Dawn Infinity

Chapter 109: Companions and escape


When Chu Hao saw the Guards organized by

No one knows the terror of the Guards of Organization X better than him. In the battle in which the Guards of Organization Nearly a million people died, and there were frequent earthquakes throughout the earth during that time. This was the sequelae of the earth's crust being broken in this place.

Afterwards, the Rebel Organization sent several scientific research teams to conduct field tests and records. All the data showed that there was an extraordinary gravity response in that area. And through a lot of calculations and proof, when the island disappeared, there was How strong was the super gravity in the local area? At that time, the gravity in the local area instantly reached about 7.4 times the gravity generated by the total mass of the sun.

Logically speaking, such a terrifying gravity can almost destroy the earth. In fact, it is possible to destroy the entire solar system. But in fact, the damage caused is just the disappearance of an island. Although the geological structure of the place is It had a long-lasting impact on the gravity range, but this impact was completely unable to match the destruction that the extraordinary gravity at that moment should have caused.

But no matter what, Organization Minutes, and this matter is only known to the highest level of the Rebels, that is, the three O6s, because this matter is too demoralizing.

Because of this, among the elite troops of the rebels, there is a warning from O6, that is, if they encounter the X organization's personal guards, they can retreat at any time without disobeying orders and failing the mission.

Chu Hao has carefully calculated the current strength of the Arctic team. Naturally, not to mention the newcomers, among the current four senior players, the strongest one is actually Zhang Heng, followed by him, then Ares, and Tom can become A very strong scout, but his strength may not be as good as that of a normal soldier. This Arctic team is actually just equivalent to a twenty-man elite rebel tactical team, and may even be worse than

With such strength, how could it be possible to fight against the Guards of organization x

The only way to escape is to escape from the city first, then find the other two teams, find a way to join forces, and then use various methods to deal with this X organization's personal guards. In short, it is absolutely impossible to fight with them head-to-head.

Chu Hao has already confirmed that this X organization personal guard is the so-called invader by the Lord God, and their existence is the real culprit that caused this team battle, which is also the source of the changes in the world, and they are the so-called invader, because under their A faint red circle appears on the body. This is obviously the intruder mark specially proposed by the Lord God.

we want to escape

Chu Hao turned his head fiercely. He looked at Ares, Zhang Heng, and Tom and said: "We must escape immediately. The group of people under this building are the intruders mentioned in the mission. I know them." They are people from Organization

Ares was stunned for a moment, and quickly walked to Chu Hao and looked down. As he looked, he said: Are they those people who show the light red light? The Lord God has made it very obvious. Are they members of Organization C and Organization X

No, it was Chu Hao, a member of Organization The peripheral logistics organization, of course, also includes providing cover for the existence of organization x. To be precise, organization c is only slightly stronger than the rebel organization.

But organization Face Universe X Organization is such an organization

Ares also nodded and said while looking at his watch: Yes, if you put it this way, this is really an unimaginable terrorist organization. After all, this organization has actually invaded the Lord God's space. Such a terrifying person has no limits. The main god's space has actually been invaded

At this moment, Zhang Heng also came here with a serious expression. He looked down. After a long time, he suddenly raised his head and said to Chu Hao: I feel like I will die. Yes, if I fight head-on with them, I will I'm going to die. It's such a wonderful feeling. This is the first time I've ever felt that I'm going to die.

Tom also squeezed over. He might be the only one who didn't know the situation clearly. After looking down for a few times, he asked: Didn't the desperate situation of Alien vs. Predator make you feel dangerous

Zhang Heng laughed. He took out a pair of sunglasses from his arms and put them on, and then said coolly: That's for sure. In the last horror movie world, I only felt danger. I had a premonition that I would not die under any circumstances, but this time when facing this group of people, it was gone.

Is it so dangerous? Tom also looked down curiously, but at this moment, his body was picked up by a strong figure and thrown several meters away. The fall made his butt hurt for a while, and he screamed immediately. .

But it was the man who claimed to be the national boxing team. When he saw the four people discussing enthusiastically here, he also squeezed over and looked down. While looking, he chuckled and said: "It's really exquisite. Is it a movie city or a filming site or something?" Behind this piece of glass was a 3D image. As he spoke, he was about to reach out to touch the invisible protective shield, but he didn't expect three hands behind him to pull at his back collar at the same time.

The man's reaction was still very sharp. He turned around suddenly and saw Chu Hao, Ares, and Zhang Heng looking at him coldly, and all three of them stretched out their hands. This plan was already clear.

The man was stunned for a moment, then grinned, and then burst into laughter. He pointed at the three people and laughed loudly: You three are planning to hit me, but I’m telling you, I’m two meters tall and weigh one meter. One hundred and seventy kilograms, punching power

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Heng and Chu Hao punched him in the face with their fists, one on the left and the other on the right. Five seconds later,

This man had been knocked to the ground like mud. In fact, except for the first punch, Chu Hao had already retracted his fist. These were all Zhang Heng's blows. Even though Zhang Heng was only about 1.7 meters tall, his figure looked... He is only half as tall as this man, but whether it is strength, speed, reflexes, or fighting skills, the two of them are like creatures from two worlds, especially Zhang Heng who took action with anger, not to mention this man, I'm afraid Chu Hao They had to retreat for a while, but with a burst of banging sounds, the man was beaten into soft mud by Zhang Heng. It is estimated that many bones in his body were broken.

Then Zhang Heng lifted the man's head, regardless of his moans of pain, and brought it to Tom. This move not only frightened the man, but also frightened the fifteen newcomers and even Tom himself. They were all frightened, but Zhang Heng threw the man directly in front of Tom, and then said to the man in a cold voice: Kneel down and apologize.

Go, fuck you

The man's face was covered in blood. He was moaning and cursing, but before he could finish his words, Zhang Heng, who was behind him, stepped down with his foot, crushing his leg bones with a snap. , Zhang Heng took out a submachine gun directly from his bag, and hit the man's other thigh with two gunshots. The newcomers around him immediately roared and fled away, and then everyone There was no sound except for the man's low back and moans, as well as the faint sound of begging for mercy.

Give you one last chance. Zhang Heng's eyes were like blades at this moment, sharp and cold, as if the man who pretended to be cool before, the one who smiled, the one who was always funny, the one who was always in trouble, the easy-going chatter was an illusion, and at this moment, Zhang Heng was Worthy of his killer title.

Kneel down and apologize, I'll count to three seconds

This man had runny nose and tears. He was crying, almost crawling on the ground and kowtowed to Tom repeatedly. At the same time, he kept saying sorry words and asking people far away to call the hospital, but he He didn't dare to ask them to call the police because the look in Zhang Heng's eyes just now frightened him. That look was the look he got after he had killed many people.

Zhang Heng then raised his head. He once again picked up the sunglasses that he had dropped during the fight from the ground, and then put them on his face. At the same time, he smiled and said to Tom: Look at you, you look like a bear, and you are still standing. Can you get up? Come on, buddy, we're going to have to fight like crazy in a while.

Tom's eyes were hot and his nose was sore. He was so worried that he was not embarrassed on the spot. He immediately lowered his head slightly. After a long time, he raised his head and said with a smile: Well, let's fight together.


Chu Hao and Ares in the distance looked at everything in silence. After watching, they both looked at each other and smiled. Then Chu Hao said hurriedly: Okay, listen to me, the battle plan we are going to prepare next. There is only one

run away run away as quickly as possible