Dawn Infinity

Chapter 54: Realistic desire



No, you are not my partners yet

Partner, there will be no doubt

Chu Hao didn't say the next words, and the atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly became a little cold. Aristo took a big sip of wine, and then laughed and said: That's right, I'm overthinking, we are actually nothing more. It’s just about supporting each other. In this world of reincarnation, a person’s power is really too insignificant, so we need support. But it’s too heavy to put on the shackles of the word partner. I’m extravagant. Sorry, here’s to you, thank you. You helped me wait through the world of horror movies again. After saying that, Ares directly picked up the jug of the Wine of Kings and poured it down until his upper body was wet. He was half drunk, and then he laughed. Without saying much, he turned around and turned to himself. OK to go to the room.

On the other side, J sighed slightly. He took out a few cans of beer from the food pile and said while drinking: "You don't have to blame him. After all, he is not from our dark world. Although he is a descendant of a big family, he doesn't know that the only way to survive is to live." Otherwise, everything is false. Chu Hao, I understand you. I thought about it carefully yesterday. No matter what your plans are this time, no matter how many things you hide from us, at least you let us survive. , being able to survive is the greatest gratitude. Thank you.

Chu Hao's expression was still that casual smile, but there was an inexplicable warmth in his heart. At the same time, Zhang Heng also smiled happily and said: I don't know anything else, but I know you are a good person. That's enough. Besides, this time it was an absolutely desperate situation. I really thought I was dead at the time. It was all thanks to you that I survived, so there is no need to say anything. I will definitely follow you in the horror movie world next time.

Chu Hao murmured the word "good person" to himself. He also dug out the beer from the pile of food. He opened the can and took a sip. "I'm not a good person, but I still need to be responsible for those who believe in me." If you still believe in me, even though we are not partners yet, I will still be responsible for you.

On the other side, after Tom was driven back to his room by Maria, only two sisters, Maria and Aike'er, were left in the room. Only then did Aike'er say: Why do you treat Chu Hao like that? Tell me, Maria, Tom may feel angry because he can't think clearly, but how could you and I not understand that this time the world of horror movies finally relied on Chu Hao to survive. From this point of view alone , he really saved us all, why are you targeting him

There is no unreasonable contribution, and there will be no unreasonable obligations. He is a senior person, he has strength and ability, and according to the definition of this reincarnation world, to be honest, he did not directly abandon us or breed us. , squeezing our reward points and side plots. This is enough to be a good and honest person. I naturally know this truth.

Maria had gone away from the pampering feeling of a young lady when she was in front of Tom and others. At this moment, she was sitting on the sofa very calmly, and her expression could even be said to be cold.

Sister, this world is more cruel and cruel than you imagine. This time we can survive with luck, but what about next time? Even if Chu Hao is a good person, he is also a wise man, and I am afraid that his intelligence is far greater than My wise man, we can survive once, but how many times? When the environment requires a few people to sacrifice for it, so that a few people can survive, do you think he chooses to sacrifice himself, or chooses us to sacrifice for him? This answer is simply It's self-evident.

Maria continued calmly and even coldly: Let’s talk about Tom first. He is a rookie, but he is a very good chess piece. He can challenge Chu Hao’s legitimacy in the team. Anyway, failure will only mean death. That's all, he wouldn't be happy if he wins, but if he wins, it will be the best. And when he is still alive in the future, he will definitely do his best to protect us. We can also plan the direction of strengthening for him, so that we will simply have one more person. Strengthened protection, is there anything better than this

Speaking of others, Ares is probably the Ares of the Emmans family. In reality, the direct heir of such a large family is probably a demon that is not worthy of belief at all. He can eat people without spitting out their bones. , but this is the world of reincarnation. Sister, although you are not as good as me, you should have studied psychology, right? People like them should actually be very eager to have friends, brothers, partners, couples, and relatives who really want to treat each other. Or something, it is precisely because you can't get anything in reality, so you will be more and more eager in this reincarnation world. After all, the environment here is special, it can be said to be isolated from the world, so it is possible for you to get what you can't get in reality. It’s easier to get it here, and I’m more eager to get it, so sister, just watch, Ares probably won’t break up with Chu Hao immediately, but we used this incident to plant the seeds in our hearts with Tom, as long as we wait When the next horror movie world comes, I will split them up depending on the situation. At that time, we will have another powerful thug, and a true friend who may bring us money and status in the show, haha

Maria was already sneering when she said this, especially she despised the word "friend". After a long time, she continued: "Everything can be fake, only power is real. We have gone through the world of reincarnation." The most dangerous first horror movie, we already have enough ability and strength to fight for our status, why should we listen to other people's orders and wait, sister, let me calculate everything in the next horror movie world, and Let's see how I can make Chu Hao's people betray their relatives, and let the remaining Zhang Heng and J either betray him or die. I want them to know that the so-called good people, the so-called trust, the so-called partners, and the so-called friends are all dogs. It's bullshit. This world is so cruel and cruel. I want to be

The true ruler of this reincarnation team

Good person? Am I a good person

While Chu Hao was drinking beer and eating food, various memories kept appearing in his mind, all of which came from the words of his former partners. The faces of each friend came out. They either said While talking, she either looked at him with a smile, or had many past experiences with each other, and vaguely, he seemed to hear a female voice speaking softly.

Chu Hao, you are a good person, please don’t forget your heart, don’t change everything. Although good people always suffer, good people are always not understood, but good people will be rewarded, and good people should have candy. , Brother Chu Hao, farewell


Chu Hao suddenly jumped up from the ground. He knew what he had forgotten. No, he didn't know who he had forgotten, but this person must be very important to him. No, he didn't want to lose these memories. He didn't want to lose these. There is something more important in his life that he doesn’t want to lose.

Lord God, check the real time exchange rules. Chu Hao said loudly while standing under the Lord God.

The real-world time exchange rules enable a D-level branch story involving real-world consumption, and each day the real-world time consumption rewards fifty points.

Chu Hao thought for a while, then looked at his reward points. He had 500 reward points left. This time, Bloodthirsty Dawn explained the rules to newcomers and got 500 reward points. He also killed a few scattered Sinkers in the sewers, and again After completing the side plot, you get 3,000 reward points and a C. Finally, the maximum credit is received. The high-level sinker gets 7,000 reward points and a B. In total, he has a total of 12,800 reward points, a B, and a C.

Then, exchange for the real world opens, and exchange for real time

Wait a bit.

Suddenly Zhang Heng interrupted Chu Hao's exchange. He said: Do you want to return to the real world? That's just right. I plan to go back too. I've also read the previous exchange rules. It's not cheap, but it's okay. Within the scope of payment, how about we go back to the real world together? I need to go back immediately to deal with some things, urgent matters.

Speaking of which, I also have things to deal with. J also stood up and said this, with a gentle look in his eyes as he spoke, but he didn't know who he was thinking of.

Chu Hao looked at the two of them. He didn't say much. He just followed the rules of the main god who returned. The three grown men awkwardly held each other's hands and exchanged the return time at the main god. However, they were all 30 days a month. time.

The moment the exchange was completed, the three of them fell into a half-dream and half-awake state at the same time. It was unknown how much time had passed. When Chu Hao came back to his senses, he found that he was standing in a dark basement. It seemed that he was here. The place when entering the Lord God’s space

Inside the base.

At this moment, the building was empty.

And at the same time that Chu Hao returned to the real world, in a primitive jungle somewhere in America, a girl about twelve or thirteen years old was sitting on the top of a tree eating wild food with a bitter look on her face. Suddenly, A jade pendant hanging on her clothes shone with light. The girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief at first, and then cheered loudly. At first, she seemed to have forgotten that she was at the top of the tree at the moment. When she cheered, she was so excited. At that moment, her body tilted and she fell down the tree. Only her exclamations and her previous mutterings could be vaguely heard.

I have found you, the Lord God Space has found you, senior brother, I have found your footprints