Dawn Infinity

Chapter 85: Rules and…up and down!


In fact, the best number of people to choose is two to three people, but it should not be more than three people, and it should not be less than two people. This is the best number of people to walk in this underground ruins. Chu Hao walked behind J and said as he walked.

J still looked like he was leading the charge. While he was cautiously guarding the front, he asked: Why is it best to have two or three people? What will happen if there are more than three people? If there are less than two people, you said this, and you will be alienated. Attack

If there are more than three people, they will probably be attacked by the Predator. Chu Hao shook his head and said: "If there are less than two people, that is, one person, I have already told you, that is, they will be killed directly by the aliens as food. But if the number reaches four or more, then they will be killed by the aliens." It is considered to be an armed group capable of fighting. In this case, it is certain that it will be attacked by the Predator. If it encounters the Predator and does not disarm and express surrender.

J thought for a while and then said: In other words, as long as you don't express hostility and give up your firearms and other weapons, you won't be attacked by the Predator.

Chu Hao chuckled, and then continued: "Giving up arms has too many meanings. If the Predator thinks that there are more than four people, it itself means having armed strength. Does that mean he has to kill one or several of us? So don't It is enough to simply put down your weapons. After all, the Predators are different from our race, and their thoughts must be different. If they are not from our race, their hearts must be different. This is not something you can simply say. Disarming yourself in front of them will bear a certain responsibility. Unless you are absolutely sure of your safety, or you are really desperate, such a move is foolish.

When he said this, J suddenly realized: In this way, when we entered the ruins entrance and the ruins maze divided us, the number of people was indeed between 23 people. Uh, no, I remembered it, Mary Sisters Ya and Aiko, there seem to be two people beside them, one is a navy soldier, and the other is the middle-aged man who was killed by the alien. Then there are not more than four of them. Could it be that they have been killed by the Predator

Chu Hao was still smiling, and he said as he walked: I have become more and more aware of some of the rules of the Lord God. Of course, many of the rules are just preliminary speculations, so let’s not talk about them for the time being. Here is one that I guess may exist. The rule, I told you before, is the suitability of newcomers in horror films. That is, after entering the world of horror films, the newcomers who appear must be suitable for this horror film, whether it is their actual ability or their Some of the viewpoints should be important clues to solve some plot problems in the world of horror movies. The Lord God will not face certain death dilemmas. The key is to see how you solve these dilemmas. This is one of them.

Second, it can be thought of as the suitability of horror films for veterans. This is actually relative to the suitability of horror films for newcomers. If the suitability of horror films for newcomers reduces the difficulty of horror films, then the suitability of horror films for veterans Sex increases the difficulty. My personal understanding is that when the skills and attributes you redeem are particularly applicable in the horror movie, the Lord God will increase the difficulty, or isolate you from the team for a period of time, or specially prepare you for You create a specific difficulty environment to adapt to the super-large reduction in difficulty caused by your redemption skills, that is, equal difficulty.

After Chu Hao finished speaking for a long time, he didn't see J's answer. He immediately understood that J was still a little unable to understand, so he said: Let me give an example in simpler language, Starship Troopers You may have seen the movie, as I mentioned before, it is very difficult and almost completely destroys the world of the movie.

J immediately nodded and said: I watched it, the plot is really good. Of course, I only like to watch Starship Troopers 1.

Chu Hao nodded and said: Take this movie as an example. If someone in our team happens to have redeemed the skill of super-efficient cosmic invincible insecticide; Someone has exchanged the absolute electronic device control skill, that is, there are two people in our team. One is the absolute Zerg nemesis. As long as he appears on the scene, all the Zerg on a planet will be wiped out immediately, and the other has absolute electronic device control. Or, any electronic device within one light-year will be instantly controlled by it. If there are these two people, then for the Samsara Team, this movie will not earn them hundreds of thousands or millions of reward points, countless more How is this possible

Skill exchange is purely controlled by our hearts and is random. We don’t know whether our skills will be very useful in the next horror movie. So what will happen if the Lord God really encounters this situation? We are really allowed to earn points and use side plots. I think it is impossible. The greatest possibility is that the Lord God has designed a place, ability, plot, or difficulty that restrains his skills. As for the sisters Maria and Aiko, why did they go together with the other two newcomers? The biggest possibility is that the number of people in the team exceeds the limit of three people.

J suddenly asked in surprise: What kind of skill is it specifically designed to suppress aliens? For example, the super-efficient cosmic invincible alien-killing agent.

Is there such a skill? Chu Hao suddenly felt dumbfounded, but he still patiently explained: The skills we exchange are generally pan-skills, that is, most of the skills are to enhance oneself and can adapt to most situations. It is impossible to exchange them. It’s the same thing whether you have skills like special killing of aliens, special effects of Predators, invincibility of cursed ghosts, etc. The key is that the restrictions are too big. For example, you can exchange for an internal invincibility, or even break a star with one punch, but it is only allowed in Are you willing to redeem the skills used in the world of a certain horror movie or movies

J said without thinking: If there are 100 or several hundred reward points and no side plot, then it doesn’t matter if you redeem some. Anyway, a blind cat catches a dead mouse. If you really encounter it, you will make a lot of money. But if it is very expensive, and ordinary The price of internal force is the same, or even more expensive, so only an idiot would exchange it.

Chu Hao snapped his fingers and said: Yes, that's the truth. And Maria, Aike'er are definitely not idiots. It's impossible for them to redeem such skills, and they were so lucky to meet the Predator and the Alien. The possibility is too low, so low that it can be ignored. Therefore, we can only think that the pan-skills they exchanged can solve the current predicament and greatly reduce the difficulty for us to survive this horror movie. For example, a mental scan or something.

J turned around sharply and said: You mean, they own the mental power scan, so they were the ones who scanned us before.

Chu Hao spread his hands and said: This is just a speculation. Of course, it may also be other skills, such as wall penetration. In short, it is the ability to overcome the predicament at hand, that is, not to be bound by the maze. Because of this, the Lord God will assign them two other newcomers and let four people appear in their team. In this way, even if they can escape from the maze, they still have to be careful of the attacks of the Predators, so they have to enter the depths of the maze, that is, to go We went to the same place as us, the alien lair. If we explain it this way, we can understand why Zhu Huiliang left his team and was able to find us.

J was silent, and he continued to walk forward. After a moment, he said: If this is really the case, if the mental scan is really owned by them, and has done something detrimental to us, such as attracting If aliens attack us and expose our location to the Predator or aliens, then I will kill them.

Chu Hao did not speak, but still followed behind J. The two of them just kept moving forward in the dark passage in silence. Suddenly, while walking, Chu Hao's ears twitched slightly, as if he heard something, but When he listened carefully, there was no sound at all, which made him feel strange.

J, did you hear any sounds? Chu Hao immediately asked J: Pour your inner energy into your ears and listen carefully to your surroundings. I seem to have heard some sounds.

J immediately stopped moving forward. At the same time, he began to control the internal force in his body with his mind and poured it into his ears. This process lasted for about three seconds. Then he closed his eyes and listened carefully. After about four or five seconds, he suddenly He opened his eyes and said: I heard the explosion and the sound of bows and arrows. Yes, I heard it clearly, but I couldn't tell the direction. It seemed to be very close to us, but also seemed to be far away from us. It was very strange, as if it was being caught by something. It's like it's blocked

Chu Hao frowned, and then he immediately said: Maybe

Having said this, he immediately closed his eyes and opened them after more than a second. At the same time, he made a spell gesture with his hands, and finally recited the spell.


This is a level 0 magic that can transmit personal will to people within a certain range without having to go through sound and transmission channels. It is a telepathy type of spell. When Chu Hao used this spell, he immediately began to retrieve it. Unfortunately, there is no one else within his range except J, but Chu Hao is waiting patiently. This spell can last up to 10 seconds per level, and now he can last about 20 seconds.

When seven or eight seconds passed, four other men and women suddenly entered the range of his conscious search. In addition to the familiar Zhang Heng and Ares, there were also two people he did not recognize. This showed that these four people were less than twenty meters away from him, but when he and J looked at the front and rear passages, it was clear that there was no one there.

Under the ground, this maze rises and falls with tiny steps, and is divided into several levels. No wonder it is so complicated.

After Chu Hao muttered this sentence, he immediately used his consciousness to connect to Zhang Heng and Ares.

Zhang Heng, Ares, listen to your steps. I am Chu Hao, right above you. Don’t leave anymore, or I will leave the contact range with you.

Chu Hao

Zhang Heng and Ares stopped at the same time, but soon they started running again, and then they left the connection range of Chu Hao's consciousness. Soon, when Chu Hao's communication technique was about to end, Three violent, merciless, powerful consciousnesses filled with iron and blood entered Chu Hao's consciousness connection range.

This is the Predator