Dawn Infinity

Chapter 117: First contact


Since the catastrophe of ghosts and ghosts, almost three-quarters of human beings have died. Among the remaining quarter, at least three-quarters have died in various accidents, such as car accidents, riots, and escapes from the city. The remaining three-quarters died due to various reasons such as the lack of food and clothing outside the city. At most, one-sixteenth or even one-twentieth of the people in the world are still alive. Of course, Even so, it is a huge number. At least hundreds of millions of humans have survived in the world. Judging from the city where Chu Hao and the others escaped, there are hundreds of thousands of people still alive, and there are only nearly 10,000 in this camp. It’s just one person, so what about the remaining 100,000 people

The answer is simple, that is, there are other surviving camps, either in the countryside, or where these citizens live alone in the countryside. Some of them were picked up by official safe shelters, and a considerable part of them. After all, the land is gone. You can snatch it back, you can destroy the ghosts to restore it, but if all the people are dead, then any civilization is useless.

The reason why Chu Hao has been working hard to develop this surviving camp is for this purpose, to gain contact with the existing national forces, and with his ability, he can have the greatest advantage against the ghosts, so as to gain this huge advantage that still exists. With the trust and support of the forces, we use this huge power to fight against the invaders.

It can be seen from the three movies of The Ghost Circuit 1, 2, and 3 that at the end of the first Ghost Circuit, that is, when this ghost catastrophe began, the human government still had a certain degree of power and order, and had a large-scale The surviving camp has a large range, has helicopters, a large number of personnel, etc. This can be confirmed from the ending of the first Ghost Loop movie, and that time point is basically the same as the time point Chu Hao and the others are now.

By the third time of the Demonic Circuit, the power of the human government had basically weakened to the extreme. There was no large-scale army, no large-scale surviving camps, and only a handful of people from the government were still persisting. It could be said that, The power of the human government in the third period of the Ghost Circuit was at least a hundred times weaker than that in the first period of the Ghost Circuit.

So what happened to the government during this period, and why did the largest number of people accommodated by the government, the bases, camps, and various shelters they established disappear

Chu Hao personally felt that it was probably an attack by ghosts and ghosts.

In fact, in the Ghost Circuit trilogy, in addition to the vast number of mindless ghosts and ghosts, there are also a very small number of special ghosts, such as the hybrid ghosts that appear in the Ghost Circuit One, and some ghosts have the ability to Human intelligence, and even several times in the movie, ghosts and ghosts appear in areas without any electromagnetic signals. These can be classified as special ghosts.

Therefore, Chu Hao believes that ghosts and ghosts must be different. Most of the ghosts after human beings are soul-sucked are brainless ghosts. They only act based on instinct, or the short-term memory of their lives, and are very fragile and cannot reach the infinite. Signal area, and basically cannot affect matter.

Then there are a very small number of special ghosts. This type of ghost can affect matter, that is, the ghost body composed of signals can directly touch and destroy matter. For example, the ghosts in the ending of "The Haunted Loop" can break car windows. Its proof.

There are also hybrid ghosts, which seem to be many human ghosts fused together. They also appeared in the first part of the ghost circuit. As for the ghosts that can briefly appear in the no-signal area, they are in the second and third parts. Appear.

In addition to these, according to the consistent nature of the world of horror movies, there should be more terrifying ghosts. After all, this is a real and complete world, not the movie itself, but in The Devil's Circuit 1 to 3. During this period, the largest bases, camps, shelters, etc. controlled by the government were probably invaded and destroyed by these ghosts, so that humans could only barely survive.

Chu Hao felt that this was the opportunity he needed. As the saying goes, the biggest reason why humans are driven out of the city by ghosts is that there is nothing they can do about them. Except for the only weakness of red, which can isolate ghosts, as long as the ghosts are in a wide area If the ghost appears, humans can only escape and cannot destroy or harm the ghost. This happens to be the greatest advantage of the Samsara Team.

When Chu Hao led everyone to attack, he had already recalled all these things. A few minutes later, everyone from the Arctic Team in the car, as well as more than fifty defense personnel in the camp, all carrying firearms, A few spiritual bullets per person appeared outside the valley. As expected, dozens of various vehicles appeared in the distance, and dozens of people were running at full speed, and these running people were all soldiers. They kept shooting back while running, and behind them, dozens of ghosts were flashing and chasing them, including two huge ghosts mixed with many souls and ghosts, which looked like small trucks. It is also the fastest among the ghosts.

Chu Hao and others hurried quickly. After seeing this group of people, they immediately drove various vehicles to that side. While on the road, Chu Hao clearly saw the ammunition shot by these soldiers. The ghosts were hit with ripples all over their bodies, and even showed signs of disappearing where they were hit for a moment after being hit. This kind of bullet is probably not an ordinary firearm bullet.

When Chu Hao led this group of people to approach, the vehicle in front of the refugees had already arrived in front of them. Although these people were driving forward, they still shouted at them while driving: Get back quickly, there will be an endless stream of ghosts and ghosts. Come to our shelter. It's over. You should run away as well.

But Chu Hao knows how to escape, and neither can the members of the Arctic Team beside him. As for the dozens of camp defense personnel, they have experienced hundreds of battles in this month, and they trust the spirits in their hands very much. After each bullet is fired, the shell will be retrieved, and then made into ammunition, which can still destroy ghosts and monsters. They have confidence in their hearts and are even less likely to retreat.

In this way, the convoy went upstream and soon came to the dozens of soldiers. Then, under the leadership of Chu Hao, the group of people all jumped out of the car and stood with the soldiers. in the same position.

The soldiers were very surprised. The leader was a captain. He immediately roared and shouted: "Go back to the car, are you looking for death? Hurry up and get back to the car. We don't have many electromagnetic bombs left. It's not clear how long we can last." You know, this can only stop them for a moment, it is impossible to destroy them, so why don’t you run away quickly

volley position

Chu Hao ignored the captain and the nervous expressions of the soldiers. He just yelled at the dozens of people behind him. Suddenly, these dozens of people picked up their own firearms, including ordinary shotguns, pistols, and a few Armed with rifles and submachine guns, they stood in two lines like the army before the First World War. The people in the front row took up their guns and aimed forward, while the people in the back row held their guns tightly and were ready to step forward and replace them at any time.

The entire military force was stunned, and even the convoy members who had already driven far away were stunned. Many cars stopped to see what was happening behind them.

The captain suddenly turned red with anger, and he shouted loudly: Ordinary bullets cannot harm ghosts and ghosts at all, and electromagnetic bombs only disrupt their information arrangement. Are you looking for death or what

Chu Hao nodded to Ares next to him, then walked towards the captain and said: Hello, respected captain, I am the mayor of the surviving town in this valley. Since you can't do anything with these ghosts, why not take the battlefield How about handing it over to us

The captain was so angry that he could hardly speak, but at this moment, Ali next to him issued an order, and immediately the first row of guns in the gun formation fired, and the ghosts rushing at the front in the distance, and A huge fused ghost's body was immediately beaten to pieces. The ordinary ghosts immediately dissipated, and the fused ghost roared, but it was obvious that this power was not comparable to electromagnetic bullets. This was a real elimination of ghosts.

Suddenly, all the soldiers were stunned. At the same time, Ares' eyebrows darkened, and a huge skeleton several meters tall appeared in the pile of ghosts. This skeleton held a huge bone blade. , with a simple wave, all the ghosts hit by it were split into two, and then disappeared with a howl, and dozens of ghosts were shot by volleys of guns, chasing these hundreds of people to death, and the terrifying threat was there. In less than a few minutes, they were completely wiped out.

The captain and his soldiers were stunned. Many of them even dropped their guns on the ground. Everything they saw in front of them made them feel as if they were in a dream. What exactly is the ammunition that can destroy ghosts? And that What on earth is the giant skeleton, and what on earth is that survival camp, and what on earth is it

In short, there were too many doubts, and not only them, but the hundreds of people in the car were also shocked, including many older people and people wearing suits and other formal clothes. Almost all of them had glowing eyes, looking at Chu Hao and others with piercing energy.

Welcome everyone, this is Survival Town, this is a safe location, here

It’s our human town.