Dawn Infinity

Chapter 114: Whitewash


In the past, I always thought that ghosts and ghosts were all lies.

Chu Hao was sitting in a truck, chatting with the seven or eight people in the same truck.

This is a large convoy. The day after the temporary managers of the surviving camp discussed and decided to limit the supply of supplies every day, this convoy was established and set off. After all, even if the supply is limited, the camp's survival needs materials, such as flour. For example, salt, various tools, etc. are also in short supply, and the number of people gathering in this camp is still increasing. It has increased from more than 1,000 people before to more than 2,300 people, and the number is still increasing to more than 400 people every day. According to the most reasonable estimates, the number of people in this camp will reach 5,000 by the end of this month. In the end, it is likely that tens of thousands of people will gather, and survival supplies can only be supplied for three to five days at most.

Because of this, Minke Chuhao, who has become a camp manager, and Interpol Ali jointly proposed that the camp organize personnel to go to another town next to the city to collect as much supplies as possible there to prepare for the next shortage of supplies.

Ever since he proved his identity as a great civil servant with his flying car, Chu Hao's words have gained extraordinary weight in the camp. Coupled with his ability to use repair techniques, he has repaired more than a dozen damaged appliances, which made him His identity was confirmed, so when he proposed that he could use red tape to isolate ghosts and ghosts, and use some kind of alloy bullets he made himself to destroy ghosts and ghosts, it made a group of people start to trust him, especially when he used This trust reaches its peak when this bullet eliminates some ghosts that appear on the edge of the city.

Because of this, when Chu Hao made this suggestion and Ali agreed, the camp managers basically agreed with the proposal and announced the proposal to the entire camp, especially the distribution principle proposed by Chu Hao. Those who go out to collect supplies can take away one-third of the supplies they search, while those responsible for duty, vigilance, and fighting ghosts can take another one-third, and the camp only collects one-third. As soon as the total supplies were stored, more than 600 people signed up on the same day, which was almost the number of mature men in the entire camp.

In the end, after selecting and assigning tasks, a total of 220 people were selected, and more than 50 vehicles of various sizes accompanied the operation. The target was a small town 170 kilometers away from the camp.

As a technician accompanying the operation, Chu Hao was protected by four former policemen sent from the camp. Each of them had ten rounds of spiritual bullets. Of course, this was the result of Chu Hao giving the bullets. He claimed that this kind of bullets The alloy is very difficult to make. He is a private scientist and does not have enough funds and experimental equipment, so he only made these bullet samples. These forty bullets are already a lot, and these four former policemen really made these bullets. He regarded it as life and even put it on the inside of his clothes.

Chu Hao is very clear about his goals. His first task is to rationalize the origins and abilities of himself and the rest of the team. The second is to get a higher position in the camp as much as possible, whether it is to be respected or It is necessary to make them feel that they are irreplaceable, otherwise he will not be qualified to achieve the general trend of the world, and what he is doing now is to rationalize Ares' ability.

So when ghosts appeared, I have been trying to study them. There is absolutely no way that there is anything in this world that cannot be explained by science. The reason why it cannot be explained or cannot be explained is simply because science has not progressed enough. As long as I have enough knowledge and information, even if gods and demons come, I will explain it to you. Chu Hao said this to the rest of the people in the car while chatting.

In addition to the four police officers on the truck, there was also a vehicle maintenance worker, two camp managers, and a former city government official. When they heard Chu Hao's words, the vehicle maintenance worker was the first to say: Chu, You are really a genius. I have also seen that flying car. I can’t even understand most of the structure inside, especially the core engine. I dare say this, that engine is definitely more advanced than the most advanced in the world today. Developed automobile engines are more advanced, even more advanced than airplanes, fighter jets, and so on. This alone is enough to make you famous all over the world. After I saw it, I kept thinking, all high-level government officials should really die. This way A genius has not been discovered yet.

The rest of the people also had the same expression. Only the government official seemed a little confused on his face, and Chu Hao had already responded to these words. This was actually a major flaw in his civilian status. After all, he could invent a flying car. No matter what, it is impossible for a person to remain unknown.

In fact, the government is not to blame. Chu Hao pretended to smile bitterly and said: When I came up with this engine concept, I had already contacted several famous laboratories. They were all very interested in this concept. However, I made another new discovery at that time, and then I When I reported this discovery, unfortunately I almost ended up in a mental hospital.


Everyone was immediately curious. What on earth made this genius scientist almost end up in a mental hospital? They all stared at Chu Hao, hoping to hear his next words.

Chu Hao smiled bitterly and continued: "Because I think ghosts and ghosts may be real. This comes from a few photos and a friend of mine. From these photos and that friend of mine, I think After death, people may really turn into ghosts and ghosts, and there may even be a world after death. So I wrote a research report on this, and then I was rejected from the scientific community.

After hearing this, everyone showed expressions of bewilderment, or some expressions of disbelief. Seeing this, Chu Hao immediately said: Yes, you have all seen ghosts with your own eyes, haven't you too? Don’t you believe it? At that time, my report was accused of being psychotic nonsense, and I was almost imprisoned for it. I have said it before, everything in this universe can be explained by science, and I tried to do the same. For example, I firmly believe that the so-called ghosts and ghosts should be a type of electromagnetic waves, which store some memory information, but do not have the ability to think. If you really want to firmly deny that people will become ghosts after death, So I would like to ask you, what is happening to our city now and where did those ghosts and ghosts come from? Why do our myths and legends, since ancient times, there have been rumors of various ghosts and ghosts? It’s just that this society is too superstitious and superstitious about a thing called science. things, so they attribute all the unexplainable things to illusions and falsehoods, but they don't think that this may be because their knowledge cannot explain it.

After finishing speaking, Chu Hao smiled bitterly and sat there dejectedly, looking like he was heartbroken by this world.

Everyone was silent. They were thinking carefully about what Chu Hao said. No matter what, the whole world is full of ghosts and ghosts. This is a real fact. They cannot help but believe it. In this case, what Chu Hao said is true. There is a lot of realism

At this time, the government official suddenly asked: Mr. Chu Hao, I would like to ask you about those photos and that friend you mentioned before. Well, I think we have all encountered the photos, online and in real life. , there are always many people who make lies, and this cannot be done accurately. But is that friend of yours also a scientist? Do we all know each other

Chu Hao immediately raised his head and said: No, he is not a scientist. In fact, he is a doctor. After he learned about my civilian identity, he told me his family history in a private chat, and It made me see the truth, so I had that report, but unfortunately, the government didn't trust me, alas.

What report is it? What is this friend’s family history

Everyone has a desire to gossip, and the curiosity of these people was once again aroused, and they all started asking questions.

His family has been dealing with ghosts and ghosts since a long time ago. Chu Hao said with certainty: In fact, his family has been looking for and killing ghosts and ghosts, or killing them is wrong, but capturing them and using them as weapons to fight ghosts and ghosts. According to his family's documents As can be seen in the text, this was already the case more than a thousand years ago. These ghosts and ghosts have never disappeared, but it was not until the rise of the Holy See that they slandered his family as wizards and witches, saying that they were the ones who manipulated ghost summons. Because of the devil's sin, most of his family members were burned to death. After that, the remaining bloodline of his family became anonymous and escaped persecution. They also secretly went around killing ghosts and monsters and protecting human beings. In fact, to tell you the truth, this time He was able to escape from the city only because he captured a huge ghost and destroyed many ghosts before he could escape.

Everyone exclaimed. Suddenly, a former policeman suddenly said: Could it be that the person Mr. Chu Hao is talking about is Doctor Ares? Oh my God, he is actually a hidden exorcist.

I said, everything can be explained by science, so this is not The Exorcist.

Chu Hao smiled and said, "But the person I'm talking about is indeed Dr. Ares. As far as I know, he is a good and upright man, full of justice and compassion. He is definitely not one of those slandered by religion." Demon, and he knows many ways to fight ghosts and ghosts. The only thing I worry about him is that the religious stakes or the government's scientific anatomy table are all prepared for heroes. place.

So, if possible, let us all protect Mr. Ares together, and tell the ignorant religion and the ignorant government the power that science cannot explain today.


If possible, let the government's remaining forces send people over and tell them that our camp has ways to fight against ghosts.

Ares was driving the truck. Because the windows were closed, he didn't hear the conversation behind the truck, so when everyone behind the truck came over excitedly and knocked on his rear window one by one, he looked at them inexplicably. , but when he saw Chu Hao’s common smile, he understood one thing. This group of people seemed to have been sold out by Chu Hao.

No, maybe even he himself was sold