Dawn Infinity

Chapter 115: Establish the religion


Do weapons have anything to do with morality

About a week has passed since the convoy raid. During this week, the number of people in the camp has reached more than 5,000, and the number is even increasing. With so many people gathering together, there are already Many people have proposed the establishment of a simple voting mechanism, that is, the establishment of a small parliament. Of course, until this parliament is actually established, the entire camp is still managed by the original management.

As the biggest contributor to the successful completion of the big search operation, Chu Hao's status in the camp has risen even more. Coupled with his rich management experience and his kindness and maturity in dealing with people, in recent days, he has become the leader of the camp council. The speaker's voice has become louder and louder, and at the same time, his voice among the management has become more and more weighty, and it is the kind of voice that makes people believe.

I don’t know if you often go to the grassroots, ask everyone what is missing, carefully check our defense loopholes, as well as the terrain of this valley, crop planting, collection of various equipment, etc. I don’t know if you are so Do it, but I often do it and rush about it every day. At the same time, I also heard the voices of many people. They actually thought that Mr. Ares’s skeleton summoning was an evil witchcraft, and they asked to build a church. Finally, let Mr. Ares confess

Chu Hao was currently at the management meeting and said very sadly: I still say this, are the weapons themselves ethical? The last large-scale raiding operation stored enough food for 10,000 people in our camp. It took our fleet three days and three nights to transport more than a year's supplies. So far, our house has been built. Although it is still very simple, it is better than living in a tent all the time. Our food is no longer in short supply. , we can start cutting down the trees blocking the road, we can start bringing down mountain spring water for drinking, and we can even start planting crops. All of this, if Mr. Ares hadn't summoned his weapon, the huge skeleton, I really wouldn't be able to do this. Do you know how many people will die in such an operation? No, can it be successful

But now some people actually think that Mr. Ares is immoral and unclean and needs to go to church to repent. I am very curious. If it were still the Middle Ages, even if Mr. Ares saved us, he would He is a good man. Should we also have him tied to the stake and accused of blasphemy? Maybe I should be added to this list, just like Galileo. Please don't lower your heads. I'm just talking about you guys. , Mr. Mike, you guys, staunch Catholics.

The people who were named were all very embarrassed. The man named Mike was a middle-aged and elderly man in his fifties. He coughed and said with a little lack of confidence: Mr. Chu Hao, I respect you very much. Your character is admirable. To be honest, we were either policemen, retired soldiers, or some scholars before, and we didn’t know how to manage crowds at all. If you weren’t here this time, this camp of more than 5,000 people would definitely be a mess. , it will not be as orderly as it is now, just like a new town. Maybe violence has occurred here, maybe this camp has dispersed, so we all respect you very much.

Thanks. Chu Hao nodded and said: Mr. Mike, and everyone, thank you for your trust in me, but I think these are what I should do. Since the people trust me and hand over power to me, how much power can you have? How much obligation should I fulfill, I think this is what I should do, and now we are discussing about my good friend, and the most solid protective force in this camp, Mr. Ares, isn't it

Mike smiled bitterly and said affirmatively: Yes, I think so. In fact, we don’t think there is anything wrong with Mr. Aris himself. He has superb medical skills and has treated hundreds of people during his time in this camp. He has undergone dozens of surgeries, large and small. He is also a gentleman of high moral character, and because of his presence, our search operation was completed perfectly, and we have more confidence in the future. We will not do it again. As in the past, riots would occur when hearing ghosts and ghosts. At least we have the power to fight against ghosts and ghosts. In fact, what we are really afraid of is the power that exceeds our human imagination. What did Mr. Ares rely on to summon the skeletons? , to tell you the truth, even though I knew it was summoned by Mr. Ares, every time I looked at the skeleton, including me, I felt fear. Then there were rumors that Mr. Ares could imprison and imprison people like a ghost. Devouring human souls is the source of his power. To be honest, although I know this is unlikely, I still feel fear.

This actually has nothing to do with morality, but has something to do with the weak hearts of us humans. Just like those of us who believe in religion, we just want to find a spiritual refuge. Mr. Chu Hao, not all of us can be as firm and strong as you, As well as civilians who know a lot of truths about the universe, we are just fragile mortals.

Chu Hao seemed to already know everything Mike said. He smiled and said: Regarding this point, in fact, when I met Mr. Ares, he had already told me the source of his power. This is not about swallowing the soul. , it is not a witchcraft that requires sacrifice, nor is it a curse. It may look scary to summon skeletons, but this power comes from God.


This time, it was not just Mike and the others, the rest of the management looked at Chu Hao in shock, and Chu Hao also continued to say affirmatively: Yes, I think all the gentlemen present should know some historical facts. Before the Holy See of God appeared, Europe was polytheistic in ancient times. I have no intention to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of polytheism and monotheism, nor do I intend to discuss with you whether those gods exist. But Mr. Ares, what his family believes in The god comes from a god from the pre-polytheistic period in Europe. This god is not God, but when members of the Ares family believe in it devoutly, it will surely be favored by their family and help them fight against evil spirits. The power shown by Mr. Ares happened to be to summon skeletons.

At this time, everyone present was speechless. They were all shocked and shocked, because this was beyond their understanding. If we talk about witchcraft, curses, etc., they are still barely understandable, but when it involves the gods, Topic, this is inevitably a bit strange, it is not an area that they can verify at all.

And the most important thing is that, in addition to some records about ancient times, whether it is Catholicism, Christianity or even Orthodoxy, when they believe in the same God and occupy most areas of the entire earth, this belief Religion, and even other religions, have not heard of any miracles in modern times, neither angels nor gods. And because of this, religion has gradually become only a refuge for the soul, and no one has ever heard of it. I have never heard that you only need to believe in a god sincerely, and you can get power from the god. This is not a game, how could such a thing happen

Mike suddenly asked: Mr. Chu Hao, although this is a bit excessive, can you please tell me about the god that Mr. Ares’ family believes in, what is its name and beliefs? Is it a god of death

No, not the god of death. Chu Hao's heart moved, and he said almost subconsciously: This is a benevolent god of light, a god in the light, a god who brings hope and dawn, a god of protection, and a god who sacrifices for believers. .

Everyone listened attentively, because with the proof of Ares' skeleton and the proof of the ghosts and ghosts in the city, maybe the true God should also exist in real life and not just a belief in existence.

The name of this god is: Hao, which means the sun in the sky, which means light, dawn, and hope. This is a god that has disappeared in the long river of history and was banned and eliminated by monotheistic religions, but this god is real and true. What exists, forever and ever, is this god who has given the Ares family the power. This is the source of the Ares family's strength.

I don’t know why, when Chu Hao was about to say the real name of the god, he originally planned to be vague, but suddenly he naturally said the word Hao. After saying it, he forgot what he wanted to say and only said: Such words came out.

next few days

This management meeting was quickly passed on to the camp crowd of more than 5,000 and nearly 6,000 people. In addition, Ares also followed Chu Hao's instructions and led his sub-giant skeletons to patrol the valley diligently every day, even when He eliminated some ghosts in front of many people. Gradually, people became more kind to his existence and the existence of the skeleton.

The biggest change is that although the construction of the church house has been completed and prayers have begun, in private, some people, perhaps out of curiosity or because of the existence of the skeleton, began to pray to a god named Hao, and In such an apocalyptic world, in such a world where ghosts and ghosts appear, this prayer seems to be filled with piety.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but after these people prayed, they always felt peaceful in their souls, as if their souls had a home and sustenance. The more so, the more devout they prayed, even on the eighth day after Chu Hao’s speech. At dawn, hundreds of people who prayed to Hao gathered together and held a small mass. This was in the evening. They did not know the religious rituals of the god Hao. These hundreds of them were ordinary people. Citizens, let alone religious people, but at such a simple and disorderly mass, when hundreds of people prayed devoutly in unison, a glimmer of light appeared on the table where they simply offered fruits and other sacrifices. In front of everyone's attention, the chain flashed across everyone praying, and then disappeared.

These hundreds of people were questioned by countless people afterwards, and they had only one answer. At that moment, they felt light, hope, and full hearts. They felt as if there was a great existence comforting them, making them no longer fearful and Afraid of death.


Is a real god