Dawn Infinity

Chapter 10: reality


The aliens in the catastrophe of the sky possess ultra-high technology that is unimaginable to humans. Their technological level has exceeded human imagination. Whether it is their weapons, biotechnology, or basic material technology, they are much higher than humans. .

For example, those blue light groups that appear at the beginning of this movie are something that cannot be explained or imagined by current human technology. Anyone who looks directly at this blue light group will be controlled by the unknown in this blue light, and then voluntarily After walking into this blue light, these controlled humans will be transformed into biological weapons by aliens.

Chu Hao had also watched the horror movie Catastrophe in the Sky before. Although it was used for entertainment, when he saw this blue light ball appear and all the humans who looked directly at it were controlled, he still couldn't help but think of it. After breaking into the rebel organization, facing the mental power controller of Organization C, it was simply a killer weapon. The invisible and qualityless mental power control could completely ignore the existing human technology. If there was no means of resistance, then I can only close my eyes and wait for death.

But Chu Hao didn't think that much at the time. After all, Skyrim was just a horror movie, and there were always similarities in power. He didn't have that much time to think about ways to crack the virtual horror movie.

But things are different now. When everyone confirms that this is really a world of catastrophe in the sky, then all the original thoughts and thinking will be completely different, such as how to survive.

When the blue light came, everyone present confirmed that yes, the world of reincarnation is real. Then, everyone hurriedly took out the sunglasses in their eyes, and took out a pair with tacit understanding. He handcuffed himself to the water pipe on the attic.

Only Chu Hao did not use handcuffs. Instead, he wore sunglasses and looked directly at the blue lights. However, he did not dare to raise his eyebrows, so he stood in the center of the crowd so that they could grab him at any time.

These blue light clusters don't look too big, only a few meters in diameter at most, emitting soft blue light. However, the closer they get to the core of the blue light cluster, the more dazzling the blue light becomes, making it impossible to Seeing clearly what is inside this blue light group, you can only see a group of light radiating brilliantly.

Chu Hao stood like this and looked directly at the blue light group that was getting closer and closer. Although he was wearing sunglasses, the light still shone on his eyes. There was nothing unusual about the soft light, but slightly, Chu Hao still felt something was wrong.

First of all, his body is getting more and more excited. It is not his mental excitement, but the excitement of his body itself. To put it simply, it is like the feeling that the body starts to heat up after exercise. And as the blue light group falls from the sky, the body's The excitement became more and more intense, even reaching the point where I was sweating all over.

This situation is very abnormal. Chu Hao is not an ordinary person. He has undergone the most rigorous military training and mental training. The kind of self-hypnosis that can fight against mental power controllers is one of them. As for body control, it is a piece of cake. But at this moment, he could hardly control his body's sweating and excitement. The effect of this blue light was really powerful.

When the blue ball of light had almost reached the level of everyone on the roof, Chu Hao took a deep breath, slowly took off his sunglasses, and then looked directly at the blue ball of light. Almost instantly, an uneasy feeling came over him. The described feeling went straight to the bottom of his heart, making him unable to control himself almost instantly.

This feeling is very indescribable, as if an invisible spiritual hand has held his soul, trapping him inside his body. His whole body seems to have become an armor, separate from his consciousness. After breaking away, he was almost no longer under his control, and an unimaginable severe pain came over him. This pain alone almost made him faint.

This is self-hypnosis training organized by the organization. It is more thorough, deeper, more painful and dangerous than that training. The adrenaline hormone secretion in my body has exceeded the danger line, and my whole body is exercising violently. If this continues my body will collapse

If someone looks directly at Chu Hao at this moment, one can clearly see that his eyes are blank, the tiny blood vessels around his face are swollen and exposed, and his expression is very painful. Although his body is not moving towards the blue light, it is twitching slightly. , as if suffering unimaginable pain.

Even so, due to other reasons, Chu Hao was still very conscious, but he could no longer control his body to make any movements. Of course, it also prevented his body from approaching the blue light. In this state of consciousness and extreme pain, Chu Hao Thoughts in Hao's head kept flickering.

Sure enough, I originally guessed that this blue light was not some kind of radiation. After all, in the original plot of Skyrim Catastrophe, only people who looked directly at this blue light would experience physical collapse. If it was radiation, then as long as they were exposed to it Everyone who is exposed to this light will be affected, not just those who look directly at it. And does this collapse phenomenon refer to the situation where the genetic lock is turned on

The so-called gene lock is what Jenny, a senior rookie in the world of reincarnation, said. In fact, she also heard about it from former seniors. According to her, it is a kind of potential development that shows that those seniors who were still alive in the past Here, three people have activated the gene lock, and the captain among them is a second-level gene lock, so powerful that he is almost like a superman.

Judging from the characteristics of the gene lock mentioned by Jenny, the appearance is generally that the eyes are blank, the reaction speed, combat instinct are greatly improved, and at the same time it has the improvement of strength and temporary suppression of pain, etc., which can almost make an ordinary person Turning into a killing machine, the only disadvantages are the side effects and short duration. Basically, ordinary people will die when they turn on the gene lock, unless they receive treatment.

From this point of view alone, the self-hypnosis of Chu Hao's organization has similar functions and side effects, but it does not have fighting instinct, strength enhancement, and temporary suppression of pain as Jenny said, so Chu Hao thinks that this It may be an incomplete way to unlock genetic locks.

As for the real gene lock, what kind of powerful force is it

It's too late, but it's fast. In fact, from the time when the blue light came, to when Chu Hao took off his sunglasses and faced the blue light, to when the blue light ball continued to land, and the blue light completely disappeared, it only took about ten seconds. When the blue light completely disappeared, Chu Hao Hao had already fallen to the ground, and his whole body was twitching violently. The pain was so severe that even Chu Hao's amazing willpower could not resist it. Except that he did not scream in pain, it could almost be said that he had been tortured. This pain was defeated, and this pain even exceeded the organization's self-hypnosis ten times and a hundred times.

Everyone around looked at Chu Hao with scared looks. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he slowly recovered, but for a while he couldn't say anything at all. At this time, J took out a bottle of drink from his bag. Come, walk to Chu Hao and feed him.

Thank you. The sports drink contains a little morphine. Chu Hao asked immediately after taking a sip.

J nodded and handed the bottle of drink to him without saying a word. Chu Hao did not hesitate, picked up the drink and drank it in several sips. Only then did he notice that he was completely soaked in sweat and his body was extremely wet. He was weak, as if he had just gone through a long-distance training session with equipment.

In this way, he sat on the ground for a few minutes, then slowly stood up and said: Okay, everyone should already have a good understanding of the current situation. Yes, this is indeed the world of catastrophe in the sky, and the world of reincarnation is also real. It exists. Although I don’t know how to achieve all this, it exists and is reasonable. What we have to consider now is how to survive. According to the previous plan, J, Osage, and I will form a team to go there. Kidnapping the hero and heroine, together with Ares, Jenny, and this lady, you are responsible for our escape, and the clock starts from now on.

When Chu Hao finished speaking, he looked at his watch and said: The time is now four thirty-six. From now on, we must complete the kidnapping at five ten and retreat into the off-road vehicle that was prepared before. Ares and the three of you are responsible for the safety and location of the off-road vehicle and enter the shelter before 5:30. Time is running out, so everyone should act quickly.

Ares nodded to show that he understood, but Jenny said hurriedly: Chu Hao, your symptoms just now are very much like the side effects of unlocking the gene lock. You are very weak now, why don't you kidnap people? Why don't you let me Go for you

Chu Hao shook his head and said seriously: No, this matter is planned by me, so the most important part must be completed by me, and I also want to meet the male protagonist, I hope he is what I expect.

He didn't say what he was looking forward to, and the people around him didn't understand, but now time is very urgent. According to the plot shown in the movie, when the blue light ball comes and returns, an alien fleet and aliens will appear in the early morning. Biological weapons, the entire neighborhood and city were dangerous areas at that time, and everyone had to return to the shelter before then, so they did not ask or talk anymore. Led by Chu Hao, the six people were divided into two teams, and started They headed towards their missions respectively.

At the same time, in a certain police station in the city, a group of people were in their respective detention cells. They were the group of people who followed the bespectacled young man. They were still detained here and were waiting for the embassy of their country to issue an order. You will not be able to leave the police station until someone from the Immigration Bureau sends you information.

Suddenly, they all felt an earthquake. The earthquake was not violent, but it was obvious that the entire ground and room were shaking. As the first person woke up from his sleep, the others also woke up and started shouting loudly. The police left behind, but soon, they stopped calling because they saw the police left behind looking at the blue light outside the door, walked into the light, and then disappeared.

Sky, sky, catastrophe in the sky

it is true