Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 8


Lu Yaoyao slept for three days, her face was rosy and extremely sweet.

The two fathers were very big-hearted, so they meditated by the side.

When Lu Yaoyao woke up, she was waving her little hands and little feet, punching energetically.

She felt that she had slept well, and she was so energetic that she could knock down a cow.



Lu Yaoyao sang in the unique language of a baby while waving her fists and feet, very lively.

Lu Qingyu sat cross-legged beside her, with a smile on his lips, his slender fingers touched her little feet and chubby face.


Lu Yaoyao grabbed his fingers and said seriously: Don't make trouble, don't stop me from exercising!

Lu Qingyu raised his hand with great interest and lifted it up.

He found that the little brat's strength became much stronger, he raised his hand, the little brat dragged his hand, and the small body was half in the air.

As soon as his hand was released, the little cub lay flat.

After playing for a while, Lu Yaoyao realized that she was being played, so she let go of his hand and turned to look to the other side,


When Lu Yaoyao saw the beautiful father, she said a few times.

She thought about how they seemed to be fighting before she went to bed.

Are you okay? Don't fight, just love each other.

Lu Yaoyao felt that she was very worried.

She babbled for a while, and seeing that the two fathers were calm, they must have reconciled, so she felt relieved.

Lu Yaoyao rubbed her bulging belly and shouted at Meiren's father.

Father, baby is hungry!

This time, the beauty's father did not give her spiritual milk, but took out a fruit, exactly the same as what the beauty's father gave her.


Lu Yaoyao still remembered the deliciousness of fruit juice, which was even more delicious than spirit milk.

She immediately hugged her with both hands, bit it up with a bite, and smeared the peel with a layer of saliva, but there was no trace of bite.

"Ah!" Lu Yaoyao held up the fruit to show to the beauty's father, and opened a hole for me, I can't bite it~

The beauty's father didn't realize it, and the beauty's father laughed at him while poking the fruit open.

Lu Yaoyao smiled at the beautiful father, and then hugged and sucked the fruit, and her two short legs were kicking happily.

Lu Qingyu squinted: "Didn't you say you can't eat more?"

Yao Jiuxiao said solemnly, "Eat it once every half a month in the future."

Lu Qingyu hummed.

Yao Jiuxiao's palm was on Lu Yaoyao's belly, and through the red apron, the majestic spiritual power entered the body and guided the spiritual energy circulation.

Lu Yaoyao narrowed her eyes comfortably, only to feel her stomach warm and then her whole body warm, very comfortable.

Before she could finish eating the juice of a fruit, she sucked and slept again.

But this time, she only slept for one day and one night and woke up crying.


She is so hungry! !

Spiritual energy and demonic energy nourished her body, but Lu Yaoyao was still a little brat who had no formal training and no inedia.

Although spiritual milk is not high in spiritual energy, it can feed the cubs like human breast milk.

It can be said that Lu Yaoyao hadn't eaten for four days, and she was so hungry that she cried.

Yao Jiuxiao and Lu Qingyu also sighed that the little brat was well absorbed, and were once again shocked by the little brat's cry.

After being in a hurry for a while, Yao Jiuxiao stuffed the spiritual milk into Lu Yaoyao.

Lu Yaoyao devoured it while holding it.

Yao Jiuxiao had a heavy face and was worried.

I thought that this kind of fruit could feed the cubs, but I didn't expect it to be useless.

He thought of the words of the little peach blossom demon and left the house.

And Lu Qingyu looked at the little cub.

It's really hard to think.

I can't even feed the spiritual fruit, but there are no spiritual things to eat.

Lu Yaoyao finished sucking a jade bottle of spiritual milk, then let go of the bottle and began to entertain herself.

Seeing that Lu Yaoyao had been reaching for the bell on her ankle, Lu Qingyu thought about it, took out an identical bell from the cave, and shook it above the little cub.

Lu Yaoyao stopped for a moment, stared at the swaying thing, and then reached out to grab it.


Dad, let's play with the baby!

Lu Yaoyao's two chubby hands were facing upwards, and they were not caught.


Lu Qingyu looked relaxed. Dangling the bell to tease the little boy.

Lu Yaoyao stared at her with her beautiful eyes, and finally caught it.

"Kaka..." Lu Yaoyao was very happy, she caught it.

She held it tightly, touched it curiously, and bit it in her mouth.

It looks like the one on her little feet.

Is it a pair

Lu Qingyu showed a disgusted expression when he saw the little brat gnawing at the bell to the point of drooling.

Then he took the bell back.

Lu Yaoyao squeaked, but she didn't cry, and she could enjoy playing with herself.

Now her little feet can reach her chin, and she can reach the top of her head no matter how hard she works.

Lu Qingyu sensed that Yao Jiuxiao had left the range of the house and walked quite far, his eyes wandering.

"Pearl, let's run."


run? run what? Lu Yaoyao tilted her head in confusion

Then she was held in the arms of the beautiful father, and swaggered out of the door.

Lu Yaoyao was nestled in the beautiful father's arms, and when he saw his father flying out with him, a word suddenly popped into his mind.

Beautiful dad runs with the ball!

Lu Qingyu did what he said, he went out with Lu Yaoyao in his arms, but only after walking out of the restricted area of the house, after a distance, he saw Yao Jiuxiao holding a strange-shaped beast standing in front of them, his eyes were like cold knives It's cold and thorny.

Lu Qingyu smiled calmly, and picked up Lu Yaoyao's chubby hand to greet him.

"Come back? Pearl is clamoring for you, so I'll bring Pearl to pick you up."

I feel a little sorry for the missed opportunity.

Lu Yaoyao: "??"

I'm not talking nonsense without my dad.

Lu Yaoyao looked innocent.

Yao Jiuxiao looked at the little girl, her eyes softened for a moment, then turned around and walked back.

Lu Qingyu followed Lu Yaoyao slowly.

He watched Yao Jiuxiao busy cleaning his prey.

Because the work he did was too down-to-earth, the cold and immortal aura in him was diluted a lot.

Lu Qingyu walked around holding the cub, wondering why he was so busy, "What are you doing?"

"Barbecue." >

br> Yao Jiuxiao had a serious face, took out a skyfire and placed it under the stringed prey to control the burning.

Lu Qingyu sneered, roasting meat with skyfire was a waste of time.

But what about barbecue? Lu Qingyu didn't know that Heng Wu Dao Zun was so leisurely.

Although Yao Jiuxiao and Lu Qingyu were suppressed to the foundation-building stage, they were not really at the foundation-building stage. Their bodies and consciousness were extremely powerful, and naturally they didn't need to eat.

He just waited, Heng Wu Dao Zun made some delicious food.

Lu Yaoyao also looked curiously, wow, do father and daddy eat barbecue

Lu Yaoyao thought that she had never seen what they were eating.


She also likes to eat.

Lu Yaoyao looked at her father busy, she looked at the beautiful father with a look of condemnation.

Father works so hard to support the family, but you think about running with the ball. Are you worthy of your father

Fortunately, I didn't run successfully, otherwise my father would be very sad.

Lu Qingyu sat by the side with the cub in his arms, and it didn't take long for him to smell a strange smell. He took a closer look and saw a charred alien beast on the fire exuding a charred fragrance.

Yao Jiuxiao sat by the fire facing them, staring at the beast seriously, with a serious face.

When Lu Qingyu saw what Yao Jiuxiao had baked, he unabashedly showed his disgust.

"It's burnt, it's time to turn it over."

Yao Jiuxiao looked at it, turned it over, and then didn't move.

Lu Yaoyao also stretched his neck to look, and saw a mass of flesh that was burning with flames, strangely shaped and pitch black.

... Forget it, she doesn't really think about it, the spirit milk and fruit are still delicious.

Lu Yaoyao was still sympathetic, father and father were so pitiful, they wanted to eat scorched meat that seemed to have no appetite at all.

Lu Qingyu reminded the flip from time to time lazily, and after half an hour, it was finally baked.

Yao Jiuxiao walked towards Lu Yaoyao and Lu Qingyu, holding the charred and shrunk meat balls that were still the size of two Lu Yaoyao.

She also had a look of sympathy, and she dared not to see the beautiful father and the beautiful father eating such strange meat.

I saw the beauty's father tearing open the coke-like meat outside and taking it away, revealing the half-cooked and bloodshot meat inside, and then the beauty's father tore off a piece and handed it to her mouth.

The raw, bloodshot meat was handed to her mouth.

Lu Yaoyao's expression changed from sympathy to panic.

Was it for her to eat

Lu Yaoyao's little hand waved indiscriminately, ah ah refusal.

No, I'm still a baby, I drink neinei enough! I can't eat meat yet! I will not eat!

Lu Qingyu laughed aside, "Pearl doesn't even have teeth, you feed her such a big piece of meat?"

Lu Yaoyao agreed with her face, that's right, she hasn't had teeth yet! She doesn't eat meat!

Yao Jiuxiao looked down and saw that the piece of meat was indeed too big for the little brat to bite.

So he withdrew his hand.

Lu Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, she almost lost her life.

But she was too relieved.

It doesn't matter if the roast meat can't be eaten, he can boil it into a broth.

Yao Jiuxiao went to the Peach Blossom Demon next door to borrow a pot, put a pot of water on it and set it on fire.

It doesn't matter if the charred outside cannot be eaten, as long as the inside is enough.

Yao Jiuxiao tore off a small piece of meat and threw it into the pot.

Lu Yaoyao's eyes widened, couldn't she escape the fate of eating strange meat? !

This is not the most despairing thing for Lu Yaoyao.

The beautiful father carried her around the pot.

Then he turned out a few dark plants that seemed to be covered in ominous black air, threw them into the pot, and said, "I don't put any seasoning, there is no taste at all, so I won't eat Pearl."

"Let this be, and Pearl will surely like it."

The meat in the pot tumbled in the soup water, and after the plants melted into the water, the whole pot of soup changed color in a short while, turning purple-black, and countless bubbles came out.

Lu Yaoyao's face is full of horror, what is the seasoning so scary? ,,,...