Dawn Infinity

Chapter 7: analyze


First of all, let's assume that the world of reincarnation is real, and that this is indeed a catastrophe in the sky. All the analyzes I will do next are based on this premise. Then there are several pieces of information that we need to pay attention to in this task on the watch.

In a luxurious five-star hotel, six people were sitting on the sofa, drinking cold drinks and eating simple meals. While drinking and eating, they were also listening to Chu Hao slowly analyzing everything.

First of all, if this is a catastrophe in Skyrim, then when will aliens come today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? There is no prompt on the watch. I carefully recalled the plot of catastrophe in Skyrim. There is no obvious hint in the plot. I can only guess a little bit. The approximate time was when the hero and heroine attended a friend's party, and an alien event occurred one night.

The arrival time of this alien is very fatal. If we want to survive, we must know this time and either avoid or react. No matter which one it is, we need to know this time. OK, in fact, this information is already displayed on the watch.

When Chu Hao said this, everyone looked at their watches. A few seconds later, Ares said thoughtfully: Is it within three days? Because this task requires us to protect the hero for three days. What does it mean? Will aliens appear within three days

Right and wrong. Chu Hao smiled and shook his head. He continued: From here on, we will talk about the trap issue I just raised. Let’s avoid talking about this issue for the time being. Let’s talk about the other tasks first. This task is actually two tasks. One One is to protect Jerry for three days, and the other is to survive for seven days. We won’t mention the first task for now, but will talk about the second task, which is to survive for seven days.

What threats do we have in this world

Chu Hao laughed when he said this. When he said this, his first reaction was that Organization C would come to capture him or kill him. But if there was really a catastrophe here, then Organization C would not exist. Then he The biggest threat has simply disappeared, and there is no better feeling than this.

All kinds of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, even thunder and rain, can kill us. Others can also be possible, such as gang fights, such as terrorist organizations suddenly carrying out a bomb attack, etc., so that we Will also die.

When Chu Hao mentioned the terrorist organization, the bearded Osage, who had been silent all this time, looked slightly uncomfortable, but this only happened briefly, and no one present could clearly see it.

But these chances are so small that they can be ignored. If the world of reincarnation is real, then it is absolutely impossible to rely on these probabilistic events to create difficulties. This is a catastrophe in the sky, not an illogical horror movie, so from this One thing that can be concluded from this piece of information is that aliens will inevitably arrive within seven days.

When Chu Hao analyzed this, everyone frowned because they felt that Chu Hao was talking nonsense. Ares had already said that he would protect the hero for three days, and now he has extended it to seven days. Okay, does it mean that three days of protection doesn't count? This is a bit nonsense.

I know you think I'm talking nonsense. Chu Hao looked at everyone's expressions, but he was not angry. He just smiled and said: This is what I call a trap. Who stipulates that the Jerry on the watch must be the hero of Skyrim

The reason why we know that Jerry is the male protagonist is because we have all watched the movie Skyrim. We know his experience and specialness, and we have seen the ending, so we know that he is the protagonist, but as a character in the movie An ordinary person, why does he think he is the protagonist

Chu Hao raised his hand and looked at the watch. He chuckled and said: What a clever text trap. With just a name, we immediately fixed our minds on the protagonist. You know, in the United States, or in this city, There are at least tens of thousands of people with the surname Jared. How do we know who the Lord God wants us to protect? Jerry the dentist, Jared the elementary school teacher, or Jerry the homeless man. Whoever it is, we can be sure of this. Jared is the protagonist we know as Jared.

Maybe now there is a little gangster named Jerry who was shot or stabbed due to an unexpected situation and died in the hospital. Then our mission of protecting Jerry for three days has failed. Already

Having said this, everyone was horrified. Almost everyone could no longer eat anything, but looked at their watches repeatedly, once, again, and again.

At the same time, in a block far away from everyone, the man with glasses and seven other people had found the patrolman. After they asked the police for help, the patrolman immediately started calling the police station and asked them to send a police car to take this man with him. The seven people who inexplicably said they had been kidnapped returned to the police station. When the police arrived a moment later, the policeman driving the police car looked unhappy.

After the patrol officer came forward and explained the matter, he casually asked: "What's the matter?" You looked unlucky.

The policeman smiled bitterly and said: There was a death in the neighborhood before. It was a group of gangsters who got into a dispute, and then one person was stabbed three times. I happened to be there at the time, but I didn't stop the situation. I will probably be scolded by the head. Got it

The patrolman was silent for a moment and said: Those two gangs of gangsters are really troublesome. Who are they

I don’t know him, his name seems to be Zujie or something.

Really? Forget it. Let’s settle the matter of these seven people first. They are all saying that they were kidnapped. Whether they were kidnapped from Europe or in early winter. It’s really baffling. Let’s deal with them first. Just take it to the police station.

At this time, in the hotel, everyone's eyes were once again focused on Chu Hao, and Chu Hao said without delay: Because of this, I suspect that the first mission is actually a trap. Of course, it is also possible that I thought too much. More, literally, we are asked to protect the protagonist for three days, but the possibility is too low, at most about 20%. This is my analysis. If you don’t agree, then you can ignore me and do what you want. I have no problem with anything.

After everyone was silent for a moment, the bearded Osage suddenly asked: What is the meaning of setting this trap? Everything should be meaningful. If it is just a meaningless trap, then the trap itself cannot be said to be a trap. .

Chu Hao smiled again, nodded and said: Yes, this is exactly the meaning of detection and analysis. The so-called traps are those that imply deception, trying to make people do something or achieve some purpose. Here we can put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and think about what will happen if we fall into this trap. We will be close to and follow the protagonist Jared in these three days. In this way, we will lose the most critical thing: preparation.

When the catastrophic aliens from the sky come, almost all of mankind's existing weapons are ineffective against them, including nuclear weapons. In this case, it is useless to confront, kill, or stop them head-on. The only way we can What we do is to escape and avoid, and following the protagonist for three days will greatly limit the scope of our escape and avoidance. Once the aliens arrive, no place will be safe. At that time, we can only follow The protagonist walks all the way to the dark side. This is the real purpose of the trap. Let us follow the protagonist.

When everyone heard this, they already had some understanding. They looked at the information on their watches and compared it with Chu Hao's analysis, and gradually felt a sudden realization. Until then, Jenny also asked: Chu Hao, if According to your analysis, what should we do? The trap has been discovered, which means that aliens will not come in these three days. These three days are the safe period for us to prepare the shelter.

No, quite the opposite

Having said this, Chu Hao raised his hand and looked at his watch. A few simple words were displayed on it. The meaning was very clear. Simply survive, seven days.

The aliens are most likely to arrive in two days. Not only can we not stay away from this city, we must also get close to the protagonists.

Chu Hao raised his head and looked at the crowd seriously and said: "We must find a safe shelter before the aliens come in the remaining two days of safety, and then

We kidnap heroes and heroines and bring them into our shelters