Dawn Infinity

Chapter 92: parasitic


Since it's going to be a decisive battle, let's make a bigger fuss.

Chu Hao said so, everyone did this

With the sound of gunshots, explosions, bows and arrows, and occasionally slight tearing sounds, the entire ruins has turned into a fiery battlefield. The people who found the map this time did not show any restraint after leaving the small hall. Any aliens or predators they encountered along the way, regardless of whether they could be beaten or not, were shot with a few shots first. If there were too many of them, they would , and if they are gathered together, then a high-explosive grenade will go directly over. Although it may not necessarily kill the Predators and Aliens, it can at least seriously injure them, and it will also make it impossible for the Aliens and Predators to catch up. Able to hang far behind.

As everyone was running, their moods gradually became less heavy than before. At this moment, J suddenly asked: "I feel like the Predator and the aliens are not that powerful. If they really encounter a large human army, It's very easy to destroy them, right? Then why does the movie say that aliens can destroy mankind as long as they enter the earth

Chu Hao was using two Desert Eagle pistols at the moment, one in each hand. He turned around and fired while running. After hearing this, he paused and said: It can indeed destroy mankind. If it is the current level of technology of mankind, I think You may also have doubts. The aliens may indeed be very powerful. They can tear apart ligers and tigers, are extremely fast, and are also good at sneak attacks. Overall, they are indeed very powerful, but they are not so powerful that they are unmatched. Humans’ thermal weapons, even heavy ones, Machine guns can seriously injure or even kill aliens, not to mention missiles, nuclear weapons and the like. That kind of overwhelming bombing will kill even one hundred thousand or one million aliens. But you haven’t understood that the scary thing about aliens is not This, but its fecundity.

At this time, Ares also curiously asked: Reproductive power: No matter how strong the reproductive power of the Alien Queen is, its base number is too small, and it is impossible to breed millions of aliens in a day. As long as the aliens are known to humans, After that, they will be immediately surrounded and suppressed by the whole world. Faced with the overwhelming bombing of humans, no matter how strong the alien's reproductive power is, it is doomed. Even if the alien parasitizes tens of millions of humans, it will only be a drizzle for the entire human world. .

Who said we have to parasitize humans

Chu Hao chuckled lightly, and continued: This is the key. There are too many living things that aliens can parasitize, including land, sea, and even flying. Once parasitized by aliens, the aliens will use the characteristics of these creatures. The genes are adjusted. To put it simply, how about the elephant aliens or the more terrifying blue whale aliens? Then there are the overwhelming bird aliens. This is the scary key. First of all, the alien queen can survive in a harsh vacuum environment for a short time. So can the Alien Mother Queen survive on the seabed of several hundred meters or even one or two thousand meters? It only needs to be temporarily hidden. There is simply too much food and parasites in the sea, so the alien population will increase geometrically. When the After the two female queens separate into nests, this speed will increase even faster, then four, eight. When the ocean is occupied by aliens, overwhelming aliens land from all coasts around the world and begin to attack humans. May I ask, humans? How should the military destroy the aliens? Use nuclear weapons to evaporate the sea? No kidding, unless the aliens are destroyed immediately when they appear, otherwise once they are hidden, it will have declared the end of human civilization.

After everyone listened to Chu Hao's words, everyone felt trembling in their hearts, especially when they thought of the densely packed fish aliens appearing on the coast, goosebumps appeared all over their bodies. If this really happened, then Humanity is really doomed, with no room for survival at all. Not only humans, but the entire earth's ecology is also over. You must know that aliens don't just eat humans.

After everyone ran for a while, Ares said slightly depressed: So, this world is probably going to be destroyed. Our goal is just to kill the Queen Mother. Regardless of whether we can succeed or not, everything will stop if we fail. Mention, but if we succeed and kill the Mother Queen, the aliens here will also start to flee around. Unless the Predator kills all the aliens, once they escape into the sea, this world will also Will

Yes, the world is probably over.

Chu Hao said calmly: There will be a second part of Predator vs. Alien, and the ending is also full of suspense. Maybe in five years, maybe in ten years, the world will be destroyed sooner or later.

These words are actually very heavy. Although this world has little to do with them, when I think about billions of human beings dying, this feeling is really difficult to describe in words. Whether it's uncomfortable or not, everyone's heart is heavy.

This emotion did not last long. As more and more Predators chased them, the danger for everyone became greater and greater, because these Predators seemed to understand their destination. In order to stop them, they had begun to use Long-range weapons began to attack, but fortunately this is an underground ruins with various twists and turns, so no one was harmed. However, as the pursuit continued and the number of Predators increased, they became more and more dangerous. .

Finally, when they passed through a passage, it suddenly became clear to them that this was a hall, but it no longer looked like a rocky place. The entire hall was filled with the thick substance secreted by the alien shape, which had already transformed the entire hall. The whole hall was covered, and there were aliens walking around on all sides of the hall. They all surrounded the people who broke into the hall, and everyone also saw that there were many unopened ones on the ground of the hall. of alien eggs exist.

Okay, don't resist, put down your weapons and let the facehuggers cover you. Don't resist, otherwise the aliens will probably maim us first.

When Chu Hao said this, his heartbeat was also extremely violent. Although this was his suggestion and the only way he could think of at the moment, it was a road to death after all. To allow himself to be parasitized by an alien, there was nothing like this. It's even more tense and scary.

Not only him, but the rest of the people were also in this state. Everyone was sweating profusely, and they couldn't help but hold the firearms in front of their chests. However, surrounded by dozens of aliens, No one dared to make any move.

Just after everyone broke into the hall, the alien eggs seemed to sense something and began to open one after another. At this time, everyone had held their breath and just stared at the alien eggs with their eyes. , only Chu Hao was still looking around, trying to see clearly the layout and environment of the entire hall. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly shrank, but he saw the newcomers who formed a team when they were separated, it was Chen Haijiang. Not only were they, he actually saw Aike'er

Yes, Aike'er's face is still covered with facehuggers, and her whole body has been wrapped and covered by those thick substances, but she can still recognize it from the shape of her head and the exposed clothes. Yes, this person is indeed Aike'er. So the two sisters are also dead

Just when Chu Hao was in a daze, with thoughts in his mind, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. He felt his face tense up, and the next second he suddenly lost consciousness, and he didn't know anything anymore.

He didn't know how much time had passed. When Chu Hao slowly woke up, he realized that he was covered in a large thick substance, as if it was glue or something, sticking him so that he could not move, even if he tried his best. I can't break free, but I don't know how tough this thing is.

j Wake up, Ares, Zhang Heng, are you all still there? Wake up immediately.

While Chu Hao was struggling, he also roared loudly. At the same time, he also tried his best to turn his head and look towards the hall. There was no longer any alien in the entire hall, but he could faintly hear explosions not far away, and there were also It smells like the blood of the Predator. It seems that the Predator army has already fought against the aliens, so they don't have much time left.

At the same time, when Chu Hao started to roar loudly, there were sounds from several piles of thick objects not far away, followed by the exclamations and struggles of Ares and Zhang Heng, but they had not had time to struggle. After a while, there was a fierce tearing sound not far away, and J stood up from the thick substance. After his internal power was poured into his whole body, his strength was more than ten times greater than when he didn't use his internal power, but it was The thick substance was torn apart easily.

Then everyone saw the black exoskeleton armor appearing all over J's body. Once he was dressed, he immediately ran to a few people and started tearing the thick substance. It only took a few times to tear the rest out.

Once he was free, Chu Hao looked at his watch fiercely. After writing down the time, he said hurriedly: The countdown will be ten minutes from now. The danger period will be after ten minutes. We may break our chest and die at any time. Before that, After saying "Kill the Queen Mother", he took the lead and ran towards a certain passage in the hall.

Behind him, Zhang Heng clenched his bow and arrow and followed him, while Ares summoned the Predator skeleton and ran with J. As soon as they ran out of the hall, they were faced with Qi Ba Only aliens were wandering there, and one of them was more than two meters tall and almost three meters tall. Its size was half that of ordinary aliens. When everyone ran out of the hall, these seven or eight aliens had already pounced on them.

No, don't attack

Chu Hao grabbed hold of J and Zhang Heng who were about to pounce and let the aliens come to their side. In an instant, the sounds of the aliens' drool and the stench of their breath were all overwhelming. Everyone could smell it and hear it, and everyone's heart suddenly rose to their throats. The smell of death was really coming towards them.

But in the next few seconds, these aliens did not attack them. Instead, they used a strange movement similar to smelling and paused in front of everyone's chest. The aliens dispersed away, leaving everyone here covered in cold sweat. .


Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and then said hurriedly: Time is urgent, let’s go

Kill the Queen Mother