Dawn Infinity

Chapter 34: Desperate mission?


this task

My Lord God

Even with Chu Hao's calmness, he still couldn't help but cursed in a low voice when he saw this mission.

In fact, Chu Hao reacted a few seconds after seeing this task. It seemed like a very easy task, but in fact, this task was simply life-threatening, and it was a very life-threatening and terrifying task.

The protagonist of the bloodthirsty movie, Edward Dalton, is a vampire, and a very important vampire. He is a blood expert who specializes in developing human blood substitutes for the largest blood supply group in the United States. He is the core expert who goes there every day. Work in the most densely populated area of the city, where thousands of vampires exist, and for humans they are just cows for this supply group.

Everything else is fine. The one who can't leave the radius of one thousand meters from the protagonist. Once it exceeds the radius, it will be wiped out immediately. This is simply a desperate situation. How to complete this task? How is it possible to complete this task? Are they supposed to follow the protagonist to the city, and then meet him? Are you going to kill a vampire when you see one? Use the reincarnation team of eight people in front of you and five newcomers to fight a war.

My Lord God

Chu Hao cursed again. When he raised his head, he saw that J and Ares had also finished looking at their watches. J was still a little bit unconscious, while Ares seemed to understand something and his face was already livid.

It is a very dangerous mission. The specifics will be discussed in detail later. In short, we must not meet the protagonist Edward Dalton before he meets Lionel Cormac. Otherwise, this mission will destroy our team and deduct 3000 rewards. I will plan the points matter carefully, there will always be a solution

Chu Hao said anxiously. He had already had several plans in his mind to recover the deducted reward points. If that didn't work, he might as well just carry out a terrorist attack. He was good at this, even better than the dead Arab Osage. I'm good at it. The worst I can do is to have a city blast before I leave. In short, this mission is an absolute trap. You must never step into it.

At the moment when he was talking, the five people on the ground had woken up one after another, but to the surprise of the three of them, the yellow-skinned Asian young man who woke up first was actually the yellow-skinned Asian young man, and the way he woke up made the three of them feel their hearts skip a beat. They saw his body While trembling slightly, he suddenly turned over and a small hand crossbow popped out from his sleeve. This hand crossbow was already pointed at the three standing people.

This action, this reaction, this person is not an ordinary person, is he a soldier, mercenary or something else

Hey, buddy, be careful. We have just woken up from the ground, but we just woke up before you. Be careful not to ejaculate. Chu Hao immediately waved his hand, actually stopping J and Ares behind him from getting their guns, and he said to the young man at the same time.

The young man's eyes were still a little blurry, but they soon returned to normal. He looked coldly at the three people in front of him, and then at the four people on the ground. He also observed the surrounding situation from the corner of his eyes. Slowly, He lowered his hand, but did not put away the crossbow on his wrist.

What is this place and why am I here? The young man asked immediately.

Just as he was asking questions, four people on the ground also woke up one after another. They were two men and two women. The two men were a blond young man and a brown-haired fat middle-aged man. The two women were both ten-year-old students. And looking at their school uniforms, they seem to be students from the same school. They are both beautiful, but one looks lean with short hair, and the other looks delicate with long hair.

Ah, who are you? What is this place? The long-haired girl among the two girls shouted loudly as soon as she woke up, and at the same time moved desperately towards her back.

The short-haired girl immediately hugged her, and at the same time looked at the others warily and said: Don't be afraid, Maria, don't be afraid, who are you when I'm here? What do you want to do to us

Chu Hao was speechless as he watched, because this scene was indeed a bit strange. If interpreted from the perspective of these two girls, it was really like a group of perverted men kidnapping two beautiful girls, and then ran to the suburbs to rape them, so He immediately said: Don't mess up, ladies, we don't want to do anything to you. Please relax now. In fact, we have just come to this place and just woke up from the ground.

The four of them looked at him with disbelief. Only the Asian young man frowned, looked up and down and said: He is right, he did just get up from the ground. As for whether he wakes up or not, I won't tell him. I no longer know.

The rest of the people looked at this young man with suspicion, but this young man said with a cool expression: I am a killer and am good at observing terrain and details, so I can see that he did wake up from the ground. That's absolutely true, trust me.


Not only were the four of them shocked, but Ares and J also felt their eyes light up. You must know that it is the early days of the team, and there can be more powerful people in the team. This pair It is really beneficial for the team to survive in the future. It is indeed a very gratifying thing to suddenly have an additional killer.

Chu Hao frowned, and he began to recall in his mind the killers he was familiar with, those famous figures in the killer world, but it seemed that none of the famous killers looked like this. He was too young, and looked to be only about 20 years old. He may have a baby face because he looks one or two years old, but in reality he is definitely only in his twenties. It seems that such a killer is not among the famous killers.

But this is not the most important thing at hand. Chu Hao coughed and said: Everyone, please be quiet and listen carefully to me. This is not a kidnapping, it is not a joke, and it is not a TV station prank. The specific information should already be in It’s in your mind, please recall carefully

The five people present were all stunned. Suddenly, their expressions were a little dazed, as if some huge information appeared in their minds. After a while, the fat middle-aged man shouted loudly first. He stood up and said: "It's unbelievable. I definitely don't believe such a thing. Did you give me some medicine? I have watched many TV stations' cruel movies. Yes, you must have given me some medicine to make me think it was..." In this situation, hey, where is the camera? Come on out and show me. This is an illegal act, do you understand

As he spoke, the fat man began to stride towards the edge, but he didn't go very far when he suddenly fell to the ground with a bang, as if he hit something. He covered his head and moved forward, but an invisible barrier blocked him. His way.

Do you want evidence? This is the evidence.

Chu Hao walked to the fat man with a smile. He touched the invisible barrier and said: Before each reincarnation of the world begins, we will be in this barrier. Until the world opens, we cannot go out, but it is absolutely safe. In this It's time to unify the opinions of our entire team. Everyone can come and feel it to see if what I said is the truth.

The other four people walked nearby with hesitation, but as expected they touched the invisible barrier. Everyone showed expressions of astonishment, but more of them were disbelief and disbelief.

Yes, that's exactly it

Chu Hao also sighed in his heart. In fact, although when he watched those movies in the real world, he often felt that doctors, police, and guards in mental hospitals would not believe that there were abnormalities or ghosts. It may seem ridiculous that there are aliens, but in fact this is the reality. After decades of living in the real world, when they suddenly encounter something beyond scientific explanation, the vast majority of people first do not believe it. And start to doubt yourself. Unless it is proven time and time again by countless evidences, it is really difficult for people to believe that there is something beyond scientific explanation.

No, this is impossible. This must also be a hypnotic effect. The fat man roared loudly.

The blond young man next to him also said dubiously: Speaking of hypnosis, I have also watched a similar hypnosis program. After hypnotizing a person, he made him believe that there was an invisible barrier. This kind of thing has indeed been reported. Hello, everyone, Could it be that we were really hypnotized

At this time, J's face became angry, and when he was about to go up and say something or show something, Chu Hao stretched out his hand to stop him. At the same time, he pointed at his watch and said: "Look carefully, this time the number 0 is not displayed on the watch. This time It's not a team battle. If a team member dies, you won't lose points.

We are not a charity. If you continue to disbelieve and doubt, it will slow down our pace. We have given them the opportunity, whether it is explaining or showing invisible barriers, they are all opportunities. Whether they can seize them or not, this is the end of the world. It’s not our concern anymore, and ordinary people who never believe it, don’t even dare to try it, and can only escape mentally are not qualified to be our teammates.

Chu Hao smiled, but said cruel words. Although his voice was low, people around him could hear it clearly. But before they could think of anything, Chu Hao smiled and said to them: "While it's not yet Let's start by introducing yourself, your age, what you do, and what your specialties are. I believe you have heard clearly what I just said. Although we will not drive away anyone, we are not a charity and will not go out of our way to Protect no one unless you have some special skills.

The five people all hesitated. They didn't know whether to believe it or not. If this was really a horror movie world and the world of reincarnation was real, then they would probably die if they didn't believe it. But if it was fake, they would be at a loss. If you believe it, you may suffer big losses or be deceived.

After a few seconds, the young man suddenly said: Let me introduce you first. My name is Zhang Heng, a professional killer. After saying that, he looked at everyone coldly.


At this time, Chu Hao and Ares both let out a sigh, as if they remembered something. J quickly asked: Is the famous killer very powerful? That would be great.

Ares and Chu Hao both had strange faces on their faces. They looked at each other. Ares said first: He is indeed a killer. Judging from the rumors and information in the dark world, he is good at using various cold weapons such as bows and crossbows. Therefore, he is very good at killing people in some situations where metal is forbidden, and he is also quite powerful. But when he said this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Chu Hao answered his words with a smile: It's a pity that his mission completion rate is less than 10%. Basically, it can be said that he can't even compare with the rookie killer. There are very few people who ask him unless It's the kind of large-scale killing order that requires teamwork, but his strength is indeed good. The only weird thing is his luck, or something weirder than luck.

I have read some of his murder information. Almost every action he takes will lead to failure due to accidents of one kind or another, and they are all extremely funny failures. For example, once he received a big order to assassinate a small countryman. He was a dignitary, and the only chance to kill him was at the airport. It was difficult to bring weapons there, so he was invited. Everything went normally at that time. However, at the critical moment when the assassination was about to take place, he was killed by a man at the airport because of a broken love. A slightly mentally disturbed woman thought she was her unfaithful boyfriend and was entangled with him. Although she was not exposed and caught, the operation failed because of this.

It seemed that it was over at this point. Chu Hao thought about it and reminded him: By the way, the woman weighed 180 kilograms. It is said that he was unable to use violence at that time and finally escaped from the woman with two broken ribs. clutches

say no more

Zhang Heng suddenly became angry and threw the crossbow to the ground, smashing it into two pieces. His face was also red with anger, but he did not get angry and attack Chu Hao, but looked extremely annoyed. , it can be seen that he is still quite restrained, but it is a pity that the cold image he has been pretending to break instantly.

Chu Hao shrugged helplessly and said: Okay, next four, please hurry up, the plot may start soon.

The four of them looked at each other, and after a while, the short-haired woman mustered up the courage to say first: My name is Aikeer, her name is Maria, she is my sister, and we are both senior students in high school.

Seeing someone talking, the blond young man immediately said: My name is Tom, I am also a student, but I am from a university. You are really not joking.

Chu Hao shook his head and said nothing. After a long while, he continued: My name is Chu Hao. I have experienced the world of horror movies once, and I can barely be considered a veteran. He is J, and he is also from the world of horror movies like me. The senior one, his name is Ares, is the same, so welcome to the world of reincarnation

As he finished speaking, a breeze blew, and at the same time, not far away, a car came rushing from the far end of the road.

Just when Chu Hao was about to summon a few people to hide, a car suddenly came out from another intersection. With a bang, the two cars collided with each other. This scene made everyone stunned.

Really, when I came in, I saw a car accident.

Chu Hao shook his head. He was a little surprised that he seemed to have seen this scene somewhere, but he didn't think about it in detail. He said to everyone: This is the bloodthirsty world of Dawn. I don't know how many people here have watched this movie. Watch Please let me know.

Ares and J said it immediately, and the other five people hesitated. After a while, Zhang Heng and the blond young man both said they had seen it, but the remaining three people had not seen it.

It doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen it. I have seen this movie and I basically know the details by heart. So if you have no objections, you might as well follow us. Of course, I still say the same thing. We are not running a charity. You are likely to follow us. The danger of our actions is more dangerous than if you find a place to hide. As for whether you don't believe it, are afraid of danger, or follow us, it is up to you to decide.

The five people looked at each other again, but before they could discuss anything, the sound of police cars suddenly sounded in the distance, as if they were coming to deal with the traffic accident.

But Chu Hao's expression changed drastically. He remembered this scene.

Yes, this scene is not long after the opening of the movie. The protagonist and the heroine's car collided with each other. Although the protagonist is a vampire, he is a vampire who sympathizes with humans. In order to save the heroine and the others, he lied to the police about the woman. The protagonist and other humans fled towards the front of the police car and pointed in that direction

Damn, they are standing in the direction pointed by the hero.