Dawn Infinity

Chapter 77: respective


Depressed, I just woke up, my head is still a little dizzy, and I am still suffering from jet lag. It may be a little later.

This is a fool's errand

Maria looked ugly and said to the people around her: We have no other choice but to walk forward along the passage. What we encounter, what we see, and what we fight are completely unpredictable. This is the standard. What a foolproof situation.

Next to Maria, there is her sister Aike'er, and two newcomers, the navy soldier Armand, and the yellow-skinned middle-aged man Zhu Huiliang. A total of four people are walking in a cold and dark passage. Armand Both De and Zhu Huiliang were so stunned that their teeth kept chattering. On the contrary, Maria and Aike'er, who seemed to be wearing thin clothes, were calm and composed.

Suddenly, Maria asked Armande and said: Brother Navy, you are from the Navy. I want to ask, before entering the ruins, you looked at the situation outside. Is there a way for us not to pass through that? A tunnel back to the ground

Armand's condition was pretty good. He was wearing a thick military coat, so although he was very cold, he was still walking energetically. He did have a military temperament. When he heard this, he looked carefully I thought about it and said: This place is very deep from the ground. Except for that passage, it is surrounded by ice. I really can’t think of any way to get back to the ground. But if it is under the glacier, then as long as there is a submarine or similar hollow container , then you can still return to the ground with luck. Of course, the probability of this luck is too low.

Maria expressed her kindness, thought about it again, and then smiled bitterly and said: So that's it, I know why Chu Hao said that before being divided, it turns out that's the case, just wait for a few dozen seconds to wait for the remains. The maze at the door is formed, and then we can act as a team. Whether it is to really kill the Queen Mother, or to escape all threats, find a way to return to the ground, or find some container, etc., we will all have a chance to complete it, instead of I am trapped in a hopeless situation like now.

Zhu Huiliang was already extremely cold at this time. He shivered as he walked and said: Okay, okay, these things are not important. What I want to ask is, why are you two, no, not afraid of the cold

No, we are very afraid of the cold.

When Maria said this, she laughed sweetly and said: But this is also thanks to Chu Hao's suggestion. At that time, he mentioned that we are likely to enter some extremely hot or cold horror movie worlds, such as Antarctica. , such as the desert or something, so each of us redeemed a disposable natural temperature patch at that time, which can keep our body temperature at the natural temperature for seventy-two hours.

Zhu Huiliang's lips were so cold that his lips turned blue. In fact, except for him, all the newcomers were wearing thick clothes. It was winter in the real world, especially since this team was the Arctic Team. , belongs to the category of Northern Europe, that is, from Russia to Siberia, to Denmark, and even part of the United Kingdom. In these areas in winter, people wear thick warm clothes. As for Zhu Huiliang, Wearing only an ordinary thick pajamas, no wonder he was so cold and flustered at the moment.

After hearing this, Zhu Huiliang could no longer care about anything else. He hurriedly took a few steps towards the twins, as if he wanted to grab them. As he walked, he said: Is there any more? I, I'm so cold, here, give me a good one.

Maria took her sister and took a few steps back, still smiling sweetly and said: No, although this thing is not expensive, it still costs 100 reward points. We don’t have that many reward points for newcomers. Use it.

Zhu Huiliang gritted his teeth fiercely and said: "I, I have money, you tell me, it's tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, it's any amount, can't I buy it?" As he spoke, he took a few more steps. , just wanted to mess with the twins.

At this time, the man seemed to want to stop Zhu Huiliang, but when he saw that Zhu Huiliang's ears, face, and fingers were all red, and even the edges started to turn blue, he fell silent.

Maria's eyes flickered, but her feet slowed down, and she deliberately let Zhu Huiliang grab her, but only for a moment. Zhu Huiliang immediately screamed and let go of Maria, holding his hand A large number of blisters had appeared on the skin, as if it had been burned by something. At this time, Maria smiled and said: I'm sorry, the natural temperature patch has been used, there is no way to leave it to others, and You'll get burned if you touch me, and I don't have any extra. The only person in our team who has extra is Chu Hao, the Asian who has been talking to me before. Why don't you go find him and get it? Hurry up, the temperature here is too low, you may not survive for an hour. Finally, I will give you a message for free. Chu Hao's location may be over there. We seniors have contact headsets, so we can know the location of the other party. He's right over there. After speaking, Maria pointed to another passage next to her.

Zhu Huiliang didn't dare to pull the twins anymore. His eyes flickered as he watched the twins walk towards the main passage, followed by the soldier. He looked at the passage that Maria pointed to just now, only to Aengeng gritted his teeth and walked over tremblingly. The blisters on his hands gradually began to fester, and blood and pus seemed to be flowing out.

Sister, are you still connected to me by the spiritual chain? Maria thought silently in her heart.

Yes, always connected to you. However, Aiko'er's voice rang in her mind.

Maria nodded slightly and continued to meditate in her mind: Sister, use your mind to scan the location of that damn middle-aged pig just now, and occasionally use your mind chain to remind him along the way that you must take him to Chu Hao. By the way, all the maps you can scan are displayed in my mind.

Aike'er closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again, her mental power scan had been released at full strength. However, her mental power had not been strengthened much. A full scan could only scan a distance of seventy or eighty meters around, and Chu Hao The position of J happened to be within this range, and secondly, the Ares and Zhang Heng she just saw walked out of her scanning range.

Always turn on the mental scan, sister, we must find the three newcomers, especially the whereabouts of Angie Hill. Her ancient writing skills will definitely be of great use. By the way, Nio's Brian's software skills may be useful, no matter what We must find these three people before Chu Hao

Sure enough, I did the right thing by asking my sister to redeem the mental skills. The reward points I need to redeem are many times as much as yours, which proves that this is a skill exclusively for you. The timing is really good this time. We just need to master this relic. The maze changes, or the maze changes that control the ruins, then we can completely bypass the Predators and return to the ground, or we can rely on your mental power to scan and avoid the aliens. This is really how God is helping us.

At this point, Maria's eyes were full of cold light and she said silently: Just kill Chu Hao and his supporters in the world of this horror movie.

On the other side, Chu Hao and J were walking forward. I don’t know when Chu Hao pulled J along with him. At first, J was a little unaccustomed and wanted to shake off Chu Hao’s pull, but after walking for a while, he stopped. After doing this, his face became more and more uncomfortable.

Chu Hao suddenly let go of J's arm and said with a smile: By the way, you can take out your exoskeleton armor now. God knows if there are any aliens nearby. If there is an alien attack, then I can only It's up to you to protect me.

J smiled, and saw him pulling open his collar, wearing a thin carapace vest underneath. J pressed on the protrusion in front of the vest, and in an instant, a circle of black The liquid flowed out from the vest, and in a moment it covered J's whole body, including his head. Then the black liquid began to harden, and after a while, J was already wrapped in a hard black shell. , and his height was obviously dozens of centimeters taller. At this moment, he was at least about 2.45 meters, and he had to bend slightly to walk in this passage.

Just after J finished all this, the two of them walked forward for a moment. Suddenly, a small sound came from a nearby passage. J immediately blocked Chu Hao, while Chu Hao reached out to his arms. Inside, one hand held a pistol, and the other hand took out a silver disk. There were many small runes on the silver disk, but I didn't know what they were.

More than ten seconds later, the two of them saw a man holding his body and moving forward tremblingly. It was Zhu Huiliang who was half-frozen to death. , there was already a purple color that was almost necrotic from the cold, and one of his hands was dripping blood and yellow water to the ground. He did not know how much he dripped along the way.

When Zhu Huiliang saw Chu Hao and Chu Hao, his eyes lit up, and he immediately mustered up the last strength to take a few steps. He trembled as he walked and said: I, I am going to die of cold, I am going to die, help, help, I

Chu Hao frowned and said: "How can I save you? I don't have any clothes on me. Also, what happened to your hand? Was it attacked by something? Is it an alien?"

Zhu Huiliang still cared a lot. He felt like he was about to die of cold. He staggered forward and said: You, you lied. She said, you have, there are a lot of that, what? Post, save, save me.

Chu Hao and J looked at each other, and then looked at Zhu Huiliang and his bloody hand. Chu Hao frowned and said: Is it a natural temperature patch? Each of us only redeemed one. , I really don’t have one here either. Let me ask again, what’s going on with your hands

Zhu Huiliang screamed hoarsely and said: What else can you do? What's going on? You guys are so hot. He said as he walked, his speed became faster and faster. When he saw that he was very close to the two of them, , a fierce light appeared in Zhu Huiliang's eyes, and he rushed towards the two of them regardless of anything, but he had just time to save it, when suddenly a small shadow flashed past at an alarming speed. The next second, Zhu Huiliang Liang's head had been penetrated and exploded, and after the small shadow retracted, a huge monster emerged from the darkness of the side passage.


At the same time, on the other side far away from the two of them, a faint smile suddenly appeared on Maria's face. She even said silently in her heart: Sister, have you seen it? It's just a simple little plan. I see what else they can do now, haha, this kind of maze is really a paradise for us, isn’t it, sister

When she was saying this in her heart, Aike'er's face turned slightly pale. She didn't know whether it was because she was scared or because she was mentally exhausted. However, Aike'er also said something in her heart: "I used it before Maria." The mental scan was done in a straight line instead of using an area scan. The location I scanned was the passage where the Predator jumped down, but I found no trace of the Predator.

Maria frowned and said: What does this mean? Sister, did you not notice it or did you say

I suspect that the Predator's invisibility may even make my mental scan invisible.

After hearing this, Maria's face suddenly turned ugly.

Still at the same time, on the other side, Ares and Zhang Heng were walking in this passage, but Zhang Heng volunteered to lead the way, and Ares had also heard rumors about Zhang Heng's weird luck of immortality, so he They followed without any objection, so the two of them walked farther and farther inside. Then, the two of them discovered that the front began to get bigger. It was no longer the maze-like passage. This seemed to be the one discovered by the expedition team in the movie. That sacrificial platform was where the Predator used humans as a breeding ground for aliens. On this breeding platform, there were several corpses lying flat on it.

Zhang Heng and Ares looked at each other. Ares immediately used Summon Skeleton on one of the corpses. A few seconds later, a small skeleton appeared in front of the two of them, but Ares was obviously not satisfied. .

This is a female skeleton. Alas, it's a pity that I didn't get the bones of the high-level Sinker in Bloodthirsty Dawn. Otherwise, I might be able to kill the aliens by myself. Ares sighed.

Zhang Heng'en groaned and started to pretend to be cool. Just when he thought Ares was going to continue complaining, he didn't expect that Ares suddenly let out a sigh and walked to the altar in a few steps. He seemed to be looking for something there, and he was curious. Asked: What’s wrong? Did you notice anything wrong

Ares turned around and said seriously: I can see the energy of death, or resentment, or something similar, but I don't see resentment on these corpses. The original plot said that they were all sacrificed voluntarily. , it seems that this is true, but

Deep under the altar, I felt a huge amount of resentment. No, it should be something more terrifying and terrifying than resentment and death. I don’t know what it is. It feels like thousands or tens of thousands. , or even hundreds of thousands of resentment and death energy gathered together, just the feeling here feels like even my soul is about to freeze. I don’t know what it is.

Zhang Heng pretended to be cool and his face trembled. He thought of the ghosts he encountered in the real world. His voice was trembling as he said: Could it be a ghost or a curse? Don't scare me. This place is... Alien vs. Predator is not Alien vs. Predator vs. The Grudge.

Ares said with an extremely serious face: No, I feel it very clearly, but rather than saying it is a curse or a ghost, it is better to say that I seem to hear countless prayers, terrifying death blessings, and similar A feeling of lofty faith or something. Speaking of which, in the original plot, these humans who worshiped the Predator and regarded sacrifice as an honor seemed to have created a splendid culture. The plot mentioned that they created many such magnificent pyramids. Ah, so it's not so much a curse, but the people of this ancient civilization that has disappeared, they cheered death and worshiped the gods.
