Dawn Infinity

Chapter 32: Preparation and metamagic properties


Chu Hao exchanged a total of four level 0 magic spells, namely Mage's Hand, Forbidden Light, Repair, and Communication, and two level 1 magics, namely Charm Human and Terror. A total of 2,000 reward points were used, and there was still some left. 500 bonus points.

The effect of the mage's hand has already been mentioned. The forbidden light spell can make all light disappear within a ten-meter range for five to ten seconds. The repair spell can repair a small object weighing no more than five kilograms. There is also a message With magic, you can directly contact a creature within ten meters with your consciousness without opening your mouth, which is similar to using your spirit to talk to the other party. These are four level 0 tricks, which are very useful in certain situations.

Then there are two level 1 spells: Charm Human, which can make a human friendly or even intimate with the caster within half an hour, and Terror, which can frighten no more than five creatures for five to ten seconds. This kind of fright can even make They run away.

Among the six spells, none of them are offensive. Even the panic spell is at most a disruptive magic and has nothing to do with the attack itself. In fact, when Chu Hao read the dnd rule book before, he always thought that dnd The most useful thing about the mage in this game is its almost perfect adaptability, rather than its turret-like attack power. If you convert all the spells into attack spells, you would really be called an idiot.

For example, there is a magic missile in the level 1 spell. Is there a heavy machine gun that is very powerful? For example, in the level 3 spell fireball, there is a high explosive grenade that is very powerful. If it is in the magic world, then of course there is no other way. After all, it is impossible to be unarmed, isn't it? But here But in the real world, since there are so many technological weapons, why bother exchanging weak attack spells? Instead of that, it would be better to exchange for spells that technology cannot do, such as the six spells he exchanged.

After all three of them had exchanged the attributes they wanted, the next step was for them to become familiar with their abilities. Needless to say, this time lasted until the eighth day when the three of them returned to the main god space. People have a preliminary understanding and familiarity with their own abilities, and are basically no longer blind. The main problem at this time is basically focused on the next horror movie.

After returning from the world of horror movies, we can stay safely in the main god space for ten days. Whether it is used for exercise, experiments, or strengthening attributes, etc., we only have ten days. Of course, we can exchange it for time to return to the real world, or It’s time to go to the world of horror movies, but the price is very expensive and not something we can afford now.

Still in Ares's residence, the three of them sat together again to discuss the next horror movie world, which was the topic Chu Hao mentioned just now.

Hearing this, J said with deep eyes: It’s my first time to return to the main god space. I won’t talk about it for the sake of the next horror movie. But after the next horror movie is finished, I must redeem the time to return to the real world. I don’t worry about it. I have to Just go back and take a look and solve some things.

Ares also nodded and said: I also have equally important things to solve, because it is not clear whether the time in the main god space and the real world will be consistent. For example, several years have passed since we were in the world of reincarnation, and several years have passed in the real world. Or should we stay at the moment when we enter the main god's space? If time does not stand still, then I must rush back to the real world, otherwise if I disappear for too long, something big will happen.

Chu Hao smiled and said: As you said, I must also return to the real world, because it involves the lives of thousands of people. Because of this, we should plan the next horror film carefully. First, earn enough Reward points and side plots, and the second is how to survive. Let’s first summarize our strength.

First of all, J, your physical fitness is already very good, and you are good at close combat. Now you have strengthened your intermediate internal strength, greatly improving your strength, speed, and nerve reaction. Generally speaking, your The close combat power can be equivalent to about twenty soldiers, or about ten elite special forces soldiers, but I am sure that this is not your full strength, because although you are good at close combat, this kind of close combat is not It is a fighting technique that uses internal force.

J was stunned for a moment, then seemed to suddenly realize: Let me tell you, why is this internal force so unruly? It turns out to be this reason. But I also remembered that among the martial arts I have watched, there seems to be something special in Chinese Kung Fu. Fighting skills, like that, uh, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and so on

Chu Hao smiled and nodded: Yes, these so-called moves are actually methods of using internal force, similar to magic spells. Their function is to exert the true power of the energy in the body. In fact, improving Physical fitness is just a very simple function. There is no garbage ability, only garbage users. This is the truth.

Then there is Ares. Your skeleton can only summon one, and it also requires a human corpse. Of course, corpses are more common in the horror movie world, but special circumstances are not excluded, such as the horror movie world of the movie Super Cube. If If we don't hang out with the main characters, you can't summon skeletons, which is a big problem.

finally me

Chu Hao smiled bitterly. He closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his eyes were blank. Then the two of them saw him making a posture with his hands and chanting some difficult tones in his mouth. They waited until about Two seconds later, the two of them saw Chu Hao's hand go dark. The next moment, they couldn't see anything. The surroundings were plunged into an unspeakable darkness, without any light at all. It was as if they had come to a place in an instant. It's like a world without light.

The darkness lasted for about six or seven seconds, and suddenly the whole room became bright again. Only then did Ares and J realize that Chu Hao was sitting there, and there was still no change in the entire room.

This is a level 0 magic forbidden light spell. It can only last for six or seven seconds. Compared with real magic such as darkness spell, the flaws are obvious. For example, even I can't see any light. Once used, this area will appear. There is no light in the dead light area. I even obtained data through some research equipment. Not only visible light, but also invisible light is also prohibited. From visualizing the complete spell model to the correct posture and spell, I will It is released smoothly, a process that takes about two seconds.

Chu Hao smiled bitterly and explained the principle of magic, and then continued: I redeemed four level 0 magic tricks and two level 1 magics. My casting time for level 0 magic is two seconds, and for level 1 magic, it takes five to six seconds. Seconds, especially the magic of charming humans, takes at least six seconds to be released. It has to be said that the release time of the magic is a flaw.

Ares listened with a calm expression. He thought for a while and said: Can't the time be shortened, such as exercise, proficiency or something.

Chu Hao nodded and said: We happen to be short of time. If there is enough time, I can achieve a release time of about one second for level 0 magic, and shorten it to about three seconds for level 1 magic.

J looked very interested. He asked curiously: I have also played many games of dnd. Aren’t there many super magic special effects in them? For example, silent casting and designated casting. These two super magics can allow you to avoid gestures. With posture, even after reaching the legendary mage level, there is instant spell casting. It is estimated that even the spell model can be omitted.

Chu Hao shook his head and said: After all, it is a game and a setting. I have personally experienced what magic is. It should be a strange rune line. As I mentioned before, it can be understood as Modern electrical circuits and the like, and then the energy passes through these rune lines, which will form various strange effects. This is magic. I also went to the Lord God to check those super-magic properties. There is no such super-magic exchange. In fact, I can't think of any way to remove even the most basic electronic components, which are the core of magic. Therefore, in the past few days, I haven't developed any super magic effects because I can't even connect them. I don’t even understand the principles of these super-magical effects.

Ares suddenly remembered something and said: By the way, you mentioned the rune circuit. According to what you said, every time I use the skeleton summon, I will feel the energy between my eyebrows automatically condense into some strange rune images. Combination, but I don’t need spells and gestures. Perhaps the real principle of metamagic effects is that you can automatically generate spell models in your mind, and automate gestures and spells.

Chu Hao smiled bitterly and said: The spell model is visualized in my consciousness. Once my consciousness is not focused and out of shape, then this consciousness will transform into something else. How can it be possible for the spell model to condense automatically? Unless it is There is a strong computing core. This computing core replaces my conscious calculation, so it is possible to simplify this step, such as godhood and so on.

The three of them were silent at that moment. In fact, in the past few days, they had flipped through many Lord God redemption catalogs. It was so-called eye-catching. Among them, they saw angel blood, demon blood, archangel blood, and demon baron. Bloodline, etc., these are just trivial matters. What is even crazier is that the bloodline of demigods, the bloodline of gods, and even the godhead can be redeemed. However, these are delusions. The weakest first-level godhead is the lowest level in DND. The godhead requires 30,000 reward points, two A-level side plots, and in the explanation of the godhead items by the main god, there is also a certain condition that must be met, otherwise the creatures integrated into the godhead will be annihilated. God knows this kind of What exactly are the conditions.

Chu Hao sighed in his heart, but smiled on his face and said: In any case, we now have strength that exceeds that of ordinary people. Although this strength is still very weak, this is the beginning of our strength after all. It is just the next step. In the world of horror movies, we still have to have enough weapons to fight against modern technology.

Exchange for modern firearms and weapons, arm us, and exchange for spiritual bullets to prevent us from entering the world of supernatural horror movies