Dawn Infinity

Chapter 55: Containment


Chu Hao was walking in the underground base. There was no trace of human beings here anymore. However, thinking about it, as one of the three founders of the Rebel Organization, he suddenly disappeared in the base. Moreover, he was currently considered the safest by the Rebel Organization. The most hidden main base, the main base in the Nordic region, has disappeared. This thing is really big. Not only will there be a thorough investigation within the organization, but this base, and maybe the entire Nordic rebel organization will give up. This The losses were also huge.

Chu Hao had already thought about all this thoroughly when he was in the Lord God Space. It was impossible not to feel guilty, but now that the matter was at this point, all he could think about was to reduce the loss as much as possible, and this time he would not have to return to the real world. Just for this alone, he still had several important things to resolve.

The first thing is to explain the main god space to the other two founders in the organization.

Those who return to the real world are not allowed to leak information about the Lord God Space, otherwise they will be wiped out.

Those who return to the real world must return to the entry point of the real world when the return time is reached, otherwise they will be erased if the return time exceeds.

Just when Chu Hao was thinking this, the Lord God's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, which suddenly chilled his heart.

There is actually this rule. It is really mandatory and bound by such big rules. One must have two. This Lord God doesn’t know how many rules he has not yet stated. It seems that he must obtain the captain’s authority as soon as possible, otherwise he may not be able to rule. When there will be a foul, then no matter how you plan and calculate, it will be useless.

Chu Hao thought so in his heart, but felt very upset. After all, although his disappearance was extremely bizarre, he had evidence of his own, and he had not betrayed or surrendered to the enemy. So as long as he told the whole story, the other two founders It is impossible for people to continue to doubt him. At most, the explanation process is a little troublesome, but it is not harmful.

It's just that something like this suddenly happened, and he really couldn't explain it. He couldn't explain it or admit it. He didn't surrender to the enemy or anything. In this way, he was really in a dilemma.

Then we must understand the extent of the restrictions of the main god. If the worst case scenario is that even my arcane magic is banned, then my return this time will be completely useless.

Thinking of this, Chu Hao immediately hesitated no longer. He closed his eyes and contemplated carefully. When he opened his eyes two seconds later, he made gestures at the same time. Suddenly, a small object in front of him flew up out of thin air. When it fell again, it was smashed to pieces. , but Chu Hao's face was filled with joy. He just used the Mage's Hand, a level 0 trick. In this case, it proves that his own ability has not been banned.

This is enough, we just need to find a way to explain it.

Soon, Chu Hao left this abandoned base. As soon as he left the base, he became cautious. Not only did he cover his face with a worn-out military coat, but he also walked on remote paths until he came to a place. After arriving in a remote town, I managed to get a car, and then relied on various methods to be cautious. It took me a full eleven days to leave Northern Europe and come to Western Europe, and finally arrived in Paris, the capital of France. .

After arriving in Paris, France, Chu Hao used an account that only he and the other two founders of the organization knew, and revealed 77,777 euros from it, and then stayed in Paris to eat, drink and play, but only After playing for less than two days, when he arrived at the hotel room at dusk on the second day, he found two people sitting in the room, a man and a woman, looking at him warily.

Chu Hao silently recalled the appearance of the two people, regardless of whether they were wary of him or not, he immediately said: "Both of them are level three agents. Could it be that they still don't understand the containment process? Now subdue me immediately and eliminate all the traces left by me." I will be taken to the nearest base to receive a risk rating to confirm the containment level. This is the basic procedure for containing humanoid objects. Of course, I can be killed directly if necessary, and I must not fall into Organization C. In your hands, why are you doing this now? Why subdue me first

This man and woman are both slightly insane. As the third-level agents of the organization, they have already gone on countless missions, including facing life and death several times. However, this is the first time they have encountered such a strange mission, but after all, they She was also a level three agent. After a brief period of unconsciousness, the female agent was still on guard with her gun, while the male agent cautiously approached Chu Hao, then suddenly accelerated his feet, and soon hit Chu Hao on the back of the head with a palm. Both the strength and the angle can be said to be impeccable, especially when Chu Hao himself did not resist, he fell into unconsciousness in an instant. But at the same time as he fainted, he vaguely seemed to see the wardrobe in the room open. A familiar person walked out from inside

When Chu Hao woke up, he immediately looked at his right hand. When he saw that the watch on his right hand was safe and sound, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The only thing he was most worried about was his return. During the organization, the God's Watch was taken off while he was unconscious. He couldn't take it off anyway, and he didn't know if others could take it off. But what if he was amputated? Would he be directly obliterated? This is what worries him the most.

Fortunately, this did not happen. While Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, he also began to observe the surrounding situation. He found that he was locked in a completely sealed steel room. There were no obvious signs of entrance or exit around him. Except for his head, he couldn't move at all. The front and back of his body were bound by a thick steel armor. Not only him, but even the elephant was probably unable to move.

Standard keter-level containment measures, presumably. This is what happened after I mysteriously disappeared and returned. If I fell into the hands of Organization C or even Organization Although it is a waste to transform it into a keter-level creation, it can completely destroy a rebel organization's base.

Chu Hao was thinking about these things in his mind, and shouted loudly at the same time: I am Chu Hao, the organization number is 00003, the personal identification password is xxxxxxxx, the organization management level is O6, I request a personal memory review process, according to my The organizational management level requires one O6 or six O5s to be present. Please summon relevant people as soon as possible.

No need to convene, I'm here

Just when Chu Hao finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded in the room. It was a male voice. It sounded very cold, but inexplicably, Chu Hao's heart calmed down.

Li, Li Ganglei, you have violated the safety rules. As O6, you should not appear in this base before confirming that the containment is absolutely safe or does not contain fatal infection memes. Chu Hao said in a cold voice.

Brother Chu Hao, I told brother Li Ganglei the same way, but he insisted on coming, and we couldn't persuade him. At this time, another little girl's voice also rang.

In fact, leader Li Ganglei is not to blame for this. After all, it was O6 who disappeared this time. There are only three O6s in the organization. Losing one O6 is the biggest loss for the organization. And didn’t we all discuss it at the time? If it was transformed by Organization C, Chu Leader Hao should have no memory. The current procedure is just to confirm this again. If you ask me, Leader Chu Hao should be released immediately. It was another man's voice again.

When these two voices appeared, several more voices appeared one after another. Inexplicably, Chu Hao felt a little sore at the corners of his eyes. These people were his partners. There was a total of one O6 and at least eight O5 present. If If he is really transformed by Organization C, at most only half of these people can survive. At that time, the Rebel Organization will be basically semi-paralyzed. They are really idiots.

After all O5's voices disappeared, Li Ganglei's voice came again: Now let's start the memory confirmation mode. Before proceeding with the mode, I must warn you that once your memory error reaches 20%, , then the whole room will directly enter the destruction mode. Is there anything else you want to say now

This is the standard personal memory review process, no problem, let's get started. I think I may have forgotten someone.

God mode

When the two of them finished speaking, a picture of a man was suddenly projected on the metal wall in front of Chu Hao. Chu Hao immediately said: Dr. O4 Hua'an, and the three O3 level agents who are following him, are

The entire review process lasted for about thirty minutes. Chu Hao had confirmed more than 800 people. Except for a girl in one of the pictures who was not confirmed, everyone else had been confirmed. At this point, the personal memory review process was completed. , now he only needs Chu Hao to explain the whereabouts of his disappearance, and then he may be released.

Who is that? Chu Hao asked in a deep voice after the review process was completed.

Shelley, in the 327th keter level accident, she evaporated together with North American Base No. 8. In addition, she is your sister.

Really? I've forgotten her

Chu Hao felt a pain in his heart, but he didn't know where the pain came from. He was in a daze for a long time. It wasn't until the metal armor restraining him on the front and back began to break away that he turned around. At the same time, Li Ganglei's The voice also continued: Tell me where you have been these days and the reason for your disappearance.

Before that, I would like to ask everyone present a question. Chu Hao smiled and said: Have you all played various games with dnd rules? It is also the so-called Dungeons and Dragons rules.

Uh, played

what is that

It seems to be a rule of the game

I've played it.

Well, that's good. By the way, let me talk about my current status. If defined by the level in the Dungeons and Dragons rules, I am now a level 1 arcanist. Also, be careful with your hands and don't press anything. Destroy key

Forbidden Light

When Chu Hao finished speaking, the whole room suddenly turned into complete darkness.