Dawn Infinity

Chapter 48: conduct!


: The update time has been changed. The first update is at 3 pm, the second update is at 7 pm, and the third update is at 10 pm. I hope friends can spread the word to each other. Thank you for your support.

Chu Hao's explanation is very clear. Vampires and perverts will not appear in the sun. This is because some cells in their bodies are photophobic. When the ultraviolet wavelength reaches a certain level, these cells will spontaneously ignite, causing the entire body to ignite. Burn to ashes.

However, this does not mean that they must be safe during the day. After all, vampires are transformed from humans and have inherited all human technology and civilization. They are not brainless zombies, nor are they the classical and elegant vampire nobles in the game. They are just They're just humans infected with vampire genes.

Therefore, there must be enough vampire armies in those high-rise buildings or underground. They have modern technological weapons, even helicopters and tanks. To be more exaggerated, a missile might be launched from somewhere and directly blow everyone to smithereens. Scum, you must never underestimate the power of vampires in this world.

Generally speaking, we are safe under this sun. Chu Hao walked at the front of the team. As he walked, he said to the people behind him.

Tom asked indignantly: "Then what you said is a little untrue. There must be a but, then, or something else in what you said."

Well, yes, that is, as time goes by, our danger will become greater. For example, in the previous human era, this intersection must have been a crossroads in a bustling downtown area. There must be traffic surveillance cameras here, so it would be It is entirely possible to continue using it. Every time we pass through another such street, perhaps underground or in a certain building, there will be thousands of vampire police and vampire armies watching us.

Chu Hao continued to walk forward expressionlessly, as if the vampire police and the army he mentioned did not exist. At the end of the road was an extremely tall building, which could be said to be the tallest building in the city.

I don't know when, they might wear light-proof and bulletproof suits to capture us. Although it is unlikely that they would go out in broad daylight under the sun, I would not be surprised even if they did go out.

Tom immediately jumped up as if on fire. He looked around nervously and carefully hid in the middle of the crowd. At the same time, he said urgently: Don't tell me that there are countless sniper rifles aimed at us at the moment. As long as we dare to do something, What, it will turn us into a hornet's nest in an instant.

Do not worry.

Chu Hao turned to Tom and said seriously: The sniper rifle will not beat you into a hornet's nest.

Tom didn't fully react at first, but he just relaxed and continued walking forward.

Sniper rifles are too powerful. If you shoot many of them at the same time, they will only break you into pieces instead of forming a hornet's nest, so don't worry.

Are you really not kidding

Tom was choked so much that he secretly took a few steps away from Chu Hao and walked with Ares and others. At the same time, he asked in a low voice: Is he okay? Why did he suddenly feel a lot colder? He wasn't the same before. He likes to smile a lot, and his attitude is very gentle. Now he feels like a pervert with extremely vicious tongue. I don’t know if you can feel it, but I think he seems to be very excited.

Ares and the three of them all nodded in unison, and Zhang Heng responded to Tom's words: You don't need to say it, you can tell just by looking at it. His eyes seemed to be shining, as if he was not running towards the enemy. The Lao Lao within the Lao Lao, but to go on a date or collect a salary, to be honest, he looks terrible now.

Just when Zhang Heng said this, Chu Hao suddenly turned his head expressionlessly. The four of them were suddenly startled, and they all involuntarily took half a step back. Zhang Heng even forced a smile in embarrassment and said: No. , I didn’t say anything bad about you, please don’t look at me with this horrible three-faced expression, okay

As he finished speaking, a small black bat suddenly flew out from under the eaves of a building behind everyone, and flew into the distance under the bright sun, and finally disappeared.

Chu Hao turned his head again and continued to walk forward expressionlessly, while the other four people looked at each other. They didn't know what to say for a moment, but they just followed Chu Hao hurriedly, and followed closely. After a few steps, Ares suddenly said: Chu Hao, that bat just now should be the one you were talking about.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The trend is now with me and I don't have to pay attention to such little tricks at all.

Ares was even more strange. He murmured and repeated the word "big trend", and then took a few steps to walk side by side with Chu Hao. At the same time, he asked: No, no matter how you look at it, we are the weakest people in the world. Even the surviving humans are probably stronger than us. At least they are more numerous and lurk more secretly. However, we are directly exposed in this city. We don’t even have a place to escape. No matter how you look at it, we are the most powerful. I'm weak, right? How could it be that I am the winner

Don't worry about those details. Young Chu Hao patted Ares on the shoulder, and then continued to walk forward expressionlessly.

Aris suddenly felt that veins were popping up in his forehead. He lowered his voice and roared: How could we not care about these details? This is related to our lives.

While they were talking, the five people had arrived directly in front of the building. When they got closer, they could see that this building was exactly the building where the protagonist worked in the original movie plot. It was also the largest blood supply group in the world. At this moment, at least at this point in the original movie, there are thousands of living humans in this blood supply group.

Now is the time when the building's defense is at its weakest. Of course, there must be hundreds of armed troops closely guarding the interior of the building at any time, and the underground passages can be reinforced with thousands of regular troops for support at any time. I don't know. Whether the vampire army is stronger than the human army, so all data are based on the reaction speed of the regular human army, that is, from the discovery of the enemy's surprise attack to the reinforcement to the battle location, it takes about five to ten minutes, depending on the distance. .

Chu Hao stood at the company gate and said to the four people behind him without looking back: "So, we must find the human blood bank storage point within five minutes, that is, from the time we enter the company gate to the time we fight with the first group of security guards, We only have five minutes until we find the floor where the human blood bank is stored.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look up. This building was unusually tall. You could tell just by looking at it. It had at least ten floors and was hundreds of meters high. And they didn't know that humans Which floor the blood bank is on is not mentioned in the original movie plot. In this case, it is impossible to find it within five minutes.

Suddenly, Ares suddenly thought of something. He took out an instrument similar to a mobile phone from his arms and said: I understand, you want to use this thing to find the storage point of the human blood bank. So you would have known that Maria and Ai How did you know that Ke'er has fallen into the hands of vampires? And wouldn't they hide? Or were they just unlucky enough to be caught

The wise are not confused and the brave are fearless. The two of them are more courageous than you think, and they are smart enough to think of this. It is true that becoming a blood bank for vampires, at least for now, is safer than any other place.

While Chu Hao was speaking, he had already taken out the pistol from his arms. He raised his glasses and said, "Remember, there is a five-minute time limit. Rush now." With these words, he had already taken the lead and rushed towards the door of the building.

The other four people looked at each other. Except for Tom who consciously stood behind everyone, Ares, J, and Zhang Heng all involuntarily raised their pistols and longbows, and rushed straight behind Chu Hao. At this moment, they are already on the verge of getting out of Chu Hao's boat. If Chu Hao dies, they probably won't survive. Whether it's kidnapping or sharing the joys and sorrows, they can only stay with Chu Hao. The road has gone dark.

Chu Hao was seen rushing in immediately. When he rushed into the entrance, the piercing alarm sounded in the entire hall, and several security guards at the front desk of the company looked at the intruders in confusion. For a moment, They didn't even have time to react.

And Chu Hao has unlocked the genetic lock state, and both his reaction speed and shooting accuracy have been greatly improved. While these security guards were stunned, he had fired several times, shooting bullets into their hearts. Immediately, the security guard whose heart was shot turned into sparks and shattered, and Chu Hao turned his head sharply to look at Ares.

Ares was startled and immediately looked at the instrument in his hand and said: They are about 110 meters above our heads.

Between the 20th and 24th floors

After Chu Hao finished saying this, he did not immediately go to the emergency exit or the elevator. Instead, he ran to the front desk, picked up several of the intercoms and shouted.

We are the remnants of humanity. We are responsible for the sewer bombings and we have developed the formula for synthetic blood. We ask for negotiation. If our demands are met, we will hand over the formula for synthetic blood to you, or we will detonate it so you treat it like poultry. Most of the humans will die with you, vampire beasts. Our explosives are enough to destroy all the creatures on your entire floor, just like we blew up the sewers.

After saying that, Chu Hao raised his pistol and beat all the instruments at the front desk to pieces, and then started to run towards the emergency exit. As he ran, he murmured in a low voice, which could only be heard by Ares and the other four people. The voice spoke.

I lied to you