Dawn Infinity

Chapter 6: Detachment and...trap!


Skyrim is a science fiction horror film that tells the story of alien creatures invading the earth. It can be said that it has been poorly acted in the alien film industry. However, this horror film still has some innovative and outstanding aspects, among which The most innovative thing is that aliens use human brains as computing chips to control biological weapons made by aliens.

But any computer can be infected with viruses, even alien technology that uses human brains as computing chips. The protagonist of this movie is such a virus. At the end, he was captured by aliens and his brain was stripped off. came out and installed it on an alien biological weapon, but he did not expect that he did not lose his consciousness and memory, but controlled the biological weapon with human consciousness.

This is the catastrophe in the sky that I have seen. Chu Hao was leaning against the wall and said the above words to the people in front of him.

After everyone had a brief dispute on the street more than ten minutes ago, under Chu Hao's suggestion, everyone finally reached a short-term opinion, which was to wait and see for the time being to see if this world is really the so-called In the world of horror movies, is this really a catastrophe in the sky

Although all this is very incredible, how could the world of horror movies exist in the world of horror movies

But everyone has indeed experienced a series of strange events. For example, the most unexplainable thing is the change in time span. Suddenly from early winter to midsummer, but for everyone, it is just a blink of an eye. This alone cannot be explained. Well, if you have to use kidnapping, some embarrassing TV show, government conspiracy, etc. to explain it, it is really full of loopholes. So although the theory in the world of horror movies is very incredible, until there is no more reasonable explanation, this Just believe the explanation.

At this moment, everyone is in a small alley next to the street. It is midsummer here after all. Basking in the white sun on the street is not a good choice. In fact, some of the weaker people in the team are already a little dizzy. Symptoms look like heat stroke.

Chu Hao looked at the expressions of everyone around him who were listening or contemplating. He smiled and said: Jenny said that this watch in our hands is owned by every member of the Samsara Team. The Lord God will use it to tell us. Publish some tasks. Once you fail to complete them, you will either be wiped out or your reward points will be deducted. What are the reward points? I have just told everyone, and Jenny also said that once the horror movie scene ends, the reward points are negative points. will also be obliterated.

Everyone involuntarily looked at the watches on their hands. After a moment, a middle-aged handsome guy in the team suddenly asked: Excuse me, if the world of reincarnation is real, and this is indeed the movie "Skyrim", So we have to protect Jerry, the hero of the movie, for three days. By the way, my name is Ares Emmaus, a neurologist. After saying that, the middle-aged handsome guy extended his hand to Chu Hao.

Chu Hao smiled and held Ares's hand and said: Chu Hao's profession is a technical mercenary for the time being.

Ares laughed after shaking hands. He thought for a while and said: The term "technical mercenary" has many meanings, but no matter what, we will work together in the next three or seven days. I hope We can have a great time working together, man.

Before Chu Hao had time to say anything, the black man next to him who was as strong as an ox also stretched out his hand and said: J, my name or code name is J, and my profession is a boxer, an underground boxer. Although what you just said is very It's incredible, but I don't know why I believe it. Maybe it's my intuition. Before confirming it, I think I will follow you.

Chu Hao shook hands with J again, and then he looked at the others. The others all had hesitant expressions, obviously not knowing how to make a decision. At this time, the young man wearing glasses spoke loudly again. He stood up and said: I still can't believe it. Although your words are right, seeing is believing, but this is still unbelievable. How is this possible? The world of horror movies coaxes ghosts. No matter what, I don't want to stay here. Here, who knows if you are stalling for time when you say that seeing is believing. So I will not follow you. I will go to the police station or the embassy. I did not sneak into the United States. As long as you contact My family can prove everything. I will never believe these words anyway.

Having said this, the young man wearing glasses seemed to be getting more and more confident, and he said loudly to the others: So do you want to follow this, er, Mr. Chu Hao to verify that incredible lie, or go to the police with me? Then find the way home. This is not an alien planet, this is still the earth. Everyone who wants to go home, friends who don’t want to go on adventures with them, come with me.

The remaining people looked at each other. Gradually, most people began to waver. Without saying anything or arguing, most people followed the young man and left the alleyway, and then walked out of the street. go out.

In the end, only Chu Hao, Jenny, Ares, J, and one other man and one woman remained, a total of six people, while seven people followed the young man wearing glasses. The entire team was completely divided at this moment.

But Chu Hao didn't care. Anyway, it was his own misfortunes and had nothing to do with anyone else, and maybe all of them would die in the end, while the other seven might survive. At the moment, he no longer paid attention to those seven. Instead, he looked at the remaining man and woman and said: "You two are very welcome to join us. I don't know your surnames."

The man looked like he was from the Middle East, with the iconic beard, but he was wearing a suit. He smiled and extended his hand to Chu Hao and said: Osachini Benton, his occupation is a white-collar worker. , Actually I am mostly curious, and I can contact the police at any time. It would not be bad to delay for a few days to verify whether this is a catastrophe in the sky. After all, if it is really a catastrophe in the sky, it is obviously much safer to follow you.

As for the remaining woman, she was a European and American woman in her thirties. She looked a little cautious. When she saw Chu Hao reaching out to her, she actually took half a step back and then said: I'm sorry. , I don’t want to tell you my name, and I don’t want to go to the police. I just follow you for a day or two. When the time is right, I will leave. One more question, are you really sure that this is the United States? It is really Los Angeles in the United States.

Before Chu Hao spoke, Ares said gently: Yes, madam, I am quite sure that this is Los Angeles, USA. I have been here to attend several medical conferences. Are you planning to stay in the United States? Well, is there anything we can do for you

The woman was immediately startled. She waved her hands repeatedly and said: No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I just, I just said this. The woman actually started crying in a low voice. She slowly covered her face, and that's it. Squatting on the ground.

I can't stand that family anymore. I can't stand him taking drugs, beating me, and forcing me to sell myself. I don't want to go back anymore, but he knows a lot of gangsters. If he knows that I left, he will definitely kill me if he finds me. If this is really the United States, then I can

Everyone was silent. Chu Hao also took a closer look at the woman's appearance. Although she was already in her thirties, she still looked pretty good. She basically had an average to above average appearance, but there were some bruises at the corners of her eyes. .

Understood. Chu Hao sighed silently, and said with a smile: Madam, we won't ask you your name or where you are going. During this period, you can stay with us for the time being. Kai was found and deported by the police. Secondly, you also need some dollars to eat and live. After everything has calmed down and confirmed some things, if this is not a catastrophe in the sky, then you can do whatever you want, and we will also give you what we can. help, of course, if this is a catastrophe in Skyrim

At this point, Chu Hao stopped talking. His meaning was already quite obvious. If this was an ordinary world, then everyone would go their separate ways and no one would have anything to do with anyone. But if this was really a movie world of catastrophes in the sky, , they are really in the world of reincarnation, then all the stealing and repatriation will be meaningless. At that time, living is the only meaning.

Then the team had confirmed that there were six people in total. Except for the woman who felt a little resigned to her fate, the other four people all looked at Chu Hao, and J asked directly: So, this magical Mr. Dongfang, you keep talking. Everything is very organized. Now is it time for you to tell us your next plan? Is it to find the male protagonist Jared and protect him for three days

The rest of the people looked directly at Chu Hao, including Jenny, who showed an expectant expression.

Chu Hao raised his hand and looked at his watch. He chuckled and said: Since we are talking about plans, we still have to analyze it again. Everyone has a watch and has seen the mission issued by the Lord God. Maybe everyone has I want to protect Jerry nearby for three days, but I think there is a big trap in this mission.

The trap bearded Osage looked at his watch curiously. The watch only showed simple words: Protect Jerry for three days, or survive the catastrophe in the sky for a week. This sentence was very clear, but he didn't understand it. What traps are there

In fact, not only he was like this, but the others were also like this. They all frowned and looked at Chu Hao again.

Chu Hao still had a smiling expression. He rubbed his brows and said: Yes, a big trap. If my analysis is correct, this is the way out and the way out that the Lord God wants to express to us. All the clues. , have all been shown to us.

A desperate trap with a way out