Dawn Infinity

Chapter 62: Rune analysis!


What exactly is the memetic effect

This is a big proposition, and it is also the biggest research direction of the Rebel Organization at present, the memetic effect.

The memetic effect was initially discovered when the rebel organization seized a network IP address from Organization C. In fact, through network searches around the world, it was found that the network IP address itself does not exist, but it can be accessed through any connected network. Entering the Internet, it seems to be a Tieba forum or something, and there seems to be nothing surprising about it.

But after anyone logs in to the web page of this IP address and registers to leave a message, whatever words you type will become: I am a newbie, I am not very good at talking, if there is any offense, Come and hit me

From then on, no matter whether this person speaks or writes anything in reality, or even uses any communication method, including sign language, semaphore, Mor code, all communication methods, any words he speaks will become this sentence, unless he is found. In reality, people who are infected by the memetic effect must beat them up as they say, and only then can the memetic effect be lifted and return to normal.

This is the first memetic effect discovered by the rebel organization. Its contagiousness only relies on the existence of this IP address. It is not fatal in itself and there are solutions. Therefore, it was not taken seriously at the initial stage and was just treated as a memetic effect. Treat it as a hypnosis case, use personnel to analyze the IP address, and at the same time mobilize the rebel organization's own forces to block this IP address on the global network.

But then, a piece of contained objects with memetic effects appeared, similar to this memetic effect of I am a newbie, I am not very good at talking, if there is any offense, you come and hit me, I am joking. Yes, there are memetic effects similar to infectious diseases, and memetic effects like ghosts and curses. There are even many more terrifying and indescribable super memetic effects that go beyond ghosts and curses, such as those currently sealed in the Arctic. The memetic effect of space-time fault is considered to be the most terrifying memetic effect currently known and the most likely to destroy human beings, the earth, and even the wider space.

So far, the rebels have been exposed to at least dozens of memetic effects, but no matter how the rebel organization personnel analyze and decompose them, they still know nothing about them, even the lowest-level memes. The effects are unexplainable, and their existence has transcended the scope of current human technology. Even many high-level memetic effects have transcended the scope of physics. They look more like supernatural phenomena and cannot be explained by common sense of physics.

What exactly is the memetic effect

Chu Hao once again spoke to Li Ganglei on the other end through the headset: I have some guesses in my mind, but there is not enough information yet, so I won’t talk about it for the time being. I will just wait until the computing resources of the Trinity supercomputer are available. Prove the possibility of my suspicion.

Li Ganglei was silent for a moment and said: The headquarters base has begun operations. After all, the Trinity supercomputer is too important. It is not enough for you, me, Ling Xin, and the three of us O6 to give orders. It must be more than two-thirds. O5 can only decide at the same time. The voting results were not decided until ten minutes ago. After that, the internal personnel of the main base, as well as our brothers and sisters, began to evacuate. Except for the core guards, when there is no one else, the Trisolaran supercomputer can It will take about half an hour to provide computing resources for you to use.

Chu Hao nodded in understanding, but was silent at the moment, but he was really moved in his heart.

Not all of the Contained Objects in the Rebel Organization are harmful, and a very small number of them are beneficial to humans and the Rebel Organization. So far, three of the Contained Objects in the Rebel Organization have been judged It has powerful and beneficial effects and can be used and controlled. Of course, there are definitely more than these three items that have powerful and beneficial effects and can be controlled. However, these three items are the most precious and can almost be said to be rebels. The core of the organization. If we use the adjective of Xianxia, then these three contained objects are the suppressive luck objects of the rebel organization. Only with these three contained objects can the rebel organization have the ability to fight against Organization C, and Qualifications that will be passed down for a long time.

Among them, the Trinity Super Computer is the third core containment object among the three luck-suppressing objects. It is not a computer made by humans, and it does not even look like a computer in appearance. It is three huge human heads. The stone statues are somewhat similar to the stone statues with human heads on Easter Island, but are slightly smaller. The three stone statues face each other, forming a triangular area. The three stone statues respectively represent problems, calculations, and results. Only when the person or its video projection is in This Trinity supercomputer can only be used when it is within the triangle area. At the same time, because it is essentially a containment object, it is not completely controlled by the rebel organization. This Trinity supercomputer accepts a life sacrifice once a year, and then according to the sacrifice The quality of the product rewards computing resources. Generally speaking, the sacrificial effect of primates is the best, and the sacrificial effect of humans far exceeds that of any other primates. Because of this, computing resources are actually equivalent to life. This is a very, very precious resource. It is not allowed to be used on weekdays. Every time it is used, it requires confirmation by a level O5 or above command.

Chu Hao is qualified to use it. As the leader of the three major o6s of the rebel organization, he can use 10% of the computing resources every year. However, his current situation is a bit strange. He is under the memetic effect of the ghost curse. It is impossible. Go to the organization's headquarters base, and this memetic effect can even be spread through video, sound, and even images, so even using video projection to the headquarters base is difficult, which leads to a delay of so many days. But fortunately, until now, it was finally available for use.

The Trinity supercomputer is ready to start, and the o63 video is allowed to connect to the headquarters base. The countdown starts, ten, nine, eight, seven.

Chu Hao stood silently in the light source. When he heard the countdown sound reaching zero, he suddenly opened his eyes and saw a black stone statue on three sides around him. One of the stone statues suddenly made a sound. It seemed to be a young man. The man's voice said: There are currently 4741 computable resources. Let me listen to your questions.

The calculation is up to me. This is the voice of another black stone statue. It sounds like an extremely old man's voice.

As a result, I said that the last black stone statue also made a sound, and it sounded like an elegant female voice.

Chu Hao was silent for a moment, and then said: First, connect the consciousness in my mind, perfectly copy this three-dimensional model, and then project it to where I can see it. After saying that, Chu Hao closed his eyes and began to visualize the spell model of the mage's hand in his mind.

It consumes 10 souls to completely copy it and now it is projected at you.

When the sound of the stone statue fell, a three-dimensional model image composed of a strange beam of light had been projected in front of Chu Hao. He could see it clearly and even touch it with his hands. Of course, there was no touch, but this three-dimensional image could be touched by him. Touch to move and sway.

Chu Hao looked at this three-dimensional image and was slightly lost in thought. After a few seconds, he said: Completely decompose it into the most basic runes, images, and single words. The first requirement is that the single runes, images, and words must remain intact. Requirement 2: Record the combination rules of all individual runes, images, and words.

It consumes 70 souls and is completely decomposed successfully, and is now projected at you.

In the sound, this three-dimensional model immediately decomposed and shattered, turning into densely packed hundreds of runes, images, and words. Some of them looked similar to hieroglyphs, and some looked like Tai Chi, dragons, beasts, and creatures. Graphics, as well as some similar to tadpole writing, letters, or similar words, each large or small are suspended here.

It is very expensive. The computing resources consumed have exceeded the computing power of the Mars landing spacecraft and are more than three times as much. Sure enough, I have begun to get closer to the true meaning of magic, or the true meaning of another scientific route. Righteous

Chu Hao kept thinking in his mind, and he continued: Now copy the energy in my heart, order it to be arcane energy, and use this arcane energy as the starting energy, infuse it into all the existing runes, and then observe its effect.

As he spoke, the runes in front of Chu Hao's eyes all shone brightly, but within a few seconds, dozens of runes were shattered, dozens of runes had no change, and the remaining six runes had different changes. Some of them generated new energy, some of the runes became larger, some of the runes shimmered more, and some of the runes became dim and smaller.

Consumes 60 souls and all effects are as displayed.

Chu Hao looked at all the effect runes carefully, and asked carefully about the meaning of the effects, and then continued: So based on these six effect runes, images, and words, the effects produced by using them Connect all the remaining runes, images, and texts to perform the second round of demonstration effects. By the way, at the same time, a complete spell model diagram is formed, arcane energy is infused, the effect generation time is slowed down to the level visible to the naked eye, and the masking effect begins.

Consumes 130 souls

Just as Chu Hao started to use the Trinity supercomputer for calculations, in a primitive rainforest in Southeast Asia, a girl who looked about 10 years old, wearing a set of clothes similar to ancient China, holding a jade pendant, stood The top of a huge tree looked around. After a while, she seemed to have no direction. She could only take out a pineapple and bite it in distress. But at this moment, the jade pendant on her hand shone again, but this time The shining light once was blue-purple.

This is the true meaning of the runes

Are there cultivators in this world