Dawn Infinity

Chapter 9: Arrive!


I saw that they had rested for a while.

On the top floor of a building, several men and women were sitting together and talking. At the edge of the building, a bearded man held up a telescope and looked carefully into the distance. While watching, he said something to a few people behind him.

A yellow-skinned young man among several men and women said with a smile: It is still early now. If there is really a catastrophe here, then the time period when the aliens arrive in the plot should be around 4:30 in the morning. It is only a little after 3 o'clock now. This period It was just time for us to discuss our plans again.

A middle-aged fair-skinned handsome man among several men and women said with a smile: This is really crazy, crazier than imagined. I am actually planning to kidnap with others. If my grandfather knows, he will definitely kill me.

After the handsome middle-aged man said these words, another young beauty next to him jokingly replied: Why is it because you committed a crime

The middle-aged handsome guy smiled and before he had time to answer, it was the yellow-skinned young man who answered first: Of course not. The reason why his grandfather wanted to kill him was because his criminal methods were too childish. For the heirs, even if they want to kidnap or kill people, it is impossible to go directly. What a dangerous thing it is, and what a shameless thing it is. Just say hello, and there are hundreds and thousands of people there. The person is willing to do whatever crime he wants to commit for him, even to die.

The young beauty's face was suddenly full of surprise, and she said in surprise: "No way, your family is so awesome. Aren't you a doctor? Is a doctor's family such an awesome family?"

That's Emmaus.

This time, it was the sturdy black man in the crowd who spoke: You, a little girl, are not from the same world as him, and we are not from the same world as him. He is the direct heir to the wealthy Emmans family, and that’s me. Tell me, do you know who the richest man in the world is

The beauty raised her head and thought for a while and said: I knew it before, but I don’t know it now. The one in the past seemed to be Bill from the United States, who specializes in computer software. Is he this person

The sturdy black man chuckled and said: Yes, he did become the richest man in the world for a while. Let me use an analogy. Little girl, the richest man in the world is just a mere rich man in the eyes of a wealthy family like the Emmans family. A mere explosion. It’s just a household, not even a wealthy family. You have to know that most of the world’s economy, politics and military are actually under the control of these wealthy families. Of course, compared to most wealthy families who hide behind the scenes, There are also well-known wealthy families like Morgan, and Emmaus is a super wealthy family that can rival Morgan.

The beauty swallowed her saliva, looked at the middle-aged handsome man carefully and said: No, no, you are such a big name. Oh my God, let's put it this way, you are much more powerful than those presidents, prime ministers and so on.

The handsome middle-aged man smiled awkwardly, pinched his nose and said, "J is a bit exaggerated, but it's okay."

Chu Hao smiled beside him and said: In fact, the truth should be much more exaggerated than this. Jenny, do you think anyone can book a presidential suite in a five-star hotel at will? And still with several identities that cannot be confirmed? In the case of people, such as our shelter this time, you would think that an individual could find such a perfect underground shelter in just half a day, and prepare enough food, medical equipment, and reconnaissance equipment. And weapons? This is the power of the Emmans family.

The beauty suddenly realized, but she immediately waved her hands as if she remembered something and said: Wait, I was a little confused by what you said. Of course I understand what you mean. This Emmans family is very awesome, very awesome, you can even say He is one of the true masters of the world, but you have to understand that this is the world of reincarnation, and this world is a world of catastrophe. Could it be said that there is also an Emmans family in this world

Chu Hao chuckled, rubbed his brows, stood up from the ground and said, "Are you just thinking of this now? In fact, within a few minutes after leaving the protective shield, he had already contacted his family headquarters. We have made contact and met with family members yesterday. Otherwise, why do you think he would be with us? It is because he has confirmed that this is really the world of catastrophe in the sky, and the world of reincarnation is real. , the possibility of surviving together with us is the greatest, okay? You really think of the heir of a super wealthy family too simply, Jenny.

The handsome middle-aged man's eyes suddenly became sharp, and after a moment he laughed at himself and said: Yes, I have contacted the family yesterday, met with the family members, and took the time to conduct some medical verifications with them. , to prove that I am indeed Ares Emmans. Unfortunately, there is indeed an Emmans family in this world, and Ares Emmans is working as usual in a hospital in the UK. I did it last night After passing the genetic test, he has been controlled, and I got the information passed to me by my family this morning. He is also real. In other words, there are two real me in this world, and one more appeared out of thin air. To me, a true Ares Emmans.

The beauty named Jenny's eyes widened. She looked around at the smiling but serious expressions of the three men present. She said in surprise: When did you do so many things? Why didn't I know? Also, I have always Everyone is saying that the world of reincarnation is real, and this is indeed a horror movie world with catastrophes in the sky. Why don’t you believe me

Ares waved his hand helplessly and said: Because this matter is really too important, I have to be more cautious. After all, my life is a small matter, but the survival of my family is a big matter. Starting from noon today, I will be here. The family in the world has been transferred as a whole, and all direct members have entered the family's secret military base. By the way, speaking of this, J, I found you in this world, and he is still preparing for the next black fist. Game, of course, Jeanne Thiel, I also found you in this world, she is still living a quiet life in school, even Mr. Osakini Benton, I also found you, right? The lurking in the terrorist organization base member.

Osachini Benton in the distance did not speak, still looking into the distance with a telescope, but what everyone could see was that his body stiffened suddenly, but he quickly relaxed.

At this point, Ares turned his head to Chu Hao, and he said seriously: Except for you, this gentleman, with all the power of my family, and even entrusted several wealthy families in Asia to work together, with our The intelligence organization has not even found a hair on your head. You seem to have appeared out of thin air. Can you tell us why? You seem so mysterious.

Jenny immediately jumped up and said loudly: Sure enough, I thought you were weird early on. You are indeed a leader. You didn't admit it before, and you attacked me. But the senior people before told me that leaders don't know how to do it. Attacking members of the Samsara Team

Chu Hao smiled bitterly and rubbed his brows: Don't worry, I am a real person. There are so many guides and so on. I have to make it clear here, Mr. Ares, the reason why you can't find me even if you mobilize your family's power. My existence in this world means that your family is not qualified to know about my existence. Well, I know that such a sentence cannot eliminate your doubts. Anyway, this is not the real world anymore. I can’t tell you. By the way, have you ever heard of the name of the Rebels

Ares looked at Chu Hao with confusion, and he replied seriously: No, I have never heard of it. What kind of organization is this? A terrorist organization, a secret religious organization, or a high-tech criminal organization. Please forgive my ignorance. I have never heard of this organization.

Chu Hao suddenly raised his head, and murmured: Haven't you heard that this world does not exist without me? Now that you talk about it, things are getting weirder and weirder.

Just when the atmosphere at the scene was silent and gradually getting weird, suddenly the bearded man Osage suddenly shouted loudly: Hey, don't continue arguing. They have turned off the lights and slept for a long time, and the time is approaching four o'clock. What's the situation now? Do we need to approach their building immediately


Chu Hao came back to his senses from his deep state of contemplation. He shook his head and said: No, there is no need to approach now. If this is really a catastrophe in the sky, then we should wait quietly for the moment of confirmation. This catastrophe in the sky is coming. , whether this world of reincarnation is true or false, everything will be proven.

Speaking of this, Chu Hao seemed to remember something. He turned to look at Jenny and said: By the way, you mentioned before that as long as the mission is completed and you return to the main god space, you can exchange for a full-body repair, right? Injuries can be repaired as long as they are not fatal

Jenny was stunned for a moment, nodded repeatedly and said: Yes, any injury is fine, even a broken arm or leg. I definitely didn’t lie.

Really? That’s good.

Chu Hao looked up at the sky, and then he suddenly took out a pair of sunglasses from his arms and said: If I were you, I would never look at the blue light. Of course, if I walk towards the blue light In the past, please hold on to me. I believe that with my ability and intelligence, I can still help you make some decisions, especially when facing a desperate situation.

After hearing this, everyone involuntarily looked up to the sky, there, there

Countless blue light balls slowly fell from the sky, like stars falling.

In the catastrophe of the sky, the first scene of the arrival of aliens