Dawn Infinity

Chapter 59: Arcane Attack…


Chu Hao suddenly realized that he was wrong, and it seemed a bit outrageous.

In his imagination, the greatest application of magic should be to strengthen oneself and weaken the enemy. In the words of the game, it is a large number of buffs and dbuffs, coupled with various magic attributes of strange properties, such as repair spells, light ban spells and other spells. With the addition of summoning spells, such a magic combination no longer requires so-called offensive spells. Fireball spells are just rubbish.

But until this moment, Chu Hao was extremely hoping that he could strengthen even one offensive spell. Just one offensive spell would be of decisive help to his current situation.

Cursed memes, if there are ghosts, ghosts, souls, etc., any physical attacks will be ineffective against them, such as bullets, gunpowder, explosions, etc., all of them will be ineffective and cannot harm them at all.

However, the rebel organization is not a vegetarian. After experiencing so many weird meme attacks, it has its own set of prevention and countermeasures capabilities. Even if it faces attacks from ghosts and monsters, it is not helpless to fight back.

Since the initial curse meme appeared, especially after a large number of organization members died in it and turned into ghosts and ghosts, the entire rebel organization's research institutions have been working at full speed, conducting a large number of research experiments on these ghosts and ghosts, and preparing for This consumed endless manpower and material resources and killed countless researchers, and finally figured out many characteristics of ghosts and ghosts.

First of all, ghosts and ghosts do not have entities. What they are and what physical mode they are in are still unknown. However, it has been proven through a lot of research that the field energy structure can weaken or even isolate ghosts and ghosts. This is why whenever ghosts and ghosts appear, , the reason why electric lights will flicker and malfunction is not because ghosts and ghosts have any bad taste or want to scare people. This phenomenon should actually be more of a natural phenomenon, that is, the ghosts and ghosts themselves cause abnormal electrical energy. It's the same reason that static electricity can attract scraps of paper to attach to.

In addition, researchers from the Rebel Organization have also found some other patterns. For example, curse memes actually have a long incubation period. During this period, ghosts and ghosts do not directly kill people, nor do they turn creatures into ghosts. It's more like teasing toys and coming out to scare people from time to time. This is described in many ghost movies. A large number of ghosts and ghosts come out from time to time to scare people, but in fact no one is dead. It's just that as the number of their appearances increases, everyone becomes more and more scared. They became more and more frightened, and the ghosts and ghosts became more and more fierce, until finally they killed everyone.

This is a rule. Curse memes have a long incubation period, and their actual fatal time varies. Generally speaking, the more fearful they are in the face of ghosts and the more convinced they are, the shorter the incubation period will be. The more courageous and distrustful a person is, the longer the incubation period. Currently, the longest record of the rebel organization is an amnesia patient. He will often forget all kinds of memories beyond 24 hours. This kind of The disease caused him to be targeted by ghosts and ghosts, and he survived for more than nine months. He was killed after being attacked by ghosts more than ten times within 24 hours.

In addition to the above rules, there is another most important rule, that is, when a curse meme begins in an area, it will only curse one person. Until that person dies, everyone else will be safe, of course. , as long as they are in the same area with this cursed person, then everyone is already in the incubation period of the curse. No matter how they escape to the ends of the earth, it will be useless. As long as the first cursed person dies, other curses will lurk next. They died one by one until one or more cursed dead zones finally appeared. This was the reason why tens of millions of people died when the cursed meme broke out.

Because of this, except for an area that has become a cursed dead zone, the people in it are not allowed to leave at all. This was Li Ganglei's original order, but he wanted Chu Hao to leave here, but he didn't want Chu Hao to leave. Sure enough, he became the first cursed person, and before that was the first appearance of ghosts and ghosts. As time goes on, this appearance will evolve into an attack, and finally, after a series of events that cannot be explained by physical laws, Chu Hao is likely to turn into a ghost, or even disappear directly.

The surrounding shadowless lights are turned on, and the external electromagnetic field spiral device is turned on. Six patrol units are ready, and the 24-hour patrol operation begins.

Following Li Ganglei's order, the entire main square inside the base was already filled with light. Chu Hao was sitting alone in the center of the square, with shadowless lights shining brightly all around, making there not even a single shadow around him. At the same time, , six patrol units are on standby at any time. Within twenty-four hours, a group of personnel is replaced every four hours, forming a six-shift pattern. There are enough personnel to watch Chu Hao's movements at any time.

Chu Hao, can you hear me

There was a sound in Chu Hao's headset. He nodded and said: "I can hear it, but I know the arrangement of the shadowless lamp and the electromagnetic field spiral device. These are devices that can weaken ghosts and ghosts, or at least increase the incubation period. But I'm curious, what do these six groups of patrol officers do

In the outbreak of the curse meme at the Nordic General Base after you disappeared, our losses were too great, but in several of the accidental incidents, some people reported some strange things, such as people who should have been killed, if If there are enough people around to accompany and watch him, then the ghost and ghost are likely to re-enter the incubation period to look for the next attack opportunity. After analysis, our researchers believe that the existence mode of ghost and ghost is likely to have something to do with the quantum state, especially It is when it changes the physical mechanism of interfering matter, that is, when killing the cursed person, it is very likely that there will be no observer. This is also slightly shown in the movie, but this point of view has only been put forward and has not been confirmed. It can be considered as a guinea pig for once. Li Ganglei's voice came over.

Indeed, in almost all ghost and ghost movies, unless there is a curse outbreak person, as long as there is even one non-curse person or curse lurking person, then the ghosts and ghosts will not kill people in front of them, or they will not see it. , or move them away, I understand.

Chu Hao nodded and then asked: How is my application? Time is already very urgent. I need to use the computing resources of the Trinity supercomputer to analyze the three-dimensional magic model I have.

This requires a risk assessment

Li Ganglei's words were a little tired. He was silent for a while and then said: I'm sorry, our general base is too important. There are many of our younger brothers and sisters there. They are our hope, so we can't get close to it even if there is the slightest danger. General base, not to mention that you are currently in a curse meme, and it is the most contagious ghost and ghost curse meme. This requires a risk assessment. We don’t know whether the ghost and ghost curse meme here will be transmitted through the remote computer. In the past, remote data transfer has been carried out through six branch small bases, and multiple data segment transfers will be carried out to confirm the infection performance of the memetic effect. If there is no problem, we should be able to get the security assessment results within five to six days, At that time you will know whether you can use the computing resources of the Trinity supercomputer.

Chu Hao closed his eyes and murmured: Whether it is in games, movies, or the setting itself, magic, especially attack magic, can directly harm ghosts and ghosts. Therefore, I suspect that the attack effect of magic is not It is only reflected in the physical mechanism, and it should also have this energy effect, so if I have attack magic, it may be enough to eliminate this ghost curse, so hurry up and make a quick decision before I die.

At the same time, this base has been completely sealed off. In the entrance and exit areas of the base, outside personnel are retreating into the base. This is a first-level personnel, which can be regarded as the lowest official personnel of the rebel organization. Many of them do not even know what they are doing. They know what a meme is, what a containment object is, what a ghost is, and so on. For them, they are just loyal to an international military organization with powerful force and funds.

Just as the team was walking towards the inside of the base, the last person walking among them passed a shadow and was suddenly sucked into the shadow. There was originally a physical metal wall, but he just disappeared. When the team When the shadow reappeared after leaving this period, the entire team was actually full of people. The person who was sucked into the shadow was also intact, but

His face and complexion seem to be much paler

As white as a dead person