Daydreaming About Me

Chapter 1


At the end of August, the sun was scorching hot, and the heat condensed together, making it sticky and stuffy.

Until a few days before the start of school, several heavy rains poured down, and the temperature dropped a few degrees.

It's two thirty in the afternoon.

Lin Yu stood in shock at the entrance of the shopping mall, watching the rainwater splashing on the flat flagstone floor outside, splashing up and soaking the shoes of the people standing outside.

After waiting for ten minutes, the rain continued.

Lin Yujing took out the phone with the shopping bag in one hand, confirmed that there were no incoming calls or messages, and walked to the huge glass door in the corner. The frame of the camera viewfinder is held up in front of the face, and one eye is closed.

There are many high-rise buildings, shopping malls across the street, stores with different styles of stores, the huge Starbucks logo across the street is soaked in heavy rain, and the green mermaid seems to have sunk into the bottom of the sea. The whole picture has a wet, Gray prosperity.

Familiar and unfamiliar environment.

Lin Yujing only arrived in City A two days ago.

Three months ago, she witnessed the end of Lin Zhi's and Meng Weiguo's entangled marriage for many years.

The two had a fight before they divorced.

Because of Lin Yujing's custody.

It was 6:30 in the evening, the second day after the decision to divorce, the three of them were sitting at the dining table eating the last meal of their family of three. From the house, property, caravan to Lin Yujing, Lin Zhi's expression was very calm, with A kind of numb indifference: "The house you live in belongs to you, I don't want the car, you take the child away."

Meng Weiguo was satisfied when he heard the first half of the sentence, but when the second half came out, he frowned: "What do you mean I will take the child away?"

Lin Zhi was a little impatient: "I don't have time to care about it."

"What do you mean you don't have time? I have time if you don't have time?"

"You're pretty good," Lin Zhi sneered, "After all these years of soft rice, you finally pretend to be a busy person?"

Meng Weiguo's face turned red and white, and he stared at her from embarrassment to anger. He took a deep breath to calm down his emotions: "Lin Zhi, everyone has a good get-together today. I don't want to quarrel with you. I hope we can respect each other."

Lin Zhi raised her eyebrows: "Why, remember to talk about respect with me now? Why didn't I see that you wanted such a face when you married into our house?"

Meng Weiguo couldn't bear it anymore, he slammed the table down with a "bang", and stood up.

Lin Zhi also stood up immediately, the horn of war was sounded, the two of them started to argue in the dark, and the food on the table was thrown all over the place.

Lin Yu raised Erlang's legs in surprise, and poked the white rice in his bowl with his chopsticks. He just propped his chin up and watched the two people quarrel over who should take care of the child. He didn't even shy away from it. Her faces began to push away from each other.

It's as if she is a dog who can't understand human words, no one cares, and her emotions don't need to be taken care of at all.

Meng Weiguo is married.

Three generations of Lin Zhi's family have been in business, and they are very rich. Meng Weiguo and her are college classmates. They were admitted to the city from the countryside. They study well, are eloquent but low-key, and are very handsome.

A young boy of eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a washed white cotton T-shirt, has a handsome appearance, a tall and straight figure, looks lonely and handsome.

Being pursued by such a boy, there is no girl who would not be tempted, and Lin Zhi is no exception.

A poor student and Miss Qianjin fall in love and get married, and the ending may not always be good.

Ever since Lin Yujing could remember, her father and mother seemed to be different from other people's families. She could see that Lin Zhi hated Meng Weiguo to the core, and her extreme loathing for this man also wiped out what she had left for her children. a little love.

Lin Yujing originally thought that she would be a little sad when her parents regarded her as a burden and wanted to abandon her.

But when she actually saw this scene, she didn't feel anything.

It was like killing a barrel of spirits or something in one breath, my tongue and mind were so numb that I didn't feel a little bit, and I lost my mind.

Meng Weiguo did not insist on filing a lawsuit with Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi's family has all kinds of connections and money, so if he went head-on, it would be a dead end. In the end, Lin Yu was shocked and returned to him, and Lin Zhi paid her a fixed amount of child support every month.

Mr. Meng Weiguo quickly walked out of the shadow of his failed marriage. One month after the divorce, he took Lin Yu to meet his new girlfriend, Guan Xiangmei. Women come from cities, and they are very skilled in marrying in.

Lin Yujing just thought it was good to be handsome and talkative, there are so many idiots and rich women willing to marry him.

The second day after sending her here, the two went on their honeymoon. Before leaving, Guan Xiangmei looked at her with a smile: "From now on, you will treat this place as your own home."

Lin Yu nodded in shock.

"My son went out to play with his classmates in the past two days. He should come back tomorrow. I have already told him that he will take care of you while we are away. He will be your brother in the future. I will take your Give him the phone number, and you can get in touch yourself." Guan Xiangmei continued.


Lin Yujing didn't really want to get in touch with her son, but she didn't want to destroy the seemingly harmonious family atmosphere, so she nodded quietly.

Sure enough, Guan Xiangmei was very satisfied, and said: "You can tell Aunt Zhang if you have something to do, don't be embarrassed, and don't feel restrained, everyone likes you very much."


Lin Yu glanced at the side in surprise and almost carved "Now any pheasant can pretend to be a daughter", "The father who eats soft food brings his daughter to divide the family property" and "Don't even think about taking a penny" Zhang Zhang on his forehead. Auntie, I think Guan Xiangmei's eyesight might be a bit awkward.

The air-conditioning in the shopping mall is too high, and it still feels hot when you come out. Even the rain is full of heat, as if it will be evaporated in the air before it falls.

Lin Yujing looked at Yumu with no expression, and then glanced at the time again.

It's three o'clock.

She hopped lightly twice, moved her numb legs, and the phone rang. It was the phone number she just saved last night, her brother who needed to be contacted.

Lin Yujing picked up the phone: "Brother."

The man seemed to be startled by her elder brother, and was silent for at least ten seconds before asking, "Is the shopping done?"


"I have a cold, so I won't pick you up." My brother said coldly.


Lin Yujing felt that the positioning she had given herself was quite accurate. She had always been a very real person, and she didn't bother to play tricks with anyone, and this person's acting skills were so poor.

Those who didn't know thought your surname was Lin, sister Lin, Jiaohua'er.

She is very concerned about his condition: "Is it serious, how much is it?"

The little girl's voice was a little cautious, soft and sweet, and the other side was silent for another ten seconds, and the voice hesitated: "Forty."


"Let me call 119 for you." Lin Yujing said sincerely.

Fire alarm call, 119.

The man hung up the phone.

Lin Yujing put down his phone, raised his head, glanced at the thunderous rain outside that seemed to be able to smash through the stone floor, and rolled his big eyes.

Lin Yujing's new home is in the villa area, in the city center, two blocks away is a dilapidated old-fashioned residential building.

Generally, there are two types of people living in the center of such a big city, one is so poor that there is only a small house in an alley, and the other is so rich that they can buy a mansion of two to three hundred thousand and one square meters.

Halfway through the car, the rain stopped, and the air was mixed with the smell of damp soil. Lin Yu was startled at the thought of staying with her frail "brother" whom she had never met and Aunt Zhang with eyes on her forehead. I couldn't breathe properly, so I got out of the car directly behind the old-fashioned residential buildings, planning to get lost in this strange environment for two hours before going back.

There will be such a piece in every place, the house is old, the old walls and wooden windows, the crimson paint is peeling off one by one, and the long poles are pulled out of the window to hang all kinds of sheets and clothes. The feeling of ancient heritage and aura.

Lin Yu was shocked to walk forward through the narrow alley. Sure enough, there were several low-key but forceful studio stores on the outermost circle. She glanced briefly and continued to walk in.

Shakingly walked and sang the theme song of SpongeBob SquarePants, walked to the left of the head, and saw a black iron door.

A single door, pure black, half-closed, with a string of English words painted on the door with white paint.

It looks a bit like the entrance to a haunted house.

Lin Yu was startled, and walked over to see what the letters were painted on.


A tattoo parlor

The iron gate was not high, so she put her feet on it. Inside was a small courtyard of about three or four square meters, facing a wooden gate with a very complicated totem-like thing engraved on the wooden sign.

Lin Yujing was deeply attracted by this tattoo parlor that wrote "I'm very powerful but I'm very low-key" from inside to outside. She hesitated for a few seconds, raised her hand, stretched out an index finger, and gently Pushing the black iron door, there was a light creak, and it passed through long, long.

The small courtyard was really only the size of a palm, and the growth tracks of the plants inside looked wild.

Lin Yu was surprised to go to the door and push it in. The room was dimly lit, with a reddish yellow glow. The dark gray walls were hung with red tapestry and densely packed with various tattoo designs, which were beautiful and delicate.

She raised her head and looked around, and when she turned her head, she paused.

Only then did I realize that there was someone in the house.

The corner at the back of the door is blocked by the door panel, and the view is dead, so you can't see it when you come in.

Dark gray couch, thick carpet, countless cushions and pillows thrown in a mess, one, two, three, three people are sitting on the sofa, all of them are handsome, they belong to the handsome guy with personality, and they are dirty like triplets Braided mop head, tattooed with complicated flower arms like triplets.

The three gaudy mops stared straight at her, motionless, and the atmosphere was weird. One of them still held a cigarette in one hand and brought it to his lips, and just stopped in mid-air, with the cigarette holder hanging from his lips for three centimeters, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Then, Mop One's eyeballs moved, moving down from her face to her clothes.

Lin Yu couldn't understand why the three mops looked like they were watching gorillas in a zoo. The strange and weird eyes almost made her think that she just ran in naked singing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Just like that, she was glanced at by the three social people for five or six seconds, and raised her hand a little embarrassedly: "...Hi?"

With a snap, the air began to flow again, Mop No. 1, who was leaning against the sofa and sitting on the carpet, bit the cigarette into his mouth, and poked behind him with his striped elbow: "Mr. Tired."

Only then did Lin Yu realize that there was a fourth person on the couch.

No wonder she has bad eyesight. The fourth person in the phantom has a dark gray blanket covering his head, covering his waist and abdomen. His lower body is a pair of dark gray trousers, which are completely integrated into the sofa of the same color. A hug pillow, sleeping motionless, and most of it was blocked by his mop friend, and he really couldn't see it at a glance.

The man was poked for a long time and still didn't respond, lying on the sofa like a dead body, like a noble sleeping beauty.

Mop No. 1 called him again: "Shen Juan."

Sleeping Beauty squirmed, snorted out of her nasal cavity, straightened her long leg bent against the back of the sofa, turned over and continued to sleep with her face inward.

The blanket was still covering his head, and it looked quite thick. Lin Yu was so frightened that he would suffocate himself to death.

Mop No. 1 clicked his tongue, twisted his body, and slapped his ass with two hands: "Don't fucking sleep, wake up to pick up the guests."

Sleeping Beauty Qingmian was harassed several times, and then let a hunky man hit her butt, cursed, raised her hand to grab a pillow and threw it at the person next to her, her voice was full of tiredness just like his name Hoarse and impatient: "I'll pick up your mother, get out."


A very violent social brother.

The author has something to say:

Today is the appearance of an ass society my tired father.

Lin Yujing: I am a very real person, I am really not a dramatist (

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