Dawn Infinity

Chapter 42: Dramatic changes!


There is a bloodline exchange for vampires at the main god, but the name is called Vampire Mutated Bloodline. This bloodline is not afraid of the sun. I think the male protagonist who transformed from a vampire into a human in the movie should have this bloodline, otherwise his blood cannot be used as a solution. Medicine can turn a creature that is also a vampire back into a human being. Of course, it is very likely that the male protagonist's vampire bloodline is still very thin, and he has no other special abilities except for the antidote function.

In the room, Chu Hao pricked his finger with a dagger, squeezed a little blood into the little girl, and then locked her in the room. At the same time, he took Zhang Heng and started to run towards the way he came from, while He ran to explain to Zhang Heng.

Now, let me reason about the process of this world

First of all, in 2009, an excavation team or an engineering team discovered some kind of creature underground in this city. I personally estimate that it was a real vampire. Of course, it can also be called a vampire, a kind of creature. As for why Will survive underground, it is very likely that during the ancient geological movement of the earth, some human beings were crushed there, and they happened to encounter special geological structures, allowing them to evolve and survive there, and maybe they evolved into another branch of human beings. Of course, these are all guesses

In short, in 2009, underground creatures caused a plague, and the first batch of vampires appeared. At the same time, the infection expanded until the infection was exhausted in 2010. In that year, human executives and wealthy people discovered these infected people. characteristics, such as those I told you before, so they voluntarily transformed into vampires, which also led to the overall vampireization of mankind.

But this also led to the rarity of human beings. Gradually, during this period, people who were unable to purchase human blood due to poverty appeared, and they were forced to degenerate into sinkers, but this was just the beginning.

Because these fallen ones cannot drink human blood, they can only attack vampires secretly. This actually causes their vampire genes to begin to evolve. Of course, it also causes human genes to begin to degenerate. In fact, you can see it from the movie Bloodthirsty Dawn Yes, towards the end of the movie, more and more Sinkers appear, and they are attacking vampires.

Zhang Heng asked blankly: So

Therefore, there may be powerful fallen people with sanity hidden in the sewers of this city, or even real vampires.

Chu Hao said with a livid face: In fact, I actually ignored some details in the original movie. It's my fault. It's really my fault. In the original movie, whenever there is an important plot, such as the hero finding the antidote, such as At the end of the movie, there is a little bat flying over. Maybe in the movie it is just a trick of the director, but if the movie is transformed into the real world, such a little trick may be a huge trap. I even doubt the little bat. They are the real vampires, or the most powerful fallen ones who have regained their sanity. They are the scouts sent by them. They are monitoring the world. What are they waiting for

What are you waiting for? Zhang Heng asked blankly again.

Waiting to transform this world into a world of true vampires

When the words fell, both Chu Hao and Zhang Heng's expressions changed, because there were countless sounds of flapping wings and running footsteps densely surrounding them. All the sounds converged and rushed toward them. God knows how dense it was. There are hundreds of thousands of perverts in the sound.


Chu Hao only had time to say this, and immediately started running forward in a hurry. At the same time, his eyes were blank, and Zhang Heng behind him was also blank. The two of them were desperate. They ran towards the upward passage in front, but as soon as they rushed to the entrance of the passage, three huge sinkers suddenly jumped out of the passage. Before they could take precautions, Chu Hao, who was running in front, had already been violently hit by the sinker. He jumped, rolled and hit the wall behind him, and Zhang Heng was also knocked two or three meters away.


Chu Hao howled miserably. His right shoulder had been pierced by the sinker's sharp fingers, and blood rushed out. After the sinker pressed him against the wall, it first licked his shoulder with its tongue. There was blood on his face, and then he opened his mouth sharply and bit his neck.

It was too late, but it was fast. Just when Chu Hao's arms were suppressed and he couldn't move at all, and he was about to be bitten to death by the sinker, a fierce arrow pierced the head of the sinker, and As the head of the fallen man was pierced, Chu Hao exerted force on his arms and finally recovered from the suppressed state. But when he took a closer look, Zhang Heng shot the arrow to save him. What happened next? He was pinned to the ground by another Sinker, who was also in danger. Moreover, when Chu Hao broke free, there was another Sinker who was looking at the blood on his shoulder in a daze. After roaring, it rushed towards him. .

Chu Hao looked extremely embarrassed at this moment, but his eyes were blank and his face was expressionless. He only had time to pull out the dagger from his waist. The sinker had already jumped in front of him, but he did not immediately He rushed forward to attack. On the contrary, a fighting instinct drove him back violently, rushing directly towards the wall where he was pressed just now. He stepped on the wall and ran upwards at extremely fast speeds. Relying on the inertia, he rushed up to a distance of about two meters, and then stepped hard on the wall with both feet.

At the same time, the Sinker had hit the wall. With a muffled sound, the Sinker seemed to be a little dizzy from being hit. Chu Hao had already fallen behind it, and while he was still in mid-air, The dagger in his hand had already subconsciously stabbed the Sinker's back, and then with a strong stir, the entire Sinker suddenly exploded into sparks.

When he landed, Chu Hao pressed the ground with one hand, and he turned over. Without stopping, he rushed towards the sinker that was pressing Zhang Heng and was about to bite Zhang Heng. It was just as simple. With one stab, it penetrated into the back vest of the Sinker, and with another vigorous stir, the Sinker also exploded into sparks, while Zhang Heng underneath it was still a little shocked for a moment.


Chu Hao pulled Zhang Heng up from the ground. After making such a sound, he did not dare to stop at all and ran ahead. Zhang Heng did not speak. Both of them knew the seriousness of the situation. They had obviously fallen into a trap. , the traps of those Sinkers, luring them deep before starting the siege, and at this moment both of them have blood stains on their bodies. The smell of this blood will attract more and more terrifying Sinkers.

When the two of them ran back from the third floor to the second floor, a sound suddenly came from their ears, but it seemed extremely noisy, as if something was interfering with the sound of their ears. The two of them did not dare to neglect it at all, and followed it. The road ran toward the retreat point, and in front, back, left, and right of it, the sound of a large number of sinkers running could be heard, as if there were millions of bats flapping their wings.

Gradually, the two of them were getting closer and closer to the retreat point, and the sounds in their ears became clearer and clearer. When they could hear it clearly, the two of them were so scared that they almost felt like they had seen a ghost, because The voices in my ears turned out to be the voices of both of them.

Yes, Chu Hao was calmly asking about the preparations for the trap, Zhang Heng was complaining occasionally, and Ares and the others replied that they had already prepared words, but the two of them clearly did not say anything.

Hey, don't activate the trap. Everything has changed.

Chu Hao immediately roared loudly, but his words were not transmitted back to him through his ear veins. On the contrary, the Chu Hao inside was still calmly saying that they were almost back. Once he saw the two of them, he immediately launched a trap. All of this This made Chu Hao and Zhang Heng even feel cold in their hearts.

The two of them stopped talking and accelerated towards the retreat point. As soon as they ran around a corner, they saw Ares and J standing at the intersection. Three or four bodies were already lying at the feet of the Sinker skeleton. The body of the fallen person, and Ares and J also had injuries and blood stains on their bodies. The moment the two people appeared, Ares shouted back to activate the trap, and at the same time turned around and headed towards the employee passage behind him. Iron Gate ran away.

Chu Hao and Zhang Heng only had time to look at each other, and then from the other end they saw Tom, Maria, and Aikeer running towards them, as well as high-explosive grenade bracelets in their hands. Seeing this, the two Without saying anything, I followed him and ran into the large iron gate of the employee passage.

After the big iron gate was tightly sealed, everyone ran towards the passage on the first floor. As soon as they ran less than ten meters away, the whole ground suddenly shook violently. Everyone was thrown to the ground, and in the employee passage The electric lights flickered and exploded, and the entire employee passage was suddenly plunged into darkness, leaving only the violent breathing of the people and the sudden sounds in their minds.

For completing the side plot and breaking the underground, each member will receive 3,000 reward points, and one C-level side plot.

Mission changes, survive one day or kill a high-level Sinker