Dawn Infinity

Chapter 67: memory


Why is Zhang Heng here

Chu Hao was really shocked when he heard Zhang Heng's voice, so much so that his voice was filled with shock. At the same time, his mind was also running wildly.

Yes, although there has been some confirmation before that Zhang Heng and I are from the same world, it was not finally confirmed until this moment. But this alone is not enough to be the reason for him to appear here, so why is he here? It will appear here. What is the thing that penetrated the gate just now? Are you kidding me? It is a special metal gate made by the rebel organization. It is enough to defend against frontal bombardment by tactical nuclear warheads. If it was penetrated so easily, there would be nothing left in this world. Is it time to let our rebel organization continue to exist

At this moment, Chu Hao had many questions in his mind, but when he saw that the huge female ghost had a small hole in its body and was slowly repairing it, he and Li Ganglei looked at each other, and immediately Said: He can join.

Can you join? Li Ganglei's eyes flickered and he asked strangely.

Well, you can just join before confirming your intention.

The conversation between the two people was very quiet and fast. When the words fell, Li Ganglei immediately said: The door is blocked and you can't get in. You can open it at the third metal plate from the left. Enter the password xxxxx there and you can open it. Enter through small passage

I bought a hiking bag last year. It’s super wear-resistant. This corpse is so powerful. It even had its head shot off and it could still come and bite me. But then again, why do you have so many weird things in your base? There’s a small door next to it. Don't chase me

Li Ganglei and Chu Hao in the base were speechless. Li Ganglei whispered: "Is Zhang Heng the same Zhang Heng or the one who was almost recognized as a contained object by us? There will always be various twists and turns in every mission, but The one who can't die no matter what

Yes, I can’t say anything else, but he is in a similar situation to me and is my intended future teammate and partner. Chu Hao nodded and said.

Li Ganglei was silent for a moment. His muscles were still bulging at this moment. At the same time, his eyes were blank and he said: It doesn't look safe outside. Listening to Zhang Heng's words, it seems that there are many corpses outside blocking the way. Let's wait for Zhang Heng to come in first. His weapons It seems that it can hurt ghosts and ghosts. After he comes in, we will go to the helicopter platform. We cannot go by land, so we will leave by air.

The empty path is probably also hanging. Ghosts and ghosts can ignore time and space. As for being able to harm ghosts and ghosts, or simply put, spirits, the first thing is to destroy their rune structure. Once the rune structure is damaged, the spirit body will naturally be annihilated. , In this way, I also understand the so-called spiritual bullets and spell attacks that can harm spiritual bodies, as well as what those legendary magic weapons are.

Chu Hao silently thought about the spiritual bullets he exchanged. There were some rune marks engraved on them, some of which were like the decorative patterns on church crosses in the real world. These things were seen in some vampire movies, and those demon hunters Bullets also appear on weapons. At first I didn’t think it was anything, but now that I think about it, it’s profound. In fact, the answer to how to destroy the spirit body has already appeared.

While the two were talking, they saw the metal ground next to them suddenly lifted up. Zhang Heng, dressed in shabby rags, jumped up. While running, he shot an arrow towards the place where he jumped, and then behind him. It was just an arm that blew up and popped out.

It's so scary. This base of yours is so scary. Why are you creating so many biological corpses? Don't you know that these things are not very useful

Zhang Heng shouted loudly as soon as he jumped out of the ground. At the same time, he saw Li Ganglei and Chu Hao, and their current postures. Li Ganglei was holding the weak Chu Hao. What was going on

Zhang Heng rubbed his eyes and said with some stuttering: I'm sorry, I got up late in the morning. It took several days of reconnaissance to confirm the location of your base, so I didn't have time to brush my teeth when I arrived. My opening position must be wrong for you. You two continue, I will take the first step. As he spoke, he turned around.

Li Ganglei and Chu Hao rolled their eyes and looked at each other. Li Ganglei said directly: Are you sure he is your teammate and not just for fun

I basically confirmed that it was him, at least not a ghost pretending to be a ghost. Chu Hao said reluctantly. When he finished speaking, Zhang Heng had turned around sharply and walked back to the two of them.

It was my fault just now. I don't despise homosexuality. Well, it's just my fault for opening it in the wrong way. It has nothing to do with you. Now tell me what kind of woolen thing is that huge woman? Zhang Heng pointed to the distance and has completely healed again, and The huge female ghost who was standing up shouted.

That's not a person, not even a living thing

Chu Hao patted Li Ganglei and motioned him to run towards the helicopter platform. At the same time, he said to Zhang Heng who was running next to him: What weapon did you use to shoot through the door? Is it the bow and arrow in your hand

Hehe, have you finally discovered it? Zhang Heng chuckled. He raised the long bow in his hand and said: Windrunner's Bow, a legendary magic weapon, 3000 reward points, a super expensive luxury item that can only be exchanged for C-level side plots. Use According to the game, it is at least a top-quality blue weapon, maybe a purple weapon, and all the arrows shot by it will be blessed by the wind elf, and are regarded as 3 arrows at the same time, uh, that's according to the dnd rules. The 3 magic weapons are similar.

Chu Hao looked carefully at the emerald green longbow. As he expected, the entire longbow was engraved with various patterns, symbols, images, words, etc., densely packed with complex combinations of runes. , even far beyond level 1 magic.

This is my commission fee.

Zhang Heng put down his long bow, put away his smile and said seriously: Ares saw your death aura. He didn't say clearly what it was, but he just mentioned that you might be in danger, surrounded by something and cursed. So he hired me to protect you. This longbow was the employment fee he exchanged for me. His original words were

Being able to directly say that he is not a partner yet proves that he has begun to consider whether to treat me as a partner. This is a hundred times better than someone who does one thing in front of others and another behind his back. Come back alive and be my future partner.

Chu Hao felt hot in his heart and opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end. He just looked at Zhang Heng's serious expression and the long bow tightly held in his hand. After a long time, he sighed slightly and put the This unspeakable palpitation settled in my heart, and I began to think about my current predicament.

Just as he was thinking about something, Li Ganglei and Zhang Heng, who were holding him, suddenly stopped. He quickly looked up and saw a huge female ghost emerging in the aisle in front of him again. Figures, and in the surrounding shadows, phantoms of female ghosts emitting terrifying moans and screams kept appearing, and there were dozens of them. Apart from the three of them, there was not even a single living person in the entire base. Can't see it anymore.

Can't you escape? Li Ganglei murmured, and then said to Zhang Heng: Your arrow just now hurt the female ghost, can you still shoot that arrow

After Zhang Heng heard the words, he immediately picked up the long bow and pointed it at the huge female ghost in front of him. Before Li Ganglei and Chu Hao could see anything clearly, an arrow shot straight out as soon as he loosened his finger, but before the three of them, Under his gaze, the arrow actually missed the huge female ghost's body and shot towards the back, piercing the wall behind her but not even touching the huge female ghost's fur.

How, how is it possible? Zhang Heng shouted in disbelief, and at the same time he shot arrows in succession. After five or six arrows in a row, all the results were still the same.

Li Ganglei and Chu Hao looked at each other, with bitterness and despair in their eyes. Is this female ghost powerful enough to distort space

No, that’s not right, it’s probably because the female ghost was too fast and she hid in the shadows.

Chu Hao said fiercely: "We can't even shoot, and we can't escape. Unless we hurt the female ghost again, and then escape while it heals and cannot move, otherwise we won't be able to get out of this base and fight again at the hands of a large number of mages." The ghost binding effect, take this opportunity, Zhang Heng’s bow and arrow will definitely be able to hit it

Li Ganglei said bitterly: But we only made a set of silver spell models, there is no other way.

No, there is another way

Chu Hao suddenly broke away from Li Ganglei's arm. He stood on the ground. While talking, he reached out and touched Li Ganglei's chest pocket and said: Since the spell model can be visualized in my mind, it can also be engraved in reality. Materially speaking, it can definitely be outlined directly with arcane energy. As long as my calculation power is enough, while he was talking, he had already taken out a pair of plain glasses from Li Ganglei's pocket and put them on at the same time.

Li Ganglei only had time to reach out and try to stop him. The next second, Chu Hao no longer showed any expression. He looked at Li Ganglei and Zhang Heng indifferently, and then looked at the giant female creature twisting and moving in the distance. Ghost, the next second, a large number of naked eye symbols, images, and words emerged from around his body. These runes were combined one by one to form spell models.

The death energy on my body, the black shadow surrounding me, Li Ganglei, your familiarity with this female ghost, and the voice calling me Brother Chu Hao

That's it, she is

Are the memories I forgot after I entered God mode