Dawn Infinity

Chapter 21: start!


Point a is arranged in place, point b is arranged in place, point c is arranged in place, and then the last point d is arranged. The oil feels a little worse.

In the early morning of that day, when everyone began to rest and sleep, Chu Hao was the only one holding a pen and scribbling on a piece of paper, frowning while calculating something. The lines on the paper were extremely complicated. , ordinary people only see a scrawled line drawing.

While Chu Hao continued to meditate, his ears suddenly twitched slightly. He immediately put away his pen and looked at a tent not far behind him. After a while, a man and a woman emerged from it, it was the hero and heroine.

Chu Hao didn't seem to have any surprised expression. He just smiled and watched the two of them sit across the table. He smiled and said: I thought you would come to talk to me yesterday, but I didn't expect you to come today. Is it because of your patience? Afraid of me

The male and female protagonists looked at each other, and the male protagonist Jerry took a deep breath and said: You are not from this world, are you an existence similar to the Matrix? Well, this is not what we should be concerned about, I just want to I know, what are you going to do with us when you leave in two days

Chu Hao looked at the worried expressions of the hero and heroine. He smiled softly and took out three cans of beer from the pile of goods next to him. After handing them to the hero and heroine, he opened them again and took a sip. Then he said: Could it be that you Do you think I am a cruel person or my teammates are cruel people? I can’t guarantee anything else, but I can at least guarantee that we will not do anything to you or hurt you when we leave.

However, the male and female protagonists were not as relieved as Chu Hao thought. On the contrary, the heroine's expression was more serious. She asked: "Then what should we do after you leave? You can leave here in two days and stay away from all the dangers." , then what should we two do if we are trapped here

In the past few days, Jenny had a good conversation with Elaine, the only woman in the team, and told her all the plot of the Skyrim catastrophe, especially mentioning that humans used nuclear attacks, but even so, they could not do anything to these aliens. , the ending of the movie did not talk about how the aliens were defeated, but only mentioned that the male and female protagonists were in a desperate situation. The male protagonist was transformed into an alien weapon, but still had his own consciousness, while the female protagonist had to have the child removed from her belly. , both of them are already on the alien spacecraft, which can be described as a real desperate situation.

Although the male and female protagonists still have some doubts and doubts, they have also begun to make plans for their future survival. Their observations in the past few days are enough for them to discover Chu Hao's role among the five people, so they are the ones who came to ask tonight s reason.

Chu Hao still had a smiling expression, but remained silent until the faces of the male and female protagonists showed pleading expressions. Then he sighed and said: First, I want to say I'm sorry for your situation, or for this world. We are really helpless in this situation. We are too weak and have no ability to change the world, so I cannot give you absolutely safe advice. My only suggestion is that after we leave, we should stay here for at least half a month to a month. Month, depending on the density of alien monsters on the surveillance video, once it is discovered that the density of alien monsters has dropped to a certain level, you should immediately flee the city. Where should you go? The fewer people there are, the better, what kind of dense forest, what kind of desert , mountains, swamps, as long as you are sure that you can survive, never go to crowded places, nor to the so-called safe areas of the military, it is not safe there.

The male and female protagonists listened attentively. After a long time, they saw Chu Hao and stopped talking. The heroine Elaine asked again: Is there anything else that needs attention? Please help us. You know I already have a child. , I don’t want him to die before he is born. Please help us.

Chu Hao sighed softly again, and then he said: The advice I can give you is really limited, because your available resources are too few. First of all, you don’t have any military skills, you are just ordinary people, and secondly, you have Wilderness survival ability, basic medical ability, and reconnaissance and hiding ability are all lacking. I'm really sorry. My only suggestion is this, the more remote the better.

But we

Elaine was about to say something else, but Jerry pulled her and said: Sorry, I also know that you tried your best to help us imagine. If the military is really helpless against alien creatures, and even nuclear weapons are powerless against them, then what will happen next? It's really too much to ask you to come up with something for us. Thank you very much. Although I didn't want to be kidnapped this time, it did change our destiny.

After Jerry said this, he pulled Elaine and walked towards his tent, leaving Chu Hao alone there in silence. After a moment, Chu Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly, and started scribbling on the paper again. draw.

After doing all this, it was already past two o'clock in the morning, but Chu Hao did not go back to the tent to sleep immediately. Instead, he came to the dressing room. He first took a shower, and then looked naked in the mirror. Looking at the blood-red bruises on his chest and shoulders, the slightest touch caused pain, and the skin would crack when touched hard, as if the flesh and blood inside had begun to collapse.

Is this the physical load of forcibly relying on external force to unlock the genetic lock? If there is no suitable medical treatment, it will completely collapse in a short time.

Chu Hao recalled the gene lock problem that Jenny told him. It was a power only mentioned by veterans in the world of reincarnation. It could only be unlocked at the critical moment of life and death. The first few times it was used, it put a heavy load on the body. If the body is not strong enough and does not receive timely treatment, then it is generally a failure.

Like the one in Cataclysm, which relies on the strange light of aliens to forcefully unlock the genetic lock, it is estimated that the load on the body will be even greater. For example, in the original movie, the male protagonist's body began to collapse, and this is actually the case. Chu Hao observed carefully and found that the bodies of the four people who had looked directly at the strange light, him, J, Jared, and Elaine, were all affected to varying degrees.

However, what made him curious was that the degree of physical damage to the four people's bodies was completely different. Among them, J was the mildest. His body had almost completely healed, followed by Elaine. Although there were still various bruises on her body, there were obviously no bruises. becomes more serious.

Only his and Jared's bodies were gradually entering a state of collapse, seemingly slow but irreversible.

So, is it because of their physical constitution or the length of time they look directly at the light? Speaking of which, the two of them did look directly at the light for a shorter time. Maybe they have not unlocked the genetic lock.

Chu Hao shook his head gently, but there was no more data and evidence to continue the inference. He no longer thought about anything. Anyway, there were still two days left. After two days, he would return to the main god space. He hoped that everything would be as it should be. It's really a full body repair like Jenny said.

In this way, Chu Hao returned to his tent and fell asleep quietly. At about 5:30 in the morning, he woke up on time and woke up the rest of the people. After washing up, getting ready and having breakfast, at 6 o'clock, the five people set off to leave. We have reached the refuge, and today is the day when the hunting plan is implemented.

Remember my advice, if you feel that you are unable to adapt to the danger, cannot complete the task, or are planning to give up for any reason, please tell me immediately with your ear pulse, and I will point out the corresponding escape route for you, but

Chu Hao looked at the four people in front of him. He no longer had a smile on his face, but said with an indifferent expression: "However, do not make any actions that endanger the team and others at any time. I mean any active actions, such as Sudden violent yelling, exposing the position of teammates, and betraying or running away alone are things I absolutely cannot tolerate. Believe me, I will kill you as soon as possible. Death by long-range sniping without pain. Believe me, I Absolutely.

The four of them looked at Chu Hao in slight surprise. They had never seen such a serious Chu Hao in the past few days, and the oncoming feeling of chill was unprecedented. After seven or eight seconds, J finally calmed down. He said: As long as you continue our agreement, then I will definitely obey your orders.

Ares also said: Don't worry, this kind of thing is absolutely forbidden, I naturally know the powerful relationship.

Jenny was so frightened that she nodded repeatedly, while Osage also nodded silently. Only then did Chu Hao smile and leave the shelter first, heading towards his sniper spot.

The demolition team arrived at the predetermined location.

The spider team arrives at the predetermined location.

Chu Hao was still lying on the sniper point where he was yesterday. He exhaled and said: The lightning is in place. Everyone, please wait quietly.

Time continued in this quiet waiting. During this period, several teams of various alien biological weapons patrolled the streets, but everyone hid well and did not appear exposed. The time passed slowly like this, until nine in the morning. At around 0:00, a large number of human planes appeared on the horizon. They were human planes carrying nuclear bombs, trying to blow up the alien spaceships that would destroy the sky. This was the action signal that Chu Hao had been waiting for.

The operation begins, code name
