Dawn Infinity

Chapter 82: The same root burns too quickly


Zhang Heng, where is your bow girth

Damn it, people are about to die. You still need to use the bow to protect me. I will use the gun to protect you. Where is the sword position and the chest

In a narrow passage, Zhang Heng ran quickly with Ares on his back, followed closely by the male and female protagonists. This passage was dark and deep. God knows where it leads, but the four of them had no way not to run. , because behind them were eight aliens chasing at the same time, oh, it should be six aliens. Zhang Heng shot one to death at first, and then Ares killed one while controlling the alien skeleton to delay, but even so, The six aliens were able to tear everyone into pieces, especially after the alien skeleton was torn into pieces, all four of them had the same idea.

Compared to Zhang Heng who was running very fast with Ares on his back, the male and female protagonists were about ten meters away from them. On the one hand, they couldn't keep up with Zhang Heng's speed, and on the other hand, the alien skeleton from before made them unable to keep up. They were frightened by the terrifying reptilian aliens on the one hand, and the skeletons after death on the other. They looked as if they were in the most terrifying nightmare, and they also had the idea of staying away from Zhang Heng and Ares.

Unfortunately, this idea was impossible to realize. The six aliens behind them were chasing them, leaving them no time to choose a path. They could only follow Zhang Heng and Ares forward.

In this way, after the four of them ran for about two or three minutes, when they were all out of breath, they suddenly realized that the alien behind them had disappeared. At that moment, the four of them stopped. Of course, Ares was carried by Zhang Heng. He started running, and now he has the strongest physical strength among the four.

Okay, the alien is probably lost, but where is this place.

After all, Zhang Heng's physical strength was much better than that of the male and female protagonists. He took a few deep breaths, then walked up and looked around. But this was a maze, how could he know his specific location, so he immediately turned around to look. He turned towards the hero and heroine, who were panting violently about seven or eight meters away.

Hey, you two, do you know where this place is

The male and female protagonists seemed to be a little afraid of Ares, but the male protagonist still said: I have been checking the various text guidance on the wall before. The direction I took everyone just now should be towards the entrance and the entrance, but now I don’t. Got it, we have been chased by the aliens for so long, God knows where we have come, probably close to the core of the ruins.

Zhang Heng waved his hand helplessly, then looked at Ares and said: It's not that I'm not strong enough, it's that the enemies are too ferocious. There are eight of them at once. How do you want me to kill them all? Do you think I'm a superman? I don’t know where I ran to now. This is really bad.

Ares frowned as if he was thinking about something. Zhang Heng called him twice, and then he said in a puzzled tone: I'm very surprised. The speed of the six aliens just now was too slow. No matter what we encountered, The two aliens we are familiar with are still much faster than this. It is very easy for them to catch up with us in this narrow and dark place. I am very curious as to why they don't catch up.

Zhang Heng smiled coldly, deliberately took out his bow to show off and said: What else can you do, are you afraid of my bow girth? I said before, there is no difference.

Okay, stop talking. Ares had a headache and stopped Zhang Heng from continuing. He continued: No, that's not what I meant. What I meant was that the alien's behavior pattern gave me a very familiar feeling.

Think about it, our direction before was towards the entrance of the ruins, which also means we can escape. The appearance of the alien is not so much to kill us, but to scare us. This is very similar to my hunting situation. Release it first. Hounds, drive out all the wild animals that want to escape into the deep woods, do not let them escape into the forest, and will not bite them to death, but drive them to the plains and within the range of my shotgun.

The hero and heroine finally got closer to the two of them. After hearing this, they asked curiously: But when hunting, the hounds drive the animals towards you. Where are these monsters driving us towards

Ares and Zhang Heng looked at each other, and they both saw the answer in each other's eyes: the Mother Queen, or in other words, the nest of countless alien eggs.

What a distress. Zhang Heng continued to fiddle with his sunglasses coolly and said: So it is better to have that guy Chu Hao. With him here, everything will be clear now, right? In comparison, the other newcomers and Tom are simply It's too weak, okay

Ares's expression was a little strange. He was stunned for a few seconds, and then he said: Not necessarily. For example, Maria and Aiko, when I returned to the real world, I had already found their real information.

Genetic Engineering

There are institutions in this area in the real world, which are to purchase the sperm of some successful people, such as famous artists, famous scientists, famous people with high IQ, etc., for a large amount of money. After obtaining their sperm, they are preserved by freezing and modified through genetic engineering. Some of these inappropriate genes were optimized and then resold to various institutions, as well as to some unmarried women.

Generally speaking, after being conceived with these sperms, the children born are basically geniuses, and these kind of genius children are born all over the world. As of now in 2013, there are about 150,000 of this type in the world. Children and youth, most of them are children of infertile families, a few are core personnel trained by certain institutions, and some are cash cows for their parents, or the guardians who gave birth to and raised them.

Because every big hidden family in the world needs a large number of talents to manage their property in society. Some talents can be cultivated by the family itself, but internal isolation is not a good thing after all. It still needs to absorb fresh blood from the outside world, and this kind of talent Genetic people came into the eyes of various families, and after they jointly funded it, a super genius academy unknown to the outside world appeared. It only recruited people of this type for training, and after they were trained, they They will be recruited by various families, and their guardians will receive a large amount of money that will make them laugh while sleeping.

As for Maria and Aiko, the information found by Ares shows that they are such genetic people and study in the intermediate department of the college.

Sister, am I really the strongest

Maria and Aiko were walking in the safe passage. They relied on mental scanning to avoid the aliens. Relatively speaking, they were really the safest people in this ruins. As they were walking, Maria suddenly asked road.

Aikeer was stunned for a moment, paused for a few seconds before saying: That's for sure, the sperm that gave birth to you cost 200,000 US dollars to buy, so it's different from mine.

Is my sister worth 80,000 dollars of sperm? Maria chuckled, and then said bitterly: But the guy who took away my first place and made my accumulated points surpassed by her at once, that guy who is my best friend , the person who stole my analysis report, who stole my first place, didn’t her birth sperm only cost 140,000 US dollars? Why can she steal my first place? It’s useless to let me be scolded by my parents, since birth This is the first time that the Rothschild family, who had originally planned to book me, temporarily gave up on me. This kind of thing is really intolerable.

Aike'er lowered her head slightly and said: Yes, you should be the real number one.

Sister, don’t worry, I will definitely get the first place again. Maria shook her fist and said in a proud tone: The real world has passed, and it is insignificant compared to everything in front of me. Don’t worry, I can definitely kill it. Those old people, let this team run according to my will, I will definitely get the first place, I can definitely do it

At the same time that Maria finished speaking, the two of them also came to a hall shown in the mental scan. This place is connected in all directions, and many maze passages are connected here. It is also the fastest way to find Chu Hao and others. Wherever you are, you just need to stay here and join them when they get close.

But just as the two of them stepped into the hall, they suddenly saw two distorted hazy light groups gradually approaching in another passage of the hall. They were both frightened. This The light group did not appear in the mental scan. This is the Predator.

As soon as she walked away, Aikeer immediately pulled Maria and ran towards a certain passage, and Maria also subconsciously started running, escaping into the passage before the two Predators could catch up with them. for good

Just running, Maria's steps became slower and slower. She even pulled Aike'er who was running fiercely, and said at the same time: Wait, wait, we seem to have made something wrong, Iron-blooded Soldiers generally do not attack unarmed humans. In the original movie plot, the old man with a heart disease was also spared by them. We only need to show that we have no attack power and slightly avoid their walking route. There is no need to run away in such a hurry.

But if I don't run away, how can I bring you here

Aikeer made such a sound in her mouth. At the same time, as Maria ran slower and slower, without paying attention to her feet, she pulled her forward fiercely, and before Maria could do so, she pulled her forward. When he came back to his senses, he had already fallen into an underground pit in front of him. The pit was filled with human bones. They were densely packed and thick and wide. They looked like thousands of bones. It looks like a huge pit of human corpses.

The pothole was not high, only about two meters high. Maria looked up when she fell, and what she saw was Aike's cold eyes. Those eyes seemed to be looking at an enemy, not a sister at all. It fell straight onto the sharp bones, and with a hiss, a sharp rib penetrated her shoulder and thigh from bottom to top. Fortunately, the body was not penetrated, but in such an environment, such an injury can be said to be Dead.

Is it true that the Predator cannot be seen in the mental scan? Why would I rather give the reward points to Tom than strengthen some more mental points myself? And why should I remain polite to Chu Hao and the others from the beginning to the end

Aikeer stood outside the pit and looked down coldly. She said in an extremely cold tone: Because my sister died at the mouth of an alien, I hope everyone can avenge my sister. I am willing to provide everyone with mental power scans. , I am willing to do anything to avenge my sister. I hope to integrate into everyone, so help me.

So, sister, what do you think? Is it very touching? Does it make people feel sincere? In this way, can I blend into them

Aike turned around and left. At the same time, her last voice was still transmitted into the pit, as if the last blow shattered Maria's last hope in her heart.

By the way, I stole your analysis report. In addition, your best friend did not know that it was your report. There is also the last sentence.

The person who exposed the gay intimate photos of you and your best friend on the college intranet

also me.

The words faded away, the footsteps faded away, and the pit fell into darkness. Tears couldn't stop pouring out of Maria's dull eyes.