Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 88


Lu Yaoyao sat on Shen Changyuan's shoulders and walked around the forest for a long time. The place was filled with miasma. Although neither Lu Yaoyao nor Shen Changyuan were affected, they still felt depressed.

Lu Yaoyao didn't like to talk anymore, her expression was gloomy.

She just wanted to go home, why is it so difficult

They walked for a while, and before they saw a way out, they first heard the movement rustled by the wind and branches.

Lu Yaoyao patted Shen Changyuan, "Brother Yuanyuan, let's go take a look!" It is a cub's natural "nature" to like to watch lively, she heard the voice and wanted to go to see what was going on, it sounded quite confusing. .

Shen Changyuan led Lu Yaoyao up silently, and silently stood on the branch above his head.

"Hit! Hit this son to death!"

"Dare Xiao think of this son's cousin, you are also worthy?"

"Just a half-demon..."

The dull sound of punching fists kept ringing, except for the gasping sound of humming and beating, there was only a frantic young voice full of malice.

On the ground, a few servants punched and kicked a young man in tattered clothes. The young man in gorgeous clothes stood by and watched. His appearance was upright, but the gloomy look in his eyes destroyed the beauty.

He was aloof, looking at the boy who was beaten with contempt, as if he was looking at something dirty.

"You are a mouse in the sewage ditch. You are only worthy of hiding and living your whole life. The Li family will give you a bite to eat, not to make you delusional. Cousin is kind to you, if you let her know your dirty thoughts , I'm afraid you'll think you're disgusting?"

"I do not have!"

The boy who was beaten silently from beginning to end without a word, suddenly said something at this time.

Taking a closer look, the young man is not a pure human being. He has a pair of black animal ears on top of his head, his face is dirty and bloodstained, and his appearance cannot be seen. A pair of black eyes, if he looks closely, are the vertical pupils of beasts. .

Young Master Hua Yi was annoyed, "How dare you talk back? Continue to fight this Young Master!"

The young man was beaten blue and purple, he didn't say a word, and a pair of black eyes looked at the young master Huayi, very infiltrating.

Young Master Huayi was even more annoyed at being stared at. He drew out his saber and his eyes flashed fiercely.

Anyway, he is a superfluous existence in the Li family, and even the servants can step on it. Living in the Li family will humiliate the appearance of the Li family. His existence is the stain of the Li family.

Young Master Hua Yi's expression became even more distorted when he thought of the days when he was ridiculed by other partners for having a half-demon brother, and when his cousin treated him differently.

It's too annoying, let's kill it.

Anyway, his father had never admitted him, and wouldn't bother with him for a half-demon.

Anyway, the dirty half-human half-demon should never exist.

The sharp sword glowing with cold light was raised high.

The boy's dirty and thin hands clenched tightly, revealing a sharp edge, obviously not wanting to sit still.

The long sword stabbed down quickly, swung halfway, and was suddenly broken by a spiritual energy.

The sword body was broken in two, and the broken one fell to the ground.

"Who?!" Young Master Hua Yi clenched his broken sword and looked around vigilantly. The servants were guarding Young Master Hua Yi and were equally vigilant.

The foggy forest was quiet, except for the rustling of leaves.

"This is a private matter of my Li family, and I also ask the seniors not to mind their own business."

If he was able to approach before he was aware of the movement, the person who came must have a much higher cultivation base than him. Young Master Huayi was angry, and he secretly cursed where the two fools came from, such a nosy

There was still no response, and the person who shot it didn't seem to want to come forward.

Young Master Huayi knew that he had missed the best time to kill the half-demon, he gave the boy a cold look, and then hurriedly left with his family.

The boy on the ground lay motionless on the ground.

"How are you?"

The voice of "milk" sounded from the top of the head.

The boy's eyes moved, he tilted his head and looked up.

A girl carved in pink and jade poked her head out from the branch to look at him, her big clear and bright eyes flashing with curiosity.

When the boy saw the girl, there was obviously a flash of consternation, and then his face was expressionless.

The fiery red dumpling jumped down from the tree and stood in front of the boy, "They beat you, why don't you hide or resist? I think that person wants to kill you."

The boy didn't speak, he saw the man who suddenly appeared behind the dumplings, his pupils tightened, and his whole body became vigilant.

Like a cat seeing something very threatening, the "hairs" all over his body exploded, and he wanted to meow a few times, warning that thing not to get close.

Lu Yaoyao turned her head to look at Shen Changyuan, she felt strange in her heart, brother Yuanyuan is obviously very good, although sometimes he looks cold and not easy to approach, but his heart is very soft and kind. so afraid of him

"Don't be afraid, brother Yuanyuan and I are good people."

The boy finally moved, he stood up, turned around and left without saying a word.

Even if the two meddled in their own business and saved him, the young man still had a bad face and didn't even speak a word. If he hadn't heard him speak before, he would have thought he was a mute.

He limped away.

Lu Yaoyao and Shen Changyuan watched his back go away.

Lu Yaoyao pursed her lips, although they offered to help, but this young man's attitude made her very unhappy and felt that she was doing a disservice, but if she didn't make a move, the sword would be stabbed, and she would have to die. residual.

But no matter what, she could save a life, Lu Yaoyao regained her vigor in a short time, and did not take the attitude of the young man to heart.

"Brother Yuanyuan, didn't you say that humans, demons, and demons are incompatible with each other? If I'm not wrong, it's the blood of the half-demon, right?" Lu Yaoyao could already distinguish his breath.

Most of the people of Diyuan are of mixed blood, because in such an environment, the boundaries between the three clans of humans, demons, and demons are not so clear. Maybe they are closed all the year round, and the mutual hostility of the three clans has not been brought to Diyuan.

Before the earth and abyss were unified, all enemies except me were enemies, no matter which race.

Now that they are unified, most of them are mixed blood, and no one has instilled the concept of human beings and monsters, so they get along very harmoniously.

But Lu Yaoyao always knew that the outside world was different. Although her father and daddy didn't instill this idea in her, she didn't agree with her, but she also had a concept of what the environment was like.

Now, she saw a boy of half-human, half-demon bloodline, obviously familiar with the person who beat him just now.

Shen Changyuan said: "There are quite a few half-demon people of mixed blood."

Lu Yaoyao immediately remembered the various versions of human and demon sadism, human and demon sadism, and demon sadism, and exclaimed, "Then they must be very in love!" If it wasn't true love, how could he have the courage to break the shackles, even if he was not allowed by the Three Realms? Together, but also give birth to the crystallization of love

Shen Changyuan, who understood Lu Yaoyao's thoughts: "..."

He couldn't bear to expose the truth. In this world, there are very few interracial loves because of love for each other. It is not tolerated by the world, and neither race can accept it.

And more mixed blood stayed in another way.

Since ancient times, there has been a light and a dark side, and there are many places to hide the dirt.

Some merchants not only sell spiritual beasts and spiritual plant resources, but also sell witches and witches in private.

There are always some monks with strange quirks who will buy witches and witches as pets in underground auctions for their own entertainment.

And demons are more popular than witches, especially the little demons formed by harmless monsters.

In the demon world, merchants searched for good-looking, harmless beast-shaped goblins, and turned them into humanoids with shape-shifting grass. These goblins have the characteristics of demons, such as beast ears and tails. These goblins are the most popular. Upper class monks welcome.

And these pets may, for one reason or another, eventually give birth to half-demons mixed with human blood.

Some of those half-beasts were killed when they were born, some were discarded and kept, and the better ones were given food, but their status was not that high.

Shen Changyuan used to be in a high position, but at that time he couldn't contain sand in his eyes. Such filth couldn't reach him, but it didn't mean he didn't know it.

He picked Lu Yaoyao up and didn't want to tell the cub that it was polluting her ears.

"Let's catch up."

Follow them and you'll be sure to find someone where they'll be able to ask for directions.

However, Lu Yaoyao and Shen Changyuan found out that the group of people in front of them and the teenagers were walking in different directions.

Lu Yaoyao thought for a while, then pointed in the direction the boy left, "Follow him."

The road the boy walked was very remote. He kept walking in the foggy forest, and the more and more he went, he walked through a cave, walked a rough road, pushed aside the vines and branches, and finally appeared in a mountain col.

In the mountains, on the tall and sturdy tree trunks and branches, there are simple but beautiful wooden houses and wooden cave houses. It can be seen that their owners take care of them very carefully.

This is really a very secret place. If you don't look closely, you can't see that there are creatures living here.

Lu Yaoyao saw the hollowed-out tree trunk to make a nest, and the wooden house hung firmly on the branch. It seemed familiar, as if seeing the wooden house with broken screens in the mountains, and he missed it even more.

When the boy appeared, a boy in animal skin stuck his head out of the wooden house, then ran out and grabbed the vine and quickly slid down.

"Brother Amu, are you alright?"

The boy looked at the height of his teens. He had an animal ear on his head, and the black tail behind him was also only half-length. It was obvious that he had been abused.

He saw that Li Mu was hurt all over his body, and there was mist in his eyes.

Li Mu's tense nerves relaxed when he saw the boy, "I'm fine, don't worry Xiaohu."

"Let's go see Sister Qianqian, I brought back the 'medicine'." He passed Xiaohu and quickly went up to the tree house.

Xiaohu wiped away his tears and hurriedly followed.

Li Mu dragged the hanging vines down the tree in twos and threes, and before he entered the wooden house, he heard a suppressed cough.

Li Mu's footsteps paused.

"Is it Amu?"

There was a weak voice inside, and Li Mu quickly wiped the dirty blood off his face before walking in.

On the bed of the wooden house lay a woman in her early twenties. She was also a half-demon, with a pair of rabbit ears on her head. She was sloppy and listless because of her illness.

She was thin, her face was sallow, her lips were pale, and she had apparently been ill for some time.

When Qianqian saw Li Mu, whose face was blue and purple, she was immediately excited, "Are you... cough, go back to the Li family..."

Qianqian's pale face was stained with a morbid red color due to a violent cough.

Li Mu stepped forward to support Qianqian and patted her on the back.

Qianqian's pale and thin hands tightly grasped Li Mu, "Didn't you promise us not to return to Li's house?"

Qianqian coughed and stared at Li Mu.

"Sister Qianqian, don't talk, take the "medicine" first." Li Mu took out a porcelain bottle from the front of his clothes.

"Didn't I say so? Even if you die of illness, you are not allowed to go to Li's house to humiliate yourself!" Seeing that Li Mu was injured, Qianqian was even more distressed.

What kind of jackal land is the Li family, who do they know? Amu finally left, but now he took the initiative to go back, still to ask for "medicine".

Li Mu pursed his lips, "Sister Qianqian, do you want me to be beaten for nothing?"

Qianqian was angry and anxious, and finally did not reject the "medicine" fed by Li Mu.

With tears in her eyes, "in the future, don't do this again."

Li Mu responded: "Okay..."

However, Li Mu knew that if there was another time, he would still choose to go back.

As long as sister Qianqian can be rescued, what are you going to do

The only one in the Li family was kind to him. He was the only one who could get the "medicine" for the treatment pill, so he went to ask for it, but he didn't expect to be seen by Li Chengze, and that's why he was beaten.

Li Mu lowered his eyes, at that time he had murderous intentions towards Li Chengze, if not...

Qianqian took the "medicine" and her face looked better. She still wanted to talk to Li Mu, but the "medicine" made her drowsy.

Li Mu put her down and let her have a good rest, he got up and walked out quietly.

Outside the house, Xiaohu was standing when he saw Li Mu coming out, "Brother Amu, hurry up and take the 'medicine'."

This is the "medicine" juice made from the "medicine" grass that my mother-in-law found. It is the most effective for skin trauma. Li Mu did not refuse, and let Xiaohu smear the wound on him.

"Is Sister Qianqian okay?"

Li Mu affirmed: "Okay."

Xiaohu narrowed his eyes happily, "That's great!"

However, things backfired. Not long after, the sleeping Qianqian's face turned abnormally red. She didn't get better, and seemed to get worse.

Li Mu's face darkened.

Xiaohu wiped away tears in a hurry.

"What should I do, brother Amu, is sister Qianqian dying?"

"No." Li Mu clenched his fists.

Just when Li Mu was about to go out to look for "medicine" again, a cute child's voice suddenly sounded—

"We can save her!"


On the top of the wooden house, the red dumpling and the man he was very afraid of were standing there not long ago.

Li Mu's face changed, "You are following me?!"

Lu Yaoyao blinked, "I'm sorry, we got lost in the forest. We originally wanted to ask you for directions, but you ignored them, so we followed."

Lu Yaoyao's original intention was actually to find a place where the crowd gathered, and they could ask for directions, but they didn't expect to follow, as if they followed to a very hidden place.

Lu Yaoyao noticed that the atmosphere here was very mixed, it should be a place where mixed blood lived in seclusion.

"Don't worry, we will never say it." Lu Yaoyao swore to the sky.

Li Mu was still vigilant, "How can we trust you?"

"Are you sure you want to pursue this first?"

Lu Yaoyao jumped down and stood in front of Li Mu, she pointed inside.

She felt that this young man and this little brother were very wary. Instead of trying to gain their trust, it was better to save the sister inside. >

> When there is a life-saving grace, everything is easy to say.

Li Mu's face covered with the "medicine" juice was bluish white.

"Can you really save her?"

"Of course!" Lu Yaoyao vowed.

Li Mu looked at the wooden house and gritted his teeth, "Okay! As long as you can save her, my life will be yours." But if he is malicious to them, even if he takes his life, he will make them pay the price!

Lu Yaoyao waved her small hand, "Just show us the way then.".