Dawn Infinity

Chapter 113: The other two teams


Except for the fact that Zhang Heng could move his head, his whole body was completely paralyzed. In this team battle mission, the Arctic team's greatest combat power had come to an end.

But fortunately, he still saved his life and could still speak and talk a lot.

So, I should still exchange for the Bronze Saint bloodline. Think of the Bronze Saint in the original comic, but Xiaoqiang is said to be invincible. I am either bragging to you, or I am bragging to you. If I exchange the Bronze Saint bloodline , I can beat ten of that batman from before.

Beside the hospital bed, Chu Hao, Ares, Tom, plus the black detective Ali, and the white girl with big eyes, they were all listening to Zhang Heng bragging with a smile, but the smiling Zhang Heng, from Blood began to ooze from his mouth and face.

Ares was silent for a moment and said to Zhang Heng: I'll give you a sedative. You have a good sleep. It's better not to talk too much and have a good rest. While speaking, Ares pushed Zhang Heng's hypodermic syringe, and the sedative was immediately injected into Zhang Heng's body, and Zhang Heng slowly fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Just like that, until Zhang Heng had completely fallen asleep, Ares suddenly punched the metal cabinet next to him, making a small hole in the metal cabinet. He even growled in a low voice: Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it! If I had summoned the sub-giant skeleton at that time, I could have blocked that bat man, and Zhang Heng wouldn’t be like this. Damn it!

Chu Hao watched everything silently. He patted Ares on the shoulder, and then asked: Is the medicine enough? Is there anything else you need

Ares calmed down after venting. He thought for a while and said: various anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as analgesics, and forget it, I will write you a list. You need more drugs, and the survival camp There were a large number of people, and they brought very little medicine. To save Zhang Heng this time, they used too much medicine and gauze. They also used surgical equipment, including needles, syringes, scalpels, and all kinds of equipment. Zhang Heng's surgery was only a simple operation, and he had to undergo several other major surgeries. Otherwise, his life would still be in danger, so he needed too many things.


Chu Hao nodded and said: I understand, and our flying car also needs to be repaired. Although the core part is not damaged, there are a large number of parts at the rear end of the car that need to be repaired and replaced. The flying car is temporarily unusable, so find a city or In the town, we are responsible for carrying medicines and various necessities, and collecting intelligence on the way.


Everyone was a little strange. It was reasonable to collect supplies. It had been two days since they arrived at the camp. During these two days, hundreds more people came to the camp one after another. Most of them didn't even have a car. , except for the clothes on the body and a few carry-on items, there is neither food nor useful tools, and it can be said that it is almost destitute. In fact, the supplies in the entire camp are already very scarce. It was originally a small supply warehouse, but there are more than two thousand After people use it, there is basically not much left. This morning, the current camp management staff, more than a dozen city police officers, and a management association composed of several retired soldiers are already discussing the possibility of controlling the use of materials. .

Chu Hao and others have been living in the camp for two days, and they are already considered members of the camp. In fact, Ali's identity is easier to be recognized. After all, he was an Interpol before. Of course, for someone who can create a speeding car, Chu Hao, a civilian genius scientist, is also referred to as Chu Hao of Minke. Many people in the entire camp respect him. And this morning, the temporary order maintenance personnel of the camp also came to ask Ali and Chu Hao if they would like to join the management of the camp. .

Ali and the white girl interviewed a large number of people in the past two days, and they saw ghosts and ghosts appearing on the edge of the city with their own eyes. They finally began to believe in the world they lived in, that is, the world of reincarnation, and this horror movie The situation in the world, but at this time, they seemed confused and at a loss, because all of this was really unreal, and even if it was real, it was simply unbelievable.

Because of this, as a veteran of the three horror film worlds and currently the official captain of the Arctic team, his words carry the heaviest weight in the team.

That's right, intelligence.

Chu Hao said with deep eyes: First of all, the most critical point in this horror movie world is that there is no time. You can check your mission watch carefully. It does not show any mission time limit, so there can only be one explanation. Then No matter it takes ten years, twenty years, or even fifty years, or even our entire life, the only way to complete it is to have only two possibilities. One is to kill all the intruders, and the other is to kill all of us.

This world is so big, and this is no longer the information world we are familiar with. This is a world where human civilization has begun to collapse. Cities, as well as all high-end human civilization creations, belong to the restricted area of this world, so the connection between this world We are no longer so close. What we are going to have with the invaders is a very long and large-scale showdown. In this case, whoever has the intelligence and the original indigenous power of this world will win.

When Chu Hao said this, Ali suddenly asked: For example, what kind of information, what kind of original indigenous power

Chu Hao smiled and continued: It's very simple, such as detecting who the intruders are, their location, their number, and their power level. These are all useful intelligence. In fact, the world is in collapse. At the beginning, at the end of the movie "Renouncing One", humans still had a large number of helicopters, troops, etc. I believe that during this time period, the governments of this world should still have enough strength. For example, they are hiding in what they think In a safe secret base, wait for the secrets of the ghosts and ghosts to be analyzed, and then fight back, etc. Not to mention their future, at least during this time, if you can get in touch with them and get their power, then it will be enough. Fighting against invaders, for example, satellites are used for reconnaissance, such as direct bombardment with nuclear bombs, etc.

Because of this, we need to go out, instead of staying in this small camp, we can take the opportunity to find various supplies to go out, try our best to make people believe that we have the ability to fight against small-scale ghosts and ghosts, and then organize Form a team to protect more survivors until the army finds us. With these people, we can make the army trust us, and use our words and actions to make them believe that the intruders are the creation of ghosts and ghosts. Well, if this happens, the general trend will be with us.

When Chu Hao said this, he rubbed his brows and said: These are our guidelines for action. It may take several months to several years, but there is no hurry. We must establish our own power in this world. That's it, and then we have to look for the other two teams, the South American team and the Atlantic team. I think as long as they are not madmen or idiots, they should know that this team battle is a cooperative team battle, and there is no point in killing each other. Meaning, we have a common enemy, the invader, and each veteran of the reincarnation team will probably have the best way to use it according to its enhanced attributes, and I have always believed that the Lord God will not issue a fatal mission. , since the Lord God believes that our three reincarnation teams can fight against the personal guards of organization I'm sure it's in the hands of the Samsara Team.

At the same time, at the other end far away from Chu Hao and others, in the sewers of the city, four men and women were running forward with scars all over their bodies, and behind them, dozens of ghosts were chasing after them. They seemed to be irritated by being chased, and one of the men suddenly stopped. He was wearing a simple metal armor, holding a thick war hammer in one hand, and a metal book in the other hand. .

Holy Light and Blood Seal

I saw this man opening the metal book. He closed his eyes and lightly touched the page of the book. Suddenly a golden rune flashed out. Then, his whole body was shining with golden light, and there was even more on his war hammer. Circle the halo of the Holy Seal.

go to hell

The man roared and rushed into the group of ghosts, smashing these ghosts to pieces as easily as chopping melons and vegetables. Any ghost that touched his war hammer seal dissolved and dissipated like liquid. After a while, the entire sewer There are no ghosts left in it.

It was only then that the man breathed a sigh of relief and squatted on the ground, while the other three walked up to him and sat down on the ground, not caring about the filthiness of the sewer floor.

Ghosts don't matter. Unless you encounter composite ghosts or more terrifying mutant ghosts, these ordinary ghosts don't matter. Intruders, it's really scary. Who are they? They can actually fight against us reincarnations. No, even Stronger than us reincarnations, only the four of us survived. Captain, only the four of us survived.

A blond beauty next to her murmured in fear. The expressions of the other three people seemed to be very ugly. Only the armored man, who was called the captain, stood up again and said: At least we are still alive. It’s not a big deal. Let’s return. Legend of Gods and Ghosts is going to unearth the scripture of resurrection. Well, they can still be resurrected. As long as we don’t die, our South American team will definitely be able to exist. I firmly believe that the Holy Light can guide us. Let’s leave this city first. We can’t let them. Their sacrifices were in vain. We must avenge them when we go to find the other two teams.

Under the leadership of this armored man, the four of them headed all the way from the sewer to the edge of the city.

Time continued to move forward. On the third day when the Arctic team appeared and the second day when the South American team appeared, a group of people suddenly appeared in an uninhabited pasture not far from the edge of the city.

Provoked Loop Intruder

Ha ha ha ha

When the others were lying on the ground and had just woken up, only a middle-aged man with a stubble on his face was standing. He walked to the edge of the protective shield and looked out, looking at the still smoking fire in the distance. The city burst into laughter.

This man was dressed in casual clothes, with a pair of straw sandals on his feet, and a Western-style flower sword hanging on his left waist. In addition to the stubble on his face, his clothes looked a bit sloppy and untidy, but the whole He seems to have an unruly temperament. He seems to be about forty-seven or eighteen years old. His body is strong and even, with no fat or tangled muscles. He looks like an ordinary uncle in the countryside.

Get up, team members, new battlefields, new adventures, and new stories are all waiting for us, hahahaha

Let us Daxizhou team

Let’s set sail towards a new round of great adventure dreams.