yuanyuan, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay." Then he looked at the little dumpling, "Okay, let's find a way together."

Lu Yaoyao was very pleasantly surprised, "That's great!"

Then Lu Yaoyao's small body made a cooing sound.

She hurriedly covered her belly, and the soft skin under the soft white hair showed a light pink color.

She almost finished her snacks. She was reluctant to eat more these two days, hoping to eat more for a few days, so that she would not be full.

Shen Changyuan stood up and walked out.

Lu Yaoyao hurriedly followed, "Where are you going? Shall we look for the exit now? Why don't we take a rest first? No hurry for such a day..."

Lu Yaoyao still remembered Shen Changyuan's fierce reaction just now, how painful it was, she was quite worried, for fear that his health was not yet healthy.

Lu Yaoyao was extremely eager to find a way back home, but after her eldest brother promised her, Lu Yaoyao was not in a hurry, she still had to take care of her body first!

Shen Changyuan said, "I'm fine."

In fact, the role of the soul fruit is still repairing his body, but he can bear the pain.

Shen Changyuan went out with the cub and came back with a prey not long after.

Standing on top of Shen Changyuan's head, Lu Yaoyao looked at the dead beast with a worried look, "This is not a monster, right?"

She was not at ease. If the other party didn't speak, Lu Yaoyao would have a hard time distinguishing the difference between monsters and spirit beasts. She found that many of the monsters here were strange looking.

Shen Changyuan said patiently, "I don't eat monsters." Then he motioned for Lu Yaoyao to go forward to eat meat.

Lu Yaoyao: "???" She reacted, let out a long grunt, and was frightened away from Shen Changyuan.

My father cooks strange food all day long, but it's all cooked. This monster, who wanted to be her third father, actually let her eat raw meat!

Lu Yaoyao resolutely refused, "I don't eat raw meat!" Moreover, this strange beast lives in an environment where the sun is not seen all year round. Who knows if there is anything strange in the meat? I can't think about it, I'm even more unappetizing when I think about it.

Seeing that the little brat resisted so much, Shen Changyuan did not insist, but picked up the prey and walked back.

He was used to eating cooked food before, and if he hadn't come here, he wouldn't have eaten raw if he didn't have the conditions to be picky in order to survive.

But when you get here, you always have to get used to the harsh environment, otherwise you won't be able to live at all.

Lu Yaoyao felt a little uneasy when she saw that Shen Changyuan didn't speak.

Brother Yuanyuan treats her so well. Seeing that she is hungry and enduring physical discomfort to hunt for her, she shouldn't be so picky, but she can't eat raw food even if she is a goblin...

"Brother Yuanyuan, I'm sorry..." Lu Yaoyao felt very sad, and she didn't want to let down her brother's kindness.

Shen Changyuan glanced at the little brat and saw that she was standing in the same place, dumbfounded and sad, rolled her up with her tail and put it on her back, then quickly ran back.

Lu Yaoyao was lying on the back of the monster, she looked up, she was still used to standing on her head, so she quickly slipped over and sat firmly on her head.

The location of their hunting was not far away, and they soon returned to the outside of the cave.

Shen Changyuan put down the prey, thinking that he should treat the squeamishness of the little cub, or he might starve to death before finding a way out.

However, the body is very honest to look for dry wood that can be used to make a fire.

Shen Changyuan is not the root of fire, and he has never conquered the fire of the sky. The soul fruit repaired his body, but the cultivation base still can't come back, and he has to practice again, he can't make fire out of thin air.

But his Jiaodan was poached, and it was easier said than done to re-cultivation? His eyes darkened.

Lu Yaoyao sensed his intentions and was very happy to help.

The abyss was bare everywhere, and the only tree had no leaves, only branches like roots.

These branches have a characteristic, they are very thick and strong.

Shen Changyuan turned around, and finally broke a long branch, took it back, and then cut it into countless pieces of wood with his claws.

The question is again, how to make a fire

Lu Yaoyao rummaged through her purse and finally found two flints.

She didn't know when she threw it into her purse.

After going through untold hardships, the fire finally burned, and the pieces of meat torn by Shen Changyuan were roasted on it.

Lu Yaoyao sat by the fire, getting closer and closer.

In Diyuan for so long, the environment is dark and wet, and she feels the fire is very warm.

Shen Changyuan saw that the little cub was about to throw himself into the fire, and the little soft hairs would be burnt up a little closer, he used his claws to pull her back, and finally he simply wrapped the restless little ball in his forelimbs.

One large and one small stared at the fire.

The swaying warm yellow light reflected on them, inexplicably warm.

Lu Yaoyao looked eagerly at the piece of meat that was already giving off the aroma of barbecue, and from time to time asked, "Are you alright?"

Lu Yaoyao didn't cook food by himself, and he didn't expect his father, father, and the others. There was no seasoning in the purse, and no seasoning was added to the barbecue. After it was cooked, Lu Yaoyao finally ate the barbecue.

It just doesn't have any taste, maybe the living environment is not good, the meat is not delicious at all, but has an earthy smell, but she is hungry, if she can't even eat these, then she may really starve to death.

Lu Yaoyao ate a lot, propped herself up to a round belly, and lay lazily on Shen Changyuan's back.

Shen Changyuan ate the rest.

Maybe there is a little brat, and life is not bleak, and he also has the leisure to eat cooked meat.

After feeding his stomach, Shen Changyuan carried Lu Yaoyao back to the cave to rest.

Holding her belly, Lu Yaoyao lay on Shen Changyuan's belly, with her fluffy tail as a quilt.

Lu Yaoyao was drowsy, but she cheered herself up, "Brother Yuanyuan, we'll set off tomorrow to find a way!"

"I've already thought about it, let's go and find out if there are any strange rumors left in Diyuan, I think the exit must be in these places..."

"We will definitely find an exit, then my father and father..."

As Lu Yaoyao spoke, her voice gradually decreased, and she fell asleep after a while.

Shen Changyuan was silent for a long time, before replying in a low voice: "Definitely..."

Even if it takes ten years, a hundred years, one day, they will be able to go out.

Early the next morning, Lu Yaoyao and Shen Changyuan did not leave immediately.

Shen Changyuan first taught Lu Yaoyao how to hide his breath.

If she doesn't learn this, going out is a delicious temptation that will attract a steady stream of creatures.

Their purpose is to find a way out, there is no need to waste on fighting.

Lu Yaoyao was very smart, and he learned it in a short time, and then set off to find the inconceivable.

Shen Changyuan has been in Diyuan for more than ten years, and it is impossible to say how familiar he is with Diyuan. He only thinks about cultivation every day, and the most familiar place is his territory.

And the abyss is very big, so big that Shen Changyuan didn't walk through it completely.

He went out to look for treasures from heaven and earth, and only heard some unusual things.

He knew that there was an extremely dangerous monster in the deepest part of the abyss, and he had once felt the terrifying aura on the periphery.

At the time, he was seriously injured and avoided.

This time with a cub, Shen Changyuan did not go directly to the deepest part.

The monster leaped among the rocks and trees with a speed as fast as lightning.

They quickly left the territory and looked eastward.

Lu Yaoyao sat on top of Shen Changyuan's head, with her small paws supporting the unicorn horn.

She sat very steadily, even though the divine beast ran very fast, bringing the wind around her and blowing her little soft hair back. She silently hid herself behind the unicorn horn to shield herself from the wind.

Shen Changyuan ran all the way for a long time, and the surrounding environment finally changed, and the light was much brighter.

Lu Yaoyao looked around, looked up at the sky, it was still gray, but the soil here was not black, it was lighter in color, so it didn't look so gloomy.

When he got here, Shen Changyuan was not in a hurry to run, he slowed down and walked slowly.

Along the way, they did not encounter a beast.

Lu Yaoyao looked around and suddenly asked, "Brother Yuanyuan, do you know how the Earth Abyss was formed?"

"I don't know, it's not mentioned in the ancient books."

Lu Yaoyao was a little disappointed, only to hear Shen Changyuan continue: "But there is a long-standing saying that the Diyuan was formed by the drastic changes in the mainland ten thousand years ago, and it appeared together with the ascension or fall of the ancient monsters..."

Yuanqi Continent was very glorious ten thousand years ago. There are countless Mahayana periods for the human race, there are countless heavenly demons in the demon world, and there are countless ancient monsters in the demon clan. , and then the Yuanqi Continent began to decline.

Just looking at now, there are only two Mahayana period in the entire Yuanqi, and since then, no monk has ascended.

No one knows the origin of Diyuan, but Shen Changyuan guessed that it may have something to do with the upheaval ten thousand years ago.

It is a pity that the age is too long, and there are not many ancient books left at the beginning, and Shen Changyuan is not clear.

The answers to these questions, I am afraid that no one in the Three Realms can answer them. .