Dawn Infinity

Chapter 41: reality!


Are vampires human

Chu Hao can't guarantee it for other movies, games, etc., but if it's the vampire in this bloodthirsty Breaking Dawn, then Chu Hao is sure that 80% of them are human.

First of all, the vampires in Bloody Dawn are all converted from humans, and they also have human consciousness and memory. At the same time, the vampires in the movie can transform back into humans by soaking in water while basking in the sun, so regardless of their physical genes, In terms of spiritual awareness, there is absolutely no problem in treating vampires as human beings. Although I don’t know whether this level 1 magic charm of humans is aimed at the spirit or the spirit, it should be able to charm the vampires in the bloodthirsty dawn.

The key now is another one. You can charm vampires, but can you charm the fallen

In Bloodthirsty Dawn, compared to vampires who are almost human, the Fallen can almost be regarded as another kind of creature. They have been completely deformed, and their memory and consciousness have begun to lack, and even their humanity has begun to disappear, so Chu Hao was really not sure whether he could charm the fallen.

After the charm human magic was used, both Chu Hao and Zhang Heng opened their eyes wide, wanting to take a closer look at the performance of the sinker. But after Zhang Heng slightly relaxed his suppression of the little sinker, the sinker suddenly The little Sinker did not immediately run away or attack immediately. Even the slight trembling stopped slightly. He just stood there and looked at the two of them with his ugly face.


Chu Hao and Zhang Heng looked at each other with surprise in their eyes, but now they were not busy with surprises. They saw the two of them working together to pull the rusty wheel lock of the door. After the two people took out After gaining strength, the door was finally slowly opened, and a stronger rotten smell suddenly came out from inside.

After Zhang Heng used an emergency flashlight to confirm that there was no creature inside, the two of them took the little sinker and entered the room. At the same time, they closed the door tightly. Only then did the two of them finally let go. Take a breath.

The entire room was about 278 square meters in size, and it was pitch black inside. However, when Zhang Heng used the emergency flashlight just now, he did see the existence of electric lights in the room. After identifying the direction, he used it again and used 0 Super Magic Repair Technique, but this time after using the magic, his breathing became slightly faster.

Sure enough, I can use level 1 magic twice a day, or level 0 magic 6 times at most. I have used level 1 magic twice today. The arcane energy in my body is almost exhausted. If I continue to use it, it will be drained. My life body or my spiritual power

Just when Chu Hao was meditating like this, the repaired light bulb suddenly lit up, illuminating the entire room. It was actually filled with a large number of experimental equipment and various specimens, and there was also a huge bat on the ground. Bone Hare, the entire Bone Hare has been completely corrupted into withered bones.

Chu Hao and Zhang Heng looked at each other. At that moment, Chu Hao walked to a table to get some papers and documents. After rummaging for a while, he looked at the documents carefully, while Zhang Heng held up his The thin metal bow began to search around, only the little Sunken one stood there obediently, but his eyes were always staring at the huge bat on the ground.

In this way, after the two of them and a little sinker were silent for about ten minutes, Chu Hao suddenly spoke: Ares, can you hear me? Can you hear me? I am Chu Hao, damn, signal

Zhang Heng turned his head strangely and looked at Chu Hao who was talking to his ear. He was surprised to see the livid expression on Chu Hao's face. He quickly asked: "What's wrong? What happened?" After saying that, he walked directly to Chu Hao. , also began to look at the documents on the table.

On March 14, 2010, the plague was ended and a new round of antidote experiments continued.

On April 7, 2010, the experimental group was split into one group for antidote experimentation, one group for the harmfulness of the virus, and one group for underground race exploration.

On May 2, 2010, the antidote team was strictly ordered to stop all experiments and was forced to split into other teams. I was the only holdout. Of course, I was forced to quit all my jobs, so I had to retreat here to continue the experiments. , I can no longer see the sun, and the same goes for my daughter, no, never

Forget it in 2010, time has no meaning to my daughter and I. We will not age when infected by a virus. Today’s experimental results are still invalid. The virus is not a conventional virus, but a symbiotic gene fragment. When it infects humans, will be combined with the human gene fragment. There is currently no possibility of isolating the gene fragment. The experiment continues

Human blood can effectively prevent this gene fragment from continuing to erode the original human genes. The current experimental goal will be to completely prevent this gene fragment without allowing it to continue to erode deeper.

Experiment failed

Being unable to absorb human blood for a long time will lead to increased erosion and eventual degeneration. The government seems to call this type of degenerate a degenerate. What an appropriate name. If they lose their mind and consciousness and no longer have the mark of being human, what will they become in the end? It seems that I am also undergoing such a transformation.

After sucking human blood, it has a sweet taste. In fact, after my experiments, this is not the feeling conveyed to me by the taste, but the feeling conveyed to me by the human genes in my body. This is the struggle of the human genes themselves. Struggling, trying to resist the vampire gene fragment

It is so sad to find that there are sinkers in the sewers, slowly degenerating because they cannot buy expensive human blood.

Begin experiments on the fallen to analyze the genetic fragments in their bodies

What an amazing transformation. As human genes gradually transform into vampire genes, the Sinkers have become more and more powerful, and the genetic fragments are getting closer and closer to the genetic fragments of underground humans, the source of the plague.

The second round of The Sinker's experiments has begun. It has been shown from various experiments that the Sinker is extremely fanatical about human blood. This fanaticism even exceeds its instinct for life. Even if human blood is exposed to the sun, the Sinker will As soon as they are discovered, they will rush forward, even if they take a small amount before being burned to death. Is this the vampire gene in the body at work, or is the remaining human gene forcing them to do this? The experiment continues

The third round of experiments on the Sinker begins. I will feed the Sinker's blood to force the vampire genes in his body to grow extremely.

God, we are all wrong about vampires. In fact, we are not vampires at all. We are only infected humans at most. If we find the right words from those vampires, we are blood slaves at most. Only the fallen ones begin to suck the blood of the fallen ones. Only the vampire genes in their bodies will overwhelm human genes. When the human genes completely disappear, the Sunken will no longer be interested in human blood. They will only be interested in Sunken or vampire blood because that will bring them closer. Real Vampires We Were All Wrong About

After the experiment is bitten by a sinker who has completely turned into a vampire, all of us, those of us who call ourselves vampires, will be transformed into sinkers, and the human genes in our bodies will disappear in the shortest possible time.

I found out that the sane one among the fallen ones was talking to me politely and even invited me to enjoy the fallen ones they hunted. His form was very close to the source of the plague, the underground humans. No, that He should be a real vampire, right

The more powerful the Fallen are, the more they go underground. They want to suck more pure vampire blood. What they want most is the blood from the source of the plague. Of course, they don't mind sucking some of our blood, just like the blood on the ground. Just like vampires see humans as livestock, they also see us as livestock. How ironic.

I was bitten by him. He said it was his first embrace. No, I don’t want to become such a monster. Even now, at least I am still in human form. I don’t want a daughter. Live. At least you have to live. I will give you an injection. Even if this unsuccessful immunity potion turns you into a perisher, I hope you will not forget that you are a human being.

Zhang Heng also finished reading these documents. He raised his head and looked at Chu Hao blankly, and found that Chu Hao was standing there with a pale face, facing the little Sinker with a fearful look on his face.

This is what his daughter Zhang Heng asked strangely.

After Chu Hao said this, he closed his eyes and was in a daze. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he opened his eyes again.

I see

Chu Hao rubbed his brows and said with a wry smile: I see, all the clues are aligned.

I was already wrong from the very beginning.